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File metadata and controls

255 lines (228 loc) · 14.6 KB


2.2.1 (2018-10-18)

Changelog since v2.2.0

  • UI retrieve logs from artifacts location if logs archiving is enabled (issue #1018)
  • Add imagePullPolicy config for executors (@dtaniwaki)
  • Detect and indicate when container was OOMKilled
  • support force namespace isolation in UI
  • Workflow executor panic: not found (issue #1033)
  • gc-ttl dose not work (issue #1004)
  • Resubmission of a terminated workflow creates a new workflow that is already terminated (issue #1011)
  • ZIP containing single file cannot be used as an artifact due to errors in init container (issue #984) (@mthx)
  • Regression when S3 secret has trailing newline (issue #981)
  • Documentation fixes (@gsf, @davidB, @dtaniwaki)

2.2.0 (2018-08-30)

Notes about upgrading from v2.1

  • The argo install and argo uninstall commands have been removed from the CLI. Instead, plain kubernetes manifests are provided to be installed using kubectl apply, or downstreamed into other tools (e.g. helm chart, ksonnet prototype, kustomize, etc...).

  • In 2.1, argo would install into the kube-system namespace by default. The new install instructions have been updated to install into a different namespace, argo. In order to move to the recommended installation location, you should delete the v2.1 resources from kube-system before applying the new manifests to the argo namespace.

    The following commands migrates the workflow-controller-configmap from the kube-system to the argo namespace, and deletes all argo resources from the kube-system namespace. Note that this will delete the argo-ui service, resulting in the LoadBalancer being deleted (if created).

    kubectl get cm workflow-controller-configmap -o yaml -n kube-system --export | kubectl apply -n argo -f -
    kubectl delete -n kube-system cm workflow-controller-configmap
    kubectl delete -n kube-system deploy workflow-controller argo-ui
    kubectl delete -n kube-system sa argo argo-ui
    kubectl delete -n kube-system svc argo-ui
  • In 2.1, the argoexec sidecar image was configured in the workflow-controller-configmap. This is now configured using a new --executor-image flag in the workflow-controller deployment. This is the preferred way to configure the executor image, since upgrades can now be performed without changing the workflow-controller configmap. The executorImage setting in the config is deprecated and may be removed/ignored in a future release.

Changelog since v2.1

  • Support withItems/withParam and parameter aggregation with DAG templates (issue #801)
  • Add ability to aggregate and reference output parameters expanded by loops (issue #861)
  • Support for sophisticated expressions in when conditionals (issue #860)
  • Introduce Pending node state to highlight failures when starting workflow pods (issue #525)
  • Support additional container runtimes through kubelet executor (issue #902) (@JulienBalestra)
  • Introduce archive strategies with ability to disable tar.gz archiving (issue #784)
  • Introduce keyFormat workflow config to enable flexibility in archive location path (issue #953)
  • Introduce argo watch command to watch live workflows from terminal (issue #969)
  • Add ability to archive container logs to the artifact repository (issue #454)
  • Support for workflow level timeouts (issue #848)
  • Introduce argo terminate to terminate a workflow without deleting it (issue #527)
  • Introduce withSequence to iterate a range of numbers in a loop (issue #945)
  • Github login using go-git, with support for ssh keys (issue #793) (@andreimc)
  • Add TTLSecondsAfterFinished field and controller to garbage collect completed workflows (issue #911)
  • Add argo delete --older flag to delete completed workflows older than a duration
  • Support referencing of global workflow artifacts (issue #900)
  • Support submission of workflows from json files (issue #926)
  • Support submission of workflows from stdin (issue #926)
  • Prometheus metrics and telemetry (issue #896) (@bbc88ks)
  • Detect and fail upon unknown fields during argo submit & lint (issue #892)
  • Allow scaling of workflow and pod workers via controller CLI flags (issue #962)
  • Allow supplying of parameters from a file during argo submit (issue #796) (@vosmith)
  • [UI] UI support/spinning clock for pending pods (@EdanSneh)
  • Remove installer/uninstaller (issue #928)
  • Update golang compiler to v1.10.3
  • Update k8s dependencies to v1.10 and client-go to v7.0
  • Update argo-cluster-role to work with OpenShift
  • Fix issue where retryStrategy with DAGs fails, even if the step passes after retries (issue #885)
  • Fix issue where sidecars and daemons were not reliably killed (issue #879)
  • Redundant verifyResolvedVariables check in controller precluded the ability to use {{ }} in other circumstances
  • Fix issue where retryStrategy with DAGs fails, even if the step passes after retries (issue #885)
  • Fix outbound node metadata with steps templates causing incorrect edges to be rendered in UI
  • Fix outbound node metadata with retry nodes causing disconnected nodes to be rendered in UI (issue #880)
  • Error workflows which hit k8s/etcd 1M resource size limit (issue #913)
  • [UI] Fixed 'X' hiding under page (@EdanSneh)
  • [UI] Beautified resource template. Yaml will now indent 2 spaces instead of one space

2.1.1 (2018-05-29)

Changelog since v2.1.0

  • Switch to an UnstructuredInformer to guard controller against malformed workflow manifests (issue #632)
  • Fix issue where suspend templates were not properly being connected to their children (issue #869)
  • Fix issue where a failed step in a template with parallelism would not complete (issue #868)
  • Fix issue where argo list age column maxed out at 1d (issue #857)
  • Fix issue where volumes were not supported in script templates (issue #852)
  • Fix implementation of DAG task targets (issue #865)
  • Retrying failed steps templates could potentially result in disconnected children
  • [UI] Fix crash while rendering failed workflow with exit handler (issue #815)
  • [UI] Fix locating outbound nodes for skipped node
  • [UI] Fix JS crash caused by inconsistent workflow state
  • [UI] Fix blank help page when using browser navigation
  • [UI] API server can filter workflows managed by specific workflow controller (@kzadorozhny)
  • [UI] Restore support for accessing the UI using kubectl proxy (@mthx)
  • [UI] Pass the namespace when querying the logs (issue #777) (@mthx)
  • [UI] Improve workflow sorting (issue #866)
  • Add windows support for Argo CLI (@cuericlee)
  • Documentation fixes (@mthx, @bodepd)

2.1.0 (2018-05-01)

Changelog since v2.0

  • Support for DAG based definition of workflows
  • Add spec.parallelism field to limit concurrent pod execution at a workflow level
  • Add template.parallelism field to limit concurrent pod execution at a template level
  • Add argo suspend, argo resume to suspend and resume workflows
  • Add argo resubmit to resubmit a failed workflow
  • Add argo retry to retry a failed workflow with the same name
  • Add --instanceid flag to argo submit command to submit workflow with controller's specific instance id label
  • Add --name and --generate-name to override and/or metadata.generateName during submission
  • Add argo logs -w to support rendering combined workflow logs
  • Experimental support for resubmitting workflows with memoized steps
  • Improved parameters and output validation
  • UI migrated to React
  • Workflow details page redesigned: added DAG view support, added workflow timeline tab.
  • Workflow details page enhancements: added sidecar containers details; workflow exist handler is available on DAG diagram and timeline view.
  • Support for pod tolerations (@discordianfish)
  • Make workflow.namespace available as a global variable (@vreon)
  • Support for exported global output parameters and artifacts
  • Trim a trailing newline from path-based output parameters
  • Add ability to reference global parameters in spec level fields
  • Make {{}} available as a parameter in pod templates
  • Argo CLI shell completion support (@mthx)
  • Add ability to pass pod annotations and labels at the template levels (@wookasz)
  • Add ability to use IAM role from EC2 instance for AWS S3 credentials (@wookasz)
  • Abstract the container runtime as an interface to support mocking and future runtimes
  • Documentation and examples fixes (@IronPan, @dmonakhov, @bodepd, @mthx, @javierbq, @sebdoido)
  • Rewrite the installer
  • install & uninstall commands use --namespace flag (@Fitzse)
  • Trim spaces from aws keys (@bodepd)
  • Update base image to debian 9.4 (from 9.1) (@mthx)
  • Global parameters were not referenceable from artifact arguments
  • spec.arguments are optionally supplied during linting
  • Fix for CLI not rendering edges correctly for nested workflows
  • Fix template.parallelism limiting parallelism of entire workflow
  • Fix artifact saving to artifactory (@dougsc)
  • Use socket type for hostPath to mount docker.sock (@DSchmidtDev)
  • Fix rbac resource versions in install (@dvavili)
  • Fix input parameters on a steps template prevent daemon pods from terminating (@adampearse)
  • Fix locating outbound nodes for skipped node (issue #825)
  • Avoid println which outputs to stderr (@mthx)
  • Fix issue where daemoned steps were not terminated properly in DAG templates

2.1.0-beta2 (2018-03-29)

Changelog since 2.1.0-beta1

  • Fix argo install does not install argo ui deployment

2.1.0-beta1 (2018-03-29)

Changelog since 2.1.0-alpha1

  • Support for exported global output parameters and artifacts
  • Introduce argo retry to retry a failed workflow with the same name
  • Trim a trailing newline from path-based output parameters
  • Add ability to reference global parameters in spec level fields
  • Make {{}} available as a parameter in pod templates
  • Argo CLI shell completion support (@mthx)
  • Support rendering combined workflow logs using argo logs -w
  • Add ability to pass pod annotations and labels at the template levels (@wookasz)
  • Add ability to use IAM role from EC2 instance for AWS S3 credentials (@wookasz)
  • Rewrite the installer
  • Abstract the container runtime as an interface to support mocking and future runtimes
  • Documentation and examples fixes (@IronPan, @dmonakhov)
  • Global parameters were not referenceable from artifact arguments
  • spec.arguments are optionally supplied during linting
  • Fix for CLI not rendering edges correctly for nested workflows
  • Fix template.parallelism limiting parallelism of entire workflow
  • Fix artifact saving to artifactory (@dougsc)
  • Use socket type for hostPath to mount docker.sock (@DSchmidtDev)

2.1.0-alpha1 (2018-02-21)

Changelog since 2.0

  • Support for DAG based definition of workflows
  • Add spec.parallelism field to limit concurrent pod execution at a workflow level
  • Add template.parallelism field to limit concurrent pod execution at a template level
  • Add argo suspend, argo resume to suspend and resume workflows
  • Add argo resubmit to resubmit a failed workflow
  • Add instanceid parameter support to argo submit command to submit workflow with controller's specific instance id label
  • Experimental support for resubmitting workflows with memoized steps
  • Improved parameters and output validation
  • UI migrated to React.
  • Workflow details page redesigned: added DAG view support, added workflow timeline tab.
  • Workflow details page enhancements: added sidecar containers details; workflow exist handler is available on DAG diagram and timeline view.
  • Support for pod tolerations (@discordianfish)
  • Make workflow.namespace available as a global variable (@vreon)
  • Trim spaces from aws keys (@bodepd)
  • Documentation fixes (@bodepd)
  • Fix rbac resource versions in install (@dvavili)

2.0.0 (2018-02-06)

  • Add ability to specify affinity rules at both the workflow and template level
  • Add ability to specify imagePullSecrets in the workflow.spec
  • Generate OpenAPI models for the workflow spec
  • Support setting the UI base url
  • Fix issue preventing the referencing of artifacts in a container with retries
  • Fix issue preventing the use of volumes in a sidecar

2.0.0-beta1 (2018-01-18)

  • Use and install minimal RBAC ClusterRoles for workflow-controller and argo-ui deployments
  • Introduce retryStrategy field to control set retries for failed/errored containers
  • Introduce raw input artifacts
  • Add argo install --dry-run to print Kubernetes YAML manifests without installing
  • Add argo list sorts by running pods, then by completion time
  • Add argo list -o wide to show pod counts and parameter information
  • Add argo list --running --completed --status workflow filtering
  • Add argo list --since DURATION to filter workflows based on a time duration
  • Add ability for steps and resource templates to have outputs parameters
  • OpenID Connect auth support (@mthx)
  • Increase controller rate limits for much faster processing of highly parallized workflows
  • Executor sidecar hardening (retrying of Kube API queries)
  • Switch to k8s-codegen generated workflow client and informer
  • {{workflow.uuid}} variable corrected to {{workflow.uid}}
  • Documentation fixes (@reasonthearchitect, @mthx)
  • Prevent a potential k8s scheduler panic from incomplete setting of pod ownership reference
  • Fix issues in controller operating on stale workflow state, and incorrectly identifying deleted pods

2.0.0-alpha3 (2018-01-02)

  • Introduce the "resource" template type for performing CRUD operations on k8s resources
  • Support for workflow exit handlers
  • Support artifactory as an artifact repository
  • Add ability to timeout a container/script using activeDeadlineSeconds
  • Add CLI command and flags to wait for a workflow to complete argo wait/argo submit --wait
  • Add ability to run multiple workflow controllers operating on separate instance ids
  • Add ability to run workflows using a specified service account
  • Scalability improvements for highly parallelized workflows
  • Improved validation of volume mounts with input artifacts
  • Argo UI bug fixes and improvements
  • Documentation fixes (@javierbq, @anshumanbh)
  • Recover from unexpected panics when operating on workflows
  • Fix a controller panic when using a script templates with input artifacts
  • Fix issue preventing ability to pass JSON as a command line argument

2.0.0-alpha2 (2017-12-04)

  • Argo release for KubeCon 2017

2.0.0-alpha1 (2017-11-16)

  • Initial release of Argo as a Kubernetes CRD (presented at Bay Area Kubernetes Meetup)

1.1.0 (2017-11-08)

  • Reduce sizes of axdb, zookeeper, kafka images by a combined total of ~1.7GB

1.0.1 (2017-10-04)

  • Add argo app list and argo app show commands
  • Add argo job logs for displaying and following job logs
  • Fix issues preventing proper handling of input parameters and output artifacts with dynamic fixtures

1.0.0 (2017-07-23)

  • Initial release