This is a repo for use in our MLADs Lab in Fall 2019.
Please use Incognito Chrome to open!
IMPORTANT: Browse to
Registration URL :
Fill out name, email, etc. Select Launch Lab. You should be quickly taken to a page with relevant passwords.
Open the JuypterhubURL with the admin username and password.
In the New menu, create a Python 3.5 notebook:
Select Python 3.5
Enter this in the first cell of notebook:
!git clone
!python -m pip install azureml-contrib-interpret azureml-sdk --upgrade
Then, execute the cell by typing shift-enter.
At this point, you have the files needed for the lab.
From the jupyter root directory, go to:
Launch this file:
Go back to the email you received from CloudLabs and reference:
- the On Demand Lab Azure Machine Learning ODSC username and password
- the amlWorkspaceName
Go to It will ask for username and password. Enter the username and password. Note: do NOT use the AdminUsername and adminPassword.
In the portal, search for the amlWorkspaceName that you copied from the CloudLabs email (quick-starts-ws-xxxxxx). Select the amlWorkspaceName.
Download config.json by selecting download config.json.
Upload it to root.
From the jupyter root directory, go to:
Launch blackbox-train-explain-model-on-amlcompute-and-deploy.ipynb
The interpret and interpret-community repos are located at:
cjon, eddeleon, bzeran or by teams