Modern, async first, .NET client for QuickBooks Online Accounting API
This project was created because the official .NET client provided by Intuit is hard to work with and based on outdated .NET patterns.
API version: 3.75
Install-Package QuickBooksSharp
var authService = new AuthenticationService();
var scopes = new[] { "" };
string redirectUrl = "";
string state = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string authUrl = authService.GenerateAuthorizationPromptUrl(clientId, scopes, redirectUrl, state);
// Redirect the user to authUrl so that they can approve the connection
public async Task<IActionResult> AuthResult(string code, long realmId, string state)
//validate state parameter
var authService = new AuthenticationService();
string clientId = //get from config
string clientSecret = //get from config
var result = await authService.GetOAuthTokenAsync(clientId, clientSecret, code, redirectUrl);
//persit access token and refresh token
var authService = new AuthenticationService();
var result = await authService.RefreshOAuthTokenAsync(clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken);
//persit access token and refresh token
var authService = new AuthenticationService();
var userInfo = await authService.GetUserInfo(accessToken, useSandbox: true);
//persit access token and refresh token
var dataService = new DataService(accessToken, realmId, useSandbox: true);
var result = await dataService.PostAsync(new Customer
DisplayName = "Chandler Bing",
Suffix = "Jr",
Title = "Mr",
MiddleName = "Muriel",
FamilyName = "Bing",
GivenName = "Chandler",
//result.Response is of type Customer
var customer = result.Response;
//Sparse update some properties
result = await dataService.PostAsync(new Customer
Id = customer.Id,
SyncToken = customer.SyncToken,
GivenName = "Ross",
sparse = true
//Update all properties
customer = result.Response;
customer.FamilyName = "Geller";
customer.sparse = false;
result = await dataService.PostAsync(customer);
var result = await dataService.PostAsync(new Invoice { Id = "123", SyncToken = syncToken }, OperationEnum.delete);
var result = await dataService.QueryAsync<Customer>("SELECT * FROM Customer")
//res.Response.Entities is of type Customer[]
var customers = res.Response.Entities;
var result = await dataService.QueryCountAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customer");
var count = res.Response.TotalCount;
var report = await dataService.GetReportAsync("ProfitAndLoss", new()
{ "accounting_method", "Accrual" },
{ "date_macro", "Last Fiscal Year" }
string reportName = report.Header.ReportName;
var result = await dataService.GetCDCAsync(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-10), "Customer,Invoice");
var queryResponses = result.Response.QueryResponse; //type QueryResponse[]
var customers = queryResponses[0].IntuitObjects.Cast<Customer>();
var invoices = queryResponses[1].IntuitObjects.Cast<Invoice>();
//Delete 30 bills in a batch
var bills = (await dataService.QueryAsync<Bill>("SELECT * FROM Bill MAXRESULTS 30")).Response.Entities;
var response = await dataService.BatchAsync(new IntuitBatchRequest
BatchItemRequest = bills.Select(b => new BatchItemRequest
bId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
operation = OperationEnum.delete,
Bill = new Bill
Id = b.Id,
SyncToken = b.SyncToken
//Issue multiple queries in a batch
var response = await dataService.BatchAsync(new IntuitBatchRequest
BatchItemRequest = new[]
new BatchItemRequest
bId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
new BatchItemRequest
bId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Query = "SELECT * FROM Invoice MAXRESULTS 30",
public async Task<IActionResult> Webhook()
string signature = Request.Headers["intuit-signature"].ToString();
string webhookVerifierToken = //get from config
string requestBodyJSON = await base.ReadBodyToEndAsync();
if (!Helper.IsAuthenticWebhook(signature, webhookVerifierToken, requestBodyJSON))
return BadRequest();
//return HTTP error status
//Process webhook
WebhookEvent notification = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<WebhookEvent>(requestBodyJSON, QuickBooksHttpClient.JsonSerializerOptions);
var invoiceId = "1023";
var invoidePdfStream = await dataService.GetInvoicePDF(invoiceId);