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Object and Array Destructuring in JavaScript. ES6 | ES2015
Tyler McGinnis - Modern JavaScript

Object and Array Destructuring in JavaScript. ES6 | ES2015

🤹‍♀️ Destructuring 101

  • Destructuring allows us to:
    • Easily get/extract data from an Object or an Array
    • Assign those extracted values to variables

🏀 Object Destructuring


  • With a JavaScript Object, we can:

    • Set a single property, one at a time

      • Through dot notation
      var user = {}; = "Poop";
      user.location = "Nature";
      user.points = 50;
    • Get a single value from a property and create/initialize a new variable, one at a time

      • Through dot notation
      var name =;
      var location = user.location;
      var points = user.points;
    • Set multiple properties to an Object, at the same time

      • Through Object literal notation when initializing the Object
      var user = {
        name: "Poop",
        location: "Nature",
        points: 50
    • Get multiple properties from an Object and create/initialize variables, at the same time

      • 🔥 ??? Before ES2015 ??? 🔥
      • Through destructuring
      // var name     =;
      // var location = user.location;
      // var points   = user.points;
      var { name, location, points } = user;
      • Bonus: We can destructure the result of a function invocation:
      function getUser() {
        return {
          name: "Poop",
          location: "Nature",
          points: 50
      var { name, location, points } = getUser();

Renaming properties

  • If the Object's property names are mediocre, we can rename them when destructuring
var user = {
  n: "Poop",
  l: "Nature",
  p: 50

var { n: name, l: location, p: points } = user;

console.log(name); // => "Poop"
console.log(location); // => "Nature"
console.log(points); // => 50

📝 Array Destructuring

  • Array destructuring is useful when the location of the item is its main differentiator (think Tuples)
var pokemon = ["Pikachu", "electric", 025];
  • To extract the values from the array, we'd need to do get them one at a time
var name = pokemon[0];
var type = pokemon[1];
var number = pokemon[2];
  • To extract the values from the array, at the same time, we use destructuring
var [name, type, number] = pokemon;

var csv = "2000,Honda,Civic,Hot Buy!";
var [year, make, model, description] = csv.split(",");

🔧 Function Arguments Destructuring


  • A function's api is typically quite strict; the order of the arguments matter
function fetchRepos(language, minStars, maxStars) {
  // etc.

fetchRepos("JavaScript", null, 30);
  • However, order doesn't matter with destructured function arguments
function fetchRepos({ language, minStars, maxStars }) {
  // etc.

  maxStars: 30,
  language: "JavaScript",
  minStars: null
  • In fact, we can even set default vaules for each argument and not have to pass in unnessary values (ie. minStars: null)

    function fetchRepos({ language = "All", minStars = 0, maxStars = 0 }) {
      // etc.
      maxStars: 30,
      language: "JavaScript"
    // An empty Object literal needs to be passed
    // to invoke the function and accept the default values
  • To take it one step further, we can assign a default argument value for the entire destructured param

function fetchRepos({ language = "All", minStars = 0, maxStars = 0 } = {}) {
  // etc.

// Now we can invoke the functino to accept the default values
// without having to pass an empty Object literal


  • When an argument is expecting an Array, we can destructure those values as well. A great use case is with Promises since it returns data as an Array.
function getUserData(player) {
  return Promise.all([getProfile(player), getRepos(player)]).then(function(
  ) {
    // Simply destructuring the `data` arg
    var [profile, repos] = data;

    return {
      profile: profile,
      repos: repos

// OR

function getUserData(player) {
  return Promise.all([getProfile(player), getRepos(player)]).then(function(
    // Destructuring `data` in the fn argument
    [profile, repos]
  ) {
    return {
      profile: profile,
      repos: repos

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