All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.1.0 - 2021-11-27
- Gamepad support (for XInput compatible devices, such as XBox controller)
- Left thumbstick - move around
- Right thumbstick - look around
- LB/RB buttons - rolling motion
- LT/RT buttons - adjust focus distance
- 3 new cropping transforms (thanks to Rychveldir!)
- Option to invert camera control rotation axes
- Sensitivity setting to fine-tune camera motion controls
- Show the color of the iterator on the node border
- Use shift, alt keys to modify the increment size when navigating and changing values.
- More shortcut keys added to the editor:
- Ctrl+W - Flip weight of selected iterator between 0/1
- Ctrl+O - Flip opacity of selected iterator between 0/1
- Ctrl+D - Duplicate selected iterator
- Delete - Delete selected nodes and arrows
- Artwork title and file name is synchronized when unset
- Ability to pin loaded fractal to generator, unpin pinned fractals
- Newly pinned fractals are shown in the main window
- Improved tab-key navigation: the +/- buttons are skipped and tabbing on a value makes it editable.
- Occassional wrong camera orientation after opening a file.
- Ability to load .ugr gradient files, which aren't supported.
1.0.0 - 2021-11-15
- First release