Tap into your Unknown Productivity
Welcome to our project submission for the 2023 Swamp Hacks Hackathon. Our project is curated for students and is focused on reducing burnout, anxiety, and stress while increasing productivity.
Productivity is maximized by the 80/20 rule that we have implemented, in which users' breaks are equivalent to 20% of the time that they worked. This allows users to work till they naturally feel tired and then take a proportionate break.
The breaks are built into our application as well. During this proportionate break users can either choose to play the dinosaur chrome game with a gator spin (the gator game) or pratice mindfulness through mediation. At the end of their break, they can return back to their work cycle.
The following links have helped inspired this project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oJMd6FWUB8&t=94s