Version : 1.0.0
date : 2022/09/05
This document guides students through the Hands on lab for Partner Summit 2022. It will take you step by step to completing the Prerequisites and deliver this demo.
The purpose of this repository is to enable the easy and quick setup of the Partner Summit workshop. Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) has been built from the ground up to support hybrid, multi-cloud data management in support of a Data Fabric architecture. This worshop provide an introduction to CDP, with a focus on the data management capabilities that enable the Data Fabric and Data Lakehouse.
In this exercise, we will work get stock data from Alpha Vantage, offers free stock APIs in JSON and CSV formats for realtime and historical stock market data,
- Data ingestion and streaming—provided by Cloudera Data Flow (CDF) and *Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE).
- Global data access, data processing and persistence—provided by Cloudera Data Hub (CDH).
- Data visualization with CDP Data Visualization.
Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) is a scalable, real-time streaming analytics platform that ingests, curates, and analyzes data for key insights and immediate actionable intelligence. CDF’s Flow Management is powered by Apache NiFi, a no-code data ingestion and management solution. Apache NiFi is a very mature open source solution meant for large scale, high velocity enterprise data ingestion use cases.
Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) is a serverless service for Cloudera Data Platform that allows you to submit batch jobs to auto-scaling virtual clusters. CDE enables you to spend more time on your applications, and less time on infrastructure. CDE allows you to create, manage, and schedule Apache Spark jobs without the overhead of creating and maintaining Spark clusters. With Cloudera Data Engineering, you define virtual clusters with a range of CPU and memory resources, and the cluster scales up and down as needed to run your Spark workloads, helping to control your cloud costs.
CDP Data Visualization enables data engineers, business analysts, and data scientists to quickly and easily explore data, collaborate, and share insights across the data lifecycle—from data ingest to data insights and beyond. Delivered natively as part of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP), Data Visualization delivers a consistent and easy to use data visualization experience with intuitive and accessible drag-and-drop dashboards and custom application creation.
- Laptop with a supported OS (Windows 7 not supported) or Macbook.
- A modern browser - Google Chrome (IE, Firefox, Safari not supported).
- Wifi Internet connection.
- Git installed.
You can use the workshop project cloning this github repository : Workshop github repo
git clone
Go to website Alpha Vantage
Choose link -> 'Get Your Free Api Key Today'
Choose 'Student' for description
Choose your own organisation
Fill up your professional email address
Choose 'Student' for description
Choose your own organisation
Fill up your professional email address
Request your key
Store your given key, you will need it later.
Please use the login url Workshop login
Enter the username and password shared by your instructor.
You should be able to get the following home page of CDP Public Cloud.
You will need to define your workload password that will be used to parameters the Data Services.
Please keep it with you, if you have forget it, don't panic, you will be able to repeat this process and define another one.
Click on your profile.
Define your password.
Click button -> "Set Workload Password".
Check that you have this mention -> "Workload password is currently set".
Choose CDF icon.
On the left menu choose -> "Catalog".
Then select the button -> "Import Flow Definition".
Fill up those parameters :
Flow Name
Nifi Flow Description
Upload the file "Stocks_Intraday_Alpha_Template.json"
Click button "Import"
The new catalog has been added
Now let's deploy it.
Click on the catalog you just finished to create.
Click on "Deploy" button.
Click on "Deploy" button.
You will need to select the wokshop environment "se-workshop-1-env".
Give a name to this dataflow
Flow Name
Let parameters by default. Click "Next"
Fill up your CDP worload password here
your user
your Alpha Vantage key
Nifi Node Sizing
Extra Small
Enable "Auto scaling"
Let parameters by default
Click "Next"
You can defined KPI's in regards what has been specified in your dataflow, but we will skip this for simplication.
Click "Next"
Click "Deploy" to launch the deployment
Deployment on the run.
Dataflow is up and running.
In minutes we will start receiving stock information into our bucket! If you want you can check in your bucket under the path s3a://se-workshop-1-aws/user/(yourusername)/stocks/new
Click on blue arrow on the right of your deployed dataflow.
Select the blue arrow on the right side of the deployed dataflow.
Select "Manage Deployment" on top right corner.
On this windows, choose "Action" -> "View Nifi".
You can see the Nifi data flow that has been deployed from the json file.
Let's take a quick look together.
At this stage you can suspend this dataflow, go back to "Deployment Manager" -> "Action" -> "Suspend flow".
We will add a new stock later on and restart it.
Now we are going to create the Iceberg table.
From the CDP Portal or CDP Menu choose "Data Warehouse".
From the CDW Overview window, click the "HUE" button on the corner left.
Now you're accessing to the sql editor called "HUE".
Let's select the Impala engine that you will be using for interacting with database.
Create database using your login user050, for example replace (user) by user050 for database creation :
CREATE DATABASE <user>_stocks;
See the result
After create a Iceberg table, change (user) with your login :
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <user>_stocks.stock_intraday_1min (
interv STRING,
output_size STRING,
time_zone STRING,
open DECIMAL(8,4),
high DECIMAL(8,4),
low DECIMAL(8,4),
close DECIMAL(8,4),
volume BIGINT)
ticker STRING,
last_refreshed string,
refreshed_at string)
STORED AS iceberg;
See the result
Let's now create our engeneering process.
Now we will use Cloudera Data Engineering to check the files in the object storage, compare if it's new data, and insert them into the Iceberg table.
From the CDP Portal or CDP Menu choose "Data Engineering".
Let's create a job -> click Create Job".
Job Type
Choose Spark 3.2.0
Application File
Select StockIcebergResource -> stockdatabase_2.12-1.0.jar
Main Class
Create it, not run it yet
This application will:
- Check new files in the new directory;
- Create a temp table in Spark/cache this table and identify duplicated rows (in case that NiFi loaded the same data again)
- MERGE INTO the final table, INSERT new data or UPDATE if exists
- Archive files in the bucket
After execution, the processed files will be in your bucket but under the "processed"+date directory
On step7, we will query data.
But right now, let show you how to create a simple dashboard, using CDP DataViz.
Go back to CDW window.
On the menu on the left choose Data Vizualisation.
Then click the "Data Viz" button on the right.
You will access to the following window :
Choose "Data" on the upper menu.
Click "New Connection" button on the left upper corner.
Dataset Source
From Table
Select Database
Select Table
Select "Create".
Let's drag from Data on the "Dashboard Designer" to Visuals.
Dimansions -> ticker
Move it to Visuals -> Dimensions
Measures -> #volume
Move it to Visuals -> Measures
Then on Visuals choose "Packed Bubbles"
Make it public
You have succed in a simple way your dashboard, well done
Now let's query our data and see the time travel and snapshoting capabilties of Iceberg
Apache Icebeg is an open table format, originally designed at Netflix in order to overcome the challenges faced when using already existing data lake formats like Apache Hive.
The design structure of Apache Iceberg is different from Apache Hive, where the metadata layer and data layer are managed and maintained on object storage like Hadoop, s3, etc.
It uses a file structure (metadata and manifest files) that is managed in the metadata layer. Each commit at any timeline is stored as an event on the data layer when data is added. The metadata layer manages the snapshot list. Additionally, it supports integration with multiple query engines,
Any update or delete to the data layer, creates a new snapshot in the metadata layer from the previous latest snapshot and parallelly chains up the snapshot, enabling faster query processing as the query provided by users pulls data at the file level rather than at the partition level.
Our example will load the intraday stock daily since the free API does not give real-time data, but we can change the Cloudera Dataflow Parameter to add one more ticker and we've scheduled to run hourly the CDE process. After this we will be able to see the new ticker information in the dashboard and also perform time travel using Iceberg!
Let's see the Iceberg table history
DESCRIBE HISTORY <user>_stocks.stock_intraday_1min;
Copy and paste the snapshot_id and use it on the following impala querie :
SELECT count(*), ticker
FROM <user>_stocks.stock_intraday_1min
GROUP BY ticker;
Go to CDF, choose Actions and Suspend the flow. Add in parameters called (stock_list) the stock NVDA (Nvidia)
Let's add on the parameter "stock_list" the stock NVDA (NVIDIA)
Apply changes
Start again the flow.
Now let check again the snapshot history :
As CDF has ingested a new stock value and then cde has merge those value it has created new Iceberg snapshots Copy and paste the new snapshot_id and use it on the following impala query :
SELECT count(*), ticker
FROM <user>_stocks.stock_intraday_1min
FOR SYSTEM_VERSION AS OF <new_snapshot_id>
GROUP BY ticker;
Now, we can see that this snapshot retreive the count value for stock NVDA that has been added in the cdf dataflow stock_list parameter.
If we run this query without snapshot, we get all values, because all parents and child snapshots :
SELECT count(*), ticker
FROM <user>_stocks.stock_intraday_1min
GROUP BY ticker;
show files in <user50>_stocks.stock_intraday_1min