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History / Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL


  • Update IntelliJ command line launcher invocation

    @jonoflayham jonoflayham committed Jun 7, 2020
  • Updated figwheel-sidecar to 0.5.18. Version 0.5.15 pulled in a version of httpkit that doesn't work with JDK11. Also update clojure, clojurescript to versions that work.

    @jsyrjala jsyrjala committed May 22, 2019
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Aug 16, 2018
  • Update dependencies

    Alex Nixon committed May 1, 2018
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @ckman ckman committed Oct 9, 2017
  • This works for a recent IntelliJ version. The old example did not.

    @ckman ckman committed Oct 9, 2017
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @danielcompton danielcompton committed Dec 15, 2016
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @danielcompton danielcompton committed Dec 15, 2016
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @jrheard jrheard committed Sep 8, 2016
  • I lost ages by not getting checkout dependencies to work. Finally it turned out that this problem went away when I used the "lein fighweel" command in my terminal instead of the cursive REPL (which was set up using these instructions)

    Vincent DM committed Apr 4, 2016
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @gtoast gtoast committed Mar 15, 2016
  • Added some troubleshooting info for running the REPL inside Clojure. Found this on the Cursive mailing list [here]( and it worked for me.

    @gtoast gtoast committed Mar 15, 2016
  • Add a note on ArityException, I lost too much time trying to check every package version while it was a third, "hidden" lein-figwheel import.

    @laurentsenta laurentsenta committed Feb 21, 2016
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Ryan Haywood committed Dec 20, 2015
  • bump version of figwheel-sidecar in dependencies, otherwise doesn't work

    @bobbywilson0 bobbywilson0 committed Nov 23, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Nov 22, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Nov 22, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Nov 14, 2015
  • Configuring :open-file-command to work with IntelliJ

    @kevinkrouse kevinkrouse committed Nov 9, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Sep 20, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Sep 20, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Sep 20, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Sep 20, 2015
  • Make it clear to remove lein-figwheel from plugins

    @danielcompton danielcompton committed Jul 22, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Jul 3, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Jul 3, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Jul 3, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    Bruce Hauman committed Jul 3, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @swannodette swannodette committed Jul 3, 2015
  • Updated Running figwheel in a Cursive Clojure REPL (markdown)

    @swannodette swannodette committed Jul 3, 2015