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AGS for macOS (OSX)

This port was initially done by Edward Rudd for providing Gemini Rue in a Humble Bundle when the AGS backend was Allegro 4. Currently, it uses SDL2.

Creating Icon Sets

The unprocessed icons are available here:

$ ls OSX/ags.iconset/
icon_128x128.png	icon_16x16.png		icon_256x256.png	icon_32x32.png		icon_512x512.png
icon_128x128@2x.png	icon_16x16@2x.png	icon_256x256@2x.png	icon_32x32@2x.png	icon_512x512@2x.png

To generate the icon set needed by app bundles, Run, in the project workspace root:

iconutil -c icns -o OSX/Resources/ags.icns OSX/ags.iconset

This will create a file called ags.incs placed in the Resources/ directory. When you build within the CMake build directory, it should pick these files up.

TIP: Use touch to force macOS to reload the application icon.

Adding resources for the game

After you build your game with the Editor, your own game .ags and additional files will be generated in the Compiled/Data/ of your game project directory.

In this port, all game resources are taken from OSX/Resources, remove the stub files that exist there and replace them with your game files taken from Compiled/Data/.

Building with CMake

Building with CMake is detailed in ../ Follow below for macOS specifics to create your own .app bundle with your own game.

Building your game with CMake and Xcode

At the AGS project root, use CMake to generate the needed Xcode project.

mkdir buildXcode
cd buildXcode
cmake -G Xcode ..

Using the flags -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to specify the build type doesn't affect the generated Xcode project. The project will build for debugging by default, and to change to release, in Xcode you can go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme... to change the build type from Debug to Release.

The produced binary will be in the ags/buildXcode/Debug/ directory or ags/buildXcode/Release/, depending on the used target. By default, the name is

Building your game with CMake and make

You can also use CMake and make to build AGS.

export BUILD_TYPE=Release
mkdir build_$BUILD_TYPE
cd build_$BUILD_TYPE

This will build the executable in the build_Release/ directory. The has at its root the directory Contents, and inside of it the following:

  • Info.plist , the file that holds the details and points to AGS as the target executable.

  • MacOS/, contains the AGS engine binary used to run your game.

  • Resources/, the directory where your game and its resources, including the icon, are placed.

Using the Xcode project

NOTE: Prefer the CMake generated project.

The Xcode project depends on the prebuilt SDL2 Framework and library sources.

  • Download the SDL2 Framework from the SDL2 releases, and extract and place it in ags/libsrc directory

The project also requires sources of library dependencies, either using the libsrc/ script or manually downloading them and extracting them as below.

  • Download SDL_sound source code and place it in ags/libsrc/SDL_sound
  • Download xiph theora source code, and place it in ags/libsrc/theora
  • Download xiph ogg source code, and place in ags/libsrc/ogg
  • Download xiph vorbis source code, and place in ags/libsrc/vorbis

After this, load the OSX/xcode/ags.xcworkspace file in Xcode, it will enable building AGSKit, which is a self-contained framework like build of AGS Engine, and the ags app target, which you can customize with your own game, using the Resources/ directory, in the same way the CMake build works.

Using the Makefile

You should prefer using the CMake or Xcode project, as the Makefile build is not intended for porting your own game, but for running AGS locally.

You will need to install the necessary xiph libraries (theora, ogg and vorbis):

brew install theora
brew install libogg
brew install libvorbis

Additionally, you also need SDL2

brew install sdl2

Make sure you have at least SDL 2.24.1 installed, if you have problems updating sdl2 with brew from a previous version, you can force it using brew link --overwrite sdl2.

The SDL_sound available in brew is not really well updated and it's a bit different from what's in the repository, using a different timidity and libmodplug. It's best to build it and install it from source. You will need CMake for this.

cd /tmp
curl -fLsS "$SDL2_SOUND_VERSION.tar.gz" --output SDL_sound.tar.gz
tar -xvzf SDL_sound.tar.gz
mv SDL_sound-$SDL2_SOUND_VERSION SDL_sound
cd /tmp/SDL_sound
mkdir /tmp/SDL_sound/build
cd /tmp/SDL_sound/build
cmake -DSDL2_DIR=/usr/local/lib/cmake/SDL2 -DSDL_SOUND  -DSDLSOUND_DECODER_MIDI=1 ..  
make && make install

Now you can go to the Engine/ directory the cloned ags repository, and build it.
