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File metadata and controls

210 lines (163 loc) · 6.21 KB

Installation Guide

A one-time setup:

  • Install python

      sudo apt-get install python3.6
  • Install virtual environment

      sudo apt-get install virtualenv
  • Clone the VMS project

      git clone
  • Create python3.6 virtual environment

      virtualenv -p python3.6 venv

    Note: If you face a PATH error, using the full path will address the issue. For Ubuntu, try using:

      virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 venv

To start a testing session:

  • Activate virtual environment

      source venv/bin/activate
  • Change directory to VMS code

      cd vms/
  • Run the following commands

      sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
      sudo apt install python-dev
      sudo apt install python3-dev
  • Install all python dependencies

      pip install -r requirements.txt

    Note: If you face any errors, do not open a new issue and ask for help on slack with full error logs.

Install Postgresql

  • Run the command
      sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Setup PostgreSQL

  • Run the postgres client as root

      sudo -u postgres psql

    Note: In case you get an error postgres: invalid argument: "psql", then run the command

      sudo -u <insert postgres username here> psql
  • Create a user called vmsadmin with password 0xdeadbeef with the permissions to be able to create roles, databases and to login with a password. Wherever prompted in the below steps, use the password 0xdeadbeef.

        create role vmsadmin with createrole createdb login password '0xdeadbeef';
  • Exit the postgres client using

  • Change the pg_hba.conf file to indicate that users will be authenticated by md5 as opposed to peer authentication. To do this open the pg_hba.conf file by running the command

      sudo nano /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf

    Note: In case you find a file not found error or an empty file, then the postgresql installation has probably taken place in a different directory. Find the file using the following command

      sudo find / -type f -iname pg_hba\.conf

    and open the pg_hba.conf file using this path after "sudo nano ".

  • Change the line local all postgres peer to local all postgres md5 and the line local all all peer to local all all md5 and save the file.

    Note: In case you dont find the entries, just add the entries as mentioned above.

  • Restart the postgresql client

      sudo service postgresql restart
  • Login to the postgres client with user vmsadmin by running the following command

        psql -U vmsadmin -d postgres -h localhost -W
  • Exit the postgres client using

  • Create a database called vms

        createdb -U vmsadmin vms;
  • Login to the postgres client for the vms database

        psql -U vmsadmin -d vms -h localhost -W
  • To view a list of tables for the vms database, run this command under the postgres client


    We can now manipulate the database by running the appropriate sql commands under this postgres client.

  • Exit the postgres client using

  • Use the secret_key by running this command

        export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY='foobarbaz'

Setting up the database

  • Create migrations for the database

      python makemigrations auth volunteer administrator organization event job shift registration
  • Apply migrations to database

      python migrate --noinput --traceback --settings=vms.settings
  • Populate the database for django-cities-light

      python cities_light
  • After running the command

      python runserver

    Check that the project is running correctly by browsing to

Steps to run tests

  • Automated tests in VMS require you to setup geckodriver in your path. For that, either run this command in root of project


    OR run these commands

      tar -xzvf geckodriver-v0.20.1-linux64.tar.gz
      sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin

    Note: If you are using Windows then see this link to configure geckodriver in your environment

  • To execute all tests VMS, use this command

      python test -v 2
  • To execute tests in a particular file use

      python test <app_name> -v 2 
  • To execute a test file inside a app use

      python test <app_name>.tests.<test_file_name> -v 2
  • For the automated tests, if geckodriver has been configured correctly then during simulation of tests the firefox browser will automatically open up and perform the actions and close at the end of the test.

  • If all tests pass, OK will be received at the end.

  • For automated tests, if any of the tests fail its not necessary that there is something wrong. To confirm if the the test is actually wrong you have to test it in headless mode.

    Note: For automated testing, currently VMS uses the Firefox version 60, selenium version 3.4.0 and geckodriver version 0.20.1

    Note : Some of the test may be failing due to the incorrect permission given to the media folder, If media folder(srv directory) is already created on your system , then change its permissions by the following command:

      sudo chmod -R 740 /srv
  • In case you can the error /srv: No such file or directory while running the above comment do the following sudo mkdir /srv

  • After creating the directory, then try to change the permissions i.e., run the following command sudo chmod 740 /srv