Bifrost is a DeFi protocol to provide derivative for pledged assets.
👉 Discover the Bifrost project at bifrost.finance.
👉 Learn to use the Bifrost network with our technical docs.
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
make init
make build-all-release
make test-all
if runtime logic change we may do the benchmarking to regenerate WeightInfo for dispatch calls
make run-benchmarking
If modify the storage, should test the data migration before production upgrade.
make try-bifrost-runtime-upgrade
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run -p node-cli --locked --features "with-dev-runtime" -- --tmp --dev
yarn global add polkadot-launch
cd -
git clone -n https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot.git /tmp/polkadot
cd /tmp/polkadot
git checkout release-v0.9.9
cargo build --release
cd -
cd -
polkadot-launch ./scripts/bifrost-launch.json
It will take about 1-2 minutes for the parachain to start producing blocks.
yarn global add @open-web3/parachain-launch
parachain-launch generate --config=scripts/bifrost-docker-launch.yml --yes
It will pull images and generate required docker files in a folder called output
in your current working directory
To start the nodes, navigate to the output folder that the generated docker scripts in and start containers:
cd ./output
docker-compose up -d --build
mkdir -p ~/bifrost-fullnode/network
subkey generate-node-key --file ~/bifrost-fullnode/network/node-key
wget -O ~/bifrost-fullnode/bifrost.json https://github.com/bifrost-finance/bifrost/releases/download/bifrost-v0.8.0/bifrost.json
Replace your-fullnode-name
docker pull bifrostnetwork/bifrost:v0.8.3
docker run -d \
-v ~/bifrost-fullnode:/bifrost \
-p 9944:9944 \
-p 9933:9933 \
-p 30333:30333 \
-p 9615:9615 \
bifrostnetwork/bifrost:v0.8.3 \
--name your-fullnode-name \
--base-path "/bifrost" \
--node-key-file "/bifrost/network/node-key" \
--chain "/bifrost/bifrost.json" \
--parachain-id 2001 \
--pruning=archive \
--prometheus-external \
--rpc-external \
--ws-external \
--rpc-cors all \
--execution wasm