Will get closed when sub-issues are fixed and this issue is tracked in a monthly milestone.
Deals with React/JS code majorly. It can also include UI fixes without the help of the UI team.
This issue is not just frontend or backend but it's fullstack
Urgent fix required. Should be done within a day at max.
Issue created by honeybadger.
Other open issues can be taken up before this one.
Releases breaking changes.
Upon successful completion of the CI, merge the PR.
Releases non-breaking noteworthy changes with backward compatible.
This issue depends upon some other issue from nano (engines/frontend packages).
Sub issue part of neeto-engineering epic
The reason should be specified as a comment before putting the issue/PR on-hold.
Releases small requests or bug fixes.
Performance improvements, load testing, profiling etc.
Playwright tests have finished running.
Fix Playwright flaky tests.
Playwright happy path tests have finished running.
Run the Playwright tests with the tag happy-path.
Playwright happy path tests have been triggered.
Playwright tests need to be written.
Run the Playwright tests.
Playwright tests have been triggered.
Proof of concept or doing spike work.
The issue has a PR associated with it.
Means I am waiting for this issue to be fixed in order to take care of other issues.
This issue is related to product analysis
This issue is from the production instance.
Further inquiries or requests for clarification are necessary to gain a better understanding.
Code changes, better way to organize code etc.