- Fix product options unhiding indexing issue. #1176
- Add schema microdata for breadcrumbs. #1175
- Fix ItemAvailability microdata schema for product pages. #1174
- Fix invoice.css styles. #1171
- Fix updateView firing when there are no default options. #1172
- Don't clear bulk pricing rules when feature is disabled. #1173
- Fix "Shop by Price" toggle in theme editor to hide Shop by Price when faceted search is not enabled. #1161
- Migrate jQuery from 2->3. #1162
- Fix slick-next and slick-prev so that they are centered across all screen sizes. #1166
- Add support for per-variant bulk pricing tier display on PDP #1167
- Fix logo not loading on order confirmation page #1159
- Add support in Cornerstone to consume AMP ID #1155
- Fix option selection reset bug when a variation is out of stock #1160
- Fix easyzoom preventing page scrolling on mobile #1164
- Fix event delegation error #1151
- Removes duplicate amp-iframe attributes for Google Amp product-view temaplate #1148
- Remove "as low as" feature and add support for price ranges instead#1143
- Implements Add to any Wish Lists capability. #1134
- Fixes functionality of carousel links in IE and Edge. #1093
- Add image width & height for carousel images. #1126
- Fix Bold featured products clickability. #1130
- Fixes mobile swatch selectability styling. #1131
- Fix Logo not loading on UCO page #1132
- Fixes functionality of date picker option on product pages. #1125
- Fix image-overlap on Orders page #1137
- Fixes issue with image zoom causing scrolling issues on mobile. #1141
- Fix mis-sized product images. #1145
- Fix spaces in faceted search option names #1113
- Use appropriately-sized (50x50) images for product thumbnails on product details page #1097
- Add spacing between checkout buttons #1105
- Load visible images before images below the fold, and save space for lazy loading images prior to loading them #1104
- Shows price ranges instead of prices when they are present in the context on product list pages #1111
- Bumps stencil-utils version #1120
- Style optimized checkout new checklist radio buttons #1088
- Update product UPC when options with different UPC are selected #1089
- Do not scale product thumbnail images #1094
- Lazy load carousel images #1090
- Theme Editor menu item updates for ease of use #1091
- Upgrades all dependencies except for Foundation and jQuery #1069
- Adds a theme editor display toggle for weight and dimensions on product pages #1092
- Lazy load zoomed product image on product details page #1096
- Fixes image overlapping details on product page and Quick View on small viewports #1067
- Allow 'none' to be a default selection on product option pick lists #1068
- Fixes a bug where product options and add to cart do not work when opened in Quick View modals #1070
- Fixes a bug where the Apple Pay button is displayed in incompatible browsers in the Preview Cart modal #1084
- Make 3 variations WCAG color contrast compliant #1061
- Add footer script to optimized checkout / order confirmation #1085
- Hide Info in footer if no address is provided in Store Profile. Hide Brands in footer if Merchant has no brands #1053
- Product illustrations in the storefront when the product catalog is empty #1054
- Add pointer-event for color and pattern swatches so title tags appear upon hover #1055
- Change the 403 page message to be more friendly #1057 & #1059
- Add bulk discount rates to product cards #1058
- Add higher z-index to display text over burst image #1066
- Do not show add to cart on disabled products, add pre-order button, update pre-order url to add product to cart & fix login for pricing on product cards. #1063
- Add auto height to the alternative navigation menu and its submenus. #1056
- Move some hard-coded validation messages to language file #1040
- Use different id for gift cert in cart page #1044
- Restore product image carousel #1024
- Reduce theme bundle size by using minified libraries where applicable #1039
- Replace JavaScript alert/confirmations with sweetalert2 library #1035
- Add global Sass variables to easily toggle exposure of Foundation styles from Citadel #1047
- Fix google plus social icon position #1048
- Use
instead oftemplate
for routing. Fix an issue with javascript not running in custom templates #1050
- Product Images were obscuring product details on smaller viewports #1019
- Add region tags to two template files to support payments team banner integration with content service #1023
- Add on/off toggle to the theme editor for the "Shop by Price" panel located on category pages #1036
- Fix H1-H6 font-sizing #1034
- Reduce theme bundle size by using specific minified libraries #1037
- Fix google plus spacing issue #1041
- Swaps
to fix email link issue #1017 - Maintenance page stylesheet fix #1016
- Restore four products per row on category pages when sidebar is empty. #1018
- Remove gift certificate format validation #1026
- Remove usage of deprecated {{template_file}} property #1032
- Toggle displaying product description in tabs #1030
- Reinstate Quick View on product list mode when set to list view #1033
- Bug fix for category sidebar #1006
- Add storefront admin bar to replace store not launched preview panel #997
- Upgrade to Webpack 2 with code splitting and tree shaking 964
- Reflect the actual default value for
#998 - Fix latest node-sass issues with Citadel upgrade and conditional import swap with mixin #999
- Repopulate review form fields after error #996
- Fix product quick view 'Write a Review' link #995
- Update bigcommerce.com footer link #990
- Fix invalid icon HTML in AMP templates #989
- Add new theme editor setting for SSL common name to enable GeoTrust badge to work properly #994
was refactored to support webpack2 builds 961- Load amp social share JS only when we have share icons enabled. #968
- Escape html for product summaries in product list view #980
- Add
feature to features list #974 - Fixed AMP Carousel alignment on product view #982
- Remove footer scripts from the amp-iframe used to render product options for stores using AMP #983
- Fix a bug that was not updating price and weight when an option is selected #963
- Fix a bug that was preventing opening the cart preview modal #960
- Google AMP support for product and category pages #946
- Expose
object on the checkout page #910 - Update package.json to disambiguate Stencil and Cornerstone #943
- Added support up to 8 levels for category menu depth #939
- Implement lazyloading for product card images to improve above-the-fold rendering #944
- Print a readable error instead of dumping the whole error object to the console #950
- Fixed homepage featured products floating left and unecessarily wrapping to next row #948
- Add google recaptcha v2 support to cornerstone. #951
- Added order confirmation template page #949
- Added theme editor setting for product display mode (grid vs list view) #941
- Show 'Write a Review' link for mobile #922
- Update text input for product review comment to be multiline so it's not too small to be usable #921
- Add a larger view of a swatch image when option is hovered over on the product page #923
- Fixes an issue with file upload button not properly displaying in IE #925
- Make sure product review email links automatically pop the review form #928
- Fixes an issue where search results would incorrectly state there were no results when there were results visible #934
- Update BC logo sprite to use current BC logo #931
- Fix z-index for product sale badges so they aren't above the menu #926
- Auto-expand product videos on the product page if the product has at least one video #935
- Fix an issue with special characters in search results for content pages #933
- Fix an issue with special characters in carousel text #932
- Remove an unnecessary and confusing option in theme editor #927
- Fix an issue where required product list options would display an invalid "none" choice #929
- Remove unused variable causing js error with search in the nav #938
- Add settings to theme editor schema to customize Optimized Checkout discount banners #924
- Update Optimized Checkout discount banners default values per theme variation #942
- Added a setting to theme editor schema to show/hide the homepage carousel #909
- Prevent carousel images from being cut off on large screens by adding a new setting to theme editor schema #909
- Add schema description specifying that social media icons must be set up to see them #920
- Show account creation links only if it is enabled in store settings #917
- Add GeoTrust SSL Seal Toggle #903