Tic-Tac-Toe, this time with AI built in.
Started by created a game domain, including game logic and validators.
Currently, I am working on adding in the game engine
Next I will add in AI functionality.
-Ted Lawson 1/31/23
Implemented rest of the game engine, as well as the console interface for the TTT board.
Run with command:
python3 -m console -X human -O random
Swap "human" with "random" as you wish
Next step: implement the AI functionality
-Ted Lawson 2/6/23
Minimax algorithm has been implemented, as well as adding in the corresponding player. Project complete.
To play versus the unbeatable minimax player, start at ../frontend and enter the command:
python3 -m console -X human -O minimax
Understand that you will never win, although you may occasionally tie! :)
-Ted Lawson 2/12/23