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stand_alone: true ipr: trust200902 docname: draft-wwx-netmod-event-yang-latest cat: std pi: toc: 'yes' symrefs: 'yes' sortrefs: 'yes' iprnotified: 'no' strict: 'yes' title: A YANG Data model for ECA Policy Management abbrev: ECA YANG area: OPS Area wg: NETMOD Working Group kw: RFC date: 2020 author:

  • ins: M. Wang name: Michael Wang org: Huawei Technologies,Co.,Ltd abbrev: Huawei street: 101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District city: Nanjing region: '' code: '210012' country: China email:
  • ins: Q. Wu name: Qin Wu org: Huawei street: 101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District city: Nanjing region: Jiangsu code: '210012' country: China email:
  • ins: I. Bryskin name: Igor Bryskin org: Individual email:
  • ins: X. Liu name: Xufeng Liu org: Volta Networks email:
  • ins: B. Claise name: Benoit Claise org: Cisco email:
  • ins: H. Birkholz name: Henk Birkholz org: Fraunhofer SIT email: normative: RFC7950:


RFC3688: RFC6020: RFC6241: RFC6242:




RFC8328: RFC3460: informative: RFC8342: RFC8340: RFC8340: RFC8040: RFC8040: RFC5246:

--- abstract

RFC8328 defines a policy-based management framework that allows definition of a data model to be used to represent high-level, possibly network-wide policies. Policy discussed in RFC8328 are classified into imperative policy and declarative policy, Event Condition Action (ECA) policy is an typical example of imperative policy. This document defines a YANG data model for the ECA policy management. The ECA policy YANG provides the ability for the network management function (within a network element) to control the configuration and monitor state change and take simple and instant action on the server when a trigger condition on the system state is met.

--- middle

Introduction {#intro}

Network management consists of using one or multiple device-, technology-, service specific policies to influence management behavior within the system and make sure policies are enforced or executed correctly.

{{RFC8328}} defines a policy-based management framework that allow definition of a data model to be used to represent high-level, possibly network-wide policies. Policies discussed in {{RFC8328}} are classified into imperative policy and declarative policy. Declarative policy specifies the goals to be achieved but not how to achieve those goals while imperative policy specifies when Events are triggered and what actions must be performed on the occurrence of an event. Event Condition Action (ECA) policy is a typical example of imperative policy.

Event-driven management of states of managed objects across a wide range of devices can be used to monitor state changes of managed objects or resource and automatic trigger of rules in response to events so as to better service assurance for customers and to provide rapid autonomic response that can exhibit self-management properties including self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection. Following are some of the use-cases where such ECA Policy can be used:

  • To filter out of objects underneath a requested a subtree, the subscriber may use YANG Push smart filter to request the network server to monitor specific network management data objects and send updates only when the value falls within a certain range.

  • To filter out of objects underneath a requested a subtree, the subscriber may use YANG Push smart filter to request the network server to monitor specific network management data objects and send updates only when the value exceeds a certain threshold for the first time but not again until the threshold is cleared.

  • To provide rapid autonomic response that can exhibit self-management properties, the management system delegate event response behaviors (e.g., auto-recover from network failure) to the network device so that the network can react to network change as quickly as the event is detected. The event response behaviors delegation can be done using ECA policy,e.g., to preconfigure protection/ restoration capability on the network device.

  • To perform troubleshoot failures (i.e., fault verification and localization) and provide root cause analysis, the management system monitoring specific network management data objects may request the network device to export state information of a set of managed data objects when the value of monitored data object exceeds a certain threshold.

  • To set up an LSP and reserve resources within the network via NETCONF protocol operation, Path Computation API RPC model can be invoked to calculate a path meeting end-to-end network performance criteria.

This document defines a ECA Policy management YANG data model. The ECA Policy YANG provides the ability for the network management function (within a network element) to control the configurations and monitor state parameters and take simple and instant action on the server when a trigger condition on the system state is met.

The data model in this document is designed to be compliant with the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) {{RFC8342}}.

Conventions used in this document


{::boilerplate bcp14}

The following terms are defined in {{RFC7950}} {{RFC3460}} and are not redefined here:

  • Server

  • Client

  • Policy Variable

  • Policy Value

  • Implicit Policy Variable

  • Explicit Policy Variable

This document uses the following terms:


: Something that happens which may be of interest or trigger the invocation of the rule. A fault, an alarm, a change in network state, network security threat, hardware malfunction, buffer untilization crossing a threshold, network connection setup, an external input to the system, for example.


: Condition can be seen as a logical test that, if satisfied or evaluated to be true, cause the action to be carried out.


: Updates or invocations on local managed object attributes.

Tree Diagrams

Tree diagrams used in this document follow the notation defined in {{RFC8340}}.

Relationship to YANG Push

YANG-push mechanism provides a subscription service for updates from a datastore. And it supports two types of subscriptions which are distinguished by how updates are triggered: periodic and on-change.

The on-change push allow receivers to receive updates whenever changes to target managed objects occur. This document specifies a mechanism that provides three trigger conditions:

  • Existence: When a specific managed object appears,disappear or object change, the trigger fires, e.g. reserved ports are configured.

  • Boolean: The user can set the type of boolean operator (e.g. unequal, equal, less, less-or-equal, greater, greater-or-equal, etc) and preconfigured threshold value (e.g. Pre-configured threshold). If the value of a managed object meet Boolean conditions, the trigger fires, e.g., when the boolean operator type is 'less', the trigger will be fired if the value of managed object is less than the pre-configured Boolean value.

  • Threshold: The user can set the rising threshold,the falling threshold, the delta rising threshold, the delta falling threshold. A threshold test regularly compares the value of the monitored object with the threshold values, e.g., an event is triggered if the value of the monitored object is greater than or equal to the rising threshold or an event is triggered if the difference between the current measurement value and the previous measurement value is smaller than or equal to the delta falling threshold.

In these three trigger conditions, existence with type set to object change is similar to on Push change.

In addition, the model defined in this document provides a method for closed loop network management automation which allows automatic trigger of rules in response to events so as to better service assurance for customers and to provide rapid autonomic response that can exhibit self-management properties including self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection. The details of the usage example is described in Appendix A.

Overview of ECA YANG Data Model

A ECA policy rule is read as: when event occurs in a situation where condition is true, then action is executed. Therefore ECA comprises three key elements: event, associated conditions, and associated actions. These three elements should be pushed down and configured on the server by the client. If the action is rejected by the server duing ECA policy execution, the action should be rolled back and cleaned up.

ECA Policy Variable and Value

ECA policy variable (PV) generically represents information that changes (or "varies"), and that is set or evaluated by software. ECA policy Value is used for modeling values and constants used in policy conditions and actions. In policy, conditions and actions can abstract information as "policy variables" to be evaluated in logical expressions, or set by actions, e.g., the Policy Condition has the semantics "variable matches value" while Policy Action has the semantics "set variable to value".

In ECA, two type of policy variables are defined, implicit variable and explicit variable. Explicit variables are bound to exact data object instance in the model while implicit variables are defined and evaluated outside of a model. Each ECA policy variable has the following attributes:

  • Name with Globally unique or ECA unique scope ;

  • Type either implicit or explicit; The implicit or explicit type can be further broken down into global or local.

  • Value data stored in the policy variable structured according to the PV type. This structure can be used to keep intermediate results/meta data during the execution of an ECA policy.

The following operations are allowed with/on a PV:

  • initialize (with a constant/enum/identity);

  • set (with contents of another same type PV);

  • read (retrieve datastore contents pointed by the specified same type XPath/sub-tree);

  • write (modify configuration data in the datastore with the PV's content/value);

  • insert (PV's content into a same type list);

  • iterate (copy into PV one by one same type list elements)

  • function calls in a form of F(arg1,arg2,...), where F is an identity of a function from extendable function library, arg1,arg2,etc are PVs respectively, the function's input parameters, with the result returned in result policy variable.

PVs could be used as input/output of an ECA invoked RPC and policy argument in the func calls. PVs could also be a source of information sent to the client in notification messages.

PVs could be used in condition expressions

The model structure for the Policy Variable is shown below:

{::include policy-variables.tree}

ECA Event

The ECA event are used to keep track of state of changes associated with one of multiple operational state data objects in the network device. Typical examples of ECA event include a fault, an alarm, a change in network state, network security threat, hardware malfunction, buffer utilization crossing a threshold, network connection setup, and an external input to the system.

Each ECA Event has the following attributes:

  • name, the name of ECA event;

  • type, either one time or peridic scheduling;

  • group-id, which can be used to group a set of events that can be executed together,e.g., deliver a service or provide service assurance;

  • scheduled-time,configuration scheduling - scheduling one time or periodic.

Nested-event are supported by allowing one event's trigger to reference other event's definitions using the call-event configuration. Called events apply their triggers and actions before returning to the calling event's trigger and resuming evaluation. If the called event is triggered, then it returns an effective boolean true value to the calling event. For the calling event, this is equivalent to a condition statement evaluating to a true value and evaluation of the event continues.

All events specified in the ECA policy model are continuously monitored by the server.

The model structure for the ECA Event is shown below:

{::include event.tree}

ECA Condition

Condition can be seen as a logical test that, if satisfied or evaluated to be true, cause the action to be carried out. In this model, condition can be specified as logical combinations of the following three condition expressions:

  • Existence: An existence condition monitors and manages the absence, presence, and change of a data object, for example, interface status. When a monitored object is specified, the system reads the value of the monitored object regularly.

    • If the existence test type is Absent, the system triggers a network event and takes the specified action when the monitored object disappears.

    • If the existence test type is Present, the system triggers a network event and takes the specified action when the monitored object appears.

    • If the existence test type is Changed, the system triggers a network event and takes the specified action when the value of the monitored object changes.

  • Boolean: A Boolean test compares the value of the monitored object with the reference value and takes action according to the comparison result. The comparision hierarchy is logical hierarchies specified in a form of:

<policy-variable> <relation> <policy-value> or
<policy-variable1> <relation> <policy-variable2>

relation is one of the comparison operations from the set:
==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
  • The operation types include unequal, equal, less, lessorequal, greater, and greaterorequal. For example, if the comparison type is equal, an event is triggered when the value of the monitored object equals the reference value. The event will not be triggered again until the value becomes unequal and comes back to equal.

  • Threshold: A threshold trigger condition regularly compares the value of the monitored object with the threshold values , with one of the following mechanisms:

    • A rising event is triggered if the value of the monitored object is greater than or equal to the rising threshold.

    • A falling event is triggered if the value of the monitored object is smaller than or equal to the falling threshold.

    • A rising event is triggered if the difference between the current measurement value and the previous measurement value is greater than or equal to the delta rising threshold.

    • A falling network event is triggered if the difference between the current measurement value and the previous measurement value is smaller than or equal to the delta falling threshold.

    • A falling event is triggered if the values of the monitored object, the rising threshold, and the falling threshold are the same.

    • A falling event is triggered if the delta rising threshold, the delta falling threshold, and the difference between the current sampled value and the previous sampled value is the same.

If the value of the monitored object crosses a threshold multiple times in succession, the managed device triggers an event only for the first crossing.

In addition, logical operation type can be used to describe complex logical operations between different condition lists under the same event, for example, (condition A & condition B) or condition C.

The model structure for the condition is shown below:

{::include condition.tree}

ECA Action

The action list consists of updates or invocations on local managed object attributes and a set of actions are defined as follows, which will be performed when the corresponding event is triggered:

  • sending one time log notification

  • (-re)configuration - modifying a configuration data in the conventional configuration datastore.

  • adding/removing event notify subscription (essentially, the same action as performed when a client explicitly adds/removes a subscription)

  • executing an RPC defined by a YANG module supported by the server (the same action as performed when a client interactively calls the RPC);

  • performing operations and function calls on PVs (such as assign, read, insert, iterate, etc);

Multiple ECA Actions could be triggered by a single ECA event.

Any given ECA Condition or Action may appear in more than one ECAs.

The model structure for the actions is shown below:

{::include action.tree}

ECA YANG Model (Tree Structure)

The following tree diagrams {{RFC8340}} provide an overview of the data model for the "ietf-eca" module.

{::include ietf-eca.tree}


<CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-eca@2020-04-15.yang"
{::include ietf-eca.yang}

Security Considerations

The YANG modules defined in this document MAY be accessed via the RESTCONF protocol {{RFC8040}} or NETCONF protocol {{RFC6241}}. The lowest RESTCONF or NETCONF layer requires that the transport-layer protocol provides both data integrity and confidentiality, see Section 2 in {{RFC8040}} and {{RFC6241}}. The lowest NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is Secure Shell (SSH) {{RFC6242}}. The lowest RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is TLS {{RFC5246}}.

The NETCONF access control model {{RFC6536}} provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

There are a number of data nodes defined in this YANG module that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the default). These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. Write operations (e.g., edit-config) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are the subtrees and data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

  • /eca/event/name

  • /eca/policy-variables/policy-variable/name

  • /eca/event/actions/action/name

  • /eca/event/condition/name

IANA Considerations

This document registers two URIs in the IETF XML registry {{RFC3688}}. Following the format in {{RFC3688}}, the following registrations are requested to be made:

   URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-eca
   Registrant Contact: The IESG.
   XML: N/A, the requested URI is an XML namespace.

This document registers one YANG module in the YANG Module Names registry {{RFC6020}}.

   Name:         ietf-eca
   Namespace:    urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-eca
   Prefix:       eca
   Reference:    RFC xxxx

Objectives for existing and possible future extension

This section describes some of the design objectives for the ECA Policy management Data Model:

  • Clear and precise identification of Event types in the ECA Policy.

  • Clear and precise identification of managed object (i.e., policy variable) in the ECA Policy.

  • Allow nested ECA policy,e.g, one event to be able to call another nested event.

  • Allow the client use NETCONF/RESTCONF protocol or any other management protocol to configure ECA Policy.

  • Allow the server send updates only when the value falls within a certain range.

  • Allow the server send updates only when the value exceeds a certain threshold for the first time but not again until the threshold is cleared.

  • Allow the client optimize the system behavior across the whole network to meet objectives and provide some performance guarantees for network services.

  • Allow the the server provide rapid autonomic response in the network device that can exhibit self-management properties including self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection.

  • Allow the ECA execution thread in the server use YANG Push/YANG Push extension to communicate with the client.

--- back

ECA Model Usage Example

  |     Management System     |
        ECA |
      Model |
 |      Managed Device  |     |
 |                      |     |
 |    //--\\ Condition--+     |
 |   | Event|       /    \    |
 |   |      |----->|Actions   |
 |    \\--//        \    /    |
 |                   ----     |

For Example:

The management system push down one ECA policy to control interface behavior in the managed device that supports NETCONF protocol operation.

The explicit policy variable of Event "interface-state-monitoring" is set to "/if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name='eth0']", the trigger list contains two conditions: 1)The publisher sends a push-change-update notification; 2) the value of "in-errors" of interface[name='eth0'] exceeded the pre-configured threshold. When these conditions are met, corresponding action will be performed, i.e. disable interface[name='eth0']. The XML examples are shown as below:

  <notification xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0">

      <condition-description>sent a yang push
       \changed notification</condition-description>
      <condition-description>evaluate the number of
       the error packets</condition-description>

Usage Example of Reusing Trigger-Grouping in smarter filter

The "ietf-eca.yang" module defines a set of groupings for a generic condition expression. It is intended that these groupings can be reused by other models that require the trigger conditions, for example, in some subscription and notification cases, many applications do not require every update, only updates that are of certain interest. The following example describe how to reuse the "ietf-eca" module to define the subscription and notification smarter filter.

  import ietf-subscribed-notifications {
     prefix sn;
  import ietf-eca {
   prefix eca;

  augment "/sn:subscriptions/sn:subscription" {
    description "add the smart filter container";
    container smart-filter {
       description "It concludes filter configurations";
       uses eca:trigger-grouping;

The tree diagrams:

  module: ietf-smart-filter
  augment /sn:subscriptions/sn:subscription:
    +--rw smart-filter
      +-- (test)?
         |  +-- existences
         |     +-- type?              enumeration
         |     +-- policy-variable?
         |             -> /policy-variables/policy-variable/name
         |  +-- boolean
         |     +-- operator?          operator
         |     +-- policy-value
         |     |  +-- policy-argument
         |     |     +-- (argument)?
         |     |        +--:(explict-variable)
         |     |        |  +-- explict-variable?   leafref
         |     |        +--:(implict-variable)
         |     |        |  +-- implict-variable?   leafref
         |     |        +--:(value)
         |     |           +-- policy-value?       leafref
         |     +-- policy-variable
         |        +-- policy-argument
         |           +-- (argument)?
         |              +--:(explict-variable)
         |              |  +-- explict-variable?   leafref
         |              +--:(implict-variable)
         |                 +-- implict-variable?   leafref
            +-- threshold
               +-- rising-value?                    leafref
               +-- rising-policy-variable*
               |       -> /policy-variables/policy-variable/name
               +-- falling-value?                   leafref
               +-- falling-policy-variable*
               |       -> /policy-variables/policy-variable/name
               +-- delta-rising-value?              leafref
               +-- delta-rising-policy-variable*
               |       -> /policy-variables/policy-variable/name
               +-- delta-falling-value?             leafref
               +-- delta-falling-policy-variable*
               |       -> /policy-variables/policy-variable/name
               +-- startup?                         enumeration

Changes between Revisions

v05 - v06

  • Decouple ECA model from NETCONF protocol and make it applicable to other network mangement protocols.

  • Move objective section to the last section with additional generic objectives.

v04 - v05

  • Harmonize with draft-bryskin and add additional attributes in the models (e.g., policy variable, func call enhancement, rpc execution);

  • ECA conditions part harmonization;

  • ECA Event, Condition, Action, Policy Variable and Value definition;

  • Change ietf-event.yang into ietf-eca.yang and remove ietf-event-trigger.yang

v02 - v03

  • Usage Example Update: add an usage example to introduce how to reuse the ietf-event-trigger module to define the subscription-notification smarter filter.

v01 - v02

  • Introduce the group-id which allow group a set of events that can be executed together

  • Change threshold trigger condition into variation trigger condition to further clarify the difference between boolean trigger condition and variation trigger condition.

  • Module structure optimization.

  • Usage Example Update.

v00 - v01

  • Separate ietf-event-trigger.yang from Event management modeland ietf-event.yang and make it reusable in other YANG models.

  • Clarify the difference between boolean trigger condition and threshold trigger condition.

  • Change evt-smp-min and evt-smp-max into min-data-object and max-data-object in the data model.


{: numbered="no"}

   Chongfeng Xie
   China Telecom

   Xiaopeng Qin
   Huawei Bld., No.156 Beiqing Rd.
   Beijing  100095

   Alexander Clemm

   Tianran Zhou

   Aihua Guo

   Nicola Sambo
   Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
   Via Moruzzi 1
   Pisa  56124

   Giuseppe Fioccola
   Huawei Technologies
   Riesstrasse, 25
   Munich  80992


{: numbered="no"}

This work has benefited from the discussions of ECA Policy over the years. In particular, the SUPA project [ ] provided approaches to express high-level, possibly network-wide policies to a network management function (within a controller, an orchestrator, or a network element).

Igor Bryskin, Xufeng Liu, Alexander Clemm, Tianran Zhou contributed to an earlier version of [GNCA]. We would like to thank the authors of that document on event response behaviors delegation for material that assisted in thinking that helped improve this document.