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00004371970000019819000004368400000780130000103836000014214500001684120000181973000018744200000000000000197618000019981500002164070000248792000025886000002629850000302993000030382500003256640000385683000039504500004028550000411071000043553800004358190000436819*@p&rest@i numbers@d[@iFunction@p @i/@p @iVariable@d]as a function, multiplies all the@i numbers@d,@p @dreturning the product. As a variable, bound to the last value returned by the read loop.** @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the second to last value returned by the read loop.@p*** @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the third to last value returned by the read loop.@p+@p&rest@i numbers@d[@iFunction@p @i/@p @iVariable@d]as a function, adds all the arguments and returns the sum. As a variable, bound to the last form read by the read loop.++ @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the second to last form read by the read loop.@p+++ @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the third to last form read by the read loop.@p-@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@p @i/@p @iVariable@d]as a function subtracts each argument, from left to right, from the result of the previous subtraction, and returns the final difference. As a variable, bound to the form currently being executed by the read loop./@inumber@p &res@it@p @imore-numbers@d[@iFunction@p @i/@p @iVariable@d]as a function divides each argument, from left to right, into the result of the previous division, and returns the final quotient. As a variable, bound to a list containing the multiple values last returned by the read loop.// @d[@iVariable@d]bound to a list of the second to last set of multiple values returned by the read loop.@p/// @d[@iVariable@d]bound to a list of the third to last set of multiple values returned by the read loop./=@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if none of the arguments are numerically equal; otherwise returns@p nil@d.1+@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the result of adding 1 to@i number@d.1-@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the result of subtracting 1 from@i number@d.<@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each argument is less than the one following it; otherwise returns@p nil@d. <=@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each argument is less than or equal to the one following it; otherwise returns@p nil@d.=@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if all the arguments are numerically equal; otherwise returns@p nil@d.>@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each argument is greater than the one following it; otherwise returns@p nil@d. >=@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each argument is greater than or equal to the one following it; otherwise returns@p nil@d.@ @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]bound to an object whenever the object is being cut or copied. It is used primarily to communicate values between an Inspector window and the Listener.@pABORT@p&optional@i condition@p@d[@iFunction@d]transfers control to the restart named@p abort@d. If no such restart exists, an error is signaled. If@i condition@p @dis not@p nil@d, only restarts associated with@i condition@p @dare considered.ABORT-BREAK @d[@iFunction@d]if the current read loop is waiting for input, the Common Lisp function@p abort @dcalls this function. It transfers control to the restart named@p abort-break.ABS@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the absolute value of@i number@d.ACONS@ikey@p @idatum@p @ialist@d[@iFunction@d]creates a cons with@i key@p @din the car and@i datum@p @din the cdr, conses this onto the front of@i alist@d,@p @dand returns the resulting list.@i alist@p @dis not destructively modified.ACOS@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the arc cosine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dACOSH@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the hyperbolic arc cosine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@d*active-processes* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of active processes.ADD-KEY-HANDLER@iitem@p &optional@i window@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]adds a key handler to@i item@d.@p @dThis generic function is called by@p add-self-to-dialog.@bADD-MENU-ITEMS@imenu@p &rest@i menu-items@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]appends@i menu-items@p @dto@i menu.@p @dThey will be added to the bottom of@i menu@p @din the order they are specified.ADD-METHOD@igeneric-function@p @imethod@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]adds @imethod@d to @igeneric-function@d.ADD-MODELINE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Adds a modeline to the Fred window's buffer, and selects the name of the package in the modeline. The package will be the window's package, or the value of @p*package*@d if the window does not have a package.ADD-POINTS@ipoint-1@p @ipoint-2@d[@iFunction@d]returns a point that is the result of adding@i point-1@p @dand@i point-2@d.@p @dADD-SUBVIEWS@iview@p &rest@i subviews@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the container of each of the@i subviews@p @dto@i view@p @dand returns@p nil@d.ADD-TO-KILLED-STRINGS@istring-style-cons@d[@iFunction@d]pushes@i string-style-cons@p @donto the front of the kill-ring.@i string-style-cons@p @dis a cons whose@p car @dis a string and whose@p cdr @dis a style vector or@p nil@d.@b%ADDRESS-OF@iarg@d[@iFunction@d]returns@i arg@p @dif@i arg@p @dis a fixnum. If@i arg@p @dis an immediate object, such as a short-float or character, it returns an integer whose value is the immediate representation of that object. Otherwise, it returns an integer whose value is the current address of that object.ADJOIN@iitem@p @ilist@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]adds@i item@p @dto@i list@p @dif it is not already a member of@i list@d,@p @dand returns the resulting list.@i list@p @dis not destructively modified.ADJUST-ARRAY@iarray@p @inew-dimensions@p &key :element-type :initial-element :initial-contents :fill-pointer :displaced-to :displaced-index-offset@d[@iFunction@d]returns an array of the same type and rank as@i array@d,@p @dwith the specified@i new-dimensions@d.@p @dThis function may either alter the given array or create and return a new one.ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P@iarray@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i array@p @dis adjustable, and@p nil @dif it is not.ADVISEDP@ispec@p &key@i when@p @iname@d[@iMacro@d]returns a list of existing advice that matches@i spec@d,@p @iwhen@d,@p @dand@i name.@p @dWhen the value of@i spec@p @dis@p t @dand the values of@i when@p @dand@i name@p @dare@p nil@d,@p advisedp @dreturns all existing advices.@pAE-ERROR@p&body (@iform@p)+@d[@iMacro@d]signals the@p appleevent-error @dcondition if the error code returned by the Apple Event Manager is not 0 (@pNoErr@d). The value of the call should be the value of the body of the macro.AE-ERROR-STR@ierror-string@p &body (@iform@p)+@d[@iMacro@d]signals the@p appleevent-error @dcondition if the error code returned by the Apple Event Manager is not 0 (@pNoErr@d). The value of the call should be the value of the body of the macro.@i @dWorks like@p ae-error @dbut allows you to specify an error string.*all-processes* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of all processes that exist.ALLOCATE-INSTANCE@iclass@p &rest@i initargs@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a new, uninitialized instance of @iclass@d.&ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a lambda list, indicates that the function should accept keywords besides those explicitly listed. @p&ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS@d must follow all other keyword parameter definitions.@dALLOW-RETURNS-P@iitem@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the editable text item allows returns; otherwise returns@p nil. @dALLOW-TABS-P@iitem@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns true if the editable text item allows tabs.ALPHA-CHAR-P@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis an alphabetic character, otherwise false.@i char@p @dmust be a character.ALPHANUMERICP@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis an alphabetic or numeric character, otherwise returns@p nil@d.@i char@p @dmust be a character.*ALWAYS-EVAL-USER-DEFVARS* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]determines how MCL treats the evaluation of@p defvar. @dIf an entire buffer or or a selection in a buffer is evaluated,@p defvar @dis never equivalent to@p defparameter. @dIf the value of this variable is true, then@p defvar @dis equivalent to@p defparameter @dwhen evaluated as a single expression from a Fred buffer or when typed to the Listener. If the value of this variable is@p nil @d(the default), then@p defvar @dacts in the normal Common Lisp way (see@i Common@p @iLisp:@p @iThe@p @iLanguage@d,@p @dpages 86-87).AND@p{@iform@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates each@i form@p @dsequentially. If@p and @dreaches a@i form@p @dthat returns@p nil@d, it returns@p nil @dwithout evaluating any more forms. If it reaches the last@i form@d,@p @dit returns that form's value.APPEND@p&rest@i lists@d[@iFunction@d]concatenates the top-level elements of@i lists@d,@p @din effect splicing them together. The@i lists@p @dare not modified. Returns the resulting concatenated list. *APPLE-MENU* @d[@iVariable@d]The Apple menu in the initial menubar. This menu cannot be removed.APPLEEVENT-ERROR @d[@iCondition@p @itype@d]signaled when an Apple event handler finds an error. Any MCL errors that occur while handling the Apple event are automatically caught by Macintosh Common Lisp and handled appropriately.APPLEEVENT-IDLE @d[@iPascal@p @ifunction@d]this is the function to be specified whenever the Apple Event Manager requires a function to call while it is waiting (for example, in calls to@p #_AEInteractWithUser@d). It should never be called directly, only passed.APPLICATION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of application objects on which Apple event handlers are specialized. It has only one instance at a time.*APPLICATION* @d[@iVariable@d]the value of this variable is the current instance of the@p application @dclass.APPLY@ifunction@p @ifirst-arg@p &rest@i more-args@d[@iFunction@d]invokes@i function@d,@p @dgiving it@i first-arg@p @dand@i more-args@p @das arguments. The value returned by@i function@p @dis returned. The last argument to@p apply @dshould be a list; the elements of this list are passed as individual arguments to@i function@d.@p @dThe type of@i function@p @dcan be only@p symbol @dor@p function@d.*APPLYHOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]unless@p NIL@d, is a function which expects three arguments: a function to be applied, its list of arguments, and an environment. The@p *APPLYHOOK*@d function must return the results of the application. To avoid problems with recursion, @p*APPLYHOOK*@d is bound to@p NIL@d when the hook function is called.@dAPPLYHOOK@ifunction@p @iarglist@p @ievalhookfn@p @iapplyhookfn@d[@iFunction@d]returns the result of applying @ifunction@d to @iarglist@d with @ievalhookfn@d bound to@p *EVALHOOK*@d and @iapplyhookfn@d bound to@p *APPLYHOOK*@d. The hooks are rebound to@p NIL@d once called.APROPOS@istring-or-symbol@p &optional@i package@p@d[@iFunction@d]finds all interned symbols whose print names contain@i string-or-symbol@p @das a substring and prints the name, function definition, and global value of each symbol. The printing is sent to@p *standard-output*@d. If@i package@p @dis specified, only the given package is searched.@p apropos @dreturns no values.APROPOS-LIST@istring-or-symbol@p &optional@i package@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of all available symbols whose print names contain@i string-or-symbol@p @das a substring. If@i package@p @dis specified, only the given package is searched.AREF@iarray@p &rest@i subscripts@d[@iFunction@d]returns the element of@i array@p @dspecified by@i subscripts@d.@p aref @dcan be used with@p setf @dto modify an array.ARGLIST@isymbol@p &optional@i include-bindings@p @iuse-help-file@d[@iFunction@d]@b@dreturns two values, the arglist of@i symbol@p @dand how it was computed. The second value can be@p :definition, :declaration, :analysis, :unknown, @dor@p nil. :definition @dmeans that@p *save-definitions* @dwas true when the function was compiled.@p :declaration @dmeans that either the arglist was found in the "MACL Help" file or you declared the arglist with@p (setf (arglist@i symbol@p)@i arglist@p)@d.@p :analysis @dmeans that the arglist was computed from information stored with the function.@p :unknown @dmeans that the@i symbol@p @dwas fbound, but no arglist information could be determined.@p nil @dmeans that the@i symbol@p @dwas not fbound. If@i include-bindings@p @dis specified and true, then the default-value forms for optional and keyword parameters will be included, if known.@i @dIf the value of@i use-help-file@p @dis@p t @d(the default), the help file is used rather than the argument list.@p*ARGLIST-ON-SPACE* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, Fred will display the argument list of functions, macros, and special forms when the user types an open-parenthesis followed by the operation name, followed by a space.ARGLIST-STRING@isymbol@p &optional@i include-bindings@d[@iFunction@d]@b@dreturns two values, a string describing the arglist of@i symbol@p @dand how it was computed. The second value can be@p :definition, :declaration, :analysis, :unknown, @dor@p nil. :definition @dmeans that@p *save-definitions* @dwas true when the function was compiled.@p :declaration @dmeans that either the arglist was found in the "MACL Help" file or you declared the arglist with@p (setf (arglist@i symbol@p)@i arglist@p)@d.@p :analysis @dmeans that the arglist was computed from information stored with the function.@p :unknown @dmeans that the@i symbol@p @dwas fbound, but no arglist information could be determined.@p nil @dmeans that the@i symbol@p @dwas not fbound. If@i include-bindings@p @dis specified and true, then the default-value forms for optional and keyword parameters will be included, if known.@pARITHMETIC-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors in arithmetic operations. Has slots @i:operation@d and @i:operands@d.ARITHMETIC-ERROR-OPERANDS@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of the operands to the arithmetic operation which signalled the @icondition@d of type@p ARITHMETIC-ERROR@d.ARITHMETIC-ERROR-OPERATION@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of the operation in the call which signalled the @icondition@d of type@p ARITHMETIC-ERROR@d.ARRAY @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of arrays. May be used as a type specifier with optional @ielement-type@d (a type specifier or * for unspecified) and @idimensions@d (a list of dimensions or * for unspecified.)ARRAY-DIMENSION@iarray@p @idimension@d[@iFunction@d]returns the length of@i dimension@p @dof@i array@d.@p @dVector fill-pointers are ignored (i.e. the total size, including inactive elements, is returned).ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]The maximum allowable number of elements in a single dimension of an array. This value must be a fixnum. Its value in Macintosh Common Lisp is 4194304.@pARRAY-DIMENSIONS@iarray@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list whose elements are the dimensions of@i array@d.ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE@iarray@d[@iFunction@d]returns a type specifier which describes what data types an element of@i array@p @dmay have.ARRAY-HAS-FILL-POINTER-P@iarray@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i array@p @dis a vector with a fill pointer. Returns@p nil @dif@i array@p @dis not a vector or if@i array@p @ddoes not have a fill pointer. ARRAY-IN-BOUNDS-P@iarray@p &rest@i subscripts@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i subscripts@p @dare all legal subscripts for@i array@d.ARRAY-RANK@iarray@d[@iFunction@d]returns the rank (number of dimensions) of@i array@d.ARRAY-RANK-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]a positive integer that is the upper exclusive bound on the rank (number of dimensions) in an array. Its value in Macintosh Common Lisp is 8192.@pARRAY-ROW-MAJOR-INDEX@iarray@p &rest@i subscripts@d[@iFunction@d]given an array and a valid set of subscripts, returns a single number indicating the position of the accessed element based on row-major ordering. This function ignores fill-pointers.ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE@iarray@d[@iFunction@d]returns the total size of@i array@d.@p @dThis is the product of the sizes of all the dimensions.ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]a positive integer that is the upper exclusive bound on the total number of elements in an array. Its value in Macintosh Common Lisp is 4194304.ARRAYP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i data-object@p @dis an array, false if it is not.*ARROW-CURSOR* @d[@iVariable@d]the standard north-northwest arrow cursor. ASH@iinteger@p @icount@d[@iFunction@d]Shifts@i integer@p @darithmetically left or right by@i count@p @dbits, depending on the sign of@i count@d.@p @dBits shifted off the right are lost.ASIN@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the arc sine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dASINH@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the hyperbolic arc sine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dASSERT@itest-form@p @d[({@iplace@d}*) [@istring@p @d{@iarg@d}*]][@iMacro@d]signals a continuable error if the value of@i test-form@p @dis@p nil@d. If the user continues, the values of some variables can be changed, and the@p assert @dwill start over, evaluating the@i test-form@p @dagain.@p assert @dreturns@p nil@d.ASSOC@iindicator@p @ia-list@p &key :test :key :test-not@i@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i a-list@p @dfor the first pair whose car matches@i indicator@d.@p @dReturns the pair, or@p nil @dif the search fails.ASSOC-IF@ipredicate@p @ia-list@p &key :key@i@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i a-list@p @dfor the first pair matching@p :key @dwhose car satisfies@i predicate@d.@p @dReturns the pair, or@p nil @dif the search fails.ASSOC-IF-NOT@ipredicate@p @ia-list@p &key :key@i@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i a-list@p @dfor the first pair matching@p :key @dwhose car does not satisfy@i predicate@d.@p @dReturns the pair, or@p nil @dif the search fails.ASSQ@ikey@p @ialist@d[@iFunction@d]equivalent to (@passoc@i key@p @ialist@p :test #'eq@d).@pATAN@iy@p &optional@i x@d[@iFunction@d]returns the arc tangent of@i y@d,@p @deither the@i y@d-component of a number in radians or the complete number, encoded as a point.ATANH@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the hyperbolic arc tangent of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dATOM@idata-object@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis not a cons; otherwise returns false. In general ,@p atom @dis true of anything that is not a list. The one exception is the empty list, which is both a list and an atom.AUGMENT-ENVIRONMENT@ienv@p &key@i variable@p @isymbol-macro@p @ifunction@p @imacro@p @ideclare@d[@iFunction@d]returns @ienv@d augmented with additional bindings and declarations.@d*AUTOCLOSE-INACTIVE-LISTENERS* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]determines whether listeners created for break loops will close automatically when the break loops are exited.*AUTOLOAD-LISP-PACKAGE*@d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]When the value of this variable is true, the@p :lisp @dpackage is automatically loaded when it is required. When it is@p nil @d(the default),@p :lisp @dmust be loaded by hand. The@p :lisp @dpackage provides backward compatibility with earlier versions of Lisp; however, this compatibility is not guaranteed to be complete.*AUTOLOAD-TRAPS* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, the file containing the definition of a trap is automatically loaded when the trap is referenced.@b&AUX @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a lambda list, is followed by local variable names as in@p let@d. Initializers may depend upon lambda list arguments.@d*BACKGROUND-EVENT-TICKS* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the appropriate value for@p event-ticks @dwhen Macintosh Common Lisp is a background application under MultiFinder. The intial value is 5.@b*BACKGROUND-SLEEP-TICKS* @d[@iVariable@d]the sleep time given to@p _WaitNextEvent @dwhen Macintosh Common Lisp is a background application under MultiFinder. The intial value is 5.@p @b*BACKTRACE-ON-BREAK* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, Macintosh Common Lisp displays the Stack Backtrace window whenever it enters a break loop. If it is@p nil@d, you must select Backtrace from the Tools menu to see the Stack Backtrace dialog box.@bBASE-CHARACTER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of characters which may appear in a string. This has been renamed to @pBASE-CHAR@d in the ANSI specification.BASE-STRING @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of strings composed of @pBASE-CHARACTER@ds.BIGNUM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of integers which are not @pFIXNUM@ds.BIGNUMP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of@i thing@p @dis a bignum (i.e., a non-fixnum integer).@b*bind-io-control-vars-per-process* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, new processes get their own bindings of the I/O control variables.BIT@ibit-array@p &rest@i subscripts@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value of the the bit in@i bit-array@p @dspecified by the@i subscripts.BIT-AND@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical AND of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-ANDC1@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical AND of the bits in the complement of@i bit-array-1@p @dand the bits in@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-ANDC2@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical AND of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand the bits in the complement of@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-EQV@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]compares the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand@i bit-array-2@d; if both are 1s or both are 0s, a 1 is stored into@i result-bit-array@p @d(otherwise a 0 is stored into@i result-bit-array@d). If@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-IOR@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical inclusive OR of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-NAND@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical NOT-AND of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-NOR@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical NOT-OR of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-NOT@isource-bit-array@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]stores the contents of@i source-bit-array@d,@p @dwith all the bits inverted, into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit array is created. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored in@i source-bit-array.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-ORC1@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical OR of the bits in the complement of@i bit-array-1@p @dand the bits of@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-ORC2@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical OR of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand the bits in the complement of@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBIT-VECTOR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of vectors whose element type is @pBIT@d.BIT-VECTOR-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a bit-vector.BIT-XOR@ibit-array-1@p @ibit-array-2@p &optional@i result-bit-array@d[@iFunction@d]performs a logical exclusive OR of the bits in@i bit-array-1@p @dand@i bit-array-2@d,@p @dstoring the result into@i result-bit-array@d.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis not specified, a new bit-array is created to hold the result. If@i result-bit-array@p @dis@p t@d, the result is stored into@i bit-array-1.@p @dIf@i result-bit-array@p @dis a bit array, the result is destructively placed into that array.@iBITP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis 0 or 1.@p*BLACK-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color black, encoded as a fixnum.@b*BLACK-PATTERN* @d[@iVariable@d]the black drawing pattern used by Quickdraw.*BLACK-RGB* @d[@iVariable@d]An rgbColor record, holding the color black.@bBLOCK@iname@p {@iform@p} @d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]establishes a lexical construct named@i name@p @din which the@i forms@p @dare evaluated sequentially. The block may be exited at any time by calling@p return-from @dwith the argument@i name@d.@p @dBlock returns the value of the last@i form@d,@p @dor the value passed to@p return-from@d.*BLUE-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color blue, encoded as a fixnum.@b&BODY @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a macro definition's lambda list, is followed by the formal parameter which will represent body code in the macro expander. @p&BODY@d is equivalent to @p&REST@d in this context, except that the former may inform the environment about proper formatting or indentation. If @p&KEY@d is used in the same lambda list, it must follow @p&BODY.@dBOOLE@iop@p @iinteger-1@p @iinteger-2@d[@iFunction@d]applies the logical operation indicated by@i op@p @dto@i integer-1@p @dand@i integer-2@d.@pBOOLE-1 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return 1 for each bit in the first integer argument which is 1.@pBOOLE-2 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return 1 for each bit in the second integer argument which is 1.@pBOOLE-AND @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the logical@p and @dof the two integer arguments.@pBOOLE-ANDC1 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the and complement of the first integer argument with the second integer argument.@pBOOLE-ANDC2 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the and complement of the second integer argument with the first integer argument.@pBOOLE-C1 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the complement of the first integer argument.@pBOOLE-C2 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the complement of the second integer argument.@pBOOLE-CLR @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return@p 0@d.@pBOOLE-EQV @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the exclusive nor of the integer arguments.@pBOOLE-IOR @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the inclusive or of the integer arguments.@pBOOLE-NAND @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the not-and of the integer arguments.@pBOOLE-NOR @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the not-or of the integer arguments.@p BOOLE-ORC1 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the or complement of the first integer argument with the second integer argument.@pBOOLE-ORC2 @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return the or complement of the second integer argument with the first integer argument.@pBOOLE-SET @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return@p 1@d.@pBOOLE-XOR @d[@iConstant@d]@i@dConstant used by the@p boole @dfunction.@p boole @dwill return exclusive or of the integer arguments.@pBOTH-CASE-P@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dhas both a lowercase and and uppercase version.@i char@p @dmust be a character.BOUNDP@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the dynamic (special) variable named by@i symbol@p @dhas a value binding, otherwise returns@p nil@d.@p boundp @ddoes not check for lexical bindings.BREAK@p&optional@i format-string@p &rest@i arguments@d[@iFunction@d]Prints the message specified by@i format-string@p @dand@i arguments@d,@p @dsets up a break catch, and enters a break loop. The program will resume when the expression@p (continue) @dis evaluated (at which point@p break @dwill return@p nil@d).*BREAK-ON-ERRORS* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, Macintosh Common Lisp will enter a break loop when an error is signalled. If@p nil@d, errors will cause a return to the read-eval-print loop.*BREAK-ON-SIGNALS* @d[@iVariable@d]when set to a type or type-specifier, causes entry to the debugger whenever a matching condition is signalled. @pNIL@d never matches any condition.@d*BREAK-ON-WARNINGS* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, Lisp will enter a break loop when a warning is signalled. If@p nil@d, warnings will not interrupt program flow.BROADCAST-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]is an output stream which redirects its own output to zero or more associated output streams.BROADCAST-STREAM-STREAMS@ibroadcast-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of all the streams associated with @ibroadcast-stream@d.*BROWN-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color brown, encoded as a fixnum.@bBUFFER-BWD-SEXP@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@p @iover-sharps@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the start of the s-expression that ends at@i position@d.@p @dIf@i over-sharps@p @dis true, sharp-sign comments are skipped over.@bBUFFER-CAPITALIZE-REGION@ibuffer-mark@p @istart@p &optional@i end@d[@iFunction@d]capitalizes the words in the range of@i buffer-mark@p @dgiven by@i start@p @dand@i end@d.@p @iend@p @ddefaults to@p (buffer-position@i buffer-mark@p).@bBUFFER-CHAR@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the character at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@bBUFFER-CHAR-FONT-SPEC@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the font-spec of the character at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@p @d.@bBUFFER-CHAR-POS@ibuffer-mark@p @ichar-or-string@p &key :start :end :from-end@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the first occurrence of a character that is an element of@ichar-or-string@p @din the given range of@i buffer-mark@p. @ichar-or-string@p @dmay be a character or a string. If it is a string, the function searches for any of the characters in the string. The character comparisons are case-insensitive.@bBUFFER-CHAR-REPLACE@ibuffer-mark@p @ichar@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]replaces the character at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@p @dwith@i char@d.@bBUFFER-COLUMN@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of characters between@i position@p @dand the start of the line containing it.@bBUFFER-CURRENT-FONT-SPEC@ibuffer-mark@p @d[@iFunction@d]returns the current insertion font-spec of@i buffer-mark@p . @dAny new characters inserted in the buffer are inserted with this font-spec.@bBUFFER-CURRENT-SEXP@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns two values: the first is the s-expression at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@d,@p @dor@p nil @dif there is no s-expression at the position. The second is@p t @dif an s-expression was found, or@p nil @dif one wasn't found.@bBUFFER-CURRENT-SEXP-BOUNDS@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the starting and ending values of the current s-expression at@i position@d,@p @dor@p nil @dif there is no current s-expression.@bBUFFER-CURRENT-SEXP-START@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the starting position of the s-expression@i @dat@i position@d,@p @dor@p nil @dif there is no s-expression at@i position@d.@bBUFFER-DELETE@ibuffer-mark@p @istart@p &optional@i end@d[@iFunction@d]deletes the characters in@i buffer-mark@p @din the range given by@i start@p @dand@i end@d.@p @dThe default value of@i end@p @dis@p (buffer-position@i buffer-mark@p).@bBUFFER-DOWNCASE-REGION@ibuffer-mark@p @istart@p &optional@i end@d[@iFunction@d]converts to lowercase the characters in the range of@i buffer-mark@p @dgiven by@i start@p @dand@i end@d.@p @iend@p @ddefaults to@p (buffer-position@i buffer-mark@p).@bBUFFER-FWD-SEXP@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@p @iend@p @icharacter@p @iignore-#-comments@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the end of the s-expression that starts at@i position@d,@p @dwhich defaults to@p (buffer-position@i buffer-mark@p).@bBUFFER-GET-STYLE@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i start@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]returns a style vector containing the font information for the given range of@i buffer-mark@p @d.@bBUFFER-GETPROP@ibuffer-mark@p @ikey@p &optional@i default@d[@iFunction@d]looks up the@i key@p @dproperty in the property list of@i buffer-mark@d.@p @dReturns the value associated with@i key@d,@p @dif found; otherwise returns@i default.@bBUFFER-INSERT@ibuffer-mark@p @istring@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]inserts@i string@p @dinto@i buffer-mark@p @dat the given@i position@d.@bBUFFER-INSERT-FILE@ibuffer-mark@p @ipathname@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]inserts the file specified by@i pathname@p @dat@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@d.BUFFER-INSERT-WITH-STYLE@ibuffer-mark@p @istring@p @istyle@p &optional@i start@d[@iFunction@d]inserts@i string@p @din@i buffer-mark.@p @dIf@i style@p @dis given, the function sets the style of@i buffer-mark@p @dto@i style,@p @dbeginning at@i start.@bBUFFER-LINE@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the line of@i buffer-mark@p @dthat contains@i position.@dBUFFER-LINE-END@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@p @icount@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the end of the line at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@d.@p @icount@p @dmaybe used to find the end of previous of subsequent lines.@bBUFFER-LINE-START@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@p @icount@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the start of the line at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@d.@p @icount@p @dmaybe used to find the start of previous of subsequent lines.@bBUFFER-MARK @d[@iData@p @itype@d]this data type defines buffer-marks. A buffer-mark contains a pointer to its owning buffer, a position within its buffer, a direction (forward or backward), and other information such as contents and a default insertion font. Note that there is no@p buffer @ddata type; buffers are completely defined through buffer-marks.@bBUFFER-MARK-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a buffer-mark, otherwise returns@p nil@d.@bBUFFER-MODCNT@ibuffer-mark@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of times@i buffer-mark@p @dhas been changed since it was created.BUFFER-NEXT-FONT-CHANGE@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]scans the buffer of@i buffer-mark@d,@p @dfor the first font change following@i position@p @dand returns theh position of the change. If there are no changes following@i position@d,@p @dreturns@p nil.@bBUFFER-NOT-CHAR-POS@ibuffer-mark@p @ichar-or-string@p &key :start :end :from-end@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the first occurrence of a character that is not an element of@ichar-or-string@p @din the given range of@i buffer-mark@p. @ichar-or-string@p @dmay be a character or a string. If it is a string, the function searches for any of the characters in the string. The character comparisons are case-insensitive.@bBUFFER-PLIST@ibuffer-mark@d[@iFunction@d]returns the property list of@i buffer-mark@d.@bBUFFER-POSITION@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@d.@p @dIf@i position@p @dis an integer, it is checked for being a legal position in the buffer. If@i position@p @dis a mark@i @din@i buffer-mark@d,@p @dits position is returned.@bBUFFER-PREVIOUS-FONT-CHANGE@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dscans the buffer of@i buffer-mark@p @dfor the first font change before@i position@p @dand returns the position of the change. If there are no changes before@i position@d,@p nil @dis returned.BUFFER-PUTPROP@ibuffer-mark@p @ikey@p @ivalue@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dgives@i key@p @dthe value@i value@p @don the property list of@i buffer-mark.@p @ivalue@p @dis returned.BUFFER-REMOVE-UNUSED-FONTS@ibuffer-mark@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dremoves unused fonts from the buffer associated with@i buffer-mark@d.@p BUFFER-REPLACE-FONT-CODES@ibuffer-mark@p @iold-ff@p @iold-ms@p @inew-ff@p @inew-ms@d[@iFunction@d]replaces the font specified by@i old-ff@p @dand@i old-ms@p @dwith the one specified by@i new-ff@p @dand@i new-ms@p @din the owning buffer of@i buffer-mark@p @dand returns the fontÕs index in the bufferÕs font list. If the font specified by@i old-ff@p @dand@i old-ms@p @ddoes not exist in the buffer, the function does nothing and returns@p nil.@dBUFFER-REPLACE-FONT-SPEC@ibuffer-mark@p @iold-spec@p @inew-spec@d[@iFunction@d]replaces@i old-spec@p @dof@i buffer-mark@p @dwith@i new-spec@p @din the entire buffer and returns the font's index in the buffer's font list. If the font specified by@i old-spec@p @dis not in the buffer's font list, does nothing and returns@p nil.@bBUFFER-SET-FONT-CODES@ibuffer-mark@p @iff@p @ims@p &optional@i start@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]sets the font codes used in@i buffer-mark@d,@p @dusing the font face@i ff@p @dand the mode size@i ms.@p @dIf a range is specified, the given range is changed.@bBUFFER-SET-FONT-SPEC@ibuffer-mark@p @ifont-spec@p &optional@i start@p @iend@p @d[@iFunction@d]sets the font-spec of the characters in the given range of@i buffer-mark@p @dto@i font-spec@d.@p @dIf no range is specified, the insertion font is set. In all cases, the font-spec set is merged with the previous font-spec.BUFFER-SET-STYLE@ibuffer-mark@p @istyle-vector@p @iposition@d[@iFunction@d]sets the style starting at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@p @daccording to@i style-vector.@bBUFFER-SIZE@ibuffer-mark@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of characters in@i buffer-mark@d.@bBUFFER-SKIP-FWD-WSP&COMMENTS@ibuffer-mark@p @istart@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]returns the first position in@i buffer-mark@p @dafter@i start@d,@p @dthat is not white space or within a comment.@i end@p @dis the last position in the buffer to search.BUFFER-STRING-POS@ibuffer-mark@p @istring@p &key :start :end :from-end@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the first occurrence of@i string@p @din the given range in@i buffer-mark.@p @dThe character comparisons are case-insensitive.@bBUFFER-SUBSTRING@ibuffer-mark@p @istart@p &optional@i end@d[@iFunction@d]returns a simple string of the characters in@i buffer-mark@p @din the range specified by@i start@p @dand@i end@p .@i start@p @ddefaults to@i buffer-mark.@p @dThe order of@i start@p @dand@i end@p @ddoes not matter; they are read in whatever order produces a meaningful result.@bBUFFER-SUBSTRING-P@ibuffer-mark@p @istring-or-char@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i string-or-char@p @dappears at the given position in@i buffer-mark@d.@p @dThe comparison ignores case.@bBUFFER-UPCASE-REGION@ibuffer-mark@p @istart@p &optional@i end@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dconverts to uppercase the characters in the range of@i place@p @dgiven by@i start@p @dand@i end.@p @iend@p @ddefaults to@p (buffer-position@i buffer-mark@p).BUFFER-WORD-BOUNDS@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@d[@iFunction@d]returns two values: the positions of the start and end of the word at@i position@p @din@i buffer-mark@d.@p @dIf@i position@p @dis not in a word, both values are equal to@p (buffer-position@i buffer-mark@p).@bBUFFER-WRITE-FILE@ibuffer-mark@p @ipathname@p &key :if-exists@d[@iFunction@d]writes the contents of@i buffer-mark@p @dto the file@i pathname@d.@p :if-exists @dshould be@p :error@d,@p :supersede@d, or@p :overwrite.BUILT-IN-CLASS @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of built-in classes. It is an error to call @pDEFCLASS@d, @pMAKE-INSTANCE@d, @pSLOT-VALUE@d, or @pCHANGE-CLASS@d with an argument of @pBUILT-IN-CLASS@d or one of its subtypes.BUTLAST@ilist@p &optional@i num@d[@iFunction@d]copies all of@i list@p @dexcept the last@i num@p @delements, and returns the new list.@i num@p @ddefaults to@p 1@d. If@i list@p @dis shorter than@i num@d,@p @dthe empty list is returned.@i list@p @dis not modified. BUTTON-DIALOG-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of button dialog items. Buttons are displayed as rounded rectangles that contain text. Clicking in a button usually has an immediate result (buttons should generally have their own definition for@p dialog-item-action@d). BYTE@isize@p @iposition@d[@iFunction@d]constructs and returns a byte specifier from@i size@p @dand@i position@d.BYTE-POSITION@ibytespec@d[@iFunction@d]returns the position component of@i bytespec.BYTE-SIZE@ibytespec@d[@iFunction@d]returns the size component of@i bytespec.CAAAAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the fourth car of@i list@d.@pCAAADR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the car of the car of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCAAAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the third car of@i list@d.@pCAADAR@dlist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the car of the cdr of the car of@i list@d.@pCAADDR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the car of the cdr of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCAADR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the car of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCAAR@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@p car @dof the@p car @dof@i list@d.CADAAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the cdr of the car of the car of@i list@d.@pCADADR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the cdr of the car of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCADAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the cdr of the car of@i list@d.@pCADDAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the cdr of the cdr of the car of@i list@d.@pCADDDR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the cdr of the cdr of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCADDR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the car of the cdr of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCADR@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@p car @dof the@p cdr @dof@i list@d.@p @dThis is the second element of@i list.CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]@p@da positive integer that is the upper exclusive bound on the number of arguments that may be passed to a function.@pCALL-METHOD@imethod@p &optional@i next-method-list@d[@iLocal@p @imacro@d]calls @imethod@d passing the arguments from the current method and specifying a @inext-method-list@d. This is intended for use in method combination.CALL-NEXT-METHOD@p&rest@i args@d[@iFunction@d]can be used within the body of a method defined by a method-defining form to call the next method. The type of method combination used determines which methods can invoke this function and what behavior results.@bCANCEL @d[@iFunction@d]throws to the nearest cancel catch. This function is usually called when the user clicks Cancel in a modal dialog box.@pCAPS-LOCK-KEY-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the caps-lock key is pressed, otherwise returns@p nil@d. If called during event processing, it checks whether the caps-lock key was pressed when the event occurred.CAR@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the first element of@i list@d.CASE@ikeyform@p @d{({({@ikey@p @d}*) |@i key@p @d} {@iform@d}* ) }*[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i keyform@d,@p @dthen evaluates as an implicit@p progn @dthe@i forms@p @dwhose@i keys@p @dmatch the value of@i keyform@d.@p @dReturns the last@i form@p @devaluated.@i keyform@p @dis evaluated, but the@i keys@p @dare not.@p case @dpermits a final case,@p otherwise @dor@p t@d, that handles all keys not otherwise covered.CATCH@itag@p {@iform@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]sets up a catch called@i tag@p @dand executes@i forms@p @dsequentially. At any time during the execution of the@i forms@p @da throw to@i tag@p @dwill immediately cause@p catch @dto return the thrown value. If no throw occurs, the value of the last@i body-form@p @dis returned.CATCH-CANCEL@d{@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]executes the@i forms@p @dwith a cancel catch installed. This macro returns the value of the last@i form@p @dif there was no cancel throw; otherwise it returns@p :cancel.@dCCASE@ikeyform@p @d{({( {@ikey@p @d}*) |@i key@p @d} {@iform@d}* ) }*[@iMacro@d]gets the value of@i keyform@p @d(which must be a place acceptable to@p setf@d), and then executes the first set of@i forms@p @dwhose corresponding@i keys@p @dare@p eql @dto the@i keyform@p @dvalue. I A continuable error is signalled if there is no match, allowing the user to place a new value in the@i keyform@p @dplace.CDAAAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the car of the car of the car of@i list@d.@pCDAADR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the car of the car of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCDAAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the car of the car of@i list@d.@pCDADAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the car of the cdr of the car of@i list@d.@pCDADDR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the car of the cdr of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCDADR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the car of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCDAR@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@p cdr @dof the@p car @dof@i list@d.CDDAAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the cdr of the car of the car of@i list@d.@pCDDADR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the cdr of the car of the cdr of@i list@d.@pCDDAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the cdr of the car of@i list@d.@pCDDDAR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the cdr of the cdr of the cdr of the car of@i list@d.@pCDDDDR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the fourth cdr of@i list@d.@pCDDDR@ilist@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the third cdr of@i list@d.@pCDDR@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@p cdr @dof the@p cdr @dof@i list@d.CDR@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns all of@i list@p @dbut the first element.CEILING@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]converts@i number@p @dto an integer by rounding up. That is, it returns the smallest integer which is not smaller than@i number@d.@p @dThe remainder is returned as a second value. When@i divisor@p @dis specified,@p ceiling @dfirst divides@i divisor@p @dinto@i number@d,@p @dand then applies@p ceiling @dto the result.CELL-CONTENTS@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a printable representation of the contents of the cell specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dCELL-DESELECT@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deselects the cell specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dOther selected cells are not affected.CELL-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors in accessing a location. Has slot @i:name@d.CELL-ERROR-NAME@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the name of the cell which caused the @p CELL-ERROR@d @icondition@d to be signalled.CELL-FONT@iitem@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the font used by a cell (specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d) or@p nil @dif the cell uses the font of the dialog item.@bCELL-POSITION@ititem@p @dh@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the position of the@i cellÕ@ds upper left corner if the cell is visible. Returns@p nil @dif the cell is not currently visible. Positions are given in the coordinate system of the item's container.CELL-SELECT@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects the cell specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dPreviously selected cells are not affected.CELL-SELECTED-P@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the cell specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dis selected, otherwise returns@p nil@d.CELL-SIZE@itable-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the cell size of the table. All the cells in the table have the same size.CELL-TO-INDEX@iitem@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns an index into the sequence associated with the table, corresponding to the element associated with@i h@p @dand@i v@d,@p @dindicating the position of the cell. If there is no such cell, returns@p nil@d.CERROR@icontinue-format-string@p @idatum@p &rest@i args@p@d[@iFunction@d]invokes the signal facility on a condition. If the condition is not handled,@p (invoke-debugger@i condition@p) @dis executed. While signaling is going on, it is possible to return from@p cerrror @dby invoking@p continue. cerror @dreturns@p nil.@dCHANGE-CLASS@iinstance@p @inew-class@d[@iGeneric@p @ifunction@d]changes the class of an instance to a new class. This function destructively modifies and returns the instance.@bCHANGE-KEY-HANDLER@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]changes the key handler of@i view@p @dto the next key handler on@p key-handler-list @dof@i view.@bCHAR@istring@p @iindex@d[@iFunction@d]returns as a character object the character in@i string@p @din the position indicated by@i index@d.@p char @dmay be used with@p setf@d.CHAR-CODE@icharacter@d[@iFunction@d]returns the integer ASCII value of@i character@d,@p @da character object.CHAR-CODE-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]a non-negative integer that is the upper exclusive bound on values produced by the@p char-code @dfunction.CHAR-DOWNCASE@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns a character which is the lowercase equivalent of@i char@d.CHAR-EQUAL@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if all the characters are equal, otherwise false. In Macintosh Common Lisp, case, font, and bits attributes are ignored; that is, Control-A is@p char-equal @dto@p @ba@d.CHAR-GREATERP@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each character is greater than the one to its right, otherwise false.In Macintosh Common Lisp, case, font, and bits attributes are ignored.CHAR-INT@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns an integer encoding@i char@d,@p @dincluding bit and font information. In Macintosh Common Lisp, this function is equal to@p char-code@d.CHAR-LESSP@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each character is less than the one to its right, otherwise false. In Macintosh Common Lisp, case, font, and bits attributes are ignored.CHAR-NAME@icharacter@d[@iFunction@d]returns the standard name of@i character@p @das a string, or@p nil @dif@i character@p @dhas no standard name.@pCHAR-NOT-EQUAL@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if none of the characters are equal, otherwise false. In Macintosh Common Lisp, case, font, and bits attributes are ignored; that is,@p (char-not-equal #\@bd@p #\Control-D) @dis false.CHAR-NOT-GREATERP@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if no character is greater than the one to its right, otherwise false. In Macintosh Common Lisp, case, font, and bits attributes are ignored..CHAR-NOT-LESSP@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if no character is less than the one to its right, otherwise false. In Macintosh Common Lisp, case, font, and bits attributes are ignored.CHAR-UPCASE@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns a character which is the uppercase equivalent of@i char@d.CHAR/=@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if none of the characters are equal, otherwise false. The comparison is case sensitive.CHAR<@icharacter@p &rest@i characters@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the ASCII value of@i character@p @dis less than the ASCII value of any of the other characters, otherwise false. Because ASCII values are compared, case is significant.CHAR<=@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each character is less than or equal to the character to its right, otherwise false. The comparison is case sensitive.CHAR=@icharacter@p &rest@i characters@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if all the@i characters@p @dare equal. Case is significant, so that characters of different cases will never be considered equal.CHAR>@icharacter@p &rest@i characters@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the ASCII value of@i character@p @dis greater than the ASCII value of any of the other characters, otherwise false. Because ASCII values are compared, case is significant.CHAR>=@ichar@p &rest@i more-chars@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if each character is greater than or equal to the one to its right, otherwise false. The comparison is case sensitive.CHARACTER@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]coerces@i thing@p @dto a character if possible.@i thing@p @dmust be a character, positive integer less than@p char-code-limit@d, a string of length one, or a symbol whose print-name is a string of length one.CHARACTERP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a character; otherwise returns false.CHECK-BOX-CHECK@icheck-box-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]places an X in the dialog-Õs check box. The dialog-itemÕs action is not run.CHECK-BOX-CHECKED-P@icheck-box-dialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the dialog itemÕs check box is checked,@p nil @dif it is unchecked. CHECK-BOX-DIALOG-ITEM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of check box dialog items. Check boxes are small squares that contain an X when they are checked. The default@p check-box @dmethod of@p dialog-item-action @dtoggles its state between being checked and unchecked, then calls whatever method the user writes. The text of a check box dialog item appears to the right of the box.CHECK-BOX-UNCHECK@icheck-box-dialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]removes the X from the the dialog itemÕs check box. The dialog-itemÕs action is not run.CHECK-REQUIRED-PARAMS@ierror-string@p @iappleevent@d[@iFunction@d]uses the Apple Event Manager to check whether all required parameters of the Apple event@i appleevent@p @dhave been extracted. If a parameter has been missed, the@p appleevent-error @dcondition is signaled with@p :oserr #$AEParamMissed @dand@p :error-string@i error-string.@dCHECK-TYPE@iplace@p @itypespec@p &optional@i string@d[@iMacro@d]signals an error if the value@i place@p @dis not of the type@i typespec@d.@p @istring@d,@p @dif present, provides a description of@i typespec@p @dthat can appear in an error message.CHOOSE-FILE-DEFAULT-DIRECTORY @d[@iFunction@d]returns the pathname of the default directory from which MCL chooses files.CHOOSE-FILE-DIALOG@p&key :mac-file-type :directory :button-string@i@d[@iFunction@d]displays the standard Macintosh choose-file dialog, allowing the user to select a file which already exists in the directory system.CHOOSE-NEW-FILE-DIALOG@p&key :directory :prompt :button-string@i@d[@iFunction@d]displays the standard Macintosh choose-new-file dialog, allowing the user to select a new file in the directory system.CIS@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns e^(i*@iradians@d), a complex number whose real part is (cos @iradians@d) and whose imaginary part is (sin @iradians@d).CLASS-NAME@iclass@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the symbol which names @iclass@d.CLASS-OF@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns the class of @iobject@d.CLEAR@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes the text of the current selection from@iwindow-or-item@p @dwithout saving it on the kill ring.@i window-or-item@p @dis a Fred window or Fred dialog item.@bCLEAR-INPUT@p&optional@i input-stream@p@d[@iFunction@d]clears any buffered input associated with@i input-stream.@p @dReturns@p nil@d.*CLEAR-MINI-BUFFER* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]determines when text is cleared from the minibuffer. If the value of this variable is true (the default), then text is cleared from the mini-buffer of a Fred window after a Fred command is run. If the value of this variable is nil, then text is cleared from the mini-buffer only when it is being replaced by other text. If you like to work with@p *arglist-on-space* @dset to true, you probably will want to set@p *clear-mini-buffer* @dto@p nil @dso that your argument lists do not disappear every time you type a character.CLEAR-OUTPUT@p&optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]flushes any pending output to@i output-stream@p @dand returns@p nil@d. The output is simply cleared, not sent.clear-process-run-time@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]resets @iprocess@d total run time to zero. This is useful for testing.CLEAR-RECORD@irecord@p &optional@i storage-type@d[@iMacro@d]clears@i record@p @dand returns@p nil.@dCLIP-RECT@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]makes the window's clip region a rectangular region equivalent to the rectangle determined by the arguments. It returns@p nil.@bCLIP-REGION@iview@p &optional@i save-region@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dreturns the window's current clip region.@i save-region@d,@p @dif present, holds the returned region.@bCLOSE@istream@p &key @d:abort@p@d[@iFunction@d]closes@i stream@p @dso that it can no longer be used for input or output. Returns@p nil@d.CLOSE-REGION@iview@p &optional@i dest-region@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]shows the pen and returns a region that is the accumulation of drawing commands in the window since the last@p open-region @dfor the window. It returns the result in@i dest-region@d,@p @dif supplied, or in a newly created region.@bCLRHASH@ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]removes all the entries from the hash table and returns the hash table.CODE-CHAR@icode@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a character object corresponding to the ASCII value@i code@d,@p @da non-negative integer@i.@p @dSignals an error if@i code@p @dis outside the range of supported ASCII values.COERCE@ithing@p @itype-specifier@d[@iFunction@d]converts@i thing@p @dto an "equivalent" object of type@i type-specifier@d.@p @dCoercions can take place between numeric types as long as these would not involve loss of accuracy, between sequence types, from some strings, symbols, and numbers to characters, and from a symbol or lambda-function to a function. Returns the new object. If the coercion cannot take place, an error is signaled.COLLAPSE-SELECTION@iwindow-or-item@p @iforward-p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]if there is a selection, deselects the selection and returns@p t@d. If there is no selection, simply returns@p nil@d.@b*COLOR-AVAILABLE* @d[@iVariable@d]true if the current Macintosh ROM supports color Quickdraw, false if it does not.@bCOLOR-BLUE@icolor@d[@iFunction@d]returns the blue component of@i color@d.@bCOLOR-DIALOG @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class of color dialogs. Color dialogs are color windows; the class is provided for backward compatibility with previous versions of Macintosh Common Lisp@pCOLOR-GREEN@icolor@d[@iFunction@d]returns the green component of@i color@d.@bCOLOR-RED@icolor@d[@iFunction@d]returns the green component of@i color@d.@bCOLOR-TO-RGB@icolor@p &optional@i rgb@d[@iFunction@d]returns an RGB color record describing the same color as@i color@d.@p @dThis record will not be garbage collected, but must be explicitly disposed@p @dof. For this reason the macro@p with-rgb @dis recommended instead.@bCOLOR-VALUES@icolor@d[@iFunction@d]returns three values: the red, green, and blue components of@i color@d.@bCOMMAND-KEY@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the menu-itemÕs keyboard equivalent. If the menu-item does not have a command-key equivalent, returns@p nil.COMMAND-KEY-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the command key is pressed, otherwise returns@p nil@d. If called during event processing, it checks whether the command key was pressed when the event occurred.COMPILATION-SPEED @d[@iOptimize@p @iquality@d]in an @pOPTIMIZE@d declaration, advises the compiler of the importance of optimizing for speed of compilation. Values range from 0 (unimportant) to 3 (very important).COMPILE@iname@p &optional@i definition@d[@iFunction@d]compiles the function@i name@d,@p @dusing the definition supplied by@i definition@p @d. If@i definition@p @dis supplied, it should be a lambda-expression or a function to be compiled; if not, the@p symbol-function @dof the symbol is extracted and compiled. The resulting compiled code becomes the function definition of@i name@d,@p @dand@i name@p @dis returned.@i name@p @dmay be a symbol or a list whose@p car @dis@p setf.@d*COMPILE-DEFINITIONS* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, definitions will be compiled by the read-eval-print loop.@pCOMPILE-FILE@ifilename@p &key :output-file :verbose :print :load :features :save-local-symbols :save-doc-strings :save-definitions@d[@iFunction@d]produces a compiled version of the file@i filename@d.@p @dCompiled files (also called fasl files) can be loaded much more quickly than source code files.@p @dThe default values of@p :verbose @dand@p :print @dare the values of@p *compile-verbose* @dand@p *compile-print*@d. The default value of@p :save-local-symbols @dis the value of@p *fasl-save-local-symbols*; @dof@p :save-doc-strings, @dthe value of@p *fasl-save-doc-strings*@d;; and of@p save-definitions, @dthe value of@p *fasl-save-definitions*. @dThe default value of@p :output-file @dis the input file with the file type@p *.fasl-pathname*. @dCOMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME@iinput-file@p &key @ioutput-file@p &allow-other-keys@d[@iFunction@d]returns the pathname that @pCOMPILE-FILE@d would use for output when given the same arguments.*COMPILE-FILE-PATHNAME* @d[@iVariable@d]is bound to the pathname of the file being compiled by @pCOMPILE-FILE@d.*COMPILE-FILE-TRUENAME* @d[@iVariable@d]is bound to the truename of the file being compiled by @pCOMPILE-FILE@d.*COMPILE-PRINT* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :print @dkeyword argument to@p compile@d. If the value of this variable is@p t@d, then@p compile @dprints the value of each expression compiled to@p *standard-output*@d. The default value is@p nil.@d*COMPILE-VERBOSE* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :verbose @dkeyword argument to@p compile @dIf true, then@p compile @ddefaults to printing the name of each file compiled@p. @dIf@p nil@d, then@p compile @ddefaults to not printing the names of files compiled.COMPILED-FUNCTION @d[@iType@d]is the type of a function that has been compiled.COMPILED-FUNCTION-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis any compiled code object, otherwise false.COMPILER-MACRO-FUNCTION@iname@p &optional @ienvironment@d[@iFunction@d]returns the compiler macro function for @iname@d in @ienvironment@d, if any.COMPLEMENT@ifunction@d[@iFunction@d]returns a function which has behavior identical to the given @ifunction@d except that it returns a complemented truth value.COMPLEX@irealpart@p &optional@i imagpart@d[@iFunction@d]creates a complex number from@i realpart@p @dand@i imagpart@d.COMPLEXP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a complex number; otherwise returns false.COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS@igeneric-function@p @iarguments@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a list of methods, sorted in precedence order, for the @igeneric-function@d given the list of @iarguments@d.COMPUTE-RESTARTS@p&optional@i condition@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of restarts, with the most recently established at the head of the list. When @icondition@d is given, the list contains only restarts associated with condition or not associated with any condition.*COMTAB* @d[@iVariable@d]the default comtab, used by Fred windows for looking up keystrokes.@bCOMTAB-FIND-KEYS@icomtab@p @ifunction@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of all keystrokes that are bound to@i function@p @din@i comtab@d.@p @dIf@i function@p @dis a keystroke code or keystroke name, it is first looked up in the comtab, and the result is used.@bCOMTAB-GET-KEY@icomtab@p @ikeystroke@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value of@i keystroke@p @dinside@i comtab@d.@p @dThis value may be a symbol, a function, a comtab, another keystroke, or@p nil@d.@bCOMTAB-KEY-DOCUMENTATION@icomtab@p @ikeystroke@d[@iFunction@d]returns the documentation string associated with@i keystroke@p @din@i comtab.@bCOMTAB-SET-KEY@icomtab@p @ikeystroke@p @ifunction@p &optional@i doc-string@d[@iFunction@d]binds@i keystroke@p @dto@i function@p @dwithin@i comtab@d.@bCOMTABP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of@i thing@p @dis a comtab, otherwise returns@p nil@d.CONCATENATE@iresult-type@p &rest@i sequences@d[@iFunction@d]copies@i sequences@p @din order into a new sequence of type@i result-type@d.@p @dCONCATENATED-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]is an input stream which gathers its own input from zero or more associated input streams. Input is taken from each associated stream until its end-of-file before starting to read the next stream.CONCATENATED-STREAM-STREAMS@iconcatenated-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns an ordered list of all the streams yet to be read in @iconcatenated-stream@d.COND@p{@d(@itest@p {@iform@p}@d* )@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]consists of a series of clauses which are tested sequentially. If a@i test@p @dis true,@p cond @devaluates the corresponding@i forms@p @dand returns the last@i form@d's value. If the@i test@p @dreturns@p nil@d,@p cond @dproceeds to the next@i test@p @d/@i form@p @dclause@p. @dIf all@i tests@p @dfail,@p cond @dreturns@p nil@d.CONDITION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of all conditions.CONFIGURE-EGC@igeneration-0-size@p @igeneration-1-size@p @igeneration-2-size@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dIf the ephemeral garbage collector is not currently enabled, sets the size limits of the ephemeral generations as indicated and returns@p t. @dIf the ephemeral garbage collector is enabled, the current values of the size limits are not affected and nil is returned.The arguments should be non-negative integers that specify the size limits in kilobytes that the ephemeral garbage collector should use for the three ephemeral generations. CONJUGATE@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the complex conjugate of@i number.CONS@ix@p @ilist-or-thing@d[@iFunction@d]allocates a new cons cell whose@p car @dis@i x@p @dand whose@p cdr @dis@i list-or-thing,@p @dCONSP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a cons, otherwise returns false.@p consp @dof the empty list returns false. (See also@p listp @dwhich returns true on the empty list.)CONSTANTLY@ivalue@d[@iFunction@d]returns a function which accepts any arguments and always returns @ivalue@d.CONSTANTP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a constant. Constants include self-evaluating objects such as numbers, characters, bit-vectors, strings, and keywords, and all constant symbols defined with@p defconstant@d, such as@p nil @dand@p t@d. In addition, a list whose@p car @dis@p quote@d, such as@p (quote foo)@d, is considered to be a constant.CONTINUE@p&optional@i condition@p @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dresumes execution of the code suspended by the most recent call to@p break @dor@p cerror. @dIf there have been no calls to@p break @dor@p cerror@d,@p continue @dsimply returns to the top level. If@i condition@p @dis present, the restart for@i condition@p @dis invoked.CONTROL-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by attempting to transfer control to a tag which is no longer active.*CONTROL-KEY-MAPPING* @d[@iVariable@d]Specifies the key-chord used to indicate control keys. If @pnil@d, what you type is what you get. If @p:command-shift@d, then command-shift is used to indicate control. If @p:command@d, then command is used to indicate control, and command-shift is used to invoke menu command-key equivalents.CONTROL-KEY-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the control key is pressed, otherwise returns@p nil@d. If called during event processing, it checks whether the control key was pressed when the event occurred.*CONTROL-X-COMTAB* @d[@iVariable@d]the comtab used with the Control-X keystroke.@bCONVERT-COORDINATES@ipoint@p @ifrom-view@p @ito-view@d[@iFunction@d]converts@i point@p @dfrom the coordinate system of@i from-view@p @dto the coordinate system of@i to-view@d.@p @dBoth@i from-view@p @dand@i to-view@p @dshould have a common container, or one should be contained in the other.COPY@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]copies selected text from the current editable text dialog-item into the clipboard. No action is taken if there is on selection.COPY-ALIST@ia-list@d[@iFunction@d]returns a copy of@i a-list@d.@p @dThe top level of list structure is copied; in addition, any element of@i a-list@p @dthat is a cons is also copied. Used for copying association lists.COPY-BITS@ibitmap1@p @ibitmap2@p @irect1@p @irect2@p &optional@i pen-mode@p @iregion@d[@iFunction@d]copies and scales the bits inside@i rect1@p @dof@i bitmap1@p @dto the bits inside@i rect2@p @dof@i bitmap2@p @dusing the transfer mode@i pen-mode.@bCOPY-COMTAB@p&optional@i source-comtab@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new comtab which is a copy of@i source-comtab@d.@p @dThe default@i source-comtab@p @dis@p *comtab*@d.@bCOPY-FILE@iold-pathname@p @inew-pathname@p &key :if-exists :fork@i@d[@iFunction@d]copies@i old-pathname@p @dto@i new-pathname@p @dand returns@i new-pathname@d.@p @dIf@i new-pathname@p @dalready exists and the value of@p :if-exists @dis@p :error@d, Macintosh Common Lisp signals an error. If its value is@p nil@d, Macintosh Common Lisp returns@p nil; @dif it is@p :overwrite@d, the previous file is overwritten and@i new-pathname@p @dis returned.@p :fork can be :data, :resource, or :both. The default is :both.@d%COPY-FLOAT@ifloat@d[@iFunction@d]returns a newly consed floating-point number that is@p eql @dbut not@p eq @dto@i float.@bCOPY-INSTANCE@iinstance@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]makes a copy of an instance.COPY-LIST@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list that is@p equal @dto but not@p eq @dto@i list@d.COPY-PPRINT-DISPATCH@p&optional@i table@d[@iFunction@d]returns a fresh copy of a pretty-print dispatch @itable@d. Copy from @p*PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH*@d if no @itable@d is specified, or from the initial value of @p*PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH*@d if @pNIL@d is specified for @itable@d.COPY-READTABLE@p&optional@i from-readtable@p @ito-readtable@d[@iFunction@d]copies@i from-readtable@p @dto@i to-readtable@d.@p @ifrom-readtable@p @ddefaults to the current readtable; if it is supplied as@p nil@d, the standard. Common Lisp readtable is used. If@i to-readtable@p @dis supplied, it is destructively modified to hold the result; otherwise a new readtable is created.COPY-RECORD@isource-record@p &optional@i record-type@p @idest-record@d[@iMacro@d]copies all of the fields of@i source-record@p @d(which should be of type@i record-type@d) into@i dest-record@p @dand returns@i dest-record@d.@p @dIf the default storage for@i source-record@p @dhas been overridden, you should not specify@i record-type@p @das well. If you specify@i record-type@d,@p @isource-record@p @dand@i dest-record@p @dmust have been allocated with the default storage.COPY-REGION@iregion@p &optional@i dest-region@d[@iFunction@d]either copies@i region@p @dinto@i dest@d-@iregion@d,@p @dif it is supplied, or creates a new region equivalent to@i region.@p @dIt returns the new region or@i dest@d-@iregion.@bCOPY-SEQ@isequence@d[@iFunction@d]returns a copy of@i sequence@d.@p @dThe result is@p equalp @dbut not@p eq @dto the argument.@pCOPY-SYMBOL@isymbol@p &optional@i copy-props@d[@iFunction@d]returns a uninterned symbol whose print-name is@p string-=@d, but not@p eq, @dto that of@i symbol@p. @dIf@i copy-props@p @dis non-@pnil@d, then the contents of the value, function, and property cells are copied to the new symbol (the property list is actually duplicated). If@i copy-props@p @dis@p nil @d(the default), they are not copied.COPY-TREE@itree@d[@iFunction@d]if@i tree@p @dis not a cons, it is returned directly. Otherwise, a copy of@i tree@p @dis returned, with all conses@p, @dstopping only when non-conses are encountered. Used for copying trees of conses. This function does not preserve circularities and sharing of substructures.COS@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the cosine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dCOSH@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the hyperbolic cosine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dCOUNT@iitem@p @isequence@p &key :start :end :from-end :key :test :test-not@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of elements of@i sequence@p @dthat match@i item@p @dusing the given test function; returns@p nil @dif no element matches.COUNT-IF@itest@p @isequence@p &key :from-end :start :end :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of elements in the given range of@i sequence@p @dthat satisfy@i test@d.COUNT-IF-NOT@itest@p @isequence@p &key :from-end :start :end :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of elements in the given range of@i sequence@p @dwhich do not satisfy@i test@d.CPU-NUMBER @d[@iFunction@d]returns the model number of the CPU running Macintosh Common Lisp..@bCREATE-FILE@ifile@p-@ior@p-@idir@p &key :if-exists :mac-file-type :mac-file-creator@d[@iFunction@d]creates an empty file or directory and returns a pathname to it. If the file already exists, Macintosh Common Lisp signals an error if the value of@p :if-exists @dis@p :error @d(the default).@p If :if-exists @dis@p nil@d, Macintosh Common Lisp does nothing; if it is@p :overwrite@d, the old file is overwritten.CTYPECASE@ikeyform@p {@d(@itype@p {@iform@p}@d* )@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i keyform@d,@p @dthen evaluates as an implicit@p progn @dthe@i forms@p @dwhose@i type@p @dmatches the value of@i keyform@d.@p @dReturns the last@i form@p @devaluated.@i keyform@p @dis evaluated, but the@i type@p @dis not.@p ctypecase @ddoes not permit an@p otherwise @dor@p t @dclause. If no clause is satisfied,@p ctypecase @dsignals a continuable@p type-error@d.@i*CURRENT-CHARACTER* @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the character of the current keystroke during the execution of Fred commands.@b*CURRENT-EVENT* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the event record currently being processed. This is bound by@p event-dispatch @dand is only valid during event processing. The fields of@p *current-event* @dmay be accessed with@p rref@d.CURRENT-KEY-HANDLER@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the current key handler of@i window@d.@p @dIf none is found, returns@p nil@d.@b*CURRENT-KEYSTROKE* @d[@iSpecial@p @iVariable@d]this variable is bound to the current keystroke during the execution of Fred commands.@b*current-process* @d[@iVariable@d]contains the object of the process that is currently executing.*CURRENT-VIEW* @d[@iSpecial@p @iVariable@d]the viw where drawing currently occurs.@b*CURSORHOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]if this variable is non-@pnil@d, then no other cursor functions will be called. If non-@pnil@d,@p *cursorhook* @dshould be a function to set the cursor, or a cursor record.CUT@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes selected text from the current editable text dialog-item and puts it into the clipboard. No action is taken if there is no selection.*DARK-GRAY-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color dark gray, encoded as a fixnum.@b*DARK-GRAY-PATTERN* @d[@iVariable@d]the dark gray drawing pattern used by Quickdraw.*DARK-GREEN-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color dark green, encoded as a fixnum.@bDAYLIGHT-SAVING-TIME-P@ihour@p @idate@p @imonth@p @iday@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the time represented by the arguments falls within a daylight savings time period.@pDEBUG @d[@iOptimize@p @iquality@d]in an @pOPTIMIZE@d declaration, advises the compiler of the importance of optimizing for ease of debugging. Values range from 0 (unimportant) to 3 (very important).*DEBUG-IO* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream used for input and output when operating inside a break loop.*DEBUGGER-HOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]unless@p NIL@d, is a function to be called prior to entry into the debugger. The function expects two arguments: a condition and the value of@p *DEBUGGER-HOOK*@d at the time the debugger was entered. The function may handle the condition by transferring control, or enter the debugger by returning. @p*DEBUGGER-HOOK*@d is bound to@p NIL@d by@p INVOKE-DEBUGGER@d in order to avoid problems with recursion.@dDECF@iplace@p &optional@i delta@d[@iFunction@d]decrements the value in@i place@p @dby@i delta@p @d(which defaults to 1).DECLAIM@p{@ideclaration-spec@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]provides a declaration that is executable and may be used anywhere@p proclaim @dmay be called, but each@i declaration-spec@p @dis not evaluated. DECLARATION @d[@iDeclaration@d]is used in declaration forms to tell the compiler to accept associated names as valid declarations.DECLARATION-INFORMATION@idecl-name@p &optional @ienv@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of declarations for @idecl-name@d (either @pOPTIMIZE@d or @pDECLARATION@d) in environment @ienv@d.DECLARE@p{@ideclaration-spec@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]provides a declaration within executable code. The@p declare @dform is not executed; it is limited to appearing within the bodies of lambda-expressions, certain generic functions, and some special forms, and must always appear at the beginning of the body.DECODE-FLOAT@ifloat@d[@iFunction@d]returns three values describing the value of@i float@d: a new floating-point number representing the mantissa, an integer representing the exponent, and a floating-point number indicating the sign (+1.0 or -1.0).DECODE-UNIVERSAL-TIME@iuniversal-time@p &optional@i time-zone@d[@iFunction@d]returns nine values giving the decoded time equivalents of time-code. The values are:@i second,@p @iminute,@p @ihour,@p @idate,@p @imonth,@p @iyear,@p @iday@p @iof@p @iweek,@p @idaylight-savings-time-p,@p @dand@i time-zone.@dDEF-FRED-COMMAND@ikeystroke@p @ifunction@p &optional@i doc-string@d[@iMacro@d]binds@i function@p @dto@i keystroke@p @din@p *comtab*@d.@i keystroke@p @dand@i function@p @dare not evaluated by the macro.@bDEF-LOAD-POINTERS@iname@p @iarglist@p &body@i body@d[@iMacro@d]@p @dThe @pdef-load-pointers@d macro is usually used to allocate memory on the Macintosh heap. It associates @iname@d with @p#'(lambda arglist . body)@d in a list. If @iname@d is already on the list, the macro replaces it. If it is not, @pdef-load- pointers@d adds @iname@d and its function to the list and runs @pfuncall@d on it. When Macintosh Common Lisp starts up, it calls the functions specified by @pdef-load-pointers@d in the order in which they were specified on the list. This occurs before the init file is loaded.@bDEFAULT-BUTTON@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the current default button of@i window@d,@p @dor@p nil @dif the window has none. The default button is the button whose action is run when the user presses Return or Enter. It is outlined with a heavy black border.@bDEFAULT-BUTTON-DIALOG-ITEM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class of default buttons, a subclass of@p button-dialog-item.@d*DEFAULT-MENUBAR*@p@d[@iVariable@d]the default menubar that appears when you begin a Macintosh Common Lisp session. If you want to get the original menus back after installing your own set of menus, then@p (set-menubar *default-menubar*)@d.@p @d*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* @d[@iVariable@d]the default pathname used to supply missing components when pathnames are merged.*default-process-stackseg-size* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the initial size of the stack group when a process is created. The default is 16K.*default-quantum* @d[@iVariable@d]contains the time interval during which the process runs before another process can be scheduled. To change the quantum, you can use setf.DEFCCALLABLE@iname@p @d(@p{@itype@p @iparameter@p}@d* [@ireturn-type@d]) [@idoc-string@d]@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iMacro@d]defines a function that can be called by the Macintosh ROM.DEFCLASS@iclass-name@p (@i{superclass-name}*@p) (@i{slot-name |@p (@islot-name [slot-option*]@p)@i}*@p) @i[@p(@iclass-option@p)@i]*@d[@iMacro@d]returns a new class. Slot options are @p:reader@d, @p:writer@d, @p:accessor@d, @p:allocation@d, @p:initarg@d, @p:initform@d, @p:type@d, and @p:documentation@d. Class options are @p:default-initargs@d, @p:documentation@d, and @p:metaclass@d.DEFCONSTANT@iname@p @ivalue@p &optional@i documentation@d[@iMacro@d]proclaims@i name@p @dto be constant with the value that is the result of evaluating@ivalue@d.@p @dReturns@i name.@p @dDocumentation may be provided as a string.@iDEFFCFUN@p(@ilisp-name@p @ientry-name@p {@ioption@p}*) ({@iargspec@p}*) {@iresult-flag@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]@b@dhelps you to define a Lisp interface to a C function. You describe the arguments the function takes and the result it returns, and the macro defines a Lisp function that performs appropriate coercions and type-checks on the arguments and calls the C function.DEFFFUN@p(@ilisp-name@p @ientry-name@p {@ioption@p}*) ({@iargspec@p}*) {@iresult-flag@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]@b@dhelps you to define a Lisp interface to a foreign function. You describe the arguments the function takes and the result it returns, and the macro defines a Lisp function that performs appropriate coercions and type-checks on the arguments and calls the foreign function.DEFFPFUN@p(@ilisp-name@p @ientry-name@p {@ioption@p}*) ({@iargspec@p}*) {@iresult-flag@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]@b@dhelps you to define a Lisp interface to a Pascal function. You describe the arguments the function takes and the result it returns, and the macro defines a Lisp function that performs appropriate coercions and type-checks on the arguments and calls the Pascal function.DEFGENERIC@ifunction-name@p @igf-lambda-list@p @i[@p(@ioption@p)@i | @p(:method@i method-qualifier* specialized-lambda-list [declaration* | documentation] form*@p)@i]*@d[@iMacro@d]returns a new generic function. Options are @p:argument-precedence-order@d, @p:documentation@d, @p:method-combination@d, @p:generic-function-class@d, @p:method-class@d, and @pdeclare@d.DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO@iname@p @ilambda-list@p @i[declaration* | documentation] form*@d[@iMacro@d]defines a compiler macro function.DEFINE-CONDITION@iname@p (@iparent-type*@p) (@i{slot-name | @p(@islot-name slot-option@p)@i}*@p) @ioption*@d[@iMacro@d]returns a new condition. Slot options are @p:reader@d, @p:writer@d, @p:accessor@d, @p:allocation@d, @p:initarg@d, @p:initform@d, and @p:type@d. Class options are @p:default-initargs@d, @p:documentation@d, and @p:report@d.DEFINE-DECLARATION@idecl-name@p @ilambda-list@p &body @ibody@p &environment @ienv@d[@iMacro@d]proclaims @idecl-name@d to be a declaration, and adds a function as a named property of @pCCL::*DECLARATION-HANDLERS*@d.DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION@i{name@p @ishort-form-options | name lambda-list @p(@imethod-group-specifier*@p)@i [@p(arguments@i . args-lambda-list@p)@i][@p(generic-function @igeneric-function-symbol@p)@i][declaration* | documentation] form*@d[@iMacro@d]defines a new type of method combination. Short-form options are @p:documentation@d, @p:identity-with-one-argument@d, and @p:operator@d. See a Common Lisp reference for details of the long form.DEFINE-MODIFY-MACRO@iname@p @ilambda-list@p @ifunction@p @d[@idoc-string@d][@iMacro@d]defines a read-modify-write macro named@i name.@p @dThese macros set a location to a new value based on the old value. (@pincf @dand@p decf @dare examples of read-modify-write macros.)DEFINE-SETF-METHOD@iaccess-function@p @ilambda-list@p @d[[{@ideclaration@d}* |@i doc-string@d]] {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]defines how to@p setf @da generalized variable that is accessed by@i access-function@d,@p @dwhich should be a function or macro.DEFMACRO@isymbol@p @ilambda-list@p {@ideclaration@p @d|@i doc-string@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]constructs a global macro definition, binds it to@i symbol@d,@p @dmarks@i symbol@p @das a macro, and returns@i symbol@d.@p defmacro @dis the macro equivalent of@p defun@d.DEFMETHOD@ifunction-name@p {@imethod-qualifier@p}*@i specialized-lambda-list@p @d[[@p{@ideclaration@p}* |@i doc@p-@istring@d]]@p {@iform@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]defines a method on a generic function.@bDEFPACKAGE@idefined-package-name@p @d{@ioption@d}*[@iMacro@d]Creates a new package, or modifies an existing one, whose name is@i defined-package-name@p @d(a string or symbol) and returns@i defined-package-name.@p @dThe standard@i option@ds are@p :size@d,@p :nicknames@d,@p :shadow@d,@p :shadowing-import-from@d,@p :use@d,@p :import-from@d,@p :intern@d, and@p :export@d.DEFPARAMETER@ivariable-name@p @iinitial-value@p &optional@i documentation@d[@iMacro@d]proclaims@i variable-name@p @dto be a special variable, sets it to the value of evaluating@i initial-value@d,@p @da form, and returns@i variable-name@d.@p @dDocumentation may be provided as a string.DEFPASCAL@iname@p @d(@p{@itype@p @iparameter@p}@d* [@ireturn-type@d]) [@idoc-string@d]@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iMacro@d]defines a function that can be called by the Macintosh ROM.DEFRECORD@irecord-type@p @d&rest@i slot-descriptions@d[@iMacro@d]defines a new record type according to@i slot-descriptions@p @dand associates it with the symbol@i record@d-@itype.@p @irecord-type@p @dis either a symbol used to name the type of record, or a list whose@p car @dis the symbol used to name the record and whose@p cadr @dis a keyword specifying the default type of storage used for the record.DEFSETF@iaccess-function@p @d{@iupdate-function@p @d[@idoc-string@d] |@i lambda-list@p @d(@istore-variable@d) [[{@ideclaration@d}* |@i doc-string@d]]@p @d{@iform@d}*}[@iMacro@d]defines how to@p setf @da generalized variable that is accessed by@i access-function@d,@p @dwhich should be a function or macro.DEFSTRUCT@iname-and-options@p @d[@idoc-string@d] {@islot-description@d}*[@iMacro@d]defines a new structure, according to@i name-and-options@d,@p @dwith slots described by the@i slot-descriptions@d.DEFTYPE@isymbol@p @ilambda-list@p @d[[{@ideclaration@p @d}* |@i doc-string@d]] {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]defines the type@i symbol@d,@p @dto be expanded according to the@i lambda-list@p @dand@i forms@d,@p @dand returns@i symbol.@dDEFUN@isymbol@p @ilambda-list@p {@ideclaration@p @d|@i doc-string@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iMacro@d]defines a function with the name@i symbol.@p @dOnce a function is defined, it may be used just like the functions which are built into the system.@p defun @dreturns@i symbol.@dDEFVAR@ivariable-name@p &optional@i initial-value@p @idocumentation@d[@iMacro@d]proclaims@i variable-name@p @dto be a special variable, optionally sets it to the value of@i initial-value@d,@p @dand returns@i variable-name@d.@p @dIf@i initial-value@p @dis given,@i variable-name@p @dis initialized to the result of evaluating it unless@i variable-name@p @dalready has a value. If@i initial-name@p @dis not used, it is not evaluated. The macro@p defvar @donly has an effect the first time it is called on a symbol. Documentation may be provided as a string.DEINSTALL-APPLEEVENT-HANDLER @d[@iFunction@d]deinstalls an Apple event handler.DELETE@iitem@p @isequence@p &key :count :start :end :from-end :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dwith occurrences of@i item@p @dremoved. The original@i sequence@p @dmay be modified. (This is the destructive counterpart of@p remove.@d)DELETE-DUPLICATES@isequence@p &key :start :end :from-end :test :test-not :key @d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dexcept that all duplicate elements have been removed. The original@i sequence@p @dmay be modified. The non-destructive version of this function is@p remove-duplicates@d.DELETE-FILE@ifile-or-dir@p &key :if-does-not-exist@d[@iFunction@d]deletes@i file-or-dir.@p @dReturns the pathname of the file if it was successfully deleted, or@p nil @dif the file does not exist and the 0value of@p :if-does-not-exist @dis@p nil. @dIf the file does not exist and the value of@p :if-does-not-exist @dis@p t@d, Macintosh Common Lisp signals an error.DELETE-IF@itest@p @isequence@p &key :from-end :start :end :count :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dexcept that elements that pass@i test@p @dare removed. The original@i sequence@p @dmay be destroyed by the operation.DELETE-IF-NOT@itest@p @isequence@p &key :from-end :start :end :count :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dexcept that elements that fail to pass@i test@p @dare removed. The original@i sequence@p @dmay be destroyed by the operation.DELETE-PACKAGE@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]causes the name and nicknames of @ipackage@d to be deleted, while the package object and the symbols it contains remain. Returns @pT@d if successful.DELQ@iitem@p @ilist@p &optional@i count@d[@iFunction@d]equivalent to (@pdelete@i item@p @ilist@p :test #'eq :count@i count@d).@pDENOMINATOR@irational@d[@iFunction@d]returns the denominator of the canonical reduced form of@i rational@d.DEPOSIT-FIELD@isource-integer@p @ibytespec@p @idestination-integer@d[@iFunction@d]returns a number that is the same as@i destination-integer@d,@p @dexcept that the byte specified by@i bytespec@p @dhas been replaced by the corresponding byte from@i source-integer.DESCRIBE@ithing@p &optional@i stream@d[@iFunction@d]prints information about@i thing@p @dto@i stream@d,@p @dwhich defaults to the value of@p *standard-output*@d.@i stream@p @dmay also be@p nil @d(meaning@p *standard-output*@d) or@p t @d(meaning@p *terminal-io*@d).@pDESCRIBE-OBJECT@iobject@p @istream@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]prints a description of @iobject@d to @istream@d.DESTRUCTURING-BIND@ilambda-list@p @iexpression@p @ideclaration*@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates @iexpression@d and binds the resulting tree structure to corresponding variables in @lambda-list@d, then evaluates @iform@ds.DIALOG @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class of dialogs. The@p dialog @dclass is now provided for backward compatibility only, since all dialog operations can be done within windows.DIALOG-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the dialog-item class, which provides the basic functionality shared by all dialog items. It should not be directly instantiated (it is only used as the parent of other classes).DIALOG-ITEM-ACTION@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called whenever the user clicks in the dialog-item. The default version looks for a function in@i item@d's@p dialog-item-action-function @dslot.DIALOG-ITEM-ACTION-FUNCTION@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the action function associated with@i dialog-item.@dDIALOG-ITEM-DISABLE@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]disables a dialog item so that it may not be selected by the user.DIALOG-ITEM-ENABLE@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]enables a dialog item so that it may be selected by the user.DIALOG-ITEM-ENABLED-P@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the dialog item is enabled,@p nil @dif it is disabled.DIALOG-ITEM-HANDLE@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]dialog-items are often associated with Macintosh data structures, such as controls. If such a data structure is stored in a handle, this handle is stored in the instance variable@p dialog-item-handle@d. This instance variable will generally be@p nil @dwhen the item is not contained in any dialog.DIALOG-ITEM-TEXT@idialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a string of text associated with the dialog item.DIALOG-ITEMS@iview@p &optional@i item-class@p @imust-be-enabled@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a list of@i view@dÕs dialog-items. Only dialog items that inherit from@i item-class@d,@p @dwhich defaults to@p dialog-item@d,@p @dare included in the list. If@i must-be-enabled@p @dis true (the default is false), then disabled dialog@i @ditems are not returned.DIFFERENCE-REGION@iregion1@p @iregion2@p &optional@i dest-region@d[@iFunction@d]returns a region that is the difference of@i region1@p @dand@i region2@d.@p @dIt returns the result in@i dest-region@d,@p @dif supplied, or in a newly created region.@bDIGIT-CHAR@iweight@p &optional@i radix@d[@iFunction@d]if possible, returns a character corresponding to@i weight@p @din the given@i radix@d.@p @dIf it is not possible to return such a character, returns@p nil@d.@i radix@p @ddefaults to 10.@iDIGIT-CHAR-P@ichar@p &optional@i radix@d[@iFunction@d]if@i char@p @dis a legal digit in the base given by@i radix@p @d(default 10), then returns the numeric value of the digit. If it is not a legal digit, returns@p nil@d.@i char@p @dmust be a character.DIRECTORY@ipathname@p &key :directories :files :directory-pathnames :test :resolve-aliases @d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of the@p truename@ds of all files or folders that match@i pathname@d,@p @dusing@p * @das a wildcard character.@p directory @dmust accept logical pathnames but does not return them.DIRECTORY-NAMESTRING@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the directory component of@i pathname@d,@p @das a string.DIRECTORY-PATHNAME-P@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns a Boolean value, t if pathname is a pathname, nil if it is not. A pathname is a directory pathname if its name is nil or the empty string and its type is nil or :unspecified.DIRECTORYP@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i pathname@p @drepresents a directory. An error is signalled if@i pathname@p @dis not a pathname.@bDISASSEMBLE@iname-or-compiled-function@d[@iFunction@d]prints out a disassembly of@i name-or-compiled-function@d,@p @dwhich should be a compiled function object, a symbol, a lambda expression, or a list whose@p car @dis@p setf@d.DISK-EJECTED-P@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the device portion of@i pathname@p @dis a volume that has been ejected. If the volume is not mounted, the function returns an error.@bDISPLACED-ARRAY-P@iarray@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p nil @dif@i array@p @dis not a displaced array. If it is a multidimensional array or an array created with non-@pnil @dvalues for the@p :displaced-to @dand/or the@p :fill-pointer @darguments to@p make-array@d, the function returns two values, the storage vector and the offset from the beginning of the storage vector to the beginning of the storage for the array.DISPOSE-RECORD@irecord@p &optional@i storage-type@p@d[@iMacro@d]disposes of the given@i record@d.@p @dReturns@p nil@d. If@i storage-type@p @dis given, the macro can compile more efficiently. Do not supply@i storage-type@p @dif you overrode it in@p make-record.DISPOSE-REGION@iregion@d[@iFunction@d]reclaims storage space used by@i region@p @dand returns@p nil.@bDIVISION-BY-ZERO @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by attempting to divide by zero.DO@d(@p{@ivar@p @d|@p (@ivar@p @d[@iinit@p @d[@istep@d]])@p}@d*) (@iend-test@p {@iresult@p}@d*)@p {@ideclaration@p}@d*@p {@itag@p @d|@i statement@p}@d*[@iMacro@d]at the beginning of each iteration, evaluates all the@i init@p @dforms (before any@i var@p @dis bound), then binds each@i var@p @dto the value of its@i init@p @d. Then evaluates@i end-test@d; if the result is@p nil@d, execution proceeds with the body of the form. If the result is non-@pnil@d, the@i result@p @dforms are evaluated as an implicit@p progn @dand the value of the last@i result@p @dform is returned. At the beginning of the second and subsequent iterations, all@i step@p @dforms are evaluated, then all variables are updated.DO*@d(@p{@d(@ivar@p @d[@iinit-val@p @d[@iupdate@d]])@p}@d*) (@iend-test@p {@iresult@p}@d*)@p {@idecl@p}@d*@p {@itag@p @d|@i body-form@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]sequentially evaluates each@i init@p @dform and binds each@i var@p @dto the value of its@i init@p @d, then evaluates@i end-test@d.@p @dIf the result is@p nil@d, execution proceeds with the body of the form. If the result is non-@pnil@d, the@i result@p @dforms are evaluated as an implicit@p progn @dand the value of the last@i result@p @dform is returned. At the beginning of the second and subsequent iterations, the first@i step@p @dform is evaluated and its value assigned to the first var, then the second@i step@p @dform is evaluated and its value assigned, and so on.DO-ALL-SYMBOLS@d(@ivar@p @d[@iresult-form@d])@p {@ideclaration@p}@i*@p {@itag@p @d|@i form@p}@i*@d[@iMacro@d]iterates over all the symbols accessible in any package, binding@i var@p @dto each of them in turn, and evaluating the@i forms@d.@p @dSome symbols may be processed more than once. When done, evaluates@i result-form@p @dand returns its value.DO-EXTERNAL-SYMBOLS@p(@ivar@p @d[@ipackage@p @d[@iresult-form@d]]@p) {@ideclaration@d}* {@itag@p @d|@i form@d}*[@iMacro@d]iterates over all the external symbols of@i package@d,@p @dbinding@i var@p @dto each of them in turn, and evaluating the@i forms@d.@p @dWhen done, evaluates@i result-form@p @dand returns its value.@i package@p @dmay be either a package object or a package name.DO-SYMBOLS@p(@ivar@p @d[@ipackage@p @d[@iresult-form@d]]@p) {@ideclaration@d}* {@itag@p @d|@i form@d}*[@iMacro@d]iterates over all the symbols accessible in@i package@d,@p @dbinding@i var@p @dto each of them in turn, and evaluating the@i forms@d.@p @dWhen done, evaluates@i result-form@p @dand returns its value.DOCUMENTATION@isymbol@p &optional@i doc-type@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the documentation string of@i doc-type@p @dfor@i symbol@d.@p @dDocumentation strings may be specified when functions, variables, macros, etc. are defined. The documentation strings are only retained if@p *save-doc-strings* @dis true when the definition occurs.@i doc-type@p @dmay be@p function@d,@p variable@d,@p structure@d,@p type@d, or@p setf@d.DOLIST@d(@ivar@p @ilistform@p @d[@iresultform@d])@p {@ideclaration@p}@d*@p {@itag@p @d|@i statement@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i listform@d,@p @dwhich produces a list, and executes the body once for every element in the list. On each iteration,@i var@p @dis bound to successive elements of the list. Upon completion,@i resultform@p @dis evaluated, and the value is returned. If@i resultform@p @dis omitted, the result is@p nil.@dDOTIMES@d(@ivar@p @icountform@p @d[@iresultform@d])@p {@ideclaration@p}@d*@p {@itag@p @d|@i statement@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @icountform@p @dtimes. On successive executions,@i var@p @dis bound to the integers between zero and@i countform@d.@p @dUpon completion,@i resultform@p @dis evaluated, and the value is returned.@p @dIf@i resultform@p @dis omitted, the result is@p nil.@dDOUBLE-CLICK-P @d[@iFunction@d]true if the mouse-click currently being processed was the second half of a double-click. Double-clicks take into account the timing as well as the spacing of consecutive ticks.DOUBLE-CLICK-SPACING-P@ipoint1@p @ipoint2@d[@iFunction@d]called by@p double-click-p @dwhen checking if two clicks should count as a double-click. This function may be redefined.DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of floating-point numbers which have precision and range not greater than @pLONG-FLOAT@d and not less than @pSINGLE-FLOAT@d.DOUBLE-FLOAT-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest positive floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (+ (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pDOUBLE-FLOAT-NEGATIVE-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest negative floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (- (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pDPB@isource-integer.@p @ibytespec@p @idestination-integer@d[@iFunction@d]returns a number that is the same as@i destination-integer.@d,@p @dexcept that the byte specified by@i bytespec@p @dis replaced with the appropriate number of low bits from@i source-integer.DRAW-CELL-CONTENTS@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]draws the contents of the cell represented by@i h@p @dand@i v.@p @dThis function may be shadowed to provide a specialized display.@p draw-cell-contents @dshould not be called directly. It should only be called by@p redraw@d, which prepares the window for the drawing.DRAW-MENUBAR-IF @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dredraws the menu bar by calling the trap@p _DrawMenuBar @dif the value of@p *menubar-frozen* @dis@p nil@d. If not, no action is taken.@bDRAW-PICTURE@iview@p @ipicture@p &optional@i left@p @itop@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]draws@i picture@p @din@i view@d,@p @dwhich is a window or a view contained in a window, and returns@i picture.@bDRIBBLE@p&optional@i pathname@d[@iFunction@d]sends input/output from an interactive session in the Listener to the file@i pathname@d,@p @dcreating a readable record of the session.DYNAMIC-EXTENT@ivar* | @p(@ifunction@p)@i*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, asserts to the compiler that @ivar@d or @ifunction@d is inaccessible outside of the form which contains the declaration.ECASE@ikeyform@p @d{({( {@ikey@p @d}*) |@i key@p @d}@p @d{@iform@d}* ) }*[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i keyform@d,@p @dand then executes the first set of@i forms@p @dwhose corresponding@i keys@p @dares@p eql @dto the@i keyform@d.@p @dAn error is signalled if there is no match.ECHO-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]is a bidirectional stream associated with an input stream and an output stream. Input read from the input stream is echoed to the output stream.ECHO-STREAM-INPUT-STREAM@iecho-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns the input stream associated with @iecho-stream@d.ECHO-STREAM-OUTPUT-STREAM@iecho-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns the output stream associated with @iecho-stream@d.ED@p&optional@i pathname@d[@iFunction@d]opens an editor window to the file specified by@i pathname@d,@p @dor a new editor window if@i pathname@p @dis not specified.@i pathname@p @dmay be a logical pathname.ED-ABORT-LISTENER-INPUT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]creates a new input line without executing the current input line.ED-ARGLIST@iwindow@p &optional (@isymbol@p nil symbolp)@i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dprints the argument list of the function bound to the symbol surrounding the insertion point. Bound to Control-X Control-A.@bED-BACK-TO-INDENTATION@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the first nonwhitespace character in its current line.ED-BACKWARD-CHAR@iwindow@p @i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point back one character. Bound to Control-B.@bED-BACKWARD-SELECT-CHAR@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dselects one character backward from the insertion point and moves the insertion point to the left of that character.ED-BACKWARD-SELECT-SEXP@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects one symbolic expression backward from the insertion point and moves the insertion point to the left of that symbolic expression. If the insertion point is in the middle of a word, selects to the beginning of the word.ED-BACKWARD-SELECT-WORD@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i fwd@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects one word backward from the insertion point and moves the insertion point to the left of that word. If the insertion point is in the middle of a word, selects the word.@i @dIf@i fwd@p @dis specified and true, selects forward instead of backward.ED-BACKWARD-SEXP@iwindow@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point back one s-expression. Bound to Control-Meta-B.@i @dWith the optional argument, selects between old and new insertion points. Bound to Control-Meta-Shift-B.@bED-BACKWARD-WORD@iwindow@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point back one word. Bound to Meta-B. With the optional argument, selects between old and new insertion points. Bound to Meta-Shift-B.@bED-BEEP@p&rest@i ignore@d[@iFunction@d]makes a beeping sound. Useful for giving feedback to the user in a variety of situations.ED-BEGINNING-OF-BUFFER@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the beginning of the buffer. Bound to Meta-Less Than (Meta-<).@p @bED-BEGINNING-OF-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line. Bound to Control-A.@p @bED-BWD-UP-LIST@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i n@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to before the beginning of the current s-expression. Used again, it moves the insertion point up one level, to before the open parenthesis at the beginning of the expression. If@i n@p @dis specified, repeats@i n@p @dtimes.ED-CAPITALIZE-WORD@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]capitalizes the word to the right of the insertion point and moves the insertion point to the end of the word. If the insertion point is in the middle of a word, capitalizes the letter directly to the right of the insertion point and lowercases the rest of the word. Bound to Meta-C.@bED-COLLAPSE-SELECTION@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Replaces the selection with an insertion point at the beginning or end of the selection.ED-COPY-ENTER-COMMAND@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]copies the current line down to the prompt if it is not already there, and then executes it.ED-COPY-REGION-AS-KILL@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]copies the current selection or current expression onto the kill ring without deleting it from the buffer. Bound to Meta-W.@bED-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow-or-item@p &optional@i pos@p @idont-skip@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns two values, the current s-expression in the window and@p t@d, or if there is no current s-expression,@p nil @dand@p nil. @dThe current s-expression is the expression next to the cursor.@i @dIf@i pos@p @dis specified, it is used as the position around which to look for an s-expression. If@i dont-skip@p @dis specified and true, will include reader-macro characters as part of the s-expression.@bED-CURRENT-SYMBOL@iwindow-or-item@p &optional@i aux-find-symbol@p @istart@p @iend@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns three values giving information about the text currently selected or surrounding the cursor (if no text is selected).@p @dThe first value is a symbol if the cursor is in an interned symbol or if the selected text contains a symbol. The second value is@p t @dif an interned symbol was found,@p nil @dif not. The third value is the character immediately before the selected text or symbol, or@p nil @dif the selection or symbol is at the start of the buffer.@i aux-find-symbol@p @dif specified and non-@pnil@d, is a substitute for the Common Lisp@p find-symbol @dfunction. It is called with two strings, a symbol name string and a package string. If it returns a symbol, this becomes the first value of ed-current-symbol. Otherwise,@p find-symbol @dis called.@i start@p @dand@i end@p @dare indices in the buffer.@i start@p @ddefaults to the cursor position.@i end@p @ddefaults to@i start@d.@p @dIf@i start@p @dand@i end@p @dare@p eql@d, the symbol containing them is found. Otherwise, they delimit the symbol's print name exactly.@bED-DELETE-CHAR@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes the character to the right of the insertion point. Bound to Control-D.@bED-DELETE-FORWARD-WHITESPACE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes all spaces from the insertion point to the next character. Bound to Control-X Control-Space.@bED-DELETE-HORIZONTAL-WHITESPACE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes all whitespace characters to the left and right of the insertion point.ED-DELETE-WHITESPACE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Deletes excess whitespace surrounding the cursor.ED-DELETE-WITH-UNDO@iwindow-or-item@p @istart@p @iend@p &optional@i save-p@p @ireverse-p@p @iappend-p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes the specified range of text in the window's buffer. The text is added to the kill-ring if it is non-trivial, or if@i save-p@p @dis true (the default is@p nil@d).@p @bED-DELETE-WORD@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes the word to the right of the insertion point. Bound to Meta-D.@bED-DIGIT@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]turns the digits into a numeric argument for the subsequent command.ED-DOWN-LIST@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Moves the cursor to the start of the next list sublist in a list.ED-DOWNCASE-WORD@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]lowercases the word to the right of the insertion point and moves the insertion point to the end of the word. If the insertion point is in the middle of a word, lowercases the rest of the word. Bound to Meta-L.@bED-EDIT-CALLERS@ifred-mixin &optional pos@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Allows the user to view the source code of functions which reference the current symbol.ED-EDIT-DEFINITION@iwindow@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dattempts to bring up the source code definition for the symbol surrounding the insertion point. Bound to Meta-Period.@bED-END-OF-BUFFER@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the end of the buffer. Bound to Meta-Greater than@p @d(Meta->).@bED-END-OF-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the end of the current line. Bound to Control-E.@bED-END-TOP-LEVEL-SEXP@iwindow@p @i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the end of the current top-level s-expression (the expression with an open parenthesis flush with the left margin). Bound to Control-Meta-E.@bED-ENTER-COMMAND@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]when the insertion point is not in the last line of text in the Listener, causes the insertion point to move to the last line. If there is a selection, the selection is copied to the last line. If there is no selection, the text surrounding the insertion point moves down if it has been entered by the user, and is ready to execute.ED-EVAL-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]regardless of the value of@p *compile-definitions*@d, evaluates the current s-expression. Bound to Control-X Control-E.@bED-EVAL-OR-COMPILE-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]if the value of@p *compile-definitions* @dis@p nil@d, then evaluates the current s-expression; otherwise it compiles it. Bound to Enter (not to the Return key).@bED-EVAL-OR-COMPILE-TOP-LEVEL-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]if the value of@p *compile-definitions* @dis@p nil@d, then evaluates the current s-expression; otherwise it compiles it. Bound to Control-X Control-C.@bED-EXCHANGE-POINT-AND-MARK@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]exchanges the positions of the insertion point and the top mark. With an argument, the range between the two is selected. For example, Control-X Control-X exchanges the position of the point and the mark; Control-1 Control-X Control-X exchanges them and selects the range between.ED-FORWARD-CHAR@iwindow@p &optional@i fwd@p @iselect@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point forward one character. Bound to Control-F.@i @dIf@i fwd@p @dis specified and@p nil@d, moves backward.@p If@i select@p @dis specified and true, extends the selection.@bED-FORWARD-SELECT-CHAR@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects one character forward from the insertion point.ED-FORWARD-SELECT-SEXP@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects one expression forward from the insertion point and moves the insertion point past that expression. If the insertion point is in a word, selects to the end of the word. .ED-FORWARD-SELECT-WORD@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d] selects one word forward from the insertion point and moves the insertion point to the right of that word. If the insertion point is in the middle of a word, selects the word.ED-FORWARD-SEXP@iwindow@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point forward one s-expression. Bound to Control-Meta-F. With optional argument, selects between old and new insertion points. Bound to Control-Meta-Shift-F.@bED-FORWARD-WORD@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point forward one word. Bound to Meta-F.@bED-FWD-UP-LIST@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point past the end of the current s-expression. Used again, it moves the insertion point up one level, past the close parenthesis at the end of the expression.ED-GET-DOCUMENTATION@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]if possible, sends to@p *help-output* @dthe documentation string of the function bound to the symbol surrounding the insertion point. The function must have been defined with@p *save-doc-strings* @dset to@p t@d. Bound to Control-X Control-D.@bED-GRAB-LAST-INPUT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the previous input line to the bottom of the text in the Listener.ED-HELP@p&optional@i ignore@p @ilistener-p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]brings up the Fred Commands window. Bound to Control-?.@i ignore@p @dis ignored. If@i listener-p@p @dis specified and true, brings up help for Fred Commands that are specific to the Listener.@bED-HISTORY-UNDO@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dundoes one command in window or item, stores it on the Undo history list, and changes the Undo/Redo menu item in the Edit menu appropriately.@bED-I-SEARCH-FORWARD@iwindow@p @i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]searches incrementally forward. Bound to Control-S.@bED-I-SEARCH-REVERSE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]searches incrementally backward. Bound to Control-R.@bED-INDENT-COMMENT@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@p @dinserts or aligns comments. If the line that contains the insertion point of window or item starts with one or more semicolons (which indicate comments in Lisp), ed-indent-comment aligns the line with the comment column, column 40 in MCL. If there is no comment on the line containing the insertion point, the function inserts a semicolon at column 40, followed by a space, and moves the insertion point to column 42 of the line.@bED-INDENT-DIFFERENTLY@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dreindents the line containing the insertion point of window or item so that it is more easily readable.@bED-INDENT-FOR-LISP@iwindow@p &optional@i start@p @iend@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]reindents the current line. Bound to Tab.@bED-INDENT-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]reindents the current expression. Bound to Control-Meta-Q.@bED-INFO-CURRENT-SEXP@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Inspects the current expression.ED-INSERT-CHAR@iview@p @ichar@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts@i char@p @dinto the text of the Fred window or dialog item at the insertion point. The dialog is not automatically updated.@bED-INSERT-DOUBLE-QUOTES@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts a set of double quotation marks and puts the insertion point between them. Bound to Meta-double quotation marks (Meta-").@bED-INSERT-PARENS@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Inserts an open and close parenthesis pair, and places the cursor between them.ED-INSERT-SHARP-COMMENT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts the characters@p #| |# @dand puts the insertion point between the vertical bars. Bound to Meta-number sign (Meta-@p#@d).@bED-INSERT-WITH-STYLE@iwindow-or-item@p @istring@p @istyle-vector@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts@i string@p @dinto@i window-or-item@p @dand sets its style with@i style-vector@d.@p @iwindow-or-item@p @dis a Fred window or Fred dialog item.@bED-INSERT-WITH-UNDO@iview@p @istring@p &optional@i position@p @iappend-p@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dinserts@i string@p @din@i view@p @dat@i position@p @dand saves@i string@p @din the history list of the buffer of@i view.@p @dIf string is to be appended to a previous Undo command,@i append-p@p @dis true.@pED-INSPECT-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inspects the current expression. Bound to Control-X Control-I.@i @dWith the optional argument, inspects the expression at@i position.@bED-KILL-BACKWARD-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]kills back to the beginning of the current expression. Bound to Control-Meta-Backspace.@bED-KILL-COMMENT@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]kills only the comment in the line containing the insertion point. The insertion point may be located anywhere in the line.ED-KILL-FORWARD-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]kills forward to the end of the current expression. Bound to Control-Meta-D.@bED-KILL-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]kills to the end of the current line. Bound to Control-K.@bED-KILL-REGION@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]kills the current region. Bound to Control-W.@bED-KILL-SELECTION@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]kills the selection, and adds it to the kill ring if it is nontrivial.@bED-LAST-BUFFER@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dswitches the positions of the first and second windows on the list of windows, so that the second window becomes the active window. Called again, it toggles their positions again.@bED-LAST-INPUT-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the cursor to the previous input line.ED-LISTENER-HELP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]brings up the Listener Commands window.ED-MACROEXPAND-1-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]macroexpands the current s-expression with@p macroexpand-1@d. The result of each call is printed in the Listener. Bound to Control-M.@bED-MACROEXPAND-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]macroexpands the current s-expression with@p macroexpand@d. The result of each call is printed in the Listener. Bound to Control-X Control-M.@bED-MOVE-OVER-CLOSE-AND-REINDENT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point over the next close parenthesis and into position for typing the next Lisp expression. Bound to Meta-close parenthesis, that is, Meta-).ED-NEWLINE-AND-INDENT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]equivalent to Return followed by Tab. Bound to Control-Return.@bED-NEXT-INPUT-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the cursor to the next input line.ED-NEXT-LINE@iwindow@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the next line . Bound to Control-N. With optional argument, selects between old and new insertions points. Bound to Control-Shift-N.@bED-NEXT-LIST@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point past the close parenthesis of the next s-expression at the same level. If@i select@p @dis specified and true, extends the selection.ED-NEXT-SCREEN@iwindow@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point down one screen . Bound to Control-V. With optional argument, selects between old and new insertions points. Bound to Control-Shift-V.@bED-NUMERIC-ARGUMENT@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]instructs MCL that if a digit is typed just after Control, Meta, or Control-Meta, the digit should become a numeric argument for the next command.ED-OPEN-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts a new line at the insertion point; does not move the insertion point. Bound to Control-O. With optional argument, selects between old and new insertions points. Bound to Control-Shift-O.@bED-PREVIOUS-LINE@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the previous line . Bound to Control-P.@bED-PREVIOUS-LIST@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d] moves the insertion point to before the open parenthesis of the previous s-expression at the same level. If@i select@p @dis specified and true, extends the selection.ED-PREVIOUS-SCREEN@iwindow@p &optional@i select@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point up one screen . Bound to Meta-V.@i @dWith optional argument, selects between old and new insertions points. Bound to Meta-Shift-V.@bED-PRINT-HISTORY@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dprints the contents of the Undo history list.@bED-PUSH/POP-MARK-RING@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dpushes the position of a mark onto the mark ring. With an argument, it pops the top mark position from the mark ring, moving the insertion point to that mark position. If the mark ring is empty, the function signals an error.@bED-READ-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]reads the current expression and pretty-prints the result into the Listener. This command is useful for checking read-time bugs, especially those containing backquotes. Bound to Control-X Control-R.@i @dWith the optional argument, reads the expression at@i position.@bED-REPLACE-WITH-UNDO@iview@p @istart@p @iend@p @istring@p &optional@i append-p@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreplaces the range of characters from@i start@p @dto@i end@p @din@i view@p @dwith@i string@p @dand saves the replaced range in the history list of the buffer of@i view.@p ED-RUBOUT-CHAR@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes the character to the left of the insertion point. Bound to the Delete key (the one above the Return key, not the second Delete key on the Apple Extended Keyboard).@bED-RUBOUT-WORD@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes the word to the left of the insertion point. If the insertion point is inside a word, deletes from the insertion point to the beginning of the word. Bound to Meta-Delete. (The Delete key is the one above the Return key, not the second Delete key on the Apple Extended Keyboard.)@bED-SELECT-BEGINNING-OF-LINE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects to the beginning of the line and moves the insertion point to the beginning of the selection.ED-SELECT-CURRENT-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects the current s-expression. Bound to Control-Meta-Space.@bED-SELECT-END-OF-LINE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects to the end of the line and moves the insertion point past the end of the selection.ED-SELECT-END-TOP-LEVEL-SEXP@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Selects from the insertion point to the end of the top-level expression.ED-SELECT-NEXT-LINE@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i n@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects to the same point of the next line and moves the insertion point past the end of the selection. If it is not possibleto move the insertion point to the same column in the next line, it moves the insertion point to the end of the next line. If@i n@p @dis specified, move@i n@p @dlines instead of just one.ED-SELECT-NEXT-LIST@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects to the end of the next list at the same level and moves the insertion point past the close parenthesis of that list.ED-SELECT-NEXT-SCREEN@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects from the insertion point to the corresponding line and column in the next screen, or, if this is not possible, to the end of the corresponding line on the next screen. It moves the insertion point past the end of the selection.ED-SELECT-PREVIOUS-LINE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects to the same point of the previous line and moves the insertion point to before the beginning of the selection. If it is not possibleto move the insertion point to the same column in the previous line, it moves the insertion point to the end of the previous line.ED-SELECT-PREVIOUS-LIST@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects to the beginning of the previous list at the same level and moves the insertion point to before the open parenthesis of that list.ED-SELECT-PREVIOUS-SCREEN@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects from the insertion point to the corresponding line and column in the previous screen, or, if this is not possible, to the end of the corresponding line on the previous screen. It moves the insertion point to before the beginning of the selection.ED-SELECT-START-TOP-LEVEL-SEXP@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Selects from the insertion point to the start of the top-level expression.ED-SELECT-TOP-LEVEL-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]selects the current top-level s-expression (the expression with an open parenthesis flush with the left margin). Bound to Control-Meta-H.@bED-SELF-INSERT@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts the character bound to@p *current-character* @dinto the buffer. This function should be called only from within Fred commands; it checks for a prefix command, such as Control-U, that tells it how many times to insert itself.@bED-SET-COMMENT-COLUMN@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dsets the comment column to the column of the current insertion point.@bED-SPLIT-LINE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]splits the line in which the insertion point is located, indenting so that the column in which the characters are located does not change.ED-START-TOP-LEVEL-SEXP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current top-level s-expression (the expression with an open parenthesis flush with the left margin). Bound to Control-Meta-A.@bED-TRANSPOSE-CHARS@iwindow@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]transposes the two characters surrounding the insertion point. Bound to Control-T.@i @dWith the optional argument, transposes the two characters surrounding@i position.@bED-TRANSPOSE-SEXPS@iwindow@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]transposes the two s-expressions surrounding the insertion point. Bound to Control-Meta-T. With the optional argument, transposes the two s-expressions surrounding@i position.@bED-TRANSPOSE-WORDS@iwindow@p &optional@i position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]transposes the two words surrounding the insertion point. Bound to Meta-T. With the optional argument, transposes the two words surrounding@i position.@bED-UNIVERSAL-ARGUMENT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]multiples the following Fred command@i n@p @dnumber of times equal to the digit pressed immediately after Control-U (which invokes@p ed-universal-argument)@d. If a keystroke command is entered instead of a number,@i n@p @ddefaults to 4. (For instance, to move down four lines, give the command Control-U Control-N. To move down three lines, give the command Control-U 3 Control-N.)@bED-UPCASE-WORD@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]converts the rest of the current word or selection to upper case, then moves the insertion point to the end of the word. Bound to Meta-U.@bED-WHAT-CURSOR-POSITION@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]prints information about the position of the insertion point in the current editor buffer. Bound to Control-Equal sign (Control-=).@bED-YANK@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts the current kill ring string into the buffer at the insertion point. Bound to Control-Y.@bED-YANK-FILE@iwindow-fred-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Allows the user to select a file, and edits the file in the current Fred window. Unsaved changes in the window are lost.ED-YANK-POP@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inserts the next kill ring string into the buffer at the insertion point, removing the previous kill ring string. Bound to Meta-Y.@bEDIT-DEFINITION-P@iname@p &optional@i type@p @ispecializers@p @iqualifiers@d[@iFunction@d]returns source file information for a symbol, method, or function.*EDIT-MENU* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]specifies the Edit menu in MCL.EDIT-SELECT-FILE@i&optional window@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Allows the user to select a text file, and creates a new Fred window for editing the file.EDITABLE-TEXT-DIALOG-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of editable text dialog items. Editable text dialog items let a user enter text into a dialog.EGC@ienable-p@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dattempts to enable and activate the ephemeral garbage collector if the value of@i enable-p@p @dis true; if it is@p nil@d, disables the EGC. Returns@p t @dif the EGC is enabled after performing the operation,@p nil @dotherwise. EGC-ACTIVE-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the ephemeral garbage collector is active and@p nil @dotherwise.EGC-CONFIGURATION @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns three integer values that express the size limits in kilobytes associated with ephemeral generations 0, 1, and 2. EGC-ENABLED-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the ephemeral garbage collector is enabled and@p nil @dotherwise.@iEIGHTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the eighth element of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.EJECT-DISK@idevice@d[@iFunction@d]ejects the specified@i device@p @dif possible. It is not possible to eject hard disks.@p eject-disk @dreturns the true name of@i device@p @dif successful; otherwise it signals an error.ELT@isequence@p @iindex@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the element of@i sequence@p @dspecified by@i index@d,@p @da non-negative integer less than the@p length @dof@i sequence.@p @dZero-based indexing is used.EMPTY-RECT-P@ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the rectangle specified by the arguments contains no points, otherwise returns@p nil@d.@bEMPTY-REGION-P@iregion@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i region@p @dcontains no points and@p nil @dotherwise.ENCLOSE@ilambda-expression@p &optional @ienv@d[@iFunction@d]generates a closure in which the free variables of @ilambda-expression@d are captured from @ienv@d.ENCODE-UNIVERSAL-TIME@isecond@p @iminute@p @ihour@p @idate@p @imonth@p @iyear@p &optional@i time-zone@d[@iFunction@d]@p @dreturns the time indicated by the arguments in encoded format.END-OF-FILE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by attempting to read past the end of a stream.ENDP@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i list@p @dis@p nil@d; returns@p nil @dif@i list@p @dis a cons; errors if@i list@p @dis not a list.ENOUGH-NAMESTRING@ipathname@p &optional@i defaults@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string form of@i pathname@p @dcontaining just enough information to distinguish it uniquely from@i defaults@p @d(which defaults to the value of@p *default-pathname-defaults*@d)@i.ENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION@ifunction-name@p &key @iargument-precedence-order declare documentation environment generic-function-class lambda-list method-class method-combination@d[@iFunction@d]creates a new generic function without methods or changes options or declarations of an existing generic function.ENTER-KEY-HANDLER@itext-item@p @iold-text-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when an editable text item has just been made the current editable text, and when@i old-text-item@p @dwas the previously current item.@b&ENVIRONMENT @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a macro definition's lambda list, is followed by the formal parameter which will represent the lexical environment in the macro expander.@d*ENVIRONS* @d[@iVariable@d]a plist of information about the current Macintosh configuration. This information is derived from the@p _sysenvirons @dtrap.@pEQ@iobject1@p @iobject2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if and only if@i object1@p @dand@i object2@p @dare the same object.@p eq @dis the fastest and strictest test for equality. (@peq @dworks by testing whether@i object1@p @dand@i object2@p @daddress the same location in memory.) Things that print the same are not necessarily@p eq@d, numbers with the same value need not be@p eq@d, and two similar lists are usually not@p eq@d.EQL@iobject1@p @iobject2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object1@p @dand@i object2@p @dare@p eq@d, or if they are numbers of the same type with the same value, or if they are character objects that represent the same character.EQUAL@iobject1@p @iobject2@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns true when@i object1@p @dand@i object2@p @dare structurally similar. A rough rule of thumb is that objects are@p equal @dwhen their printed representation is the same.@p equal @dis case sensitive when comparing strings and characters.EQUAL-RECT@irect1@p @irect2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i rect1@p @dand@i rect2@p @dare equal and@p nil @dotherwise.@bEQUAL-REGION-P@iregion1@p @iregion2@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreturns@p t @dif@i region1@p @dand@i region2@p @dare identical in size, shape, and position; otherwise returns@p nil.@bEQUALP@iobject1@p @iobject2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object1@p @dand@i object2@p @dare@p equal@d; if they are characters and satisfy@p char-equal@d; if they are numbers with the same numeric value (even if they are of different types); or if they have components that are all@p equalp. @dSpecial rules apply to arrays, hash tables, and structures; see the full Common Lisp specification.ERASE-ARC@iview@p @istart-angle@p @iarc-angle@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the specified arc with the current background pattern in patCopy mode. The arc is specified by@i start-angle@d,@p @iarc-angle@d,@p @dand the rectangle specified by the arguments.@p @bERASE-OVAL@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the specified oval with the current background pattern in patCopy mode.@p @bERASE-POLYGON@iview@p @ipolygon@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dfills@i polygon@p @dwith the current background pattern in patCopy mode.@bERASE-RECT@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the specified rectangle with the current background pattern in patCopy mode.@bERASE-REGION@iview@p @iregion@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dfills@i region@p @dwith the current background pattern in patCopy mode.@bERASE-ROUND-RECT@iview@p @ioval-width@p @ioval-height@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the roundrect specified by the rectangle,@i oval-width,@p @dand@i oval-height@p @dwith the current background pattern in patCopy mode.@bERROR@idatum@p &rest@i arg@ds@p@d[@iFunction@d]invokes the signal facility on a condition. If the condition is not handled,@p (invoke-debugger@i condition@p) @dis executed. *ERROR-OUTPUT* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream to which error messages are sent.*ERROR-PRINT-CIRCLE* @d[@iVariable@d]When a break loop is entered, @p*print-circle*@d is bound to the value of this variable. If the values that you wish to see in a break loop contain shared structure that is not circular, you may find the output easier to read if @p*error-print-circle*@d is nil.ETYPECASE@ikeyform@p {@d(@itype@p {@iform@p}@d* )@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i keyform@d,@p @dthen evaluates as an implicit@p progn @dthe@i forms@p @dwhose@i type@p @dmatches the value of@i keyform@d.@p @dReturns the last@i form@p @devaluated.@i keyform@p @dis evaluated, but the@i type@p @dis not.@p etypecase @ddoes not permit an@p otherwise @dor@p t @dclause. If no clause is satisfied,@p etypecase @dsignals a non-continuable@p type-error@d.@iEVAL@iform@d[@iFunction@d]evaluates@i form@p @dand returns the value returned by@i form.@p @dThe evaluation is performed in the current dynamic environment and a null lexical environment.EVAL-ENQUEUE@iform@p@d[@iFunction@d]queues up@i form@p @dfor evaluation in the read-eval-print loop.@p eval-enqueue @dreturns immediately. This means that form will not execute at the uninterruptible event-handling level, but will be executed as if it had been typed into the Listener. User written read-eval-print loops can get forms from the queue with@p get-next-queued-form@d.*EVAL-MENU* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]specifies the Eval menu in MCL.EVAL-WHEN@d(@p{@isituation@p}@d*)@p {@iform@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]specifies when@i form@p @dis to be executed; if it is executed, processes the body of its form as an implicit@p progn@d.@i situation@p @dmust be one of@p :compile-toplevel, :load-toplevel@d, or@p :execute@d. EVALHOOK@iform@p @ievalhookfn@p @iapplyhookfn@p &optional @ienv@d[@iFunction@d]returns the result of evaluating @iform@d with @ievalhookfn@d bound to@p *EVALHOOK*@d and @iapplyhookfn@d bound to@p *APPLYHOOK*@d. The hooks are rebound to@p NIL@d once called.*EVALHOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]unless@p NIL@d, is a function which expects two arguments: a form to be evaluated, and an environment. The@p *EVALHOOK*@d function must return the results of the evaluation. To avoid problems with recursion, @p*EVALHOOK*@d is bound to@p NIL@d when the hook function is called.@dEVENP@iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i integer@p @dis even (evenly divisible by two); otherwise returns@p nil@d.EVENT-DISPATCH@p&optional@i idle@p @ilevel@p@d[@iFunction@d]called periodically as a background.@p event-dispatch @dcalls@p _WaitNextEvent@d, binds the value of@p *current-event* @dand processes the event with@p *eventhook* @dand the system event handlers.@i idle@p @dis used to determine the sleep time to give to@p _WaitNextEvent@d. It defaults to@p *idle*.@i level@p @dis the current interrupt level. It defaults to@p ccl::*interrupt-level* and must be a fixnum. If it is less than 0, no scanning will be done for keyboard aborts.@dEVENT-KEYSTROKE@imessage@p @imodifiers@d[@iFunction@d]takes the message and modifiers fields of a Macintosh event record and returns a keystroke code.@bEVENT-TICKS @d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of ticks (sixtieths of a second) between calls to@p event-dispatch@d.*EVENTHOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]@p*eventhook* @dprovides a user hook into the event system. If this variable contains a function, the function is called and has the first chance of processing any events.EVERY@ipredicate@p @isequence@p &rest@i more-sequences@d[@iFunction@d]@ipredicate@p @dis applied to the elements of@i sequence@p @dwith index 0, then to those with index 1, and so on, until the end of the shortest sequence is reached. As soon as@i predicate@p @dreturns a@p nil @dvalue,@p nil @dis returned; otherwise a non-@pnil @dvalue is returned. That is,@p every @dis true if every invocation of@i predicate@p @don@i sequence@p @dreturns true.EXIT-KEY-HANDLER@itext-item@p @inext-text-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when an editable text item is about to be exited. If this function returns@p nil@d, the exit is aborted.@bEXP@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns@i e@p @draised to the power@i number@d,@p @dwhere@i e@p @dis the base of the natural logarithms.EXPORT@isymbols@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]makes@i symbols@p @d(which should be a symbol or list of symbols) accessible as external symbols in@i package@p @d(which defaults to@p *package*@d), and returns@p t@d.EXPT@ibase-number@p @ipower-number@d[@iFunction@d]returns@i base-number@p @draised to@i power-number@d.EXTENDED-CHARACTER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of characters not in @pBASE-CHARACTER@d.EXTERNALIZE-SCRAP@ihandler@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dconverts the scrap of its type from internal format to external format. This function is called when the user switches from Macintosh Common Lisp to another application under MultiFinder, or to a desk accessory. It copies data to the Macintosh system heap using appropriate system calls. This allows others applications to access the Lisp scrap of the given type.*.FASL-PATHNAME* @d[@iVariable@d]the value of this variable is the file type for Macintosh Common Lisp fasl files. The initial value of this variable is@p #P".fasl"@d.@b*FASL-SAVE-DEFINITIONS* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :save-definitions @dkeyword argument to@p compile@d. If true, then@p compile @ddefaults to saving definitions for each file compiled If@p nil@d, then@p compile @ddoes not save definitions.*FASL-SAVE-DOC-STRINGS* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :save-doc-strings @dkeyword argument to@p compile@d. If true, then@p compile @ddefaults to saving documentation strings for each file compiled. If@p nil@d, then@p compile @ddoes not save documentation strings.*FASL-SAVE-LOCAL-SYMBOLS* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :save-local-symbols @dkeyword argument to@p compile@d. If true, then@p compile @ddefaults to saving local symbols for each file compiled. If@p nil@d, then@p compile @ddoes not save local symbols.FBOUNDP@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i symbol@p @dhas a global function binding, otherwise returns@p nil@d.FCEILING@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]rounds@i number@p @dupward to a floating-point number. The remainder is returned as a second value. When@i divisor@p @dis specified,@p fceiling @dfirst divides@i divisor@p @dinto@i number@d,@p @dthen rounds the result upward.FDEFINITION@ifunction-name@d[@iFunction@d]returns the global definition of @ifunction-name@d. May be used with @pSETF@d to change the global definition.*FEATURES* @d[Variable]a list of features present in the current lisp environment. You can add features to this list as you bring tools into your environment. The features should be represented as keywords. This variable is used by the@p #+ @dand@p #- @dreader macros.FF-LOAD@ifiles@p &key :entry-names :libraries :library-entry-names :ffenv-name :replace@d[@iFunction@d]loads the MPW object files specified by@i files@p @dand returns a foreign function environment. This environment consists of code segments, a jump table, a static data area, and a collection of entry point names. Only code and data reachable from the active entry points are included in the environment.@bFF-LOOKUP-ENTRY@ientry-name@d[@iFunction@d]returns two values describing the entry point@i entry-name@d,@p @dan active entry point in some previously loaded environment. The first value returned is a pointer to the entry point. The second is the A5 pointer for the environment where the entry point was found. If@i entry-name@p @ddoes not exist, returns@p nil.@bFFLOOR@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]rounds@i number@p @ddownward to a floating-point number. The remainder of the operation is returned as a second value. When@i divisor@p @dis specified,@p ffloor @dfirst divides@i divisor@p @dinto@i number@d,@p @dthen rounds the result downward.FIFTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the fifth element of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.FILE-AUTHOR@ifile@d[@iFunction@d]attempts to determine and return the author of@i file@d.@p @dIn Macintosh Common Lisp, this returns the empty string for all files.FILE-CREATE-DATE@ipathname@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the date and time when@i pathname@p @dwas created. The date is given in universal time format.FILE-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors in opening or closing a file, or by a low-level file-system error. Has slot @p:pathname@d.FILE-ERROR-PATHNAME@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the pathname of the file which caused the program to signal a @icondition@d of type @pFILE-ERROR@d.FILE-LENGTH@ifile-stream@p &optional@i new-length@d[@iFunction@d]returns the length of the file associated with@i file-stream@d.@p @dIf@p new-length @dis supplied, the function sets the file size and returns new-pos. If@p new-length @dis set to less than the current file position the file is truncated and the position is set to the new length.FILE-LOCKED-P@ifile@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the file is locked, otherwise@p nil@d.*FILE-MENU* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]specifies the File menu in MCL.FILE-NAMESTRING@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the filename portion of@i pathname@d,@p @din string format.FILE-POSITION@ifile-stream@p &optional@i new-position@d[@iFunction@d]returns or sets the current position within a random access file. If@i new-position@p @dis given, the position is set and the new position is returned. If@i new-position@p @dis not given, the current position is returned. Stream input or output operations will occur at this position in the file.FILE-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of streams which take input from or write output to a file.FILE-STRING-LENGTH@ifile-stream@p @iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns a non-negative integer that is the difference between what the file-position of@i file-stream@p @dwill be after and before writing@i object@p @dto@i file-stream.@p @dIf this difference cannot be determined, returns@p nil@d.FILE-WRITE-DATE@ifile@d[@iFunction@d]returns the time when@i file@p @dwas last modified as an integer in Universal Time format. If this cannot be determined, returns@p nil@d.FILL@isequence@p @iitem@p &key :start :end@d[@iFunction@d]destructively replaces elements of@i sequence@p @dwith@i item.@p @dReturns the destructively modified sequence.FILL-ARC@iview@p @ipattern@p @istart-angle@p @iarc-angle@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the specified arc with@i pattern@p @d(in patCopy mode). The arc is specified by@i start-angle@d,@p @iarc-angle@d,@p @dand the rectangle@i @dthat is bounded by@i left,@p @itop,@p @iright@p @dand@i bottom@d.@p @bFILL-OVAL@iview@p @ipattern@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the oval specified by the rectangle with@i pattern@p @din patCopy mode. The rectangle is specified by the other arguments.@bFILL-POINTER@ivector@d[@iFunction@d]returns the fill pointer of@i vector@d.@p @iIf@p @ivector@p @ddoes not have a fill pointer, an error is returned.FILL-POLYGON@iview@p @ipattern@p @ipolygon@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dfills@i polygon@p @dwith@i pattern@p @dusing patCopy mode.@bFILL-RECT@iview@p @ipattern@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills the rectangle specified by the arguments with@i pattern@p @din patCopy mode.@bFILL-REGION@iview@p @ipattern@p @iregion@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]fills@i region@p @dwith@i pattern@p @din patCopy mode.@bFILL-ROUND-RECT@iview@p @ipattern@p @ioval-width@p @ioval-height@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dfills the specified roundrect with@i pattern@p @din patCopy mode. The roundrect is specified by@i oval-width,@p @ioval-height,@p @dand the rectangle specified by the arguments.@bFIND@iitem@p @isequence@p &key :from-end :test :test-not :start :end :key @d[@iFunction@d]returns the first element in the specified portion of@i sequence@p @dthat matches@i item@p @daccording to@i test@d,@p @dor@p nil @dif no element matches.@iFIND-ALL-SYMBOLS@istring-or-symbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of all symbols in any package whose print-name is the same as@i string-or-symbol.@p @dThe search is case-sensitive. If the argument is a symbol, its print name supplies the string to be searched for.@iFIND-CLASS@isymbol@p &optional@i errorp@p @ienvironment@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the class object named by the given signal in the given environment. If there is no such class and the@i errorp@p @dargument is@p nil, find-class @dreturns@p nil@d. The default value of@i errorp@p @dis@p t, @dwhich means that if there is no such class,@p find-class @dreturns an error@p.FIND-CLICKED-SUBVIEW@iview@p @iwhere@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the subview of@i view@p @dthat has been clicked on.FIND-DIALOG-ITEM@iview@p @istring@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the first item in the dialog whose@p dialog-item-text @dis@p equalp @dto@i string@d.@p @dThe items are searched in the order they were added to the dialog.FIND-IF@itest@p @isequence@p &key :key :start :end :from-end@d[@iFunction@d]returns the first element in the specified portion of@i sequence@p @dthat satisfies@i test.FIND-IF-NOT@itest@p @isequence@p &key :from-end :start :end :key @d[@iFunction@d]returns the first element in the specified portion of@i sequence@p @dthat fails to satisfy@i test.FIND-MENU@istring@p @d[@iFunction@d]returns the first installed menu that has@i string@p @das its title, or@p nil @dif no matching menu is found.FIND-MENU-ITEM@imenu@p @istring@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the first menu-item in@i menu@p @dwhose title is@i string@d.@p @dIf no menu-items in the menu have@i string@p @dfor a title, returns@p nil@d.FIND-METHOD@igeneric-function@p @imethod-qualifiers@p @ispecializers@p &optional @ierrorp@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the method which matches @imethod-qualifiers@d and @ispecializers@d in @igeneric-function@d. An error is signalled if no matching method exists, unless @ierrorp@d is @pNIL@d.FIND-NAMED-SIBLING@iview@p @iname@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]searches in the container@i @dof@i view@d,@p @dwhich is a view, simple view, or dialog item, and returns the first subview of@i view@d's container whose nickname is@i name@d.@p @dFor example, given a dialog item, it performs a search in the dialog containing the item to find another item with the nickname@i name.@bFIND-PACKAGE@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]returns the package with@i package@p @das its name or nickname, or@p nil @dif no such package exists. If@i package@p @dis a symbol, its print-name is used. If@i package@p @dis a package object, the package is returned.FIND-RESTART@identifier@p &optional @icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the first restart with a name matching @iidentifier@d in the dynamic environment. If @iidentifier@d is an active restart, it is returned. When @icondition@d is given, the restart is either associated with condition or not associated with any condition.FIND-SYMBOL@istring@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]searches for the symbol named by@i string@p @din@i package@p @d(a package object or a package name). Returns the symbol if it is found, otherwise returns@p nil@d.FIND-VIEW-CONTAINING-POINT@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p @idirect-subviews-only@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the view containing the point specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @bFIND-WINDOW@istring@p &optional@i class@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the frontmost window satisfying@i class@p @dand whose title is@i string@d.@p @dIf no window has@i string@p @das its title, returns@p nil@d. (Note: the cross which appears in the title bar of modified Fred windows is ignored.)FINISH-OUTPUT@p&optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]attempts to ensure that any output to@i output-stream@p @dthat has been buffered reaches its destination. When the output is complete, returns@p nil@d.FIRST@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@p car @dof@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.FIXNUM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of integers which can be represented in a single machine word. Values range from @pMOST-NEGATIVE-FIXNUM@d to @pMOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM@d, inclusive.FIXNUMP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a fixnum; otherwise returns false.FLET@d(@p{@d(@iname@p @ilambda-list@p {@ideclaration@p @d| doc-@istring@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*)@p}@d*)@p {@iflet-body-form@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]creates local function definitions which can be accessed by the@i flet-body-forms@d.@p @dWithin the body of the@p flet@d, if there are global functions with the same names as the local function definitions, the local definitions are used instead of the global. The local definition can refer to the global definition.FLOAT@inumber@p &optional@i other@d[@iFunction@d]converts@i number@d,@p @dany non-complex number, to a floating-point number. If@i other@p @dis given, it should be a floating-point number.@i number@p @dis converted to a float of the same type.FLOAT-DIGITS@ifloat@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of digits used in the internal representation of @ifloat@d's mantissa. The mantissa's base is given by @p(float-radix @ifloat@p)@d.FLOAT-PRECISION@ifloat@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of @bsignificant@d digits used in the internal representation of @ifloat@d's mantissa, or zero if @ifloat@ is @p0.0@d.FLOAT-RADIX@ifloat@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number base used in the internal representation of @ifloat@d's mantissa.FLOAT-SIGN@ifloat1@p &optional@i float2@d[@iFunction@d]returns a floating-point number with the same sign as@i float1@p @dand the same absolute value as@i float2@p @d(which defaults to 1.0).FLOATING-POINT-INEXACT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when a computation of floating point numbers creates an inexact result.FLOATING-POINT-INVALID-OPERATION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when a computation of floating point numbers generates certain traps.FLOATING-POINT-OVERFLOW @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when a computation of floating point numbers overflows.FLOATING-POINT-UNDERFLOW @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when a computation of floating point numbers underflows.FLOATP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a floating point number; otherwise returns false.FLOOR@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]converts@i number@p @dto an integer by rounding down. That is, it returns the largest integer which is not larger than@i number@d.@p @dA second value returned is the remainder of the operation. When@i divisor@p @dis specified,@p floor @dfirst divides divisor into@i number@d,@p @dand then applies@p floor @dto the result.FLUSH-VOLUME@idevice@p@d[@iFunction@d]some file system manipulations are buffered for execution at a later time.@p flush-volume @densures that all buffered file manipulations to a specified volume are performed.FMAKUNBOUND@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]causes the global function definition of@i symbol@p @dto become unbound (have no value).@i symbol@p @dmay be a symbol or a list whose@i car@p @dis@p setf. fmakunbound @dreturns@i symbol@d.FOCUS-VIEW@iview@p &optional@i font-view@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]installs the GrafPort of@i view@p @das the current GrafPort and sets the clip region and origin so that drawing occurs in the coordinate system of@i view@d.@p @dIf@i font-view@p @dis specified and non-@pnil@d, it's@p view-font-codes @dwill be used to set the GrafPort's font.@bFONT-CODES@ifont-spec@p &optional@i old-ff@p @iolf-ms@d[@iFunction@d]creates font codes from a font spec.@bFONT-CODES-INFO@iff@p @ims@p@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreturns four values that represent (in pixels) the ascent, descent, maximum width, and leading of the font specified by@i ff@p @dand@i ms.FONT-INFO@p&optional@i font-spec@d[@iFunction@d]returns four values, giving the ascent, descent, max-width, and leading for@i font-spec@p @d, which defaults to the current font of the current grafport.*FONT-LIST* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of all the fonts installed in the current Macintosh operating system, sorted alphabetically.FONT-SPEC@iff@p @ims@p@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dcreates a font specification from@i ff@p @dand@i ms,@p @dthe font-face and mode-size codes.FORCE-OUTPUT@p&optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]tells@i output-stream@p @dto immediately process all pending buffered output, and returns@p nil @d(without waiting for completion or acknowledgment).*FOREGROUND-EVENT-TICKS* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the appropriate value for@p event-ticks @dwhen Macintosh Common Lisp is the foreground application under MultiFinder. The intial value is 20.@b*FOREGROUND-SLEEP-TICKS* @d[@iVariable@d]the sleep time given to@p _WaitNextEvent @dwhen Macintosh Common Lisp is running The initial value is 0.@bFORMAT@idestination@p @icontrol-string@p &rest@i args@p@d[@iFunction@d]generates output from@i control-string@p @dand@i args@d,@p @dand sends it to@i destination@d,@p @dwhich should be a stream,@p t@d, or@p nil@d. If@i destination@p @dis@p nil@d,@p format @dreturns a stream of type@p string-stream @dholding the output. Otherwise it sends the output to@i destination@p @d(@p*standard-output* @dif@i destination@p @dis@p t@d) and returns@p nil@d.FORMATTER@icontrol-string@d[@iMacro@d]returns a function which @pFORMAT@ds the given arguments according to @icontrol-string@d and returns a list of any unprocessed arguments. @pFORMATTER@d is effectively a @pFORMAT@d compiler.FOURTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the fourth element (@pcadddr@d) of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.FRAME-ARC@iview@p @istart-angle@p @iarc-angle@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]draws a line just inside the arc specified by the rectangle,@i start-angle@d,@p @dand@i arc-angle@p @dusing the current pen pattern, mode, and size.@bFRAME-OVAL@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]draws a line just inside the boundaries of the oval specified by the rectangle,@i start-angle@d,@p @dand@i arc-angle@p @dusing the current pen pattern, mode, and size. The rectangle is specified by the arguments.@bFRAME-POLYGON@iview@p @ipolygon@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]draws a line just inside the boundaries of@i polygon@p @dusing the current pen.@bFRAME-RECT@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@ddraws a line just inside the boundaries of the rectangle specified by the arguments, using the current pen.@bFRAME-REGION@pview@i region@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@ddraws a line just inside the boundaries of@i region@d,@p @dusing the current pen.@bFRAME-ROUND-RECT@pview@i oval-width@p @ioval-height@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@ddraws a line just inside the boundaries of the roundrect specified by@i oval-width,@p @ioval-height,@p @dand the rectangle specified by the arguments, using the current pen pattern, mode, and size.@bFRED@p&optional@i pathname@p @inew-window@d[@iFunction@d]creates a Fred window. If@i pathname@p @dis given,@p fred @dattempts to open the file with that pathname.FRED-BLINK-POSITION@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the position of the blinking cursor. If there is no blinking cursor,@p fred-blink-position @dreturns the value@p -1@d. If there is no blinking cursor in the range of the visible window, but there may be elsewhere,@p fred-blink-position @dreturns nil. FRED-BUFFER@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the buffer-mark of@i window-or-item@d.@bFRED-CHUNK-SIZE@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]This generic function returns the chunk size of the given Fred window or Fred dialog item.FRED-COPY-STYLES-P@iwindow-or-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]indicates whether or note@i window-or-item@p @dcopies styles.@p @b*FRED-DEFAULT-FONT-SPEC* @d[@iVariable@d]the default font spec used when a new Fred window is opened.FRED-DIALOG-ITEM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class of Fred dialog items, based on@p fred-mixin @dand@p basic-editable-text-dialog-item@d, a class internal to CCL:.@bFRED-DISPLAY-START-MARK@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the buffer-mark of the first line drawn in the window.@b*FRED-HISTORY-LENGTH* @d[@iVariable@d]The length of the history list in fred. Determines how many levels of undo are possible. The initial value is 20 which permits 10 levels of undo.FRED-HPOS@iwindow@p &optional@i position@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the horizontal position of the line containing@i position@d,@p @din local window coordinates.@p @dThe position is computed as the length (in pixels) of the line containing@i position@d,@p @dminus the amount of horizontal scrolling currently in effect in the window.@bFRED-HSCROLL@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the value of the desired amount of horizontal scroll in pixels in@i fred-mixin@d.*FRED-KEYSTROKE-HOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]provides a hook into the Fred dispatch process. If this variable is a function, the function is called. If it is a comtab, the keystroke is looked up in the comtab. If it is not a comtab or function, this variable should be set to@p nil@d.@bFRED-LAST-COMMAND@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the most recent Fred command.@bFRED-LINE-VPOS@iwindow@p @iline-number@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the vertical position of the line@i line-number@p @din local window coordinates.FRED-MARGIN@ifred-mixin@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]This generic function returns the distance in pixels between the left edge of the window or item with@i fred-mixin@p @dand the left edge of the first character on each line.FRED-MIXIN@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class that mixes in Fred behavior.@bFRED-PACKAGE@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the window's package.@p *package* @dis bound to this package when forms are read from the window.@bFRED-POINT-POSITION@iwindow-or-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the buffer position of the character nearest the point given by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dAssumes that the buffer has not been modified since the last call to@p fred-update@d.@b*FRED-SPECIAL-INDENT-ALIST* @d[@iVariable@d]an alist of symbols that Fred should indent specially. The@p car @dof each pair is the symbol, and the@p cdr @dis the number of 'distinguished arguments' when the symbol is used as a function, macro, or special-form.@bFRED-TABCOUNT@ifred-window@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the number of spaces per tab in@i fred-window.@d*FRED-TRACK-THUMB-P* @d[@iVariable@d]setting this variable to true enables "live" scrolling in FRED windows.FRED-UPDATE@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]updates the display of the window. This function is often called automatically by the event system and editor.@bFRED-VPOS@iwindow@p &optional@i position@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the vertical position of the bottom of the line containing@i position@d,@p @din local window coordinates. If@i position@p @dis not visible, -1 is returned.@bFRED-WINDOW @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of Fred windows. This class inherits from@p window@d, so it can use all generic functions with window methods.FRED-WRAP-P@ifred-window@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a Boolean value,@p t @dif lines wrap in@i fred-window@d,@p nil @dif they do not.FRESH-LINE@p&optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]writes a newline character to@i output-stream@p @dif and only if@i output-stream@p @dis not already at the start of a new line. Returns@p t @dif it wrote a newline or@p nil @dif it did not.FRONT-WINDOW@p&key :class :include-invisibles :include-windoids@d[@iFunction@d]returns the frontmost window satisfying the keywords. If no windows satisfy the tests, returns@p nil@d.FROUND@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]returns as a floating-point number the integer nearest to@i number.@p @dIf@i number@p @dis halfway between two integers (for example@p 3.5@d),@p fround @drounds up to the next integer and expresses it as a floating-point number.@p fround @dreturns a second value, which is the remainder of the rounding operation. When@i divisor@p @dis present,@p fround @dfirst divides@i divisor@p @dinto@i number@d,@p @dthen rounds up the result.FTRUNCATE@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]returns two values: the integer part of@i number@p @d(i.e.@i number@p @dwith the fractional part removed), expressed as a floating-point number, and the fractional part. When@i divisor@p @dis present,@p truncate @ddivides@i divisor@p @dinto@i number@p @dfirst and then truncates the result.FTYPE@itype@p @ifunction-name*@d[@iDeclaration@d]is used in declaration forms to inform the compiler that functions named @ifunction-name@ds have the specified @itype@d.FULL-PATHNAME@ipathname-or-namestring@p &key :no-error@d[@iFunction@d]returns a pathname whose logical components are all expanded into physical components.@bFUNCALL@ifunction@p &rest@i arguments@d[@iFunction@d]invokes@i function@d,@p @dpassing it@i arguments@p @das arguments. Because@p funcall @dis a function,@i function@p @dis evaluated. The type of@i function@p @dcan be only@p symbol @dor@p function@d. The value returned by the function call is returned.FUNCTION@ifunction-indicator@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]returns the function object associated with@i function-indicator@d.@p @dThis function object is the piece of code that would be executed if@i function-indicator@p @dwas in the car of a list.@p function @dis usually abbreviated by the reader macro@p #'@d.FUNCTION-INFORMATION@iname@p &optional @ienv@d[@iFunction@d]returns information on a function, macro or special-form named @iname@d in @ienv@d. The first value is one of @p:FUNCTION@d, @p:MACRO@d, @pSPECIAL-FORM@d, or @pNIL@d (if @iname@d does not have one of the other definitions.) The second value is @pT@d when @ienv@d is specified and @iname@d is found in @ienv@d, rather than globally. The third value is a list of declarations applicable to @iname@d.FUNCTION-KEYWORDS@imethod@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a list of named keyword arguments for @imethod@d, and @pT@d or @pNIL@d indicating whether the @imethod@d allows other keys.FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION@ifunction@d[@iFunction@d]returns a lambda expression suitable for defining @ifunction@d, or @pNIL@d if the information is unavailable. The second value may be @pNIL@d if the function was defined in the null lexical environment. The third value may be the name of @ifunction@d.FUNCTIONP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dcould be a function, otherwise returns false. However,@p functionp @dis always false of symbols and lists, including lambda-lists.GC @d[@iFunction@d]@i@dexplicitly invokes the garbage collector. As garbage collection is automatic, explicit invocation is not usually necessary.GC-EVENT-CHECK-ENABLED-P@d[@iFunction@d]returns a Boolean value indicating whether Macintosh Common Lisp performs event processing during garbage collection.@bGCCOUNTS @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns five integer values: the total number of full and ephemeral garbage collector invocations in the current session; the total number of full garbage collector invocations in the current session; the total number of times the ephemeral garbage collector has been invoked on generation 2 in the current session (0 if the EGC is not enabled); the total number of times the ephemeral garbage collector has been invoked on generation 1 in the current session (0 if the EGC is not enabled); the total number of times the ephemeral garbage collector has been invoked on generation 0 in the current session (0 if the EGC is not enabled).GCD@p&rest@i integers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the greatest common denominator of its arguments.GCTIME @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns five integer values: the total number of milliseconds spent in all full and ephemeral garbage collections in the current session; the total number of milliseconds spent in all full garbage collections in the current session; the total number of milliseconds spent in all ephemeral collections of generation 2 in the current session (0 if the EGC is not enabled); the total number of milliseconds spent in all ephemeral garbage collections of generation 1 in the current session (0 if the EGC is not enabled); the total number of milliseconds spent in all ephemeral garbage collections of generation 0 in the current session (0 if the EGC is not enabled).@p%GEN-TRAP@itrap@p {@itype-keyword@p @iargument@p}* @d[@p:return-block@i pointer@p |@i return-value-keyword@d]@p@d[@iMacro@d]@p@dexpands into a low-level system call to a stack and a register, or to multiple registers. It returns a value according to@p :return-block @dor@i return-value-keyword@p. @dIf the@p :return-block @dkeyword is present,@p %gen-trap @dreturns@p nil. @dIf it is not present,@p %gen-trap @dreturns the value appropriate for@i return-value-keyword@p.>GENERIC-FLET@ibindings@p &body @ibody@d[@iMacro@d]similar to @pFLET@d, but defines local generic functions. Options and methods take the place of local function body.GENERIC-FUNCTION@ilambda-list@p &rest @ioptions-and-methods@d[@iClass@p @iname@p, @iMacro@d]the class of generic functions. As a macro, defines an anonymous generic function.GENERIC-LABELS@ibindings@p &body @ibody@d[@iMacro@d]similar to @pLABELS@d, but defines local generic functions. Options and methods take the place of local function body.GENSYM@p&optional@i string-or-number@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a unique uninterned symbol. If@i string-or-number@p @dis given, it will be used in the name of the new symbol.*GENSYM-COUNTER* @d[@iVariable@d]is a non-negative integer used by@p GENSYM@d to construct a unique name.@dGENTEMP@p&optional@i prefix@p @ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a new symbol interned in@i package@p @d(which defaults to@p *package*@d), guaranteeing that the symbol will be a new one not already in@i package.@dGET@isymbol@p @iproperty@p &optional@i default@d[@iFunction@d]searches the property list of@i symbol@p @dfor@i property@p @d(using@p eq @dto test). Returns the property value if found; otherwise returns@i default-value@p @dif specified, or@p nil @dif no@i default-value@p @dis specified.@p get @dmay be combined with@p setf @dto add or change a property.GET-BACK-COLOR@iwindow@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the background color of@i window@d,@p @dencoded as an integer.%GET-BYTE@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p@d[@iFunction@d]gets the byte (8 bits) at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0-255. The compiler open-codes this function.%GET-CSTRING@imacptr@p @d&optional@i offset@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]gets the C string at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as a Lisp string. This function is not open-coded by the compiler. The string must be terminated by a zero byte. Starts the search for the zero byte@i end@p @dcharacters into@i macptr.@p @ioffset@p @ddefaults to 0.@i end@p @ddefaults to@i offset.@p @dThe result is undefined if@i end@p @dis less than@i offset@d.GET-DEAD-KEYS@d[@iFunction@d]returns the current state of the dead keys. If it returns@p t@d, dead keys are enabled for your entire Macintosh computer. If@p nil@d, they are disabled.@bGET-DECODED-TIME @d[@iFunction@d]returns 9 values giving the current time in Decoded Time format. The 9 values are seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, year, day-of-week, daylight-saving-time-p, and time-zone.GET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER@idisp-char@p @isub-char@p &optional@i readtable@d[@iFunction@d]returns the function associated with@i sub-char@p @dunder@i disp-char@p @din@i readtable@p @d(which defaults to@p *readtable*@d).GET-FORE-COLOR@iwindow@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the foreground color of@i window@d,@p @dencoded as an integer.GET-INTERNAL-REAL-TIME @d[@iFunction@d]returns an integer representing, in Internal Time format, the amount of time since your Macintosh computer has been turned on.GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME @d[@iFunction@d]returns an integer representing, in Internal Time format, the amount of time since your Macintosh computer has been turned on during which Macintosh Common Lisp computation took place.GET-INTERNAL-SCRAP@ihandler@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the internal scrap of the given handler. This function is called by@p get-scrap.@d%GET-LONG@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the longword at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns a signed Lisp integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,649. The compiler open-codes this function. GET-MACRO-CHARACTER@ichar@p &optional@i readtable@d[@iFunction@d]returns two values, the function associated with@i char@p @din@i readtable@p @d(which defaults to@p *readtable*@d), and a second value that is the@i non-terminating-p@p @dflag.GET-NEXT-EVENT@ievent@p &optional@i idle@p @imask@p @isleep-ticks@d[@iFunction@d]calls@p #_WaitNextEvent @dto get an event. It disables and reenables the clock sampled by@p get-internal-run-time. @d(MultiFinder may do a context switch.) After@p #_WaitNextEvent @dreturns, the function reschedules the@p event-dispatch @dtask, which is the usual caller of@p get-next-event.@dGET-NEXT-QUEUED-FORM @d[@iFunction@d]returns the next form from the pending queue, or@p nil @dif there are no forms pending. A second value returned is@p t @dif there was a pending form and@p nil @dif there was no pending form. Forms are queued up by@p eval-enqueue@d.@p%GET-OSTYPE@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the four bytes at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns them as a keyword of four characters. The compiler open-codes this function. It returns@p nil.@dGET-OUTPUT-STREAM-STRING@istring-output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string containing all characters written to@i string-output-stream@p @dand resets the stream.GET-PICTURE@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]shows the pen and returns a new picture representing the cumulative effect of all QuickDraw commands since the last call to@p start-picture.@bGET-PIXEL@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dreturns@p t @dif the pixel specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dis black and within the view's VisRgn; otherwise returns@p nil@d. If only@i h@p @dis given, it is interpreted as an encoded point.@bGET-POLYGON@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]shows the pen and returns a polygon representing the cumulative effect of all@p line @dand@p line-to @dcommands since the last call to@p start-polygon@d.@bGET-PROPERTIES@iplist@p @iindicator-list@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i plist@p @dfor any one of the properties from@i indicator-list@d.@p @dReturns three values: the first found property, its value, and the portion of@i plist@p @dthat has yet to be searched. If no property is found, all three values are@p nil@d.%GET-PTR@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]returns the macptr at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dunmodified. The compiler open-codes this function.GET-RECORD-FIELD@irecord@p @irecord-type@p @ifield-name@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value of the@i field-name@p @dfield of@i record@d.@p get-record-field @dis much less efficient than@p rref@d. It should only be used when a function (rather than a macro) is needed. This function needs access to record definitions at run time.GET-SCRAP@iscrap-type@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dreturns two values, the current scrap of@i scrap-type@p @dand a Boolean value,@p t @dif some scrap is found and@p nil @dif none is found.GET-SETF-METHOD@iform@p &optional@i environment@d[@iFunction@d]returns five values constituting the setf method for@i form@p @din@i environment.GET-SETF-METHOD-MULTIPLE-VALUE@iform@p &optional@i environment@d[@iFunction@d]returns five values constituting the@p setf @dmethod for@i form@p @din@i environment@d.@p @dUsed (instead of@p get-setf-method@d) when multiple@i @dvalues may be stored into a generalized variable.%GET-SIGNED-BYTE@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the byte (8 bits) at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as a signed Lisp integer in the range -128 to 127. The compiler open-codes this function.%GET-SIGNED-LONG@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the longword at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns a signed Lisp integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,649. The compiler open-codes this function. %GET-SIGNED-WORD@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the word (16 bits) at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@d,@p @dsign-extends it, and returns it as a signed Lisp integer in the range -32768 to 32767. The compiler open-codes this function. %GET-STRING@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @i@d[@iFunction@d]gets the Pascal string at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as a Lisp string.@i @dThis function is not open-coded by the compiler.GET-STRING-FROM-USER@imessage@p &key :action-function :allow-empty-strings :cancel-text :initial-string :modeless :ok-text :position :size :window-title@d[@iFunction@d]prompts the user for a string, which it returns. If the user clicks the cancel button, a throw to@p :cancel @dis performed.GET-UNIVERSAL-TIME @d[Function]returns the current time as a single integer in Universal Time format. This integer can be decoded with@p decode-universal-time@d.%GET-UNSIGNED-BYTE@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the byte (8 bits) at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0-255. The compiler open-codes this function.%GET-UNSIGNED-LONG@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@b@d[@iFunction@d]@b@dThis function gets the longword at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0 - 4,294,967,295. The compiler open-codes this function.@p @b%GET-UNSIGNED-WORD@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the word (16 bits) at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0-65535. The compiler open-codes this function. %GET-WORD@imacptr@p &optional@i offset@p @d[@iFunction@d]gets the word (16 bits) at@i macptr@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0-65535. The compiler open-codes this function. GETF@iplace@p @iindicator@p &optional@i default@d[@iFunction@d]searches the property list stored in@i place@p @dfor an indicator@p eq @dto@i indicator.@p @dReturns the corresponding value if@i indicator@p @dmatches; otherwise returns@i default@d,@p @dif specified, or@p nil@d.@i place@p @dmay be computed from a generalized variable acceptable to@p setf.@dGETHASH@ikey@p @ihash-table@p &optional@i default@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value of@i key@p @din@i hash-table@d,@p @dor@i default@p @dif@i key@p @dis not entered in@i hash-table@d.@p @idefault@p @dis@p nil @dif not specified. This function can be used with@p setf @dto enter a value into a hash table.GLOBAL-TO-LOCAL@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a point in the window's coordinate system that corresponds to the global point specified by@i h@p @dand@i v.@p @dIf only@i h@p @dis given, it is interpreted as an encoded point.@bGO@itag@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]transfers control to the position in a@p tagbody @dreferred to by@i tag@d.GRAFPORT-FONT-CODES@d[@iFunction@d]returns the font codes of the current GrafPort.GRAFPORT-WRITE-STRING@istring@p @istart@p @iend@d[@iMacro@d]draws the portion of@i string@p @dbetween@i start@p @dand@i end@p @dto the current GrafPort, which is usually set up by@p with-focused-view @dor@p with-port@d. Drawing begins at the pen position. The macro expands into a call to the@p #_DrawString @dtrap.GRAPHIC-CHAR-P@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis a printing character (as opposed to formatting or control character), otherwise false.@i char@p @dmust be a character.*GRAY-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color gray, encoded as a fixnum.@b*GRAY-PATTERN* @d[@iVariable@d]the gray drawing pattern used by Quickdraw.*GREEN-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color green, encoded as a fixnum.@bHANDLE-LOCKED-P@ihandle@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i handle@p @dis locked,@p nil @dif it is not.HANDLEP@ithing@p @d[@iFunction@d]returns true is@i thing@p @dis a Macintosh handle, otherwise returns@p nil@d. HANDLER-BIND@p({(@itypespec@p @ihandler@p)}*) {@iform@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]@p@dexecutes@i body@p @din a dynamic context where the given handler bindings are in effect. Each@i typespec@p @dmay be any type specifier. Each@i handler@p @dshould evaluate to a function to be used to handle conditions of the given type(s) during execution of form. The function should take a single argument, the condition being signaled.@pHANDLER-CASE@iexpression@p @i{@p(@itypespec@p (@i[var]@p) @ideclaration* form*@p)@i* | @p(:no-error @ilambda-list declaration* form*@p)@i}@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates @iexpression@d. If @iexpression@d signals a condition, a matching @itypespec@d is sought and the associated @iform@ds are executed with @ivar@d bound to the condition; the values of the last @iform@d becoming the values of the @pHANDLER-CASE@d. If @iexpression@d completes without signalling a condition and a @p:no-error@d case exists, the values are bound to @ilambda-list@ and the values of the last @iform@d are returned.HASH-TABLE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of hash tables.HASH-TABLE-COUNT@ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of entries in@i hash-table@p.HASH-TABLE-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a hash table, otherwise false.HASH-TABLE-REHASH-SIZE@ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]returns the rehash size of @ihash-table@d.HASH-TABLE-REHASH-THRESHOLD@ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]returns the rehash threshold of @ihash-table@d.HASH-TABLE-SIZE@ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]returns the size of @ihash-table@d.HASH-TABLE-TEST@ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]returns the test function of @ihash-table@d, one of @pEQ@d, @pEQL@d, @pEQUAL@d, or @pEQUALP@d.*HELP-OUTPUT* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]specifies the stream to which documentation string and argument list information is sent; it is initially bound to@p *standard-output*@d.@bHFS-VOLUME-P@ivolume@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the volume uses the hierarchical file system (HFS) and@p nil @dif it uses the Macintosh file system (MFS). Most current Macintosh computers use only HFS devices.@b%HGET-BYTE@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle, gets the byte (8 bits) at@i handle@p @d+@i offset@d,@p @dand returns it as an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0-255. The compiler open-codes this function.%HGET-LONG@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle, gets the macptr at@i handle@p @d+@i offset@d,@p @dand returns a signed Lisp integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The compiler open-codes this function.%HGET-PTR@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle and returns the macptr at@i handle@p @d+@i offset.@p @dThe compiler open-codes this function.%HGET-SIGNED-BYTE@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle, gets the byte (8 bits) at@i handle@p @d+@i offset@p @dand returns it as a a signed Lisp integer in the range -128 to 127. The compiler open-codes this function.%HGET-SIGNED-LONG@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle, gets the macptr at@i handle@p @d+@i offset@d,@p @dand returns a signed Lisp integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,64@b7@d. The compiler open-codes this function.%HGET-SIGNED-WORD@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle, gets the word (16 bits) at@i handle@p @d+@i offset@d,@p @dsign-extends it, and returns it as a signed Lisp integer in the range -32768 to 32767. The compiler open-codes this function.%HGET-WORD@ihandle@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]This function accesses a handle, gets the word (16 bits) at handle + offset and returns it as an unsigned Lisp integer in the range 0-65535. The compiler open-codes this function.HIGHLIGHT-TABLE-CELL@iitem@p @icel@p @irect@p @iselectedp@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]highlights@i cell.@p @dThis function is automatically called by the operating system; it should not be called directly, but may be shadowed.@bHOST-NAMESTRING@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the host portion of@i pathname@d,@p @din the form of a string.%HPUT-BYTE@ihandle@p @idata@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle and stores the low 8 bits of data at@i handle@p @d+@i offset.@p @dIt returns@p nil. @dThe compiler open-codes this function%HPUT-LONG@ihandle@p @idata@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle and stores the integer value of data at@i handle@p @d+@i offset.@p @dThis functions does not create a macptr. %HPUT-PTR@ihandle@p @idata@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle, stores@i data@p @das a macptr at@i handle@p @d+@i offset@d,@p @dand returns@p nil. @dThe compiler open-codes this function.%HPUT-WORD@ihandle@p @idata@p @d&optional@i offset@d[@iFunction@d]accesses a handle and stores the low 16 bits of@i data@p @dat@i handle@p @d+@i offset.@p @dIt returns@p nil. @dThe compiler open-codes this function.HREF@irecord@d @iaccessor@d[@iMacro@d]returns the contents of the specified field of the specified record ignoring the default storage and assuming that the record is a handle. (href @irecord accessor@d) is the same as (rref @irecord accessor@d :storage :handle).*I-BEAM-CURSOR* @d[@iVariable@d]the I-beam cursor which is used when the cursor is over text to position the insertion point or make selections.IDENTITY@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns@i thing@d,@p @dunaltered.@p*IDLE* @d[@iVariable@d]signals the event system that the main Lisp process is idle.@p @b*IDLE-SLEEP-TICKS* @d[@iVariable@d]the sleep time given to@p _WaitNextEvent @dwhen Macintosh Common Lisp is idle. The initial value is 5.IF@itestform@p @ithenform@p @d[@ielseform@d]@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]evaluates@i testform@d.@p @dIf the result is true, evaluates@i thenform@p @dand returns the result; if the result is@p nil@d, evaluates@i elseform@p @dand returns the result. IGNORABLE@ivar* | @p(@ifunction@p)@i*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, asserts to the compiler that @ivar@d or @ifunction@d may not be referenced within the form which contains the declaration.IGNORE@ivar* | @p(@ifunction@p)@i*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, asserts to the compiler that @ivar@d or @ifunction@d will not be referenced within the form which contains the declaration.IGNORE-ERRORS@iform*@d[@iMacro@d]normally returns the values produced by the final @iform@d. If @iform@d signals an error, @pIGNORE-ERRORS@d returns @pNIL@d and the condition.IGNORE-IF-UNUSED @d[@iDeclaration@d]behaves the same way as@p ignore@d, but does not signal a warning if the variable is used. This declaration is usually used in macro expansions.IMAGPART@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the imaginary part of@i number@d.IMPORT@isymbols@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]imports@i symbols@p @d(which should be a symbol or list of symbols) into@i package@p @d(which defaults to@p *package*@d), so that they can referenced without the qualifying colon syntax.IN-PACKAGE@ipackage-name@d[@iMacro@d]sets@p *package* @dto the package whose name is@i package-name@d.@p @dAn error is signaled if the package does not exist.@i package-name@p @dmust be a symbol or string; if it is a symbol, the symbol's print-name is used.%INC-PTR@ipointer@p @d&optional@i number@p @d[@iFunction@d]increments (or decrements)@i pointer@p @dby adding@i number@p @dto it, and returns a new pointer.@i number@p @ddefaults to 1. The compiler open-codes this function. INCF@iplace@p &optional@i delta@d[@iFunction@d]increases the value in@i place@p @d(which can be any setf-able location) by@i delta@p @d(which defaults to 1).%INCF-PTR@ipointer@p @d&optional@inumber@p @d[@iFunction@d]increments (or decrements)@i pointer@p @dby adding it to@i number@d,@p @dand returns the modified@i pointer.@p @inumber@p @ddefaults to 1. The compiler open-codes this function. INDEX-TO-CELL@isequence-dialog-item@p @iindex@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a cell in the table which corresponds into the@i index@dÕth element of the tableÕs sequence.INITIALIZE-INSTANCE@iinstance@p &rest@i initargs@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by@p make-instance @dto initialize a newly created instance.@bINLINE@ifunction-name*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, informs the compiler that @ifunction-name@d should be inserted as an in-line instruction sequence instead of as a procedure call, if possible.INPUT-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of input streams, built on@p stream.@dINPUT-STREAM-P@ithing@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i stream@p @dis a stream which can handle input operations, otherwise returns@p nil@d.INSET-RECT@irectangle@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]shrinks or expands@i rectangle@p @dby@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dand returns the destructively modified rectangle.@bINSET-REGION@iregion@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@ddestructively shrinks or expands@i region@p @dby@i h@p @dhorizontally and@i v@p @dverticallly and returns the modified region.@bINSPECT@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]inspects@i thing@d,@p @dany Lisp data object.@b*INSPECTOR-DISASSEMBLY*@d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]If the value of this variable is true, the Inspector displays a disassembly when you inspect a function. The default value is@p nil@d.INSTALL-APPLEEVENT-HANDLER@iclass@p @iid@p @ifunction@p &optional@i refcon@d[@iFunction@d]installs an Apple event handler. INSTALL-QUEUED-REPLY-HANDLER@iappleevent-or-id@p @ifunction@p &optional@i refcon@d[@iFunction@d]installs a handler for a queued reply.INSTALL-VIEW-IN-WINDOW@iview@p @iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dcalled by@p set-view-container @dwhen it is adding a view to a window. Specialized versions are used to create Macintosh data structures (e.g. dialog items), and should always@p call-next-method@d.%INT-TO-PTR@iinteger@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns a pointer coerced from@i integer@d,@p @dthat is, a pointer to the numerical address@i integer.@p @dThe compiler open-codes this function.INTEGER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of integers.INTEGER-DECODE-FLOAT@ifloat@d[@iFunction@d]returns three values: the significand scaled to be an integer, the exponent, and the sign of@i float.INTEGER-LENGTH@iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns the smallest number of bits needed to represent @iinteger@d as a 2's complement binary number.INTEGERP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis an integer; otherwise returns false.INTERACTIVE-ARGLIST@ifred-mixin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Displays the argument list of the function or macro at the cursor position.INTERACTIVE-STREAM-P@istream@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if @istream@d can support interactive queries.INTERN@istring@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i package@p @d(a package object or package name, defaulting to the current package) and all inherited packages for the symbol named by@i string@d.@p @dIf not found, it creates and interns such a symbol. Returns two values, the found or new symbol, and a Boolean value indicating whether the symbol already existed@p (t @dindicates that it existed,@p nil @dthat it was created).INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND @d[@iConstant@d]an integer that is the number of Macintosh Common Lisp internal time units per second.@pINTERNALIZE-SCRAP@ihandler@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dconverts the scrap of its type from external format to internal format. This function is called when the user switches into Macintosh Common Lisp from another application under MultiFinder, or from a desk accessory. It retrieves the data from the Macintosh system heap using appropriate system calls, then calls@p set-internal-scrap @don the results.INTERSECT-RECT@irect-1@p @irect-2@p @idest-rect@d[@iFunction@d]stores in@i dest-rect@p @dthe rectangle created by the intersection of@i rect-1@p @dand@i rect-2@p @dand returns@i dest-rect@d.@bINTERSECT-REGION@iregion-1@p @iregion-2@p &optional@i dest-region@d[@iFunction@d]stores in@i dest-region@d,@p @dif supplied, or in a new region the rectangle created by the intersection of@i region-1@p @dand@i region-2@p @dand returns@i dest-region@p @dor the new region.@bINTERSECTION@ilist1@p @ilist2@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns the intersection of@i list1@p @dand@i list2@d,@p @dthat is, a list of those elements which are in both@i list1@p @dand@i list2@d.@p @dIf either list has duplicate entries, the redundant entries may or may not appear in the result.@i list1@p @dand@i list2@p @dare not modified.INVALID-METHOD-ERROR@imethod@p @iformat-string@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]is used to signal an error from within a method combination function when qualifiers for @imethod@d are not valid for the method combination. The @iformat-control@d and @iargs@d are used to construct the error message.INVALIDATE-CORNERS@iview@p @itopleft@p @ibottomright@p &optional@i erase-p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]calls@p _InValRect @don the rectangle formed by@i toipleft@p @dand@i bottomright@p @din@i view@d,@p @da view or simple view.@bINVALIDATE-VIEW@iview@p &optional@i erase-p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]invalidates@i view@p @dby running@p invalidate-corners @don the region bound by the@i topleft@p @dand@i bottomright@p @dvalues of@i view@p @din@i view@d's container.@bINVERT-ARC@iview@p @istart-angle@p @iarc-angle@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inverts the pixels enclosed by the arc specified by@i start-angle,@p @iarc-angle@p @dand the rectangle specified by the arguments.@bINVERT-OVAL@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dinverts the pixels enclosed by the oval specified by the rectangle. The rectangle is specified by the arguments.@bINVERT-POLYGON@iview@p @ipolygon@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inverts the pixels enclosed b@i polygon@d.@bINVERT-RECT@iview@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inverts the pixels inside the rectangle specified by the arguments.@bINVERT-REGION@iview@p @iregion@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]inverts the pixels enclosed by@i region@d.@bINVERT-ROUND-RECT@iview@p @ioval-width@p @ioval-height@p @ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dinverts the pixels enclosed by the roundrect specified by the rectangle,@i oval-width,@p @dand@i oval-height.@bINVOKE-DEBUGGER@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]calls the debugger with @icondition@d. If @p*DEBUGGER-HOOK*@d is not @pNIL@d, it is called as a function after binding @p*DEBUGGER-HOOK*@d to @pNIL@d. The hook function expects the @icondition@d and the value of @p*DEBUGGER-HOOK*@d before it was bound to @pNIL@d.INVOKE-RESTART@irestart@p &rest @iarguments@d[@iFunction@d]calls the function associated with @irestart@d, passing it @iarguments@d. This is normally used within a handler.INVOKE-RESTART-INTERACTIVELY@irestart@d[@iFunction@d]calls the function associated with @irestart@d. Arguments are prompted for using the code provided with the @p:interactive@d keyword in @prestart-case@d form or the @p:interactive-function@d keyword in @prestart-bind@d form.ISQRT@iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns the integer square root of@i integer@d.&KEY @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a lambda list, is followed by the formal parameters which will be bound to keyword arguments of corresponding names. A keyword parameter may be specified in a list with an initializer and optional supplied-p parameter. @p&KEY@d must follow@p &REST@d or@p &BODY@d in a lambda list.@dKEY-HANDLER-IDLE@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i dialog@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]checks to see whether the key handler is being called on@i view-or-item@d,@p @da simple view or Fred dialog item.@bKEY-HANDLER-LIST@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the key handler list of@i view@d.@bKEY-HANDLER-MIXIN@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]a class that is one of the parents of Fred dialog items, indicating that a key handler can exist for a Fred dialog item. This class is expected to become more important in future releases.@bKEY-HANDLER-P@iitem@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]checks to see whether a key handler exists for@i item@d.@bKEYSTROKE-CODE@ikeystroke-name@d[@iFunction@d]returns the keystroke code corresponding to@i keystroke-name@d.@bKEYSTROKE-FUNCTION@iwindow-or-item@p @ikeystroke@p &optional@i comtab@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the function or comtab associated with@i keystroke@p @din the window's comtab. If@i comtab@p @dis given, that definition is used instead.@i keystroke@p @dcan be a keystroke name or keystroke code.@p @bKEYSTROKE-NAME@ikeystroke-code@d[@iFunction@d]returns the keystroke name corresponding to@i keystroke-code.KEYWORD @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of keyword symbols.KEYWORDP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a symbol in the keyword package. Every symbol that is a keyword is written with a leading colon and always evaluates to itself.KILL-PICTURE@ipicture@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreclaims the storage space used by@i picture@p @dand returns@p nil@d.@bKILL-POLYGON@ipolygon@d[@iFunction@d]@b@dreclaims the storage space used by@i polygon@p @dand returns@p nil@d.@b*KILLED-STRINGS* @d[@iVariable@d]the list of killed strings in the kill ring. These strings can be inserted through the Edit menu. The first item in this list is equivalent to the clipboard.LABELS@d(@p{@d(@iname@p @ilambda-list@p {@ideclaration@p @d|@i doc@d-@istring@p}@d*@p {@ifunction-body-form@p}@d*)@p}@d*)@p {@ilabels-body-form@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]creates local function definitions whose scope encompasses both the body and the function definitions themselves. If there are global functions with the same names, the local definitions take precedence within the body of the@p labels@d. That is,@p labels @dcan be used to define mutually recursive functions, while@p flet @dcannot; but a local function definition with@p flet @dcan refer to the global definition, while one with@p labels @dcannot.LAMBDA@ilambda-list@p @d{@ideclarations@d}* {@iform@d}*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]indicates a function with parameters specified by@i lambda-list@p @dand body specified by@i forms@d.LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORDS @d[@iConstant@d]a list of all the lambda-list keywords used in Macintosh Common Lisp, including the additional ones used only by@p defmacro@d.@p LAMBDA-PARAMETERS-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]a positive integer that is the upper exclusive bound on the number of distinct parameter names that may appear in a single lambda list.@pLAST@ilist@p &optional@i count@d[@iFunction@d]returns the last@i count@p @dconses of@i list@d.*LAST-COMMAND* @d[@iVariable@d]bound by@p run-fred-command @dto the value saved by the last command. This information is useful when one command needs to know what the previous one was.LCM@p&rest@i integers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the least common multiple of its arguments@i.LDB@ibytespec@p @iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns the byte of@i integer@p @dspecified by@i bytespec.LDB-TEST@ibytespec@p @iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if any of the bits in the specified@i bytespec@p @dof@i integer@p @dare 1's.LDIFF@ilist@p @isublist@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new list containing the portion of@i list@p @dprior to@i sublist@d,@p @dwhich should be a cons appearing in@i list@d.@p @dIf@i sublist@p @ddoes not appear in@i list@d,@p @da copy of the entire@i list@p @dis returned.LEAST-NEGATIVE-DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the negative double-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-NEGATIVE-LONG-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the negative long-format floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-NEGATIVE-NORMALIZED-DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero negative value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pDOUBLE-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-NEGATIVE-NORMALIZED-LONG-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero negative value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pLONG-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-NEGATIVE-NORMALIZED-SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero negative value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pSHORT-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-NEGATIVE-NORMALIZED-SINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero negative value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pSINGLE-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-NEGATIVE-SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the negative short-format floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-NEGATIVE-SINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the negative floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-POSITIVE-DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the positive double-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-POSITIVE-LONG-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the positive long-format floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-POSITIVE-NORMALIZED-DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero positive value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pDOUBLE-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-POSITIVE-NORMALIZED-LONG-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero positive value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pLONG-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-POSITIVE-NORMALIZED-SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero positive value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pSHORT-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-POSITIVE-NORMALIZED-SINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]is the nonzero positive value closest to zero representable by a normalized @pSINGLE-FLOAT@d number.LEAST-POSITIVE-SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the positive short-format floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LEAST-POSITIVE-SINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the negative floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, zero in Macintosh Common Lisp.LENGTH@isequence@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of elements in@i sequence@d.LET@d(@p{@ivariable@p @d| (@ivariable@p @ivalue@d)@p }@d*)@p {@ideclaration@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]creates a binding for each@i variable@p @d(in parallel) and evaluates@i forms@p @din the resulting environment. Returns the value of the last@i form@d.LET*@d(@p{@ivariable@p @d| (@ivariable@p @ivalue@d)@p }@d*)@p {@ideclaration@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]creates a binding for each@i variable@p @d(sequentially) and evaluates@i forms@p @din the resulting environment. This sequential binding allows the expression for the value of a variable to refer to variables bound earlier in the@p let* @dform. Returns the value of the last@i form@d.*LIGHT-BLUE-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color light blue, encoded as a fixnum.@b*LIGHT-GRAY-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color light gray, encoded as a fixnum.@b*LIGHT-GRAY-PATTERN* @d[@iVariable@d]the light gray drawing pattern used by Quickdraw.LINE@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@ddraws a line to a point@i.@p @ih@p @dpoints to the right and@i v@p @dpoints down from the current pen position.@bLINE-TO@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@ddraws a line from the pen's current position to the point represented by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.LINES-IN-BUFFER@ibuffer-mark@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of lines in the buffer.@b*LISP-CLEANUP-FUNCTIONS*@b@d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]a list of functions of no arguments that are funcalled just before Macintosh Common Lisp exits. These functions are called before the windows are closed.LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-TYPE @d[@iFunction@d]returns the string@p "Macintosh Common Lisp"@d.LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION @d[@iFunction@d]returns the version of Macintosh Common Lisp.*.LISP-PATHNAME* @d[@iVariable@d]the value of this variable is the file type for Macintosh Common Lisp source-code files. The initial value of this variable is@p #P".lisp"@d.@b*LISP-STARTUP-FUNCTIONS*@b@d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]a list of functions of no arguments that are funcalled after Macintosh Common Lisp starts. These functions are called just before it enters the top-level function (usually the Listener read loop).LIST@p&rest@i arguments@d[@iFunction@d]constructs and returns a list containing@i arguments@p @das its elements. LIST*@iobject@p &rest@i more-objects@d[@iFunction@d]constructs and returns a list containing@i object@p @dand@i more-objects@d.@p @dUnlike@p list@d,@p list* @dplaces the last@i more-objects@p @din the final cdr of the list. If the last argument to@p list* @dis an atom, this will result in a dotted list; if the last argument is a list, it will have the effect of appending the other arguments to this list.LIST-ALL-PACKAGES @d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of all packages that currently exist in the Lisp system.LIST-LENGTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the length of@i list@p @das an integer, or@p nil @dif@i list@p @dis a circular list.LISTEN@p&optional@i input-stream@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if a character is immediately available from@i input-stream.@p @dReturns@p nil @dif a character is not available or the stream is at end-of-file.LISTENER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class of Listener windows. Listeners inherit from Fred windows.@b*LISTENER-COMTAB* @d[@iVariable@d]the comtab used by the Listener window.@b*LISTENER-DEFAULT-FONT-SPEC* @d[@iVariable@d]the font spec used when new Listener windows are opened. The initial value is@p ("Monaco" 9). @dAny style attributes are ignored.*LISTENER-WINDOW-POSITION* @d[@iVariable@d]the position used when new Listener windows are opened.*LISTENER-WINDOW-SIZE* @d[@iVariable@d]the size used when new Listener windows are opened.LISTP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a cons or the empty list; otherwise returns false.@p listp @dreturns true on the empty list. This is the only difference between@p listp @dand@p consp@d.@p listp @ddoes not check whether the list is terminated by@p nil @dor is a dotted list.LOAD@ifilename@p &key :verbose :print :if-does-not-exist :foreign-files :system-libraries :unreferenced-lib-names@d[@iFunction@d]loads the file named by@i filename@p @dinto the Macintosh Common Lisp environment. This is equivalent to opening an editor buffer to the file and evaluating all the forms in the buffer (which is equivalent to typing the forms into the Listener). LOAD-LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS@ihost@d[@iFunction@d]loads the definition of @ihost@d, a logical host. The definition is loaded from a file specified by merging the name @ihost@d with @p*PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS-PATHNAME*@d. The definition file should contain a @p(SETF LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS)@d form. Returns @pT@d if the host was newly defined. If the host was previously defined, @pNIL@d is returned without redefining the host. If the definition file does not exist, an error is signalled.*LOAD-PATHNAME* @d[@iVariable@d]is bound to the pathname of the file being loaded by@p LOAD@d.*LOAD-PRINT* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :print @dkeyword argument to@p load@d. If the value of this variable is@p t@d, then@p load @dprints the value of each expression loaded to@p *standard-output*@d. The default value is@p nil.@dLOAD-TIME-VALUE@iform@p &optional @iread-only-p@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]delays evaluation of @iform@d until load time or eval time. The result of evaluating form is treated as a constant if @iread-only-p@d is true.*LOAD-TRUENAME* @d[@iVariable@d]@p@da variable bound to the true name of the file being loaded. Its initial value is@p nil.@d*LOAD-VERBOSE* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default value for the@p :verbose @dkeyword argument to@p load@d. If true, then@p load @ddefaults to printing the name of each file loaded. If@p nil@d, then@p load @ddefaults to not printing the names of files loaded.*LOADING-FILE-SOURCE-FILE* @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the namestring of the file containing the source code while@p load @dis loading a source code file or a fasl file. The value of this variable is either the name of the file itself if it is a source code file, or the name of the file that was compiled to create it if it is a fasl file. Its default value is@p nil.@dLOCAL@iindicator@d[@iMacro@d]returns the value in the current stack frame of the slot given by@i indicator@d.@p @dThis macro can be used only when a Stack Backtrace dialog box is visible and when a frame is selected.@bLOCAL-TO-GLOBAL@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a global point that corresponds to the window's local point specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dIf only@i h@p @dis given, it is taken to be an encoded point.@bLOCALLY@d{@ideclaration@d}* {@iform@d}*[@iSpecial@p @iform@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith the@i declarations@p @din effect.@i @dWhen a@p locally @dform appears at top level, the forms in its body are processed as top-level forms. This function may be used to wrap declarations around a@p defun @dor@p defmacro@d.LOCK-FILE@ifile@p@d[@iFunction@d]locks@i file@d.@p @dAttempts to open@i file@p @dfor output will fail (though it can still be opened for input).lock-owner@ilock@d[@iFunction@d]returns the owner of the @ilock@d.lock-type@ilock@d[@iFunction@d]returns the type of @ilock@d. Returns @pnil@d if @p:simple@d was specified to @PMAKE-LOCK@d.LOG@inumber@p &optional@i base@d[@iFunction@d]returns the logarithm of@i number@p @din@i base@d.LOGAND@p&rest@i integers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the bit-wise logical ÒandÓ of its arguments. If no argument is given, then the result is -1.LOGANDC1@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p (logand (lognot@i integer1@p)@i integer2@p)@d.LOGANDC2@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p (logand@i integer1@p (lognot@i integer2@p))@d.LOGBITP@iindex@p @iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the bit in@i integer@p @dwhose index is@i index@p @dis a one-bit; return@p nil @dif it is a zero bit. The rightmost bit of@i integer@p @dis bit 0.LOGCOUNT@iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns the number of ÒonÓ bits in@i integer@d.@p @dIf@i integer@p @dis positive, then the one bits in its binary representation are counted; if@i integer@p @dis negative, then the zero bits in the twoÕs-complement representation are counted.LOGEQV@p&rest@i integers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the logical-exclusive-nor of the@i integers.*LOGICAL-DIRECTORY-ALIST* @d[@iVariable@d]this variable contains an association list that maps between logical and physical pathnames. (This variable was previously called@p *logical-pathname-alist*@d.)@bLOGICAL-PATHNAME@ipathspec@d[@iFunction@p, @iClass@p @iname@d]as a function, converts @ipathspec@d (a @pLOGICAL-PATHNAME@d, a namestring including a host component, or a stream which has a @iPATHNAME@d) to a @pLOGICAL-PATHNAME@d. As a class, the class of @pLOGICAL-PATHNAMES@d, which are represented using @p#P@d syntax.LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS@ihost@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of translations for @ihost@d. @pLOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS@d may be used in a @pSETF@d form to define or replace translations for @ihost@d. Each translation is a list; the first element is a pathname consisting of @ihost@d and other components, and the second element is a pathname (or coercible to a pathname for @p(SETF LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS)@d).LOGIOR@p&rest@i integers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the bit-wise logical inclusive ÒorÓ of its arguments. If no argument is given, then the result is 0.LOGNAND@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p (lognot (logand@i integer1@p @iinteger2@p))@d.LOGNOR@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns the logical nor of@i integer1@p @dand@i integer2.@p @dEach bit that is a 0 in both@i integer1@p @dand@i integer2@p @dwill be a 1 in the result.LOGNOT@iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns the bit-wise logical ÒnotÓ of its argument. Every bit of the result is the complement of the corresponding bit in the argument.LOGORC1@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p (logior (lognot@i integer1@p)@i integer2@p)@d.LOGORC2@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p (logior@i integer1@p (lognot@i integer2@p))@d.LOGTEST@iinteger1@p @iinteger2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if any of the 1 bits in@i integer1@p @dare also 1 bits in@i integer2@d.LOGXOR@p&rest@i integers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the bit-wise logical exclusive ÒorÓ of its arguments. If no argument is given, then the result is 0.LONG-FLOAT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of floating-point numbers which have precision and range not less than @pDOUBLE-FLOAT@d.LONG-FLOAT-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]the smallest positive floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (+ (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pLONG-FLOAT-NEGATIVE-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest negative floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (- (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pLONG-SITE-NAME @d[@iFunction@d]returns a string giving the full name of the site at which the Lisp is running. This function should be redefined by the user.LOOP@p{@iform@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]repeatedly evaluates+@i forms@d.@p loop @dwill continue until explicitly terminated by a@p throw@d,@p return@d, or@p go@d. A set of extensions to@p loop @dis documented in@i Common@p @iLisp:@p @iThe@p @iLanguage@d,@p @dchapter 26.LOWER-CASE-P@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis a lowercase character; otherwise returns false.@i char@p @dmust be a character.LSH@ifixnum@p @icount@d[@iFunction@d]logically shifts@i fixnum@p @dby@i count@p @dand returns the result of the operation, which must also be a fixnum. This is the same as the Common Lisp@p ash @dfunction, except that any bits shifted out of the (currently) 29 bits of a fixnum are lost.MAC-DEFAULT-DIRECTORY @d[@iFunction@d]returns the current Macintosh default directory.@bMAC-FILE-CREATOR@ifile@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the creator parameter of@i file@p @das an ostype.MAC-FILE-TYPE@ifile@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the type of@i file@p @das an ostype.MAC-NAMESTRING@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]translates@i pathname@p @dfrom a logical to a physical pathname, then concatenates the resulting name with@p (mac-file-namestring@i pathname@p).@bMACHINE-INSTANCE @d[@iFunction@d]returns the name of the machine running Macintosh Common Lisp; this might be a local nickname or a serial number. This function should be redefined by the user.MACHINE-TYPE @d[@iFunction@d]returns the type of Macintosh computer running Macintosh Common Lisp.MACHINE-VERSION @d[@iFunction@d]returns a string that identifies the version of the current hardware running Macintosh Common Lisp.MACPTRP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i thing@p @dis a macptr; otherwise returns@p nil@i.MACRO-FUNCTION@isymbol@p &optional@i environment@d[@iFunction@d]returns the macro expansion function of the global macro definition associated with@i symbol@d.@p I@df@i symbol@p @ddoes not name a macro, returns@p nil@d.MACROEXPAND@iform@p &optional@i environment @d[@iFunction@d]expands@i form@p @drepeatedly within@i environment@p @duntil it is no longer a macro call, and returns the expansion and a second value,@p t @dif@i form@p @dwas a macro call and@p nil @dif it was not.MACROEXPAND-1@iform@p &optional@i environment@d[@iFunction@d]returns the result of expanding@i form@p @doncewithin@i environment@p @d.@p @dReturns the expansion and a second value,@p t @dif the form was a macro call and@p nil @dif it was not.@p*MACROEXPAND-HOOK* @d[@iVariable@d]used by@p macroexpand-1. @dIts initial value is@p funcall.@dMACROLET@d(@p{@d(@iname@p @ilambda-list@p {@ideclaration@p @d|@i doc@d-@istring@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*)@p}@d*)@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]constructs one or more local macro definitions.@p macrolet @dis equivalent to@p flet @dexcept that it generates macro definitions rather than functions. the value of the last@i form@p @dis returned@i.*MACTYPES* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of all the field types for use in records. (This does not include record types themselves, which can also be used as field types.)MAKE-ARRAY@idimensions@p &key :element-type :initial-element :initial-contents :adjustable :fill-pointer :displaced-to :displaced-index-offset@i@d[@iFunction@d]constructs and returns an array.@i dimensions@p @dshould be an integer or a list of integers.MAKE-BITMAP@ileft@p &optional@i top@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreturns a new bitmap the size of the rectangle specified by the arguments. This bitmap is not dislayed anywhere, but can be used for calculations and storage.@bMAKE-BROADCAST-STREAM@p&rest@i stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns an output stream which sends its output to all the@i @dgiven@i streams@p @dand returns the result of performing the operation on the last stream; all other values are discarded.@iMAKE-BUFFER@p&key :chunk-size :read-only :font@d[@iFunction@d]returns a buffer-mark representing a new, empty buffer.@bMAKE-COLOR@ired@p @igreen@p @iblue@d[@iFunction@d]returns an encoded color made of the components@i red@d,@p @igreen@d,@p @iblue@d.@bMAKE-COMTAB@p&optional@i default@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new, empty comtab.@p @dIf@i default@p @dis a command table, when a keystroke is looked up, Macintosh Common Lisp looks in@i default@p @dinstead of in the Fred window instanceÕs command table or the@p *comtab* @dcommand table. If@i default@p @dis@p nil@d, the keystroke is looked up in@p *comtab*@d. If it is anything else, for example a function,@i default@p @dis returned.@bMAKE-CONCATENATED-STREAM@p&rest@i streams@d[@iFunction@d]returns an input stream that reads from@i streams@p @din sequence; when one@i stream@p @dis at end-of-file, the function takes input from the next.MAKE-CONDITION@itype@p &rest @islot-initializers@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new condition of @itype@d initialized using @islot-initializers@d.MAKE-DIALOG-ITEM@iclass@p @iposition@p @isize@p @itext@p &optional@i action@p &rest@i attributes@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns an instance of the class@p dialog-item @dbased on the arguments. The@i attributes@p @dshould be additional keyword/value pairs to pass to@p make-instance.@dMAKE-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER@ichar@p &optional@i non-terminating-p@p @ireadtable@d[@iFunction@d]makes the character@ichar@p @da dispatching macro character in@i readtable@p @d(which defaults to@p *readtable*@d). If@p non-terminating-p @dis@p nil @d(the default),@i char@p @dis a terminating macro character; otherwise it is non-terminating and may be embedded within extended tokens.MAKE-ECHO-STREAM@iinput-stream@p @ioutput-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns a stream that gets input from@i input-stream@p @dand sends output to@i output-stream@d.@p @dIn addition, all input received is echoed to@i output-stream.MAKE-HASH-TABLE@p&key :test :size :rehash-size :rehash-threshold :weak :hash-function@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a new hash table.@p :test @dshould be one of the values@p #`eq@d,@p #`eql@d, or@p #`equal, @dor one of the symbols@p eq@d,@p eql@d, or@p equal@d.MAKE-INSTANCE@iclass@p &rest@i initargs@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]creates a new instance of the given class.@bMAKE-INSTANCES-OBSOLETE@iclass | symbol@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]initiates the process of updating instances of @iclass@d (or of @p(find-class @isymbol@p)@d). This will be called if @DEFCLASS@ redefines the layout of storage for a class, or it may be called explicitly by a user program. @pUPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS@d will be invoked during the update.MAKE-LIST@isize@p &key :initial-element@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list containing@i size@p @delements, each of which is intialized to@p :initial-element@d.@i size@p @dshould be a non-negative integer; the default value of@p :initial-element @dis@p nil.@dMAKE-LOAD-FORM@iobject@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns two values, a form that, when evaluated at load time, returns an object that is equivalent to@i object@d,@p @dand a form that, when evaluated at load time, performs further initialization of@i object.@p @dSee@i Common@p @iLisp:@p @iThe@p @iLanguage@d,@p @dpages 659-662.MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS@iobject@p &optional@i slots@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns two values suitable for return from a@p make-load-form @dmethod. The first argument is the object; the optional second argument is a list of the names of slots to preserve. It defaults to all of the local slots.make-lock@p&optional @iname@p @itype@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a lock. The lock @itype@d must be one of @pnil@d, @p:multiple-reader-single-writer@d, or @p:simple@d. @pNil@d and @p:simple@d are equivalent.MAKE-MARK@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i position@p @ibackward-p@d[@iFunction@d]creates and installs a new mark in the same buffer as@i buffer-mark@p @dand with the specified position and direction from@i buffer-mark@d.@p @dThe mark will exist until it is explicitly killed.@iMAKE-METHOD@iform@d[@iLocal@p @imacro@d]when used inside a @pCALL-METHOD@d form, specifies a method whose function body is given by @iform@d.MAKE-PACKAGE@ipackage-name@p &key :nicknames :use :internal-size :external-size@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a package named@i package-name@d,@p @dwhich may be either a string or symbol. If it is a symbol, the symbol's print-name is used. The list :@pnicknames @dcontains strings that serve as alternative names;@p :use @dis a list of packages whose external symbols are inherited by the new package. The default value of@p :use @dis the value of the variable@p *make-package-use-defaults* @dwhich is initially@p ("COMMON-LISP" "CCL")@d.*MAKE-PACKAGE-USE-DEFAULTS* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]@p@dthe value of this variable is the default value of the@p :use @dargument to@p make-package @dand to@p defpackage. @dThe initial value of this variable is@p ("COMMON-LISP" "CCL"). MAKE-PATHNAME@p&key :host :device :directory :name :type :version :defaults :case@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a pathname with components based on the arguments.MAKE-POINT@ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]returns a point constructed from horizontal and vertical coordinates@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dIf@i v@p @dis@p nil@d,@i h@p @dis assumed to be a point and is returned unchanged.MAKE-RANDOM-STATE@p&optional@i state@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new random state object, based on@i state@p @d(which defaults to@p *random-state*@d). If@i state@p @dis nil or omitted, the current random state object is copied; if it is@p t@d, a completely fresh random state is generated.MAKE-RECORD@irecord-type@p &rest@i initforms@d[@iMacro@d]allocates space on the Macintosh heap for a record of type@i record-type@p @dand returns a pointer or a handle to it.@i record-type@p @dis either a symbol used to name the type of record, or a list whose@p car @dis the symbol used to name the record and whose@p cadr @dis a keyword specifying the default type of storage used for the record.MAKE-SEQUENCE@itype@p @isize@p &key :initial-element@i@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a sequence of@i type@p @dwith length@i size@d.make-stack-group@iname@p &optional @istack-size@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a new stack group with given @iname@d and @istack-size@d. Default @istack-size@d is 16384 bytes.make-process@iname@p &key @ikwds@d[@iFunction@d]creates a process named @iname@d. Options are specified using @ikwds@d, an alternating list of keywords and values. Valid keywords are: @p:stack-group@d, @p:priority@d, @p:quantum@d, @p:run-reasons@d, @p:arrest-reasons@d, @p:stack-size@d, and @p:background-p@d.make-process-queue@iname@p &optional @isize@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a queue for processes to request access to a shared resource which is associated with the queue. Processes on the queue are executed on a first-in-first-out basis. The queue holds a maximum of @isize@d processes.MAKE-STRING@isize@p &key :initial-element :element-type@d[@iFunction@d]returns a simple string of length@i size@d,@p @deach character of which is initialized to@p :initial-element@d. The@p :element-type @dargument names the type of the elements of the stream; its default is@p character.@dMAKE-STRING-INPUT-STREAM@istring@p &optional@i start@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns an input stream of type@p string-stream @dthat reads from@i string@d.MAKE-STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM@p&key :element-type@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns an output stream that@p @daccumulates all output given it in a@p string-stream @dfor the benefit of@p get-output-stream-string@d. The@p :element-type @dargument specifies what characters must be accepted by the created stream; if the argument is omitted the stream must accept all characters.MAKE-SYMBOL@iprint-name@d[@iFunction@d]creates and returns an uninterned symbol with name@i print-name.@p @iMAKE-SYNONYM-STREAM@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns a synonym stream associated with@i symbol@d.@p @dAny operations performed on the stream will act on the stream that is (at that point) bound to@i symbol@d.@p @isymbol@p @dmay be bound to a new stream, and the operations will act on the new stream.MAKE-TWO-WAY-STREAM@iinput-stream@p @ioutput-stream@d[@iFunction@d]returns a bidirectional stream that receives input from@i input-stream@p @dand sends output to@i output-stream.MAKUNBOUND@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]causes the dynamic (special) variable@i symbol@p @dto become unbound (have no value).@p makunbound @dreturns@i symbol.MAP@iresult-type@p @ifunction@p @isequence@p &rest@i more-sequences@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dto the first element of each@i sequence@d,@p @dthen the second element of each, and so on until the end of the shortest sequence is reached. The results of the function calls are collected in a sequence of type@i result-type.@p @dIf the@i result-type@p @dis@p nil@d, the results are not collected and@p nil @dis returned.MAP-INTO@iresult-sequence@p @ifunction@p &rest @isequences@d[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies @iresult-sequence@d with the results of applying function to corresponding elements of @isequences@d. Returns the modified @iresult-sequence@d.MAP-POINT@isource-rect@p @idest-rect@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]returns a point that corresponds to@i dest-rect@p @das the point specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dcorresponds to@i source-rect@d.@p @dIf only@i h@p @dis given, it is interpreted as an encoded point.@bMAP-POLYGON@isource-rect@p @idest-rect@p @ipolygon@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreturns a point that corresponds to@i dest-rect@p @das@i polygon@p @dcorresponds to@i source-rect@d.@p @dThe function destructively modifies@i polygon@p @dto hold the returned value.@bMAP-RECT@isource-rect@p @idest-rect@p @imapped@d-@irect@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreturns a point that corresponds to@i dest-rect@p @das@i mapped-rect@p @dcorresponds to@i source-rect@d.@p @dThe function destructively modifies@i mapped-rect@p @dto hold the returned value.@bMAP-REGION@isource-rect@p @idest-rect@p @iregion@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dreturns a point that corresponds to@i dest-rect@p @das@i region@p @dcorresponds to@i source-rect@d.@p @dThe function destructively modifies@i region@p @dto hold the returned value.@bMAP-WINDOWS@pfunction &key :class :include-invisibles :include-windoids@d[@iFunction@d]@b@dcalls a function of one argument on each window that satisfies the keywords.MAPC@ifunction@p @ilist@p &rest@i more-lists@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dto the elements of@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d.@p @dThe results are not stored.@i list@p @dis returned. If the lists are not all the same length, the iteration terminates when the shortest list runs out.@i function@p @dcan be only of type@p symbol @dor@p function@i.@dMAPCAN@ifunction@p @ilist@p &rest@i more-lists@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dto the@p car @dof@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d,@p @dthen to the@p cadr@d, and so on. The results, which must be lists, are combined using@p nconc@d. If the lists are not all the same length, the iteration terminates when the shortest list runs out.@i function@p @dcan be only of type@p symbol @dor@p function@i.@dMAPCAR@ifunction@p @ilist@p &rest@i more-lists@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dto the@p car @dof@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d,@p @dthen to the@p cadr@d, and so on. The results are collected into a list, which is returned. If the lists are not all the same length, the iteration terminates when the shortest list runs out.@i function@p @dcan be only of type@p symbol @dor@p function@i.@dMAPCON@ifunction@p @ilist@p &rest@i more-lists@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dfirst to@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d,@p @dand then to successive@p cdr@ds of@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d.@p @dThe results, which must be lists, are combined using@p nconc@d. If the lists are not all the same length, the iteration terminates when the shortest list runs out.@i function@p @dcan be only of type@p symbol @dor@p function@i.@dMAPHASH@ifunction@p @ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]calls@i function@p @dfor each entry in@i hash-table@d,@p @dpassing as arguments both the key and the value. Entries should not be added or removed while@p maphash @dis in progress.@p maphash @dreturns@p nil@d.MAPL@ifunction@p @ilist@p &rest@i more-lists@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dfirst to@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d,@p @dand then to successive@p cdr@ds of@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d.@p @dThe results are not stored (i.e. the operation is only for side-effect).@i list@p @dis returned. If the lists are not all the same length, the iteration terminates when the shortest list runs out.@i function@p @dcan be only of type@p symbol @dor@p function@i.@dMAPLIST@ifunction@p @ilist@p &rest@i more-lists@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i function@p @dfirst to@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d,@p @dand then to successive@p cdr@ds of@i list@p @dand@i more-lists@d.@p @dThe results are collected into a list, which is returned. If the lists are not all the same length, the iteration terminates when the shortest list runs out.@i function@p @dcan be only of type@p symbol @dor@p function@i.@dMARK-BACKWARD-P@ibuffer-mark@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i buffer-mark@p @dis a backward mark, otherwise returns@p nil@d.@bMASK-FIELD@ibytespec@p @iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns an integer all of whose bits are zero but the byte specified in@i bytespec@d; that byte is the same as the one at@i bytespec@p @dpin@i integer.@dMAX@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the largest of@i numbers@d.MAYBE-DEFAULT-STREAM-READER@d(@istream@p @iclass@d) {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]If the@p stream-tyi @dmethod for@i stream@p @dis the same as the one for an instance of@i class@d,@p @dthe macro@p maybe-default-stream-reader @dreturns the value or values of the last@i form.@p @dOtherwise, it returns two values: the effective method for applying@p #'stream-tyi @dto@i stream@d,@p @dand@i stream@p @ditself. Because@p maybe-default-stream-reader @dreturns the effective method rather than@p #'stream-tyi@d, it avoids@p method-dispatch@d.MAYBE-DEFAULT-STREAM-WRITER@p(@istream@p @iclass@d) {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]If the@p stream-tyo @dmethod for@i stream@p @dis the same as the one for an instance of@i class@d,@p @dthe macro@p maybe-default-stream-writer @dreturns the value or values of the last@i form.@p @dOtherwise, it returns two values: the effective method for applying@p #'stream-tyo @dto@i stream@d,@p @dand@i stream@p @ditself. Because@p maybe-default-stream-writer @dreturns the effective method rather than@p #'stream-tyo@d, it avoids@p method-dispatch@d.MEMBER@iitem@p @ilist@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dsearches@i list@p @dfor a top-level element that matches@i item@d.@p @dIf a match is successful,@p member @dreturns the rest of the list starting with the element that matched@i item@d; otherwise returns@p nil@d.MEMBER-IF@itest@p @ilist@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i list@p @dfor the first top-level element satisfying@i test@d.@p @dIf one is found, the rest of the list (beginning with that@i @delement) is returned. If none are found,@p nil @dis returned.@iMEMBER-IF-NOT@itest@p @ilist@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i list@p @dfor the first top-level element that fails to satisfy@i test@d.@p @dIf such an element is found, the rest of the list (beginning with that@i @delement) is returned, otherwise@p nil @dis returned.@iMEMQ@iitem@p @ilist@d[@iFunction@d]equivalent to (@pmember@i item@p @ilist@p :test #'eq@d).MENU@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of menus, used for creating new menus.MENU-DEINSTALL@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]removes a menu from the menubar. The menu still exists, so it retains its state and may be reinstalled.MENU-DISABLE@imenu@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]disables a menu. Its items may still be viewed, but they cannot be selected.MENU-ENABLE@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]enables a menu, making it possible to use its items (provided it is installed).MENU-ENABLED-P@imenu@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns true if the menu is enabled, and@p nil @dif the menu is disabled.MENU-HANDLE@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]If the menu is installed, returns the handle to@i @dthe menu record of@i menu@p @don the Macintosh heap. If the menu is not installed,@p menu-handle @dreturns@p nil@d.MENU-ID@imenu@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]if the menu is installed, returns the unique numeric ID of the menu, used by the Macintosh Operating System. If the menu is not installed, returns@p nil@d.@iMENU-INSTALL@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]adds the menu to the menubar, at the rightmost position, and returns@p t.@dMENU-INSTALLED-P@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns true if the menu is installed,@p nil @dif the menu is not installed.MENU-ITEM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of menu items.MENU-ITEM-ACTION@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called whenever the user selects the menu-item with the mouse or through the command-key equivalent. The usual version does nothing. This function should be defined for every menu@i @ditem.@iMENU-ITEM-ACTION-FUNCTION@imenu-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the function associated with@i menu-item.@dMENU-ITEM-CHECK-MARK@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the character which is currently used to check the menu-item, or@p nil @dif the item is not currently checked.MENU-ITEM-DISABLE@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]disables a menu-item. It will be grayed-out, and the user wonÕt be able to select it.MENU-ITEM-ENABLE@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]enables a menu-item so the user can select it. It has no effect if the menu-item is already enabled.MENU-ITEM-ENABLED-P@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns true if the menu-item is enabled, and@p nil @dif the menu-item is disabled.MENU-ITEM-STYLE@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a single keyword or list of keywords representing the style of the font used to display the menu-item. MENU-ITEM-TITLE@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the menu-item's title as a string.MENU-ITEM-UPDATE@imenu-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by the default version of@p menu-update @dwhenever the user clicks in the menubar. The default@p menu-item-update @dfuncalls the value of the@p menu-item-update-function @dslot. The user does not normally call this function directly; it is called by the event system.MENU-ITEM-UPDATE-FUNCTION@imenu-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the update function associated with@i menu-item.MENU-ITEMS@imenu@p &optional@i menu-item-class@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a list of menu-items currently installed in@i menu.@dMENU-TITLE@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the menu's title as a string.MENU-UPDATE@imenu@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called whenever the user clicks in the menubar. The default@p menu-update @dasks all the menuÕs menu items to perform a@p menu-item-update@d. This facility is provided so that menus and menu-items can adjust to the current program context before they are displayed.MENUBAR@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of the menus installed in the current menubar.*MENUBAR* @d[@iVariable@d]returns the name of the only instance of the class@p menubar@d. Currently, this object is only used for keeping track of the part colors of the menubar.@b*MENUBAR-FROZEN* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, changes to the menubar do not cause menubar redrawing. Normally, this variable is bound to@p nil @dbefore a group of menubar changes are made. After all the changes are made and the variable is unbound, the function@p draw-menubar-if @dcan be called.@bMERGE@iresult-type@p @isequence1@p @isequence2@p @ipredicate@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]destructively merges@i sequence1@p @dand@i sequence2@p @dinto a new sequence of type@i result-type.@p @iresult-type@p @dmust be a subtype of@i sequence.MERGE-FONT-CODES@iold-ff@p @iold-ms@p @iff@p @ims@p &optional@i ff-mask@p @ims-mask@d[@iFunction@d]merges two font codes.@bMERGE-PATHNAMES@ipathname@p &optional@i defaults@p @idefault-version@d[@iFunction@d]creates a new pathname resulting from merging@i pathname@p @dwith@i defaults@p @d(which defaults to@p *default-pathname-defaults*@d).@i pathname@p @dmay be a pathname, a string, or a stream that is or was open to a file; if@i defaults@p @dis a logical pathname,@i pathname@p @dmay be a logical pathname namestring.MESSAGE-DIALOG@imessage@p &key :ok-text :size :position@d[@iFunction@d]displays a dialog box holding the string@i message@d,@p @dwith a single button. The function returns when the user clicks this button or types@p Return @dor@p Enter@d. METHOD-COMBINATION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of method combinations.METHOD-COMBINATION-ERROR@iformat-control@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]is used to signal an error from within a method combination function. The @iformat-control@d and @iargs@d are used to construct the error message.METHOD-EXISTS-P@igf@p &rest@i args@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif there exists a primary method for the generic function@i gf@p @dwith the arguments@i args.@p @dIt returns@p nil @dif@i gf@p @dis not a generic function or the name of a generic function, or if@p (apply gf args) @dwill cause an error because of the nonexistence of a primary method.METHOD-QUALIFIERS@imethod@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a list of qualifiers of @imethod@d.MIN@inumber@p &rest@i more-numbers@d[@iFunction@d]returns the smallest of@i numbers@d.MINI-BUFFER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of minibuffers@i curre@d(a subclass of output-stream). Minibuffers display information about the Fred Window.@b*MINI-BUFFER-FONT-SPEC* @d[@iVariable@d]specifies the font used in mini-buffers. The default value is@p ("Monaco" 9)@d.@b*MINI-BUFFER-HELP-OUTPUT* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, the argument list printed by@p ed-arglist @dis displayed in the mini-buffer; otherwise it is displayed in the@p *standard-output* @dstream.@bMINI-BUFFER-STRING@imini-buffer@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the contents of the mini-buffer as a string.@bMINI-BUFFER-UPDATE@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]redraws the current contents of the mini-buffer.@i window-or-item@p @dis a Fred window or Fred dialog item.@bMINUSP@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i number@p @dis strictly less than zero; otherwise returns@p nil@d.@i number@p @dmust be a non-complex number.MISMATCH@isequence1@p @isequence2@p &key :from-end :test :test-not :key :start1 :start2 :end1 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]compares the elements of the specified portions of@i sequence1@p @dand@i sequence2@d.@p @dIf two elements do not match, the index within@i sequence1@p @dof the leftmost position at which the elements fail to match is returned. If all elements match,@p nil @dis returned.MOD@inumber@p @idivisor@d[@iFunction@d]returns the root of@i number@p @dmodulo@i divisor@d.@p @dThe result will have the same sign as@i divisor@d.MODAL-DIALOG@iwindow@p &optional@i close-on-return@p @ieventhook@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]makes@i window@p @dthe front window, displays it, and intercepts subsequent user events until a@p return-from-modal-dialog @dis executed. Returns the value(s) supplied by@p return-from-modal-dialog@d. If@i close-on-return@p @dis true, the default, will close the window on exit from the function. Otherwise, hides the window on exit.@i eventhook@p @dshould be a function of no arguments or a list of functions of no arguments. See@p *eventhook*@d.*MODAL-DIALOG-ON-TOP* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]returns true when a modal dialog is the frontmost window. It is bound during the event processing done by the@p modal-dialog @dfunction. Its value is used by the MCL window system code to determine the behavior of windoids. This value should not be modified by the user, but can be used to determine whether a modal dialog is being processed.*MODULE-FILE-ALIST* @d[@iVariable@d]@p@dused by@p require. @dThe value of this variable is an association list, in which the@p car @dof each element should be a module name, and the@p cdr @dof each element should be a pathname or list of pathnames making up the module. The@p require @dfunction loads all the files listed. Initially,@p *module-file-alist* @dis empty.@p*MODULE-SEARCH-PATH* @d[@iVariable@d]@p@dUsed by@p require. @dIf a module being required is not registered in@p *module-file-alist*@d,@p require @dlooks for a file with the same name as the module name in the locations specified by the variable@p *module-search-path*@d. The@p *module-search-path* @dvariable should be bound to a list of pathnames, each specifying the directory and possibly a file type (the name component is ignored and replaced by the name of the module). If no file type is given, both@p *.lisp-pathname* @dand@p *.fasl-pathname* @dare looked for, and the more recent file is used.*MODULES* @d[@iVariable@d]holds a list of the names of the modules that have been loaded into Macintosh Common Lisp. This list is used by the functions@p require @dand@p provide@d. This variable has been removed from Common Lisp and is provided in the@p CCL: @dpackage.MOST-NEGATIVE-DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the double-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, minus infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-NEGATIVE-FIXNUM @d[@iConstant@d]The fixnum closest to minus infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.@pMOST-NEGATIVE-LONG-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the long-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, minus infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-NEGATIVE-SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the short-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, minus infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-NEGATIVE-SINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, minus infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-POSITIVE-DOUBLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the double-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM @d[@iConstant@d]the fixnum closest in value, but not equal to, infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-POSITIVE-LONG-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the long-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-POSITIVE-SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the short-float floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOST-POSITIVE-SINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iConstant@d]the floating-point number closest in value, but not equal to, infinity in Macintosh Common Lisp.MOUSE-DOWN-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the mouse button is pushed, otherwise@p nil@d.*MOUSE-VIEW* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]The view that the mouse is over. The default value is@p nil@d.@bMOVE@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the pen@i h@p @dpoints to the right and@i v@p @dpoints down without doing any drawing.@bMOVE-MARK@ibuffer-mark@p &optional@i distance@d[@iFunction@d]moves@i buffer-mark@p @dforwards or backwards@i distance@p @d(which defaults to@p 1@d).@i @dA positive@i distance@p @dmoves forward; a negative, backward.@bMOVE-TO@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]moves the pen to the point specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dwithout doing any drawing. It returns the point to which the pen moved.@bMUFFLE-WARNING @d[@iRestart@p, @iFunction@d]is a restart established by @pWARN@d in order to allow handlers to continue without further action. @p(MUFFLE-WARNING)@d is equivalent to @p(INVOKE-RESTART 'MUFFLE-WARNING)@d.MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND@p(@d{@ivar@d}*@p)@i values-form@p @d{@ideclaration@d}* {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i values-form@d,@p @dand binds the multiple values returned to the@i vars@d.@p @dThe@i forms@p @dare evaluated in the resulting environment. The value of the last@i form@p @dis returned.MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL@ifunction@p @d{@iform@d}*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]calls@i function@d,@p @dpassing as arguments all the multiple values returned by@i forms@d.@p @dThe first argument (@ifunction@d) is evaluated.MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST@iform@d[@iMacro@d]collects the multiple values returned by@i form@d,@p @dand returns them in a list.MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1@iform@p @d{@imore-forms@d}*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]evaluates@i form@d,@p @dand saves the values it returns. Then evaluates@i more-forms@d,@p @ddiscarding their returned values. When done, returns the values returned by@i form@d.MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ@p(@d{@ivar@d}*@p)@i form@d[@iMacro@d]calls@i form@d,@p @dand uses the returned multiple values to set (not bind) the@i vars@d.MULTIPLE-VALUES-LIMIT @d[@iConstant@d]a positive integer that is the upper exclusive bound on the number of values that may be returned from a function.@pNAME-CHAR@iname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the character with name@i name@d, or nil if there is no such character.NAMESTRING@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string representation of@i pathname@d, which may be a pathname, a string, or a stream that is or was open to a file.@iNBUTLAST@ilist@d &optional@i num@d[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies@i list@d to remove the last@i num@d elements.@i num@d defaults to 1. If@i list@d is shorter than@i num@d, the empty list is returned and@i list@d is not modified. (Therefore one normally writes (setq a (nbutlast a)) rather than (nbutlast a).)NCONC@d&rest@i lists-or-thing@d[@iFunction@d]concatenates@i lists@d destructively and returns the resulting list. The lists are not copied, but are destructively altered in place. nconc is the destructive equivalent of append.NEQ@iobject1@d @iobject2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object1@d and@i object2@d are not the same object.NEW-COMPILER-POLICY@d&key :allow-tail-recursion-elimination :inhibit-register-allocation :trust-declarations :open-code-inline :inhibit-safety-checking :inhibit-event-polling :inline-self-calls :allow-transforms :force-boundp-checks :allow-constant-substitution[@iFunction@d]creates and returns a new compiler policy in which the default specifications of behavior are overridden by the values associated with the indicated keyword arguments. Each of the keywords may take one of the following values: nil, which specifies that the associated behavior is suppressed; t, which specifies that the associated behavior is performed; or a function that takes arguments as described below and returns a Boolean value.NEW-REGION @d[@iFunction@d]allocates a new empty region and returns it.@bNEXT-METHOD-P @d[@iLocal@p @ifunction@d]when used within the body of a method returns true is a next method exists.NEXT-SCREEN-CONTEXT-LINES@iscreen-height@d [@iFunction@d]returns the number of lines of context to leave when scrolling a window. It is used to normalize *next-screen-context-lines* for a particular screen height.*NEXT-SCREEN-CONTEXT-LINES* @d[@iVariable@d]the number of lines that are retained from screen to screen when the user scrolls through a window by screenfuls. It is also the number of context lines that are retained when searching a buffer causes scrolling. The default value is 2.NIL @d[@iConstant@d]the false value in Common Lisp. nil is a symbol, a constant, the Boolean false, a data type, a logical operator, an object of type null, and the usual terminator of a list. It is also equivalent to the empty list. It is no longer equivalent to Pascal null, which in Macintosh Common Lisp is now equivalent to the macptr %null-ptr.NINTERSECTION@ilist1@d @ilist2@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]returns the intersection of@i list1@d and@i list2@d, that is, a list of those elements which are in both@i list1@d and@i list2@d. If either list has duplicate entries, the redundant entries may or may not appear in the result.@i list1@d and@i list2@d may be modified by the process. (nintersection is the destructive form of intersection.)NINTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the ninth element of@i list@d, using one-based addressing.NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD@igeneric-function@p &rest @ifunction-arguments@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]is called when no applicable methods exist for @igeneric-function@d when invoked with @ifunction-arguments@d. This is meant to be specialized, not called directly.NO-NEXT-METHOD@igeneric-function@p @imethod@p &rest @iargs@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]is called when there is no next method for a @imethod@d at the time @pCALL-NEXT-METHOD@d is invoked. This is meant to be specialized, not called directly.NO-QUEUED-REPLY-HANDLER@iapplication@d @iappleevent@d @ireply@d @irefcon@d[@iGeneric@d @ifunction@d]the default method signals the appleevent-error condition with :oserr $#AEEventNotHandled.NOT@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@d is nil; otherwise returns false. It inverts its argument considered as a Boolean value.NOTANY@ipredicate@d @isequence@d &rest@i more-sequences@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i predicate@d to succesive elements of@i sequence@d and@i more-sequences@d until a call returns non-nil. If a call returns non-nil, notany returns false. If no call returns true, notany returns non-nil.@i predicate@d must take as many arguments as there are sequences.NOTEVERY@ipredicate@d @isequence@d &rest@i more-sequences@d[@iFunction@d]applies@i predicate@d to succesive elements of@i sequence@d and@i more-sequences@d until a call returns nil. If a call returns nil, notevery immediately returns a non-nil value. If all calls return true, notevery returns nil.@i predicate@d must take as many arguments as there are sequences.NOTINLINE@ifunction-name*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, informs the compiler that @ifunction-name@d must be inserted as a procedure call instead of as an in-line instruction sequence.NRECONC@ilist-1@d @ilist-2@d[@iFunction@d]reverses@i list-1@d, and places its elements (reversed) at the head of@i list-2@d. @ilist-1@d is destructively modified. This function has exactly the same side-effect behavior as (nconc (nreverse@i x@d)@i y@d) but is potentially more efficient.NREVERSE@isequence@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence with the elements of@i sequence@d reversed. The original@i sequence@d may be modified.NSET-DIFFERENCE@ilist1@d @ilist2@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]returns a list of elements in@i list1@d that are not elements of@i list2@d. @ilist1@d and@i list2@d may be modified by the process. (nset-difference is the destructive form of set-difference.)NSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR@ilist1@d @ilist2@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]returns a list containing those elements that are in@i list1@d or in@i list2@d but are not in both.@i list1@d and@i list2@d may be modified by the process. (nset-exclusive-or is the destructive form of set-exclusive-or.)NSTRING-CAPITALIZE@istring@d &key :start :end[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies the given portion of@i string@d, capitalizing all words.NSTRING-DOWNCASE@istring@d &key :start :end[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies the given portion of@i string@d, converting all uppercase characters to lowercase.NSTRING-UPCASE@istring@d &key :start :end[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies the given portion of@i string@d, converting all lowercase characters to uppercase.NSUBLIS@ia-list@d @itree@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies@i tree@d, replacing elements that appear as keys in@i a-list@d with the corresponding value from@i a-list@d. In effect, nsublis can perform several nsubst operations simultaneously.NSUBST@inew@d @iold@d @itree@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies@i tree@d, replacing occurrences of@i old@d with@i new@d.NSUBST-IF@inew@d @itest@d @itree@d &key :key[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies@i tree@d, replacing elements that satisfy@i test@d with@i new@d.NSUBST-IF-NOT@inew@d @itest@d @itree@d &key :key[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies@i tree@d, replacing elements that don't satisfy@i test@d with@i new@d.NSUBSTITUTE@inew-item@d @iold-item@d @isequence@d &key :start :end :from-end :count :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d except that occurrences of@i old-item@d within a given subsequence are replaced with@i new-item@d. The :count argument, if given, limits the number of substitutions which take place. The original@i sequence@d may be modified. This is the destructive equivalent of substitute.NSUBSTITUTE-IF@inew-item@d @itest@d @isequence@d &key :start :end :from-end :count :key[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d except that elements which satisfy@i test@d within the given subsequence are replaced with@i new-item@d. The :count argument, if given, limits the number of substitutions which take place. The original@i sequence@d may be modified. This is the destructive equivalent of substitute-if.NSUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT@inew-item@d @itest@d @isequence@d &key :start :end :from-end :count :key[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d except that elements which@i @ddo not satisfy@i test@d within the given subsequence are replaced with@i new-item@d. The :count argument, if given, limits the number of substitutions which take place. The original@i sequence@d may be modified. This is the destructive equivalent of substitute-if-not.NTH@in@d @ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the nth element of@i list@d (where the car of@i list@d is the "zeroth" element ).NTH-VALUE@in@p @iform@d[@iMacro@d]returns the @in@dth value returned by @iform@d.NTHCDR@in@d @ilist@d[@iFunction@d]performs the cdr operation@i n@d times on@i list@d and returns the result.NULL@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if thing is the empty list (), otherwise returns nil. This is equivalent to the function not, except that null is normally used to check for the empty list and not to invert. The programmer can express intent by choice of function name.%NULL-PTR @d[@iMacro@d]this macro is equivalent to the Pascal null pointer and to (%int-to-ptr 0).%NULL-PTR-P@ipointer@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if@i pointer@d is a Pascal null pointer. NUMBER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]is the class of all numbers.NUMBERP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@d is a number; otherwise returns false. More specific numeric data type tests include integerp, rationalp, floatp, and complexp.NUMERATOR@irational@d[@iFunction@d]returns the numerator of the canonical reduced form of@i rational@d.NUNION@ilist1@d @ilist2@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]returns a list containing the union of the elements@i list1@d and@i list2@d. Any element that is contained in@i list1@d or@i list2@d will be contained in the result list.@i list1@d and@i list2@d may be modified by the process. (nunion is the destructive form of union.)ODDP@iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i integer@d is odd (not evenly divisible by two); otherwise returns nil.OFFSET-POLYGON@ipolygon@d @ih@d &optonal@i v@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]offsets@i polygon@d by@i h@d points to the right and@i v@d points down. This function can be performed outside of windows because it does not involve drawing. If only@i h@d is given, it is taken to be an encoded point.@bOFFSET-RECT@irectangle@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]moves@i rectangle@d @ih@d points to the right and@i v@d points down. It returns the destructively modified rectangle. If only@i h@d is given, it is taken to be an encoded point and its coordinates are used.@bOFFSET-REGION@iregion@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]moves@i region@d @ih@d points to the right and@i v@d points down. It returns the destructively modified region. If only@i h@d is given, it is taken to be an encoded point and its coordinates are used.@bOPEN@ifilename@d &key :direction :element-type :if-exists :if-does-not-exist :external-format :fork :mac-file-creator[@iFunction@d]opens a stream to the file specified by@i filename@d, which may be a string, a pathname, a logical pathname, or a stream.@i OPEN-APPLICATION-HANDLER@iapplication@d @iappleevent@d @ireply@d @irefcon@d[@iGeneric@d @ifunction@d]@i@dhandles the Open Application Apple event. The default method does nothing.OPEN-DOCUMENTS-HANDLER@iapplication@d @iappleevent@d @ireply@d @irefcon@d[@iGeneric@d @ifunction@d]@i@dhandles the Open Documents Apple event. The default method opens a file for editing if it is of type text or loads it if it is of type fasl.*OPEN-FILE-STREAMS* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of all open file streams. This list is useful for writing functions that close streams accidentally left open during a programming session. This list is automatically updated by file stream operations; it should not be changed manually.OPEN-REGION@iview@d [@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]hides the pen and begins recording a region. Subsequent drawing commands to the window add to the region. Recording ends when close-region is called. The function returns nil.@bOPEN-STREAM-P@istream@d[@iFunction@d]returns true when @istream@d is open.OPTIMIZE@iquality* | @p(@iquality value@p)@i*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, informs the compiler that it should assign a specified importance to optimizing @iquality@d. Standard @iquality@d names are @pCOMPILATION-SPEED@d, @pDEBUG@d, @pSAFETY@d, @pSPACE@d, and @pSPEED@d. A @ivalue@d of @p0@d means that the @iquality@d is unimportant, @p1@d is a neutral value, and @p3@d means that @iquality@d is very important. Specifying @iquality@d without a @ivalue@d is the same as @p(@iquality@p 3)@d.OPTION-KEY-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns t if the option-key is pressed, otherwise returns nil. If called during event processing, it checks whether the option key was pressed when the event occurred.&OPTIONAL @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a lambda list, is followed by the formal parameters which will be bound in order to any arguments supplied following the required arguments. An optional parameter may be specified in a list with an initializer and optional supplied-p parameter. @p&OPTIONAL@d must be the first lambda list keyword to follow required parameters.@dOR@d{@iform@d}*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates each@i form@d sequentially. If or reaches a@i form@d that returns non-nil, it returns the value of that form without evaluating any more forms. If it reaches the last@i form@d, it returns that form's value.*ORANGE-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color orange, encoded as a fixnum.@bORIGIN@iview@d [@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the coordinates of the upper-left point in the window's content region.@bOTHERWISE @d[@iSymbol@d]may be used interchangeably with @pT@d in the default clause of a @pCASE@d macro.OUTPUT-STREAM @d[@iClass@d @iname@d]the class of output streams, built on stream.OUTPUT-STREAM-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@d is a stream which can handle output, otherwise returns nil.PACKAGE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]is the class of namespaces that map names to symbols.*PACKAGE* @d[@iVariable@d]@i@dat any point, this variable is bound to the current package. The functions load and compile-file rebind *package* to its current value. The forthcoming ANSI Common Lisp will use the package name common-lisp-user instead of user.PACKAGE-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors in package operations. Has slot @i:package@d.PACKAGE-ERROR-PACKAGE@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the package which caused the @pPACKAGE-ERROR-PACKAGE@d @icondition@d to be signalledPACKAGE-NAME@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]returns the name of@i package@d as a string, or nil if applied to a deleted package.PACKAGE-NICKNAMES@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of the nickname strings of@i package@d. This will not include the primary name.PACKAGE-SHADOWING-SYMBOLS@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of symbols which have been declared (by shadow or shadowing-import) as shadowing symbols in@i package@d.PACKAGE-USE-LIST@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of packages used by@i package@d.PACKAGE-USED-BY-LIST@ipackage@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of all the packages that use@i package@d.PACKAGEP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@d is a package, otherwise false.PAINT-ARC@iview@d @istart-angle@d @iarc-angle@d @ileft@d &optional@i top@d @iright@d @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]fills the arc specified by@i start-angle,@d @iarc-angle@d and the specified rectangle with the current pen pattern and mode. The rectangle is specified by the arguments.@bPAINT-OVAL@iview@d @ileft@d &optional@i top@d @iright@d @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]fills the oval specified by the rectangle with the current pen pattern and mode. The rectangle is specified by the arguments.@bPAINT-POLYGON@iview@d @ipolygon@d [@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]@i@dfills@i polygon@d with the current pen pattern and mode.@bPAINT-RECT@iview@d @ileft@d &optional@i top@d @iright@d @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]fills the rectangle specified by the arguments with the current pen pattern and mode. @bPAINT-REGION@iview@d @iregion@d [@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]@i@dfills@i region@d with the current pen pattern and mode.@iPAINT-ROUND-RECT@iview@d @ioval-width@d @ioval-height@d @ileft@d &optional@i top@d @iright@d @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]fills the roundrect specified by the arguments with the current pen pattern and mode.@bPAIRLIS@ikeys@d @idata@d &optional@i a-list@d[@iFunction@d]creates an a-list associated matching elements from the lists@i keys@d and@i data@d. This a-list is appended to@i a-list@d. It is an error if the lists@i keys@d and@i data@d are not the same length.PARSE-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors related to parsing.PARSE-INTEGER@istring@d &key :start :end :radix :junk-allowed[@iFunction@d]reads and returns an integer from the indicated portion of@i string@d. Returns a second value that is the index into the string of the delimiter that terminated the parse, or the index beyond the substring if the parse terminated at the end of the substring. An error is signaled if the substring cannot be parsed as an integer. PARSE-MACRO@iname@p @iarglist@p @ibody@p &optional @ienv@d[@iFunction@d]returns a @pLAMBDA@d form which is the macroexpander for @ibody@d, given @iname@d, @iarglist@d, and @ienv@d.PARSE-NAMESTRING@ithing@d &optional@i host@d @idefaults@d &key :start :end :junk-allowed[@iFunction@d]parses@i thing@d to a pathname.@i thing@d is usually a string, but may be a logical pathname, pathname, or stream@i.@d The@i host@d and@i defaults@d arguments are used only to determine pathname syntax, not for supplying default pathname components.PART-COLOR@iobject@d @ipart@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the color of@i part@d in@i object@d, which should be an instance of window, dialog-item, menubar, menu, menu-item, or table-dialog-item.@bPART-COLOR-LIST@iobject@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns a list of all the keywords and values for all the colored parts of@i object@d, which should be an instance of window, dialog-item, menubar, menu, menu-item, or table-dialog-item.@bPASTE@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d] pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the view at the insertion point.*PASTE-WITH-STYLES* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, cut/copy/paste in Fred windows retains font information. If false, the font information is discarded in the clipboard.%PATH-FROM-FSSPEC@ifsspecptr@d[@iFunction@d]extracts a Lisp path from@i fsspecptr@d, an MCL macptr that points to an object of Macintosh type FSSpec.PATHNAME@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]coerces@i thing@d to a pathname, which it returns.@i thing@d should be a pathname, string, or stream.PATHNAME-DEVICE@ipathname@d &key :case[@iFunction@d]returns the device component of@i pathname@d.PATHNAME-DIRECTORY@ipathname@d &key :case[@iFunction@d]returns the directory component of@i pathname@d.PATHNAME-HOST@ipathname@d &key :case[@iFunction@d]returns the host component of@i pathname@d.PATHNAME-MATCH-P@ipathname@p @iwildcard@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if @ipathname@d matches @iwildcard@d (a pathname with @p:wild@d components.) Missing components of @iwildcard@d default to @p:wild@d.PATHNAME-NAME@ipathname@d &key :case[@iFunction@d]returns the name component of@i pathname@d.*PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS-PATHNAME*@d[@iSpecial@d @ivariable@d]contains a pathname whose host is :ccl and whose type is the string "pathname-translations".PATHNAME-TYPE@ipathname@d &key :case[@iFunction@d]returns the type component of@i pathname@d.PATHNAME-VERSION@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the version component of@i pathname@d.PATHNAMEP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@d is a pathname, otherwise false.PEEK-CHAR@d&optional@i peek-type@d @iinput-stream@d @ieof-error-p@d @ieof-value@d @irecursive-p@d[@iFunction@d]returns the next character of@i stream@d according to@i peek-type@d, and leaves the character in the input stream.@i peek-type@d may be nil (return next character), t (skip whitespace, then return next character) or a character (advance to first occurrence of the character).PEN-HIDE@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]hides the pen. If the pen is hidden, no drawing occurs.@bPEN-MODE@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns a keyword indicating the window's current pen state.@b*PEN-MODES* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of pen-mode keywords.PEN-NORMAL@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]sets the pen size to #@@(1 1), the pen mode to :patCopy, and the pen pattern to *black-pattern*. The pen location is not changed.@bPEN-PATTERN@iview@d &optional@i save-pattern@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]@i@dreturns the window's pen pattern.@bPEN-POSITION@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns a point corresponding to the pen position in local coordinates.@bPEN-SHOW@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]shows the pen. @bPEN-SHOWN-P@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns t if the pen is shown and nil if it is not.@bPEN-SIZE@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the current pen size as a point (expressing a width and height).@bPEN-STATE@iview@d &optional@i save-state@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the current pen state, a record containing the pen's location, size, mode (as an integer), and pattern. If@i save-state@d is specified, it must be a :penState record. Otherwise, a new :penState record is allocated from the Mac heap.@bPHASE@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the angle part of the polar representation of@i number@d as a complex number. The return value is in radians.PI @d[@iConstant@d]The best possible approximation of pi in floating-point format.*PINK-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color pink, encoded as a fixnum.@b*PIXELS-PER-INCH-X* @d[@iVariable@d]the number of pixels per inch on the main monitor, in the horizontal dimension.*PIXELS-PER-INCH-Y* @d[@iVariable@d]the number of pixels per inch on the main monitor, in the vertical dimension.PLUSP@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i number@d is strictly greater than zero; otherwise returns nil.@i number@d must be a non-complex number.POINT-H@ipoint@d[@iFunction@d]returns the h-coordinate of@i point@d.POINT-IN-CLICK-REGION-P@iview@d @iwhere@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]called by view-click-event-handler to determine whether@i where@d is in@i view@d. The default method calls view-contains-point-p.POINT-IN-RECT-P@irectangle@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if the point specified by@i h@d and@i v@d is inside@i rectangle@d; otherwise it returns nil.@bPOINT-IN-REGION-P@iregion@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[Function]returns t if the point specified by@i h@d and@i v@d is contained in@i region@d; otherwise it returns nil.@bPOINT-STRING@ipoint@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string representation of@i point@d.POINT-TO-ANGLE@irectangle@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]returns an "angle number" calculated from@i rectangle@d and the point specified by@i h@d and@i v@d.@bPOINT-TO-CELL@itable-dialog-item@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the cell enclosing the point represented by@i h@d and@i v,@d or nil if@i point@d is not within a cell.POINT-V@ipoint@d[@iFunction@d]returns the v-coordinate of@i point@d.POINT<=@ipoint@d &rest@i other-points@d[@iFunction@d]checks to see whether@i point@d, which must be of type integer, is smaller than@i other-points@d, which are expressed as fixnums. If no points are smaller than@i point@d or there are no other points, the function returns t; otherwise, it returns nil.POINTERP@imacptr@d &optional@i errorp@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if and only if the address@i macptr@d contains is in RAM; otherwise, it returns nil.@i @dIf@i errorp@d is specified and true and either@i macptr@d is not a macptr or does not point to RAM, an error is signalled.POINTS-TO-RECT@ipoint1@d @ipoint2@d @idest-rect@d[@iFunction@d]@i@dstores in@i dest-rect@d the smallest rectangle that encloses both@i point1@d and@i point2@d, and returns@i dest-rect@d.@bPOP@iplace@d[@iMacro@d]returns the car of the contents of@i place@d , which can be any generalized variable containing a list and acceptable as a generalized variable to setf. Sets@i place@d to point to the cdr of its previous contents. POP-UP-MENU @d[@iClass@d @iname@d]This is the class of pop-up menus, built on menu. The Commands menu in Inspector windows is an example of a pop-up menu.POSITION@iitem@d @isequence@d &key :start :end :from-end :key :test :test-not[@iFunction@d]returns the index of the first element of@i sequence@d that match@i item@d using the given test function; returns nil if no element matches.POSITION-IF@itest@d @isequence@d &key :from-end :start :end :key[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the first element in the given range of@i sequence@d that satisfies@i test@d, or nil if no element satisfies the test.POSITION-IF-NOT@itest@d @isequence@d &key :from-end :start :end :key[@iFunction@d]returns the position of the first element in the given range of@i sequence@d that does not satisfy@i test@d, or nil if all the elements satisfy@i test@d.PPRINT@iobject@d &optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]outputs a newline character and the pretty-print representation of@i object@d to@i output-stream.@d pprint returns no value. Common Lisp user-controlled pretty-printing is described in@i Common@d @iLisp:@d @iThe@d @iLanguage@d, 2d edition, Chapter 27.PPRINT-DISPATCH@iobject@p &optional @itable@d[@iFunction@d]returns the highest priority function from @itable@d (a pretty-print dispatch table) which matches the type of @iobject@d, or a function which calls @pprint-object@d if no match is found in @itable@d. A second value is true if a match was found in @itable@d.PPRINT-EXIT-IF-LIST-EXHAUSTED @d[@iLocal@p @iMacro@d]when used within the lexical extent of a call to @pPPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK@d, terminates execution of the current logical block if the list passed to that block has been exhausted.PPRINT-FILL@istream@p @iobject@p &optional @icolon-p@p @iat-sign-p@d[@iFunction@d]prints @iobject@d to @istream@d. If @iobject@d is a list and @p*PRINT-PRETTY*@d is true, the list is printed with as many elements as possible on each line.PPRINT-INDENT@irelative-to@p @in@p &optional @istream@d[@iFunction@d]sets the indentation to use in the innermost dynamically enclosing logical block when @isteam@d is a pretty printing stream and @p*PRINT-PRETTY*@d is true. Indentation is specified in ems, the width of an uppercase letter M in the current font. Indentation is set relative to the position of the first character in the current logical block if @irelative-to@d is :@pblock@d, or relative to the current output position if @irelative-to@d is @p:current@d.PPRINT-LINEAR@istream@p @iobject@p &optional @icolon-p@p @iat-sign-p@d[@iFunction@d]prints @iobject@d to @istream@d. If @iobject@d is a list and @p*PRINT-PRETTY*@d is true, the list is printed either entirely on a single line, or with one element per line.PPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK@p(@istream-symbol@p @iobject@p &key @iprefix@p @iper-line-prefix@p @isuffix@p) @ideclaration*@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]binds @istream-symbol@d to a pretty printing stream and treats output to the stream as belonging to a logical block for purposes of pretty printing. If @iobject@d is a list, it will be processed by @iforms@d to print its textual representation. If @iobject@d is not a list, it will be printed using @pwrite@d. The keyword arguments @iprefix@d and @iper-line-prefix@d are mutually exclusive, specifying text to be prepended to the logical block or to each line of output, respectively. The @isuffix@d keyword specifies text to be appended to the logical block.PPRINT-NEWLINE@ikind@p &optional @istream@d[@iFunction@d]conditionally inserts a line break when @istream@d is a pretty printing stream and @p*PRINT-PRETTY*@d is true. The condition varies according to @ikind@d, which is one of @p:linear@d, @p:miser@d, @p:fill@d, or @p:mandatory@d.PPRINT-POP @d[@iLocal@p @iMacro@d]when used within the lexical extent of a call to @PPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK@d, pops and returns the next element of the list passed to that block. Special handling is performed for improper lists, @p*PRINT-LENGTH*@d, and @p*PRINT-CIRCLE@d.PPRINT-TAB@ikind@p @icolnum@p @icolinc@p &optional @istream@d[@iFunction@d]tabs as if by the @p~T@d @iformat@d directive when @istream@d is a pretty printing stream and @p*PRINT-PRETTY*@d is true. The @icolnum@d and @icolinc@ parameters correspond to the two parameters to @p~T@d, except that they are specified in ems, the width of an uppercase letter M in the current font. The @ikind@ argument determines the style of tabbing: @p:line@d corresponds to @p~T@d, @p:section@d, @p:line-relative@d, and @p:section-relative@d are like @p~:T@d, @p~@T@d, and @p~:@T@d, respectively, with positions relative to the dynamically enclosing section.PPRINT-TABULAR@istream@p @iobject@p &optional @icolon-p@p @iat-sign-p@p @itabsize@d[@iFunction@d]prints @iobject@d to @istream@d. If @iobject@d is a list and @p*PRINT-PRETTY*@d is true, the list is printed with as many elements per line as possible, lined up in columns of @itabsize@d width, measured in ems (the width of an uppercase letter M in the current font.)PREF@irecord@d @iaccessor@d[@iMacro@d]returns the contents of the specified field of the specified record ignoring the default storage and assuming that the record is a pointer, not a handle. (pref @irecord accessor@d) is the same as (rref @irecord accessor@d :storage :pointer).PRELOAD-ALL-FUNCTIONS @d[@iFunction@d]loads all swappable functions into memory. Functions will still be purged during garbage collection, unless the appropriate call to purge-functions has been made.PRESS-BUTTON@ibutton-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]highlights@i button-dialog-item@d, checks to see whether the window containing@i button-dialog-item@d has closed, and, if it has not, runs the dialog-item-action method for@i button-dialog-item.@dprevious-stack-group@istack-group@d[@iFunction@d]returns the resumer of @istack-group@d, a stack group returned by @pMAKE-STACK-GROUP@d.PRIN1@iobject@d &optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]outputs the printed representation of@i data-object@d to@i output-stream@d, using escape characters as appropriate. Returns@i object.PRIN1-TO-STRING@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]@ithing@d is printed, as if by prin1, but the output is collected in a string, which is returned.PRINC@iobject@d @i&@doptional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]outputs the printed representation of@i object@d to@i output-stream@d, without any escape characters. Returns@i object.PRINC-TO-STRING@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]@ithing@d is printed, as if by princ, but the output is collected in a string, which is returned.PRINT@iobject@d &optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]outputs the printed representation of@i data@d @iobject@d to@i output-stream@d, preceded by a newline and followed by a space. Returns@i object.*PRINT-ABBREVIATE-QUOTE*@d[@iSpecial@d @ivariable@d]If the value of this variable is true (the default), lists whose first element is the symbol quote or the symbol function are printed specially. If it is nil, they are not.@b*PRINT-ARRAY* @d[@iVariable@d]controls whether arrays are printed readably. If the value of this variable is nil, the contents of arrays other than strings are never printed.*PRINT-BASE* @d[@iVariable@d]specifies the radix to use for printing rational numbers. The default is base 10. Note that this is the radix for printing; it doesnÕt affect the radix for reading numbers.PRINT-CALL-HISTORY @d[@iFunction@d]prints information about the call history to *debug-io*. *PRINT-CASE* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the case used for printing symbols. The value of *print-case* should be :upcase (the default), :downcase, or :capitalize.*PRINT-CIRCLE* @d[@iVariable@d]Controls the printing of data objects which may be circular, such as arrays and lists. If *print-circle* is true, then the printer checks for circular structures (which makes printing slower). The default is nil.PRINT-DB@d{@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]equivalent to progn, except that each@i form@d is printed as it is evaluated (the value is also printed). The value of the last@i form@d is returned.PRINT-DOCUMENTS-HANDLER@iapplication@d @iappleevent@d @ireply@d @irefcon@d[@iGeneric@d @ifunction@d]@i@dhandles the Print Documents Apple event. The default method opens a file or files in Fred and prints them.*PRINT-ESCAPE* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the printing of escape characters. If @p*print-escape*@d is true (the default), then escape characters are printed (which increases the chances that objects will print readably).*PRINT-GENSYM* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the printing of uninterned symbols. If true, uninterned symbols are printed with the #: reader macro; they will not be interned when read into Lisp. If nil, they are not printed with the reader macro, and they will be interned when read back in.*PRINT-LENGTH* @d[@iVariable@d]controls how many elements of a list or array are printed. If nil, then the entire data structure is printed.*PRINT-LEVEL* @d[@iVariable@d]controls how many levels of a list or array are printed. If nil, then all levels are printed.*PRINT-LINES* @d[@iVariable@d]When the value of this Common Lisp variable is other than @pnil@d, it is a limit on the number of output lines produced when an object is pretty printed.*PRINT-MISER-WIDTH* @d[@iVariable@d]unless@p NIL@d, specifies the minimum width at which the prettyprinter switches to miser style.@dPRINT-NOT-READABLE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by an attempt to print an object when @p*PRINT-READABLY*@d is true and the printed representation would not be readable. Has slot @p:object@d.PRINT-NOT-READABLE-OBJECT@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the object which caused the @pPRINT-NOT-READABLE@d @icondition@d to be signalled.PRINT-OBJECT@iobject@p @istream@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]writes the printed representation of @iobject@d to @istream@d. This may be specialized, but should not be called by the user. Methods should implement appropriate semantics for printer control variables.*PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* @d[@iVariable@d]is bound to a dispatch table for the pretty printer. Normally modified using@p SET-PPRINT-DISPATCH@d.*PRINT-PRETTY* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the look of printed expressions. If true, then extra whitespace is inserted to make the printed representation of forms more readable. For a description of user-controlled pretty-printing in Common Lisp, see@i Common@d @iLisp:@d @iThe@d @iLanguage,@d 2d edition, Chapter 27.*PRINT-RADIX* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the printing of radix specifiers for rational numbers. If true, then rational numbers are printed with radix specifiers. This ensures that the numbers may be read back into Lisp. The default is nil.*PRINT-READABLY* @d[@iVariable@d]If this Common Lisp variable true, objects are printed out such that the printed representation can be read back into Lisp to create a similar object. If false, objects may be printed more tersely.PRINT-RECORD@irecord@d @irecord-type@d &optional@i currlevel@d [@iFunction@d]prints the values of the fields of@i record@d with type@i record-type@d to *standard-output*.*PRINT-RIGHT-MARGIN* @d[@iVariable@d]If non-@pnil@d, this Common Lisp variable specifies the right margin to use when the pretty printer is making layout decisions.*PRINT-STRUCTURE* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, the default structure print function will attempt to print functions in a Lisp readable form.@bPRINT-UNREADABLE-OBJECT@p(@iobject@p @istream@p &key @itype@p @iidentity@p)@i form*@d[@iMacro@d]surrounds output to @istream@d with @p#<@d and @p>@d. Descriptions of @iobject@d's @itype@d and @iidentity@d are inserted if the key forms are true. If neither @itype@d not @iidentity@d is specified, then @iform@ds should write a description of @iobject@d to @istream@d.PROBE-FILE@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]if@i pathname@d corresponds to an existing file or folder, returns its true name. If@i pathname@d does not correspond to an existing file or folder, returns nil.process-abort@p&optional@d @icondition@d[@iFunction@d]exits a process by signaling abort.process-active-p@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if @iprocess@d is active (i.e., the process can run if its wait function allows).process-allow-schedule @d[@iFunction@d]explicitly calls the scheduler to allow other processes to run.process-arrest-reasons@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the list of arrest reasons for @iprocess@d.process-background-p@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if the @iprocess@d is running in the background.process-block@iprocess@p @iwhostate@d[@iFunction@d]causes @iprocess@d to block and remain blocked until @pPROCESS-UNBLOCK@d is called on it. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason for blocking.process-block-with-timeout@iprocess@p @itime@p @iwhostate@d[@iFunction@d]causes @iprocess@d to stay blocked until duration @itime@d (units of one-sixtieth of a second) elapses or until the process is unblocked. If @itime@d is nil, this function behaves the same as @pPROCESS-BLOCK@d. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason for blocking.process-creation-time@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the time the @iprocess@d was created, as a universal time.process-dequeue@iqueue@p &optional @iqueue-owner@p @i(error-p t)@d[@iFunction@d]relinquishes control of a @iqueue@d so that another process can control the queue. If @iqueue-owner@d controls the @iqueue@d, @pPROCESS-DEQUEUE@d removes the process from the @iqueue@d, which gives the next process on the @iqueue@d an opportunity to run. If @iqueue-owner@d does not control the queue and @ierror-p@d is true (the default), an error is signaled.process-disable@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]stops the @iprocess@d. All run and arrest reasons are removed from their respective lists.process-disable-arrest-reason@iprocess@p &optional @i(reason :user)@d[@iFunction@d]deletes @ireason@d from a process's arrest reasons. This can activate the @iprocess@d. The value of @ireason@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function.process-disable-run-reason@iprocess@p &optional @i(reason :user)@d[@iFunction@d]removes @ireason@d from a process's run reasons. This can deactivate the @iprocess@d. The value of @ireason@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function.process-enable@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]activates the @iprocess@d. All run and arrest reasons are removed from their respective lists and a run reason of @p:enable@d is given to @iprocess@d.process-enable-arrest-reason @iprocess@p &optional @i(reason :user)@d[@iFunction@d]adds @ireason@d to a process's arrest reasons. This can deactivate the @iprocess@d. The value of @ireason@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function.process-enable-run-reason@iprocess@p &optional @i(reason :user)@d[@iFunction@d]adds @ireason@d to a process's run reasons. This can activate the @iprocess@d. The value of @ireason@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function.process-enqueue@iqueue@p &optional @iqueue-owner@p @i(whostate "Lock")@d[@iFunction@d]adds a process to a @iqueue@d. If the @iqueue@d is empty, the process becomes the owner of the @iqueue@d, and the function returns. If @iqueue@d is not empty and not full, the function adds the process to the end of @iqueue@d. The @pPROCESS-ENQUEUE@d function waits until the process reaches the front of the @iqueue@d and becomes the owner of the @iqueue@d. If @iqueue@d is full, @pPROCESS-ENQUEUE@d waits until @iqueue@d is not full before adding the process to the end of @iqueue@d. By default, the process added to the @iqueue@d is the current process. The optional argument @iqueue-owner@d specifies a different process to place on the @iqueue@d. If the process is already on the @iqueue@d, an error is signaled. The value of @iqueue-owner@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason for waiting.process-enqueue-with-timeout@iqueue@p &optional @iqueue-owner@p @i(whostate "Lock")@d[@iFunction@d]adds a process to a @iqueue@d. If the @iqueue@d is empty, the process becomes the owner of the @iqueue@d, and the function returns. If @iqueue@d is not empty and not full, the function adds the process to the end of @iqueue@d. The @pPROCESS-ENQUEUE@d function waits until the process reaches the front of the @iqueue@d and becomes the owner of the @iqueue@d. If the process does not reach the front of the @iqueue@d within the time interval @itimeout@d, the process is dequeued. If @iqueue@d is full, @pPROCESS-ENQUEUE@d waits until @iqueue@d is not full before adding the process to the end of @iqueue@d. By default, the process added to the @iqueue@d is the current process. The optional argument @iqueue-owner@d specifies a different process to place on the @iqueue@d. If the process is already on the @iqueue@d, an error is signaled. The value of @iqueue-owner@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason for waiting.process-flush@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]causes @iprocess@d to wait indefinitely. The functions @pPROCESS-PRESET@d or @pPROCESS-RESET@d unflush the process.process-initial-form@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list whose car is the initial function of the @iprocess@d and whose cdr is the list of arguments for that function.process-initial-stack-group @iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the stack group created when @iprocess@d was created. The size of the stack group is determined by the variable @p*DEFAULT-PROCESS-STACKSEG-SIZE*@d.process-interrupt@iprocess@p @ifunction@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]interrupts a @iprocess@d by applying @ifunction@d to @iargs@d.process-kill@iprocess@p &optional @i(without-aborts :ask)@d[@iFunction@d]destroys the process. The process is reset, stopped, and removed from @p*ALL-PROCESSES*@d. @bNote:@d if the @iprocess@d is arrested, it does not kill itself until it is enabled. MCL currently ignores @iwithout-aborts@d.process-last-run-time@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the last time the @iprocess@d ran, as a universal time.process-lock @ilock@p &optional @ilock-owner@p @iinterlock-function@d[@iFunction@d]obtains a @ilock@d. This function waits until the @ilock@d is free before returning. If @ilock-owner@d does not hold the lock, @pPROCESS-LOCK@d waits until the @ilock@d becomes free, then grabs the @ilock@d and calls @iinterlock-function@d (atomically). If @ilock-owner@d holds the lock, @iinterlock-function@d is not called. The value of @ilock-owner@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function.process-name@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the name of the @iprocess@d, as specified when the @iprocess@d was created by the @pMAKE-PROCESS@d function or the @pPROCESS-RUN-FUNCTION@d function.process-run-function@iname-or-kwds@p @ifunction@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]creates a process, presets the process to apply @ifunction@d to @iargs@d, and starts the process. @iname-or-kwds@d is a string identifying the process or a list of alternating keyword names and values. The keywords are @p:name@d ("Anonymous" is the default), @p:restart-after-reset@d (if @pnil@d, the process waits for scheduling), @p:priority@d (the default is 0), @p:quantum@d (the default is 6 sixtieths of a second), @p:stack-size@d (the default is 16384), @p:background-p@d (this becomes the value of @p*idle*@d when the process is scheduled; the default is @pnil@d).process-preset@iprocess@p @ifunction@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]sets the initial function of @iprocess@d to @ifunction@d and the initial arguments to @iargs@d. The @iprocess@d is reset so that it throws out of its present computation and starts up by applying @ifunction@d to @iargs@d. If this function is called for a stopped @iprocess@d, the @iprocess@d is not activated.process-priority@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the priority of @iprocess@d. To change the priority, you can use setf.process-quantum-remaining@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the time remaining before rescheduling occurs. The time returned is in sixtieths of a second (i.e., ticks).process-queue-locker@iqueue@d[@iFunction@d]returns the process that controls @iqueue@d or returns nil if the @iqueue@d is empty.process-reset@iprocess@p &optional @iunwind-option@p @ikill@p @iwithout-aborts@d[@iFunction@d]causes a @iprocess@d to throw to its top level and apply its initial function to its initial arguments when it runs again. unwind-option The possible values for @iunwind-option@d are: @p:unless-current@d or @pnil@d (Unwinds unless the stack group is the one that is currently executing. This is the default value.); @p:always@d (Unwind always. This can cause the function @pPROCESS-RESET@d to throw through its caller rather than returning.); @pt@d (Never rewinds.); @pkill@d (An argument specifying whether to kill a process after unwinding. The possible values for this argument are @p:kill@d and @pnil@d. If @ikill@d is @p:kill@d, the process is killed after unwinding.) The default is nil. MCL currently ignores @iwithout-aborts@d.process-reset-and-enable@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]resets then enables @iprocess@d.process-run-reasons@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the list of run reasons for @iprocess@d.process-simple-p@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns @pT@d for a simple @iprocess@d and @pNIL@d for a normal @iprocess@d.process-stack-group @iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the stack group that is executing on behalf of the @iprocess@d.process-total-run-time@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the amount of time the @iprocess@d has received, in ticks (sixtieths of a second).process-unblock@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]unblocks @iprocess@d.process-unlock@ilock@p &optional @ilock-owner@p @i(error-p t)@d[@iFunction@d]releases a @ilock@d held by @ilock-owner@d (default is the current process). If the @ilock@d was free or locked by a different process and @ierror-p@d is true, an error is signaled. If @ierror-p@d is true, the @ilock@d is not released when held by a different process; if @ierror-p@d is nil, the @ilock@d is released even when held by a different process. The value of @ilock-owner@d is compared using the @pEQ@d function.process-wait@iwhostate function &rest args@d[@iFunction@d]causes the current process to wait until the application of @ifunction@d to @iargs@d returns true. @ifunction@d is executed in the scheduler's environment. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason for waiting.process-wait-function@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the function passed to @pPROCESS-WAIT@d.process-wait-argument-list@iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the arguments to the function passed to @pPROCESS-WAIT@d.process-wait-with-timeout@iwhostate@p @itime@p @ifunction@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]waits for a period of @itime@d (units of sixtieths of a second) to elapse or waits until the application of @ifunction@d to @iargs@d returns true before returning. If @itime@d is nil, this function behaves the same as @pPROCESS-WAIT@d. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason for waiting.process-warm-boot-action @d[@iFunction@d]returns the process's warm-boot action. This value is not currently used by MCL.process-whostate @d[@iFunction@d]returns the description of the process.PROCLAIM@ideclaration-spec@d[@iFunction@d]provides a global declaration (called a proclamation) or a declaration that is computed by a program. proclaim returns nil.PROCLAIMED-SPECIAL-P@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i symbol@d has been proclaimed special.PROG@d({@ivar@d | (@ivar@d [@iinit@d])}*) {@ideclaration@d}* {@itag@d |@i statement@d}*[@iMacro@d]binds the@i vars@d to the values of the@i inits@d in parallel (or to nil for@i vars@d with no corresponding@i init@d), and then executes the@i statements@d. The entire prog form is implicitly surrounded by a block named nil (so that return may be used at any time to exit from the construct), and the body is a tagbody. prog returns nil.PROG*@d({@ivar@d | (@ivar@d [@iinit@d])}*) {@ideclaration@d}* {@itag@d |@i statement@d}*[@iMacro@d]binds the@i vars@d to the values of the@i inits@d in sequence (or to nil for@i vars@d with no corresponding@i init@d), and then executes the@i statements@d. The entire prog* form is implicitly surrounded by a block named nil (so that return may be used at any time to exit from the construct), and the body is a tagbody. prog* returns nil.PROG1@d{@iform@d}*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates each@i form@d in order, left to right. The first@i form@d is evaluated and its value is stored; the other@i forms@d are evaluated, usually for their side effects; the value of the first@i form@d is then returned.PROG2@d{@iform@d}*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates each@i form@d in order, left to right. The value of the second@i form@d is stored and returned.PROGN@d{@iform@d}*@i@d[@iSpecial@d @iForm@d]evaluates each@i form@d in order, left to right. The values of all@i forms@d but the last are discarded; the value of the last@i form@d is returned.PROGRAM-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors related to incorrect program syntax, such as naming a @pGO@d or @pBLOCK@d tag which is not lexically visible.PROGV@isymbols@d @ivalues@d {@iform@d}*[@iSpecial@d @iForm@d]binds one or more dynamic variables in the list@i symbols@d to the values in the list@i values@d. With these bindings in effect, the@i forms@d are executed. Both@i symbols@d and@i values@d are computed quantities, rather than stated explicitly.PROVIDE@imodule@d[@iFunction@d]adds a new module name to the list of modules maintained in the variable *modules*, indicating that the module@i module@d has been provided. provide is no longer part of the Common Lisp standard.@bPSETF@d{@iplace@d @inewvalue@d}*[@iMacro@d]sets the contents of@i places@d to the corresponding@i newvalues@d. The assignments are done in parallel.PSETQ@d{@ivariable@d @iform@d}*@i@d[@iMacro@d]sets the value of the current binding of each@i variable@d to the result of evaluating the corresponding@i form@d. The assignmentes are performed in parallel Returns nil@i.%PTR-TO-INT@ipointer@d[@iFunction@d]returns an integer coerced from@i pointer@d, that is, the numerical address@i pointer@d points to.@i @dThe compiler open-codes this function. PURGE-FUNCTIONS@d&optional@i boolean@d[@iFunction@d]globally enables or disables purging of swappable functions. If purging is enabled, returns t, otherwise returns nil. The@i boolean@d parameter turns function swapping on or off; a non-nil value enables function swapping.*PURPLE-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color purple, encoded as a fixnum.@bPUSH@iitem@d @iplace@d[@iMacro@d]conses@i item@d onto the list contained in@i place@d , which can be any generalized variable containing a list and acceptable as a generalized variable to setf. Stores the resulting list in@i place@d and returns the new contents of@i place@d. PUSHED-RADIO-BUTTON@iwindow@d &optional@i cluster@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the pushed radio-button from the specified cluster. nil is returned if there is no such cluster, or if the radio buttons in the cluster are disabled. The default cluster is 0.PUSHNEW@iitem@d @iplace@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iMacro@d]pushes@i item@d onto the list in@i place@d, if the list does not already contain@i item@d (as determined by :test). The modified list is returned.%PUT-BYTE@imacptr@d @idata@d &optional@i offset@d [@iFunction@d]stores the low eight bits of@i data@d at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d and returns nil. The compiler open-codes this function.%PUT-CSTRING@imacptr@d @istring@d &optional@i offset@d @imaxsize@d[@iFunction@d]stores@i string@d as a C string starting at@i macptr@d +@i offset.@d If@i maxsize@d is specified and is less than then length of@i string@d, an error is signalled.@i offset@d defaults to 0.%PUT-FULL-LONG@imacptr@d @idata@d &optional@i offset@d [@iFunction@d]stores the integer value of@i data@d at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d. (This function is provided for backward compatibility; %put-long now allows full 32-bit accuracy.) This function does not create a macptr.%PUT-LONG@imacptr@d @idata@d &optional@i offset@d [@iFunction@d]stores the integer value of@i data@d at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d. This function does not create a macptr. %PUT-OSTYPE@imacptr@d @istring@d &optional@i offset@d [@iFunction@d]stores@i string@d as four bytes at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d. The argument@i string@d may be anything that can be coerced to a 32-bit value. The compiler open-codes this function.%PUT-PTR@imacptr@d @idata@d &optional@i offset@d [@iFunction@d]stores@i data@d as a macptr at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d and returns nil. The compiler open-codes this function.@iPUT-SCRAP@iscrap-type@d @iscrap-value@d &optional@i overwrite-p@d[@iFunction@d]stores@i scrap-value@d in the scrap as type@i scrap-type.@d If the value of@i overwrite-p@d is t (the default), then all other scrap entries of any type are cleared; if nil, they are not cleared.@i%PUT-STRING@imacptr@d @istring@d &optional@i offset@d @imaxsize@d[@iFunction@d]stores@i string@d as a Pascal string starting at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d. This function creates a macptr@i @dwith a maximum size of@i maxsize.@d%PUT-WORD@imacptr@d @idata@d &optional@i offset@d [@iFunction@d]stores the low 16 bits of@i data@d at@i macptr@d +@i offset@d and returns nil. The compiler open-codes this function. *QUERY-IO* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream used for asking questions of, and receiving answer from, the user.QUEUED-REPLY-HANDLER@iapplication@d @iappleevent@d @ireply@d @irefcon@d[@iGeneric@d @ifunction@d]calls the installed reply handler for the return ID of@i appleevent.@d If there is no applicable reply handler, it calls no-queued-reply-handler.QUIT @d[@iFunction@d]exits Macintosh Common Lisp. Before exiting, all windows are closed. This is the function called by the Quit menu-item on the File menu.QUIT-APPLICATION-HANDLER@iapplication@d @iappleevent@d @ireply@d @irefcon@d[@iGeneric@d @ifunction@d]@i@dhandles the Quit Application Apple event. The default method exits from Macintosh Common Lisp.QUOTE@iobject@d[@iSpecial@d @iForm@d]returns@i object@d , which may be any object, without evaluating it.RADIO-BUTTON-CLUSTER@iradio-button-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns the radio buttonÕs cluster ID. Only one button from a given cluster in a dialog is pushed at a time. To test whether two buttons are in the same cluster, use eq.RADIO-BUTTON-DIALOG-ITEM@d[@iClass@d @iname@d]the class of radio button dialog items. Radio buttons are small open circles that contain a black dot when "pushed." Radio buttons occur in clusters, in which only one button may be pushed at a time.RADIO-BUTTON-PUSH@iradio-button-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]clicks the radio button and unclicks the previously pushed button in the cluster. The dialog itemÕs action is not run.RADIO-BUTTON-PUSHED-P@iradio-button-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]returns t if the radio button is pushed, nil if it is not.RADIO-BUTTON-UNPUSH@iradio-button-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]unclicks the radio button.RANDOM@inumber@d &optional@i state@d[@iFunction@d]returns a pseudo random number between zero (inclusive) and@i number@d (exclusive).@i state@d is an object of type random-state and defaults to the value of the variable *random-state*.RANDOM-STATE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of random state objects. A @pRANDOM-STATE@d can be printed and read by the same Common Lisp implementation, but is probably not readable by a different implementation.*RANDOM-STATE* @d[@iVariable@d]the default random state object, used by random when it is not explicitly passed a random state.RANDOM-STATE-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@d is a random state, otherwise false.RAREF@irecord@d @iaccessor@d &rest@i indices@d[@iMacro@d]returns the contents of the specified index in the specified field of@i record.@d If raref is not passed enough indices, it returns a pointer to the place in memory indicated by the indices you have passed. raref is setfable.RASSOC@ivalue@d @ia-list@d &key :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]searches@i a-list@d for the first pair whose cdr matches@i value@d. Returns the pair, or nil if the search fails.RASSOC-IF@ipredicate@d @ia-list@d &key :key@i@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i a-list@d for the first pair matching :key whose cdr satisfies@i predicate@d. Returns the pair, or nil if the search fails.RASSOC-IF-NOT@ipredicate@d @ia-list@d &key :key@i@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i a-list@d for the first pair matching :key whose cdr does not satisfy@i predicate@d. Returns the pair, or nil if the search fails.RATIO @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of numbers which are expressible as a ratio of two nonzero integers.RATIONAL@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the rational representation of@i number@d, any non-complex number. With floating-point numbers, rational assumes that@i number@d is completely accurate and returns a rational number mathematically equal to the precise value of the floating-point number. Compare rationalize, which returns the best available approximation of@i number@d that keeps numerator and denominator small.RATIONALIZE@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the rational representation of@i number@d, any non-complex number. With floating-point numbers, rationalize assumes that@i number@d is accurate only to the precision of the floating-point representation and returns the best available approximation of@i number@d, keeping numerator and denominator small.@i @dCompare rational, which returns the precise value.RATIONALP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@d is a rational number; otherwise returns false. A rational number is any number expressible as the ratio of two integers.RATIOP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@d is a ratio number; otherwise returns false.READ@d&optional@i input-stream@d @ieof-error-p@d @ieof-value@d @irecursivep@d[@iFunction@d]reads the printed representation of a single object from@i input-stream,@d builds a corresponding object, and returns the object.*READ-BASE* @d[@iVariable@d]specifies the radix used when reading rational numbers. Note that this does not affect the radix used when printing numbers.READ-BYTE@ibinary-input-stream@d &optional@i eof-errorp@d @ieof-value@d[@iFunction@d]reads one byte from@i binary-input-stream@d and returns it in the form of an integer.READ-CHAR@d&optional@i input-stream@d @ieof-error-p@d @ieof-value@d @irecursive-p@d[@iFunction@d]reads one character from@i input-stream@d, and returns the corresponding character object.READ-CHAR-NO-HANG@d&optional@i input-stream@d @ieof-errorp@d @ieof-value@d @irecursive-p@d[@iFunction@d]reads and returns a character from@i input-stream@d if one is immediately available, otherwise immediately returns nil.*READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* @d[@iConstant@d]the default floating-point type in which to read floating-point numbers.READ-DELIMITED-LIST@ichar@d &optional@i stream@d @irecursive-p@d[@iFunction@d]reads objects from@i stream@d, ignoring whitespace and comments, until an occurrence of the character@i char@d is reached, then returns a list of all the objects it has read so far.@i char@d should not be a whitespace character.*READ-EVAL* @d[@iVariable@d]controls the behavior of the@p #.@d reader macro. When@p *READ-EVAL*@d is@p NIL@d,@p #.@d will signal an error.@dREAD-FROM-STRING@istring@d &optional@i eof-error-p@d @ieof-value@d &key :start :end :preserve-whitespace[@iFunction@d]reads and returns an expression, taking input from@i string@d. A second value returned indicates the index of the first character in@i string@d not read.READ-LINE@d&optional@i input-stream@d @ieof-error-p@d @ieof-value@d @irecursive-p@d[@iFunction@d]reads a line of text terminated by a newline or end of file from@i input-stream@d and returns two values, the line as a character string and a Boolean value, t if the line was terminated by an end-of-file and nil if it was terminated by a newline.READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE@d&optional@i input-stream@d @ieof-errorp@d @ieof-value@d @irecursive-p@d[@iFunction@d]performs the same operation as read, except that if@i recursive-p@d is nil or omitted, delimiting whitespace following a token is not discarded, but is retained at the head of the stream, where it can be read.READ-SEQUENCE@isequence@p @istream@p &key @istart@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]copies elements from @istream@d to @isequence@d at positions bounded by @istart@d and @iend@d. Returns the position of the element following the last element updated.*READ-SUPPRESS* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, most read operations are suppressed, preventing the reading of Lisp data objects. This variable is most often used by the reader macros #+ and #-.READTABLE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of readtables. A readtable maps characters into syntax types for the reader, associates macro characters to read macro functions, and keeps track of case conversion rules for symbols.*READTABLE* @d[@iVariable@d]holds the default readtable used by read operations.READTABLE-CASE@ireadtable@d[@iFunction@d]returns the case (@p:UPCASE@d, @p:DOWNCASE@d, @p:PRESERVE@d, or @p:INVERT@d) of @ireadtable@d. May be used with @pSETF@d.READTABLEP@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if@i thing@d is a readtable, nil if not.REAL @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of real numbers, which is partitioned into @pRATIONAL@d and @pFLOAT@d subtypes. Not all methematical real numbers will have an exact representation as @pREAL@ds.REAL-COLOR-EQUAL@icolor1@d @icolor2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i color1@d and@i color2@d are displayed as the same color on the current display device.REAL-FONT@d&optional@i font-spec@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i font-spec@d corresponds to a font/font-size that actually exists in the system (i.e. is not a calculated font), otherwise returns nil. If@i font-spec@d is not supplied, the font spec of the current GrafPort is used.REALP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@d is a real number; otherwise returns false.REALPART@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the real part of@i number@d.*RECORD-SOURCE-FILE* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, then the compiler records the source file of all definitions. The definition will contain a pointer to the source code file on disk. You can later retrieve the source code file by typing Meta-Period when the insertion point is in the symbol naming the definition, or by selecting the Edit DefinitionÉ menu-item on the Tools menu and typing in the name.*RECORD-TYPES* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of all the types of records defined in the current Macintosh Common Lisp environment.RECT-IN-REGION-P@iregion@d @ileft@d &optional@i top@d @iright@d @ibottom@d[@iFunction@d]returns t if the intersection of the rectangle specified by@i region@d and the arguments contains at least one point; otherwise it returns nil.@b*RED-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color red, encoded as a fixnum.@bREDRAW-CELL@itable-dialog-item@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]redraws the display of the cell specified by@i h@d and@i v@d by preparing the window and calling draw-cell-contents.REDUCE@ifunction@d @isequence@d &key :start :end :from-end :initial-value :key[@iFunction@d]combines the elements of@i sequence@d according to@i function@d and returns the result. (For example, a list of numbers can be combined by adding all the numbers together.)REGIONS-OVERLAP-P@irgn1@d @irgn2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the two regions have a nonempty intersection, nil otherwise.REGISTER-TRAP@d[:check-error]@i trap-number@d {@iregister-keyword@d @iargument@d}* [@ireturn-register-keyword@d][@iMacro@d]this macro expands into an efficient low-level system call to the register. It executes the register trap indicated by@i trap-number@d, passing arguments as described by the@i type-keyword@d /@i argument@d pairs, and returns the value as indicated by@i return-value-keyword@d.REINDEX-INTERFACES@d[@iFunction@d]reindexes the traps, records, constants, and mactypes in MCL, creating index files if they do not already exist. REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE@iinstance@p &rest @iinitargs@p &key &allow-other-keys@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]can be used to change the slots of @iinstance@d according to @iinitargs@d. It is intended to be specialized by the user, and may be called by the user.REM@inumber@d @idivisor@d[@iFunction@d]returns the remainder of@i number@d divided by@i divisor@d. The result will have the same sign as@i number@d.REMF@iplace@d @iproperty-name@d[@iMacro@d]removes the property with an indicator eq to@i indicator@d from the property list stored in@i place@d. The property indicator and its value are removed by destructively splicing the property list. Returns true if the property is found; otherwise returns nil.@i place@d can be any form acceptable to setf.REMHASH@ikey@d @ihash-table@d[@iFunction@d]removes the entry for@i key@d from the hash-table@i hash-table@d. Returns t if there was such an entry, otherwise nil.REMOVE@iitem@d @isequence@d &key :count :start :end :from-end :test :test-not :key[@iFunction@d]returns a new sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d with occurrences of@i item@d removed. The original@i sequence@d is not modified. (The destructive counterpart of remove is delete.)REMOVE-DUPLICATES@isequence@d &key :start :end :from-end :test :test-not :key@i@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d except that all duplicate elements have been removed. The original@i sequence@d is not modified. The destructive version of this function is delete-duplicates.REMOVE-IF@itest@d @isequence@d &key :from-end :start :end :count :key[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d except that elements in the given range that pass@i test@d are removed. The original@i sequence@d is not modified.REMOVE-IF-NOT@itest@d @isequence@d &key :from-end :start :end :count :key[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@d except that elements in the given range that fail@i test@d are removed. The original@i sequence@d is not modified.REMOVE-KEY-HANDLER@iitem@d &optional@i window@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]removes a key handler from@i item@d. @iwindow@d is a window from which to remove the key handler; the default value is (view-window@i item@d).@bREMOVE-MENU-ITEMS@imenu@d &rest@i menu-items@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]removes@i menu-items@d from@i menu.@d The@i menu-items@d may later be re-installed, or may be installed in other menus. No action is taken if the menu-item isn't installed in@i menu.@dREMOVE-METHOD@igeneric-function@p @imethod@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]removes @igeneric-function@d from @imethod@d by modifying @igeneric-function@d and returns the modified generic function. It will not signal an error if @imethod@d does not belong to @igeneric-function@d.REMOVE-SHADOWING-COMTAB@i&optional window message@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Exits any Fred mode, such as incremental search.REMOVE-SUBVIEWS@iview@d &rest@i subviews@d [@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]removes@i subviews@d from@i view@d. If a subview is not in the view, an error is signaled.REMOVE-VIEW-FROM-WINDOW@iview@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]called when a view is being removed from a window by set-view-container. Specialized versions should dispose of any Macintosh data used by the view, and should always call-next-method.REMPROP@isymbol@d @iproperty-name@d[@iFunction@d]removes@i property-name@d and its value from the property list of@i symbol@d. Returns true if the property was found and nil if the property was not found.RENAME-FILE@iold-pathname@d @inew-pathname@d &key :if-exists@i@d[@iFunction@d]renames the last component of the specified@i old-pathname@d to the result of merging@i new-pathname@d with@i old-pathname@d. The :if-exists argument has the same meaning as for copy-file.RENAME-PACKAGE@ipackage@d @inew-name@d &optional@i new-nicknames@d[@iFunction@d]the old name and nicknames of@i package@d are replaced by@i new-name@d and@i new-nicknames@d. @inew-name@d should be a string, a symbol (the symbol's print-name is used), or a package object.@i new-nicknames@d should be a string, a symbol, or a list of strings and symbols.@i package@d is returned.REPARSE-MODELINE@iwindow@d &optional@i no-create@d [@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d] reparses the modeline of@i window@d, displaying the window package and updating the mini-buffer. If@i no-create@d is specified and true, will not create a new package. Otherwise, a package will be created if the modeline asks for it.REPLACE@idestination-sequence@d @isource-sequence@d &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2[@iFunction@d]destructively replaces elements in the specified portion of@i destination-sequence@d with the elements of the specified portion of@i source-sequence.@d Returns the modified@i destination-sequence.REQUIRE@imodule@d &optional@i pathname@d[@iFunction@d]attempts to load the files in@i module@d if they have not already been loaded. require is no longer part of the Common Lisp standard.@bREQUIRE-TYPE@iargument@d @itype@d[@iFunction@d]like the Common Lisp check-type macro, except that it returns a value rather than using setf, and so can be done entirely out-of-line. If@i argument@d is of the same type as@i type@d, require-type returns@i argument.@d If not, it returns an error.reset-process-queue@iqueue@d[@iFunction@d]removes all processes from @iqueue@d. When this function returns, the @iqueue@d is empty.&REST @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a lambda list, is followed by the formal parameter which will be bound to a list of any arguments remaining after required and optional parameters are bound. An optional parameter may be specified in a list with an initializer and optional supplied-p parameter. @p&REST@d must be follow required and@p &OPTIONAL@d parameters, and precede@p &KEY@d parameters.@dREST@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the cdr of@i list@d. rest can be used with setf to set the cdr of a list.RESTART @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of restart functions.RESTART-BIND@p(@i{@p(@iname@p @ifunction@p @i{@p:interactive-function @iinteractive-func | @p:report-function @ireport-func | @p:test-function @itest-func}*@p)@i}@p) @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds in a dynamic environment where restart named @iname@d (or an anonymous restart if @iname@d is @pNIL@d) is in effect. The @ifunction@d and @i...-func@d forms are all evaluated in the current environment before any of the @iform@ds. When @pINVOKE-RESTART@d is called, the function returned by @ifunction@d is invoked with the arguments passed to @iINVOKE-RESTART@d; the function may return normally or transfer control. If a restart is invoked from the debugger (via @pINVOKE-RESTART-INTERACTIVELY@d) then the @i...-func@ds modify the behavior of the restart. The restart is visible if the function returned by @itest-func@d returns true. The arguments passed to @ifunction@d are defaulted by the result of the function returned by @iinteractive-func@d. The description of actions taken by the restart are printed by the function returned by @ireport-func@d; the function should expect a @pSTREAM@d argument. @pRESTART-BIND@d returns the values produced by the @iform@ds.RESTART-CASE@irestartable-form@p (@icase-name@p @ilambda-list@p @i[[@p:interactive @iinteractive-exp | @p:report @ireport-exp | @p:test @itest-exp]] declaration* form*@p)@i*@d@i[Macro@d]executes @irestartable-form@d in a dynamic environment where restarts named @icase-name@d are in effect. If @restartable-form@d transfers controls to one of the restarted named by @icase-name@ds, then the values returned by @iform@ds of that case are returned by @pRESTART-CASE@d. If a restart is invoked from the debugger (via @pINVOKE-RESTART-INTERACTIVELY@d) then the @i...-exp@ds modify the behavior of the restart. The restart is visible if the function returned by @itest-exp@d returns true; the test function expects a @pCONDITION@d as its argument. The arguments passed to @ilambda-list@d of the restart case are defaulted by the result of the function returned by @iinteractive-exp@d. The description of actions taken by the restart are printed by the @ireport-exp@d function, which expects a @pSTREAM@d argument. If @irestartable-form@d does not invoke a restart, its values are returned by @pRESTART-CASE@d.RESTART-NAME@irestart@d[@iFunction@d]returns the name of @irestart@d, or @pNIL@d if @irestart@d is anonymous.*RESTORE-LISP-FUNCTIONS* @d[@iVariable@d]a list of functions to be called when an image or stand-alone application is restarted. These functions should perform initializations necessary to restore the system.RETURN@d[@iresult-form@d]@i@d[@iMacro@d]used to return from a block or from constructs such as do and progn. Returns from a block named nil, and the block as a whole returns the value of@i result-form@d ). If@i result-form@d is not supplied, nil is returned.RETURN-FROM@iname@d [@iresult-form@d]@i@d[@iSpecial@d @iForm@d]used to return from a block or from constructs such as do and progn. The function exits from the innermost block named@i name@d, and the block as a whole returns the value of@i result-form@d. If@i result-form@d is not supplied, nil is returned.RETURN-FROM-MODAL-DIALOG@ivalues@d @i@d[@iMacro@d]causes@i value@d to be returned from the most recent call to modal-dialog. REVAPPEND@ilist@d @ithing@d[@iFunction@d]appends the reverse of@i list@d to@i thing@d. This is equivalent to (append (reverse@i list@d)@i thing@d) but is potentially more efficient.@iREVERSE@isequence@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new sequence with the elements of@i sequence@d reversed. The original@i sequence@d is not modified.RGB-TO-COLOR@irgb@d[@iFunction@d]returns a color, encoded as an integer, corresponding to the RGB color record@i rgb@d.@bRLET@d({@isymbol@d @irecord-type@d }+ {@iform@d}* )[@iMacro@d]creates temporary records on the stack and evaluates@i forms@d. The value of the last@i form@d is returned. rlet is the most efficient way to create temporary records.ROOM@d&optional@i detailedp@d[@iVariable@d]prints information on the amount of space available in the Lisp operating system.ROTATE-KILLED-STRINGS@d&optional@i count@d[@iFunction@d]rotates the kill-ring, so that the second item becomes the first, and the first becomes the last.@bROTATEF@d&rest@i places@d[@iFunction@d]rotates the contents of all the@i places@d to the left. The contents of the leftmost@i place@d is put into the rightmost@i place.ROUND@inumber@d &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]returns the integer nearest to@i number.@d If@i number@d is halfway between two integers (for example 3.5), round converts@i number@d to the nearest integer divisible by 2. round returns a second value, which is the remainder of the rounding operation. When there is a second argument, round first divides@i divisor@d into@i number@d, and then applies round to the result.ROW-MAJOR-AREF@iarray@p @iindex@d[@iFunction@d]returns the @iindex@dth element of @iarray@d, treating array as a vector with elements in row-major order. May be used with @pSETF@d.RPLACA@icons@d @iobject@d[@iFunction@d]destructively alters@i cons@d so that its car points to@i object@d. Returns the modified@i cons.RPLACD@icons@d @iobject@d[@iFunction@d]destructively alters@i cons@d so that its cdr points to@i object@d. Returns the modified@i cons@d.@iRREF@irecord@d @iaccessor@d &key :storage[@iMacro@d]returns the contents of the specified field of the specified record. rref is the most efficient way to access the fields of a record.RSET@irecord@d @iaccessor@d @ivalue@d &key :storage[@iMacro@d]sets the value of a field in a record. rset is the most efficient way to modify the fields of a record.SAFETY @d[@iOptimize@p @iquality@d]in an @pOPTIMIZE@d declaration, advises the compiler of the importance of optimizing for run-time error checking. Values range from 0 (unimportant) to 3 (very important).SAME-BUFFER-P@imark1@p @imark2@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i mark1@p @dand@i mark2@p @dare buffer marks in the same buffer.SATISFIES@ipredicate@d[@iType@p @ispecifier@d]specifies a type which satisfies @ipredicate@d.SAVE-APPLICATION@ipathname@p &key :toplevel-function :creator :init-file :clear-clos-caches :excise-compiler :size :resources :memory-options@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dcreates a stand-alone image containing the functionality of the current Lisp environment.@p @dWhen@p save-application @dis finished, Lisp exits to the Finder.*SAVE-DEFINITIONS* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, the lambda expression used to generate functions is retained. This allows compiled functions to be uncompiled. If@p nil@d, the lambda expression is not saved (which saves space). Only functions with saved definitions can be stepped.*SAVE-DOC-STRINGS* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, documentation strings of definitions are retained; if@p nil@d, documentation strings are discarded. Documentation strings take up memory, so setting@p *save-doc-strings* @dto@p nil @dcan save space. The documentation strings can be accessed through the function@p documentation@d, and through the Fred command Control-X Control-D.*SAVE-EXIT-FUNCTIONS* @d[@iVariable@d]@p@da list of functions to be called when an image is dumped, or when an application is saved.@p @dThese functions should perform any preparation necessary for the dump.*SAVE-FRED-WINDOW-POSITIONS* @d[@iVariable@d]if true, Fred window positions, sizes, and font-information are saved and restored between editing sessions.@b*SAVE-LOCAL-SYMBOLS* @d[Variable]if true, compiled functions retain the names of parameters and local variables, for debugging purposes.@b*SAVE-POSITION-ON-WINDOW-CLOSE* @d[@iVariable@d]determines when the editor saves information about the size, position, beginning line, cursor position, and selection of the Fred window. If the value of this variable is@p nil @d(the default), and@p *save-fred-window-positions* @dis true (the default), then this information is saved only when the file is saved. If the value of this variable is true, then Fred saves this information whenever the window is closed. Hence, each time you open an MCL file, it appears as it did the last time someone looked at it.SBIT@isimple-bit-array@p &rest@i subscripts@d[@iFunction@d]returns the bit in@i simple-bit-array@p @dindicated by the@i subscripts.@p @dThis function can be used with@p setf @dto destructively replace a bit-array element.@iSCALE-FLOAT@ifloat@p @iinteger@d[@iFunction@d]returns @ifloat@d scaled in its internal radix by @iinteger@d.SCALE-POINT@irect1@p @irect2@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iFunction@d]returns a point whose horizontal and vertical values are the scaled horizontal and vertical values of the point specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dIf only@i h@p @dis given, it is interpreted as an encoded point.@bSCHAR@istring@p @iindex@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@i index@dth character in@i string@d,@p @dwhich must be a simple string. This function can be used with@p setf @dto set a character in a simple string. Indexing is zero-origin.SCRAP-HANDLER @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]@p@dthe class of scrap-handlers. Scrap-handlers inherit from this class.*SCRAP-HANDLER-ALIST* @d[@iVariable@d]@p@dan association list of scrap-type keywords and scrap-handler objects. Initially this association list has three entries, one for@p :text@d, one for@p :fred@d, and one for@p :lisp. @dYou install a new scrap handler by adding it to this alist.*SCRAP-STATE* @d[@iVariable@d]@p@da list of scrap-type keywords indicating what types are scrap are currently available. This variable is modified by calls to@p put-scrap.@d*SCREEN-HEIGHT* @d[@iVariable@d]the height of the main monitor, in pixels.*SCREEN-WIDTH* @d[@iVariable@d]the width of the main monitor, in pixels.SCROLL-BAR-CHANGED@iscrollee@p @iscroll-bar@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@p @d]called by the@p dialog-item-action @dmethod for@i scrollee@p @dif the@p dialog-item-action-function @dspecified by the@p :dialog-item-action @dinitarg is@p nil. @dThe@i scrollee@p @dargument is the value of@p (scroll-bar-scrollee@i scroll-bar@p)@d, as set by@p set-scroll-bar-scrollee @dor the@p :scrollee @dinitarg for@i scroll-bar@d.@p @dThe default method does nothing.SCROLL-BAR-DIALOG-ITEM@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the name of the class of scroll bar dialog items.SCROLL-BAR-LENGTH@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the length of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-BAR-MAX@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the maximum@p setting @dof@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-BAR-MIN@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the minimum@p setting @dof@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-BAR-PAGE-SIZE@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the page size of scroll-bar-dialog-item.SCROLL-BAR-SCROLL-SIZE@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d] returns the scroll size of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-BAR-SCROLLEE@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]retrieves the scrollee of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-BAR-SETTING@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the current setting of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-BAR-TRACK-THUMB-P@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a value indicating whether the scroll box of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dmoves during scrolling and whether@p scroll-bar-changed @dis called. The initial value is@p nil@d, indicating that only an outline of the scroll box moves and scrolling does not occur until after the user releases the mouse button.SCROLL-BAR-WIDTH@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the width of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@d.SCROLL-POSITION@itable-dialog-item@p @d[@iTable-Dialog-Item@p @iFunction@d]returns the coordinates of the cell that is in the upper left corner of the table (this is not a position in window@p @dcoordinates, but indicates which cell is in the upper left corner).SCROLL-RECT@iview@p @irectangle@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]shifts the bits@i h@p @dpixels to the right and@i v@p @dpixels down within@i rectangle@d,@p @derases the uncovered region, and adds it to the window's update region.@bSCROLL-TO-CELL@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]scrolls the table so that the cell specified by@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dis in the upper-left corner.SEARCH@isequence1@p @isequence2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end :key :test :test-not@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i sequence2@p @dfor a subsequence whose elements match those of@i sequence1@d.@p @dIf successful, returns an index into@i sequence2@p @dindicating the leftmost element of this subsequence. If not successful, returns@p nil@d.SECOND@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the@p cadr @dof@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.SELECT-ALL@iwindow-or-item@d[@iFred@p @iWindow@p @iFunction@d]selects the entire contents of the Fred window@i.@p @iwindow-or-item@p @dis a Fred window or Fred dialog item.@bSELECT-ANARCHIE@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the Anarchie application if possible.SELECT-APPLELINK@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the AppleLink application if possible.SELECT-BACKTRACE@d[@iFunction@d]creates or selects the Stack Backtrace window displaying information about the current break context. This function is called by the "Backtrace" menu item on the "Tools" menu.SELECT-EUDORA@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the Eudora application if possible.SELECT-FILEMAKER-PRO@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the FileMaker Pro application if possible.SELECT-FINDER@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]switches to the Finder.SELECT-INSTANT-UPDATE@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the Instant Update application if possible.SELECT-ITEM-FROM-LIST@ilist@p &key :window-title :table-print-function :selection-type :action-function :modeless :default-button-text@d[@iFunction@d]@p@ddisplays a modal dialog containing the elements of@i list@p @din a table.@p @dReturns a list of the items selected by the user in reverse order, or@p nil @dif the user clicks ÒOKÓ when no item is selected.@p @dIf the user clicks the ÒCancelÓ button, a@p throw-cancel @dis performed.SELECT-MACX@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the MacX application if possible.SELECT-MPW@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the MPW application if possible.SELECT-MSWORD@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the Microsoft Word application if possible.SELECT-NETSCAPE@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the NetScape application if possible.SELECT-TECHMAIL@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the TechMail application if possible.SELECT-THINK-REFERENCE@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the Think Reference application if possible.SELECT-ZTERM@i&optional ignore@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]launches or switches to the ZTerm application if possible.SELECTED-CELLS@itable-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a list of the cells selected in the table. Each cell is represented by a point. If no cells are selected,@p nil @dis returned.SELECTION-RANGE@iwindow-or-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns two values specifying the start and end of the selection range. These values will be equal if there is no selection.@bSEQUENCE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of sequences. @pLIST@d and @pVECTOR@d are disjoint subtypes of @pSEQUENCE@d.SEQUENCE-DIALOG-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]@pt@dhe class@i @dof sequence@i @ddialog items, used for displaying the elements of a sequence in a table.SERIOUS-CONDITION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions which are serious enough to warrant user intervention if not handled. Normally signalled by @pERROR@d rather than @pSIGNAL@d.SET@isymbol@p @ivalue@d[@iFunction@d]assigns@i value@p @dto the result of evaluating@i symbol@d,@p @dthe name of a dynamic (special) variable. Returns@i symbol.@p @dThe function@p set @dcannot alter a local (lexically bound) variable.@iSET-ALLOW-RETURNS@iitem@p @inew-value@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets whether or not to allow returns in Fred dialog items. If@i new-value@p @dis true, returns are allowed; otherwise they are not.SET-ALLOW-TABS@iitem@p @inew-value@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dsets whether tabs are allowed in the editable text dialog item. If@i new-value@p @dis true, tabs are allowed; otherwise they are not.SET-BACK-COLOR@iwindow@p @inew-color@p &optional@i redisplay-p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the background color of the window to@i new-color@d.@p @dIf@i redisplay-p@p @dis true (the default)@p set-back-color @dinvalidates the window (which forces redrawing in the new color).@bSET-CELL-FONT@iitem@p @icell@p @ifont-spec@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the font of@i cell@p @dto@i font-spec@d.@bSET-CELL-SIZE@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the cell size according to@i h@p @dand@i v@p @dand returns the new size as a point.SET-CHOOSE-FILE-DEFAULT-DIRECTORY@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]sets the pathname of the default directory from which MCL chooses files to@i pathname@d,@p @dsetting the value of@p *last-choose-file-directory* @dto be the@p directory-namestring @dof path. It returns@i pathname.@dSET-CLIP-REGION@iview@p @inew-region@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the window's clip-region to@i new-region@p @dand returns@i new-region@d.@bSET-COMMAND-KEY@imenu-item@p @icharacter@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the menu-itemÕs keyboard equivalent to@i character@d,@p @dor to nothing if@i character@p @dis@p nil@i.SET-CURRENT-KEY-HANDLER@iwindow@p @iitem@p &optional@i select-all@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the current key handler of@i window@p @dto@i item.@p @dIf the value of@i select-all@p @dis true (the default), the entire text of@i item@p @dis highlighted when it is first selected.@bSET-CURSOR@icursor@p@d[@iFunction@d]sets the shape of the cursor to@i cursor@d.@p @dSET-DEFAULT-BUTTON@iwindow@p @inew-button@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]if@i new-button@p @dis a button, makes it the window's default button. If@i new-button@p @dis@p nil@d, indicates that the window has no default button.SET-DIALOG-ITEM-ACTION-FUNCTION@idialog-item@p @inew-function@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the function or fbound symbol in the@p :dialog-item-action @dslot of@i dialog-item@p @dto@i new-function.@dSET-DIALOG-ITEM-HANDLE@idialog-item@p @inew-handle@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dsets the dialog item handle associated with@i dialog-item@p @dto a new handle.SET-DIALOG-ITEM-TEXT@idialog-item@p @istring@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the text associated with the dialog item to@i string@d,@p @dredraws the dialog-item, and returns@i string@d.SET-DIFFERENCE@ilist1@p @ilist2@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns the as list of elements of@i list1@p @dthat are not elements of@i list2@d.@p @ilist1@p @dand@i list2@p @dare not modified.SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER@idisp-char@p @isub-char@p @ifunction@p &optional@i readtable@d[@iFunction@d]causes@i function@p @dto be called when@i disp-char@p @dfollowed by@i sub-char@p @dis read.@i readtable@p @dis the current readtable.SET-EMPTY-REGION@iregion@d[@iFunction@d]destructively modifies@i region@p @dso that it is empty and returns the empty region.@bSET-EVENT-TICKS@iticks@p@d[@iFunction@d]sets the number of ticks between calls to@p event-dispatch @dto@i ticks@d.@p @dSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR@ilist1@p @ilist2@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list containing those elements that are in@i list1@p @dor in@i list2@p @dbut are not in both.@i list1@p @dand@i list2@p @dare not modified.SET-FILE-CREATE-DATE@ipathname@p @itime@d[@iFunction@d]sets the creation date of@i pathname@p @dto@i time@d.@p @dThis function is called automatically by system functions which operate on files, and is not normally called explicitly.SET-FILE-WRITE-DATE@ipathname@p @itime@d[@iFunction@d]sets the write date of@i pathname@p @dto@i time.@bSET-FORE-COLOR@iwindow@p @inew-color@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the foreground color of the window to@i new-color@d.@p @dNo redrawing occurs.@bSET-FRED-DISPLAY-START-MARK@ifred-mixin@p @iposition@p &optional@i no-drawing@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the display-start-mark, the buffer mark of the first line drawn in@i fred-mixin@d,@p @dto@i position.@p @dIf the value of no-drawing is@p nil @d(the default), the view is redrawn immediately. Otherwise the view is invalidated and will be redrawn the next time an event-dispatch occurs.SET-FRED-HSCROLL@ifred-mixin@p @ihscroll@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the value of the horizontal scroll in@i fred-mixin@p @dto@i hscroll.@dSET-FRED-LAST-COMMAND@iwindow-or-item@p @ilast-command@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the most recent Fred command. The variable@p *last-command* @dwill have the value@i last-command@p @dduring the next Fred command.@bSET-FRED-MARGIN@ifred-mixin@p @inew-margin@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets to@i new-margin@p @dthe distance in pixels between the left edge of the window with@i fred-mixin@p @dand the left edge of the first character on each line. SET-FRED-PACKAGE@iwindow-or-item@p @ipackage@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the window's package to the package@i package-arg@d.@bSET-GC-EVENT-CHECK-ENABLED-P@iboolean@d[@iFunction@d]turns garbage collector event processing on or off according to the value of@i boolean.@bSET-GRAFPORT-FONT-CODES@iff@p @ims@p &optional@i ff-mask@p @ims-mask@d[@iFunction@d] sets the font codes of the current GrafPort.SET-INTERNAL-SCRAP@ihandler@p @inew-scrap@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dsets the internal scrap of the handler to@i new-scrap@d.@p @dThis function is called by@p put-scrap.@iSET-MAC-DEFAULT-DIRECTORY@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]sets the Macintosh default directory to the directory component of@i pathname@d.@bSET-MAC-FILE-CREATOR@ifile@p @ifile-creator-keyword@d[@iFunction@d]sets the creator parameter of@i file@p @dto@i file-creator-keyword@d.SET-MAC-FILE-TYPE@ifile@p @ifile-type-keyword@p@d[@iFunction@d]sets the type of@i file@p @dto@i file-type-keyword@d.SET-MACRO-CHARACTER@ichar@p @ifunction@p &optional@i non-terminating-p@p @ireadtable@d[@iFunction@d]sets@i char@p @dto be a macro character in@i readtable@p @d(which defaults to@p *readtable*@d). When@p read @dencounters@i char@d,@p @ifunction@p @dis invoked.SET-MARK@ibuffer-mark@p @iposition@d[@iFunction@d]sets the position of@i buffer-mark@p @dto@i position@p @dand returns the updated mark.@bSET-MENU-ITEM-ACTION-FUNCTION@imenu-item@p @ifunction@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the function associated with@i menu-item@p @dto@i function.@dSET-MENU-ITEM-CHECK-MARK@iitem@d @imark@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]sets the character to be used as a check mark beside the menu item. If@i mark@d is t, then a standard check mark symbol appears beside the command. If it is a character or ASCII value, then the corresponding character appears next to the menu item. The function returns@i mark@d. If@i mark@d is nil, no check mark appears next to the command.@bSET-MENU-ITEM-ENABLED-P@iitem@p @ivalue@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]allows the user to set whether a menu item is enabled.SET-MENU-ITEM-STYLE@imenu-item@p @inew-styles@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the font style used to display the menu-item.@i new-styles@p @dshould be a keyword or list of keywords.SET-MENU-ITEM-TITLE@imenu-item@p @inew-title@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the menu-itemÕs title to@i new-title@p @dand returns@i new-titleSET-MENU-TITLE@imenu@p @inew-title@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the menuÕs title to@i new-title@d,@p @dand returns@i new-title.SET-MENUBAR@inew-menubar@d-@ilist@p@d[@iFunction@d]installs a new menubar containing@i new-menubar@p @i-list@p @d, a list of menus. SET-MINI-BUFFER@iwindow-or-item@p @istring@p &rest@i format-args@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the contents of the mini-buffer to be the result of applying@p format @dto@i string@p @dand@i format-args@d.@p @dThe mini-buffer is then redisplayed.@i window-or-item@p @dis a Fred window or Fred dialog item.@bSET-ORIGIN@iview@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]@i@dsets the origin to the point specified by@i h@d and@i v.@bSET-PART-COLOR@iobject@d @ipart@d @inew-color@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]sets the color of@i part@d in@i object@d to@i new-color@d, and returns@i new-color.@d @iobject@d should be an instance of window, dialog-item, menubar, menu, menu-item, or table-dialog-item.@bSET-PEN-MODE@iview@d @inewmode@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]sets the window's current pen mode.@bSET-PEN-PATTERN@iview@d @inew-pattern@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]@b@dsets the window's current pen pattern.@bSET-PEN-SIZE@iview@d @ih@d &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]@b@dsets the window's current pen size.@bSET-PEN-STATE@iview@d @inew-pen-state@d[@iGeneric@d @iFunction@d]sets the window's pen state to a new pen state. The pen state is a record containing the pen's location, size, mode (as an integer), and pattern.@bSET-PPRINT-DISPATCH@itype-specifier@p @ifunction@p &optional @ipriority@p @itable@d[@iFunction@d]installs @ifunction@d into the pretty print dispatch table, @itable@d, using @itype-specifier@d as the key. The value of @ipriority@d is saved with the entry to resolve conflicts in case more than one entry matches a type. The @ifunction@d should accept a @pSTREAM@d and the object to be printed, and pretty print the object to the stream obeying @p*PRINT-READABLY*@d.SET-RECORD-FIELD@irecord@p @irecord-type@p @ifield-name@p @ivalue@p @d[@iFunction@d]sets the value of the@i field-name@p @dfield of@i record@p @dand returns@p nil@d.@p set-record-field @dis much less efficient than@p rset@d. It should only be used when a function (rather than a macro) is needed.SET-RECT-REGION@iregion@d @ileft@d &optional@i top@d @iright@d @ibottom@d[@iFunction@d]sets@i region@d so that it is equivalent to the rectangle specified by the arguments and returns the rectangular region.@bSET-SCROLL-BAR-LENGTH@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @inew-length@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the length of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dto@i new-length@d.SET-SCROLL-BAR-MAX@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @inew-value@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the maximum setting of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dto@i new-value@d.SET-SCROLL-BAR-MIN@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @inew-value@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the minimum setting of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dto@i new-value@d.SET-SCROLL-BAR-SCROLLEE@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @inew-scrollee@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the scrollee of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dto@i new-scrollee@d.SET-SCROLL-BAR-SETTING@pscroll-bar-dialog-item new-setting @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the setting of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dto@p new-setting@d.SET-SCROLL-BAR-TRACK-THUMB-P@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @inew-value@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the value indicating whether@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dperforms scrolling when the mouse button is still pressed.SET-SCROLL-BAR-WIDTH@iscroll-bar-dialog-item@p @inew-width@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the width of@i scroll-bar-dialog-item@p @dto@i new-width@d.SET-SELECTION-RANGE@iwindow-or-item@p &optional@i position@p @icursor-position@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the selection range to the region between the@i cursor-position@p @dand@i position@d,@p @dand updates the window display. Both@i position@p @dand@i current-position@p @ddefault to the current cursor position@i.@bSET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR@ito-char@p @ifrom-char@p &optional@i to-readtable@p @ifrom-readtable@d[@iFunction@d]sets the syntax of@i to-char@p @din@i to-readtable@p @d(which defaults to@p *readtable*@d) to be equal to the syntax of@i from-char@p @din@i from-readtable@p @d(which defaults to@p nil@d, meaning to use the syntax from the standard Common Lisp readtable).SET-TABLE-DIMENSIONS@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the number of cells horizontally and vertically according to@i h@p @dand@i v@d.@p @dSET-TABLE-SEQUENCE@isequence-dialog-item@p @inew-sequence@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the sequence associated with the dialog@i @ditem to@i new-sequence@d,@p @dresets the tableÕs dimensions and scroll-bars, and redisplays the table.%SET-TOPLEVEL@p&optional@i new-toplevel-function@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dif@i new-toplevel-function@p @dis supplied, sets this to be the pending top-level function and returns the previous pending top-level function; otherwise simply returns the function that is set up as the pending top-level function.@i new-toplevel-function@p @dis a compiled function object or@p nil@d; it cannot be a symbol.SET-VIEW-CONTAINER@iview@p @inew-container@d[@iView@p @iFunction@d]removes the view from its current container, and adds it to@i new-container@d.@bSET-VIEW-FONT@iview@p @ifont-spec@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets a view or windowÕs font-spec to@i font-spec@d.@p @dSET-VIEW-FONT-CODES@iview@p @iold-ff@p @iold-ms@p &optional@i ff-mask@p @ims-mask@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the view font codes of@i view@d,@p @da simple view or a window.@bSET-VIEW-NICK-NAME@iview@p @inew-name@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dsets the nick-name of the view to@i new-name@p @dand returns@i new-name.@bSET-VIEW-POSITION@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dsets the position of the view.@bSET-VIEW-SCROLL-POSITION@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@p @iscroll-visibly@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the scroll position of the view and causes the contents of the view to scroll.@bSET-VIEW-SIZE@iview@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the size of the view.@bSET-VISIBLE-DIMENSIONS@itable-dialog-item@p @ih@p &optional@i v@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]resizes the table so that@i h@p @dcells are visible per row, and@i v@p @dcells are visible per column. The new dimensions are returned as a point.SET-WINDOW-FILENAME@iwindow-or-item@p @inew-filename@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the filename associated with the window to@i new-filename@d.@p @dSubsequent saves will write to this file.@bSET-WINDOW-LAYER@iwindow@p @inew-layer@p &optional@i include-invisibles@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]changes a window or floating windowÕs layer to@i new-layer.@dSET-WINDOW-TITLE@iwindow@p @inew-title@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]sets the windowÕs title to@i new-title@d.SET-WPTR-FONT-CODES@iwptr@p @iff@p @ims@p &optional@i ff-mask@p @ims-mask@p @d[@iFunction@d] sets the font codes of@i wptr@p @dto the new font codes indicated by@i ff@p @dand@i ms.@dSETF@p{@iplace@p @inewvalue@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]stores the result of evaluating@i newvalue@p @dinto the location that results from examining@i place@d.@p @dIf multiple@i place-newvalue@p @dpairs are specified, they are processed sequentially.@p setf @dreturns the last@i newvalue@d.SETQ@p{@ivariable@p @iform@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]sets the value of the current binding of each@i variable@p @dto the result of evaluating the corresponding@i form@d.@p @dThe assignments are performed sequentially. Returns the value of the last@i variable.SETUP-UNDO@iwindow-or-item@p @ifunction@p &optional@i title@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]this function allows Fred commands to support the Undo menu item. Any Fred action that can be undone should call@p setup-undo.@bSETUP-UNDO-WITH-ARGS@ifred-mixin@p @ifunction@p @iarg@p &optional@i string@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dworks like@p setup-undo @dexcept that the function must take two arguments; that is, it is called via@p (funcall@i function@p @iwindow@p @iarg@p)@d. The argument is frequently a position.SEVENTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the seventh element of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.SHADOW@isymbols@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]searches@i package@p @dfor a symbol with the print-name of@i symbol@d.@p @dIf@i package@p @ddoes not own such a symbol (inherited symbols do not count), a new internal symbol is created in the package and placed on the shadowing symbols list.@i symbols@p @dshould be a symbol, a string, or a list of symbols and/or strings.@p shadow @dreturns@p t.@dSHADOWING-IMPORT@isymbols@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]imports@i symbols@p @d(which should be a symbol or list of symbols) into@i package@d,@p @da package object or package name. This function does not error if the importation causes a conflict with symbols already accessible in@i package@d.@p @dThe@i symbols@p @dare placed in@i package@d's shadowing-symbols list.SHARED-INITIALIZE@iinstance@p @islot-names@p &rest @iinitargs@p &key &allow-other-keys@d[@iGeneric@p @ifunction@d]fills the @islot-names@d slots (or all of the slots, if @islot-names@d is @pT@d) of @iinstance@d using @iinitargs@d and @p:initform@d forms. @pSHARED-INITIALIZE@d is called by @pINITIALIZE-INSTANCE@d, @pREINITIALIZE-INSTANCE@d, @pUPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS@d, and @pUPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-DIFFERENT-CLASS@d.SHIFT-KEY-P @d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the shift key is pressed, otherwise returns@p nil@d. If called during event processing, it checks whether the shift key was pressed when the event occurred.SHIFTF@d{@iplace@d}+@i newvalue@d[@iMacro@d]the contents of all the@i places@p @dare shifted to the@i place@p @dto the left.@i newvalue@p @dis shifted into the rightmost@i placo@d,@p @dand the original value of the leftmost@i place@p @dis returned.SHORT-FLOAT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of floating-point numbers which have precision and range not greater than @pSINGLE-FLOAT@d.SHORT-FLOAT-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest positive floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (+ (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pSHORT-FLOAT-NEGATIVE-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest negative floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (- (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pSHORT-SITE-NAME @d[@iFunction@d]returns the short form of the name of the site in which the Lisp is running. This function should be redefined by the user to return an appropriate value.*SHOW-CURSOR-P* @d[@iVariable@d]bound during the execution of Fred commands. If this variable is true upon command completion, the window is scrolled to the cursor and redrawn, otherwise it is not redrawn.@bSIGNAL@idatum@p &rest @iarguments@d[@iFunction@d]signals the condition specified by @idatum@d and its @iarguments@d. Returns @pNIL@d if the condition is not handled.SIGNED-BYTE @d[@iClass@p @iname@p, @iType@p @ispecifier@d]the class of signed bytes, a subtype of @pINTEGER@d. As a type specifier, @p(SIGNED-BYTE @is@p)@d specifies a signed byte of @is@d bits.SIGNUM@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns an indication of the sign of@i number@d.@p @dThis will be -1, 1, or 0 for rational numbers, -1.0, 1.0, or 0.0 for floating point numbers. For a complex number@i z@d,@p (signum@i z@p) @dis a complex number of the same phase but with unit magnitude unless@i z@p @dis a complex zero, in which case the result is@i z@d.SIMPLE-ARRAY @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple arrays. These are arrays which are neither displaced nor adjustable and which have no fill pointer.SIMPLE-BASE-STRING @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple base strings. These are @pSIMPLE-ARRAY@ds of @pBASE-CHAR@ds (@pBASE-CHARACTER@ds in some versions of MCL.)SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple bit vectors. These are bit vectors which are neither displaced nor adjustable and which have no fill pointer.SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a simple-bit-vector.SIMPLE-CONDITION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple conditions. Has slots @p:format-string@d (NOTE: @p:format-control@d is the ANSI spec) and @p:format-arguments@d. A @pSIMPLE-CONDITION@d is signalled by @pSIGNAL@d whenever a format control is supplied as the function's first argument.SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-ARGUMENTS@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the list of format arguments provided for the @pSIMPLE-CONDITION@d @icondition@d.SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-STRING@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the format control string provided for the @pSIMPLE-CONDITION@d @icondition@d. (NOTE: This is @pSIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-CONTROL@d in the ANSI spec.)SIMPLE-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple errors. A @pSIMPLE-ERROR@d is signalled by @pERROR@d or @pCERROR@d whenever a format control is supplied as the function's first argument.SIMPLE-STRING @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple strings. These are @pSIMPLE-ARRAY@ds of @pCHARACTER@ds (or subtypes of @pCHARACTER@d.)SIMPLE-STRING-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a simple-string.SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple type errors. These are like @pTYPE-ERROR@ds, but are a subtype of @pSIMPLE-CONDITION@d.SIMPLE-VECTOR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple vectors. These are vectors which are neither displaced nor adjustable and which have no fill pointer.SIMPLE-VECTOR-P@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a simple-vector.SIMPLE-VIEW @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The class of simple views (views without subviews).@bSIMPLE-WARNING @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of simple warnings. A @pSIMPLE-WARNING@d is signalled by @pWARN@d whenever a format control is supplied as the function's first argument.SIN@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the sine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dSINGLE-FLOAT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of floating-point numbers which have precision and range not less than @pSHORT-FLOAT@d and not greater than @pDOUBLE-FLOAT@d.SINGLE-FLOAT-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest positive floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (+ (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pSINGLE-FLOAT-NEGATIVE-EPSILON @d[@iConstant@d]The smallest negative floating point number@i e@p @dsuch that@p (not (= (float 1@i e@p) (- (float 1@i e@p)@i e@p)))@d.@pSINH@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the hyperbolic sine of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dSIXTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the sixth element of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.SLEEP@iseconds@p@d[@iFunction@d]@p@dpauses for@i seconds@p @dseconds.@pSLOT-BOUNDP@iinstance@p @islot-name@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the slot named @islot-name@d of @iinstance@d is bound. If no such slot exists, @pSLOT-MISSING@d is called.SLOT-EXISTS-P@iobject@p @islot-name@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the slot named @islot-name@d of @iobject@d exists.SLOT-MAKUNBOUND@iinstance@p @islot-name@d[@iFunction@d]makes unbound the slot named @islot-name@d of @iinstance@d. If no such slot exists, @pSLOT-MISSING@d is called.SLOT-MISSING@iclass@p @iobject@p @islot-name@p @ioperation@p &optional @inew-value@d[@iGeneric@p @ifunction@d]is invoked when an attempt is made to access a nonexistent slot named @islot-name@d in an @iobject@d of type @iclass@d using one of the @ioperation@ds @pSETF@d, @pSLOT-VALUE@d (with @inew-value@d), @pSLOT-BOUNDP@d, or @pSLOT-MAKUNBOUND@d. This is meant to be specialized, not called directly.SLOT-UNBOUND@iclass@p @iinstance@p @islot-name@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]is invoked when an attempt is made to read an unbound slot named @islot-name@d in an @iinstance@d of type @iclass@d. This is meant to be specialized, not called directly.SLOT-VALUE@iobject@p @islot-name@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value contained in the slot@i slot-name@p @dof the given object.@bSOFTWARE-TYPE @d[@iFunction@d]returns a string identifying the operating system software. In Macintosh Common Lisp, this is the type of Macintosh currently running.SOFTWARE-VERSION @d[@iFunction@d]returns a string identifying version information of the operating system software. In Macintosh Common Lisp, this includes the Macintosh ROM version and the operating system file version.SOME@ipredicate@p @isequence@p &rest@i more-sequences@d[@iFunction@d]@ipredicate@p @dis applied to the elements of@i sequence@p @dwith index 0, then to those with index 1, and so on, until the end of the shortest sequence is reached. As soon as@i predicate@p @dreturns a non-@pnil @dvalue, that value is returned.@p nil @dis returned if there is no true value. That is,@p some @dis true if some invocation of@i predicate@p @don@i sequence@p @dreturns true.SORT@isequence@p @ipredicate@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]destructively sorts the elements of@i sequence@p @dinto an order determined by@i predicate@d.@p @dSPACE @d[@iOptimize@p @iquality@d]in an @pOPTIMIZE@d declaration, advises the compiler of the importance of optimizing for size of code. Values range from 0 (unimportant) to 3 (very important).SPECIAL@ivar*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, informs the compiler that @ivar@ds have dynamic extent and indefinite scope.SPECIAL-FORM-P@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i symbol@p @dnames a special form; otherwise returns@p nil@d. This is the general mechanism for seeing if something is a special form.SPEED @d[@iOptimize@p @iquality@d]in an @pOPTIMIZE@d declaration, advises the compiler of the importance of optimizing for speed of code. Values range from 0 (unimportant) to 3 (very important).SQRT@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns the principal square root of@i number@d.STABLE-SORT@isequence@p @ipredicate@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]destructively sorts the elements of@i sequence@p @dinto an order determined by@i predicate@d.@p @dElements considered equal by@i predicate@p @dstay in their original order. (This function is similar to@p sort@d, but is guaranteed to be stable.)%STACK-BLOCK@d(@p{@d(@isymbol@p @isize@d)@p}@d+)@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]for each@i symbol/size@p @dpair, allocates a block of storage@i size@p @dbytes long, and binds@i symbol@p @dto a macptr to the block. Executes the@i forms@p @din the corresponding environment. The action of this form is semantically equivalent to doing a@p _NewPtr/_DisposPtr @dpair for each variable but is much more efficient.@i size@p @dmust evaluate to a positive 32-bit integer.stack-group-preset@istack-group@p @ifunction@p &rest @iargs@d[@iFunction@d]initializes a stack group. When @istack-group@d is resumed the stacks are empty and @ifunction@d is applied to @iargs@d.stack-group-resume@istack-group@p @ivalue@d[@iFunction@d]resumes @istack-group@d and passes the object @ivalue@d to @istack-group@d. The current stack group becomes @istack-group@d's resumer.stack-group-return@ivalue@d[@iFunction@d]resumes the current stack group's resumer. The object @ivalue@d is passed to the current stack group's resumer.STACK-TRAP@itrap-number@p {@itype-keyword@p @iargument@p}@d* [@ireturn-value-keyword@d][@iMacro@d]this macro expands into an efficient low-level system call to the stack. It executes the stack trap indicated by@i trap-number@d,@p @dpassing arguments as described by the@i type-keyword@p @d/@i argument@p @dpairs, and returns the value as indicated by@i return-value-keyword@d.STANDARD-CHAR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of standard characters, a set of 96 characters supported in all Common Lisp implementations.STANDARD-CHAR-P@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis a standard character, otherwise false.@i char@p @dmust be a character.STANDARD-CLASS @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of standard classes, the default class of classes defined by @pDEFCLASS@d.STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of standard generic functions, the default class of generic functions defined by @pDEFMETHOD@d, @pENSURE-GENERIC-FUNCTION@d, @pDEFGENERIC@d, and @pDEFCLASS@d.*STANDARD-INPUT* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream from which the top level read-eval-print loop gets its input. This is the default input stream used by functions such as@p read @dand@p read-char@d.STANDARD-METHOD @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of standard methods, default class of methods defined by @pDEFMETHOD@d and @pDEFGENERIC@d.STANDARD-OBJECT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]is an instance of @pSTANDARD-CLASS@d and a superclass of every class that is an instance of @dSTANDARD-CLASS@d except itself.*STANDARD-OUTPUT* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream to which the top level read-eval-print loop sends its output. This is also the default output stream for functions such as@p print@d,@p write@d, etc.START-PICTURE@iview@p &optional@i left@p @itop@p @iright@p @ibottom@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]hides the pen and starts recording QuickDraw commands in a picture whose frame is the rectangle specified by the arguments, if supplied; otherwise the window's PortRect is the frame. The function returns@p nil@d.@bSTART-POLYGON@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]hides the pen and starts making a polygon. Subsequent@p line @dand@p line-to @dcommands are added to a new polygon. Within a single window, you must terminate every@p start-polygon @dwith@p get-polygon @dbefore calling@p start-polygon @dagain.@bSTATIC-TEXT-DIALOG-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of static text dialog items. Static text is included to give information to the user. Static text does not perform an action when clicked.STEP@iform@p@d[@iMacro@d]Evaluates@i form@p @dexpression by expression, under user control. Calls to compiled functions within@i form@p @dare treated as a single step if the definition was not saved. The stepping is performed in an empty lexical environment.*STEP-PRINT-LENGTH* @d[@iVariable@d]sets the value of@p *print-length* @dduring step evaluation.@b*STEP-PRINT-LEVEL* @d[@iVariable@d]@b@dsets the value of@p *print-level* @dduring step evaluation.@bSTORAGE-CONDITION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of serious conditions which are signalled to indicate implementation-dependent limits such as stack overflow and storage exhausted.store-conditional@ilock@p @iold@p @inew@d[@iFunction@d]checks to see whether the the lock-value of @ilock@d is @pEQ@d to @iold@d, and, if so, it stores @inew@d into the cell. The test and the set are done as a single atomic operation. @pSTORE-CONDITIONAL@d returns @pT@d if the test succeeded and @pNIL@d if the test failed. If @ilock@d is known at compile time to be of type lock, the code will be inlined, hence very fast. @bNOTE:@d Not present in MCL 3.x.STORE-VALUE@ivalue@p &optional @icondition@d[@iRestart@p, @iFunction@d]is a restart used by handlers which wish to supply permanent replacement data, as in response to a @pCELL-ERROR@d or @pTYPE-ERROR@d condition. As a function, transfers control to the most recently established @pSTORE-VALUE@d restart associated with @icondition@d.STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class from which all other streams inherit. This is an abstract class. It should not be directly instantiated, but instead used for the creation of new subclasses.STREAM-ABORT@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]when the function@p close @dis called with a true@p :abort @dkeyword,@p stream-abort @dis called.@p stream-abort @dshould handle any bookkeeping for an abnormal closing of the stream. For example, if a file-stream is superceding an existing file,@p stream-abort @d(as opposed to a normal@p close@d) may cause the original file to be retained.STREAM-CLEAR-INPUT@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]deletes all pending input from the stream. This function is normally defined only for buffered input streams, such as the terminal stream or serial streams. STREAM-CLOSE@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]tells the stream that a program is finished with it. After being closed, the stream cannot be used for input or output.@p stream-close @dmay perform various cleanup operations, such as disposing of data structures that are no longer needed.STREAM-COLUMN@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the current column of the stream. This is used for tabbing purposes, and may also be used by@p stream-fresh-line@d.STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE@istream@d[@iFunction@d]returns a type indicator, describing what types of objects may be read from or written to@i stream@d.STREAM-EOFP@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns true if the stream is at its end (i.e. if there is no more data to read), and false if there is more data to read from the stream.@p stream-eofp @dmust be defined for all input streams.STREAM-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by errors related to stream input or output. Has slot @p:stream@d.STREAM-ERROR-STREAM@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the stream associated with @icondition@d, a @pSTREAM-ERROR@d condition.STREAM-EXTERNAL-FORMAT@istream@d[@iFunction@d]returns a format designator for @istream@d.STREAM-FORCE-OUTPUT@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]physically writes all pending output. It is used for streams which buffer their write operations.@p stream-force-output @dshould be defined for all buffered output streams.STREAM-FRESH-LINE@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by the Lisp function@p fresh-line@d. The usual version simply prints a new-line. When defined for a particular stream, a newline should be written only if the stream is not already at the beginning of a line.STREAM-LINE-LENGTH@istream@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the line length of@i stream.STREAM-LISTEN@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif there are more characters to read from an input stream,@p nil @dif there are no more characters. The usual version of@p stream-listen @dis simply@p (not (stream-eofp))@d.@p stream-listen @ddoes not normally need to be redefined.STREAM-READER@dstream@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns two values, a function and a value. Applying the function to the value is equivalent to applying@p stream-tyi @dto the stream, but is usually much faster. Users can specialize@p stream-reader@d, but they need to be sure that there are no@p stream-tyi @dmethods specialized on a subclass of the class on which the@p stream-reader @dmethod is specialized. The@p maybe-default-stream-reader @dmacro knows how to ensure that there are no such@p stream-tyi @dmethods.STREAM-TYI@istream@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]reads the next character from the stream and returns it. Input functions such as@p read @dand@p read-line @dwork by making repeated calls to@p stream-tyi@d.@p stream-tyi @dmust be defined for all input streams.STREAM-TYO@istream@p @ichar@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]tells the stream to output the character@i char.@p @dOutput functions such as@p print@d,@p write@d, and@p pprint @dwork by repeatedly calling@p stream-tyo@d.@p stream-tyo @dshould be defined for all output streams.STREAM-UNTYI@istream@p @ichar@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]un-reads@i char@p @dfrom the stream, pushing it back onto the head of the stream. The next call to@p stream-tyi @dwill return@i char@d.@p stream-untyi @dcannot be called several times in a row; it can only be called once for each call to@p stream-tyi@d.@p stream-untyi @dmust be defined for all input streams.STREAM-WRITE-STRING@istream@p @istring@p @istart@p @iend@p @d[@iGeneric@p @ifunction@d]@p@dwrites to@i stream@p @dthe characters of@i string@p @dbetween@i start@p @dand@i end.@pSTREAM-WRITER@istream@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns two values, a function and a value. Applying the function to the value is equivalent to applying@p stream-tyo @dto the stream, but is usually much faster. Users can specialize@p stream-writer@d, but they need to be sure that there are no@p stream-tyo @dmethods specialized on a subclass of the class on which the@p stream-writer @dmethod is specialized. The@p maybe-default-stream-writer @dmacro knows how to ensure that there are no such@p stream-tyo @dmethods.STREAMP@ithing@p@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a stream, otherwise false.STRING@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]creates a string from@i object@p @dand returns it. Signals an error if@i object@p @dcannot be transformed into a string.@p string @dcan only convert characters and symbols. (Use@p format @dto convert numbers.)STRING-CAPITALIZE@istring@p &key :start :end@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string equivalent to@i string@p @dexcept that all words in the given range have been capitalized.*STRING-COMPARE-SCRIPT* @d[@iVariable@d]The script to use when comparing strings or characters. The default is the system script. This is also used by string and char upcase, downcase, and capitalize, @palpha-char-p@d, etc. The value should be an integer id of a script, as specified in the script manager documentation of Inside Macintosh.STRING-DOWNCASE@istring@p &key :start :end@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string equivalent to@i string@p @dexcept that all uppercase characters in the given range have been converted to lowercase.STRING-EQUAL@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@p @dare equal, ignoring case. Returns@p nil @dif the strings are not equal. The keywords@p :start @dand@p :end @dallow comparison of substrings.STRING-GREATERP@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]compares the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@d,@p @dusing ASCII alphabetical order and ignoring case. Returns true if the specified portion of@i string1@p @dis greater than the specified portion of@i string2@d,@p @dotherwise returns@p nil@d.@i @dIf the result is true, it will be an integer index into@i string1@p @dindicating the first different character. The keywords@p :start @dand@p :end @dallow comparison of substrings.STRING-LEFT-TRIM@ichar-bag@p @istring@d[@iFunction@d]returns a substring of@i string@p @dwith all characters in@i char-bag@p @dremoved from the start.STRING-LESSP@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]compares the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@d,@p @dusing ASCII alphabetical order and ignoring case. Returns true if the portion of@i string1@p @dis less than the portion of@i string2@d,@p @dotherwise returns@p nil@d.@i @dIf the result is true, it will be an integer index into@i string1@p @dindicating the first different character. The keywords@p :start @dand@p :end @dallow comparison of substrings.STRING-NOT-EQUAL@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@p @dare not equal. Character case is ignored. If the strings are equal,@p nil @dis returned. If a true result is returned, it is the index into@i string1@p @dof the first non-matching character.STRING-NOT-GREATERP@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of the specified portion of@i string1@p @dis not greater than the specified portion of@i string2@d.@p @dCharacter case is ignored.STRING-NOT-LESSP@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of the specified portion of@i string1@p @dis not less than the specified portion of@i string2@d.@p @dCharacter case is ignored.STRING-RIGHT-TRIM@ichar-bag@p @istring@d[@iFunction@d]returns a substring of@i string@p @dwith all characters in@i char-bag@p @dremoved from the end.STRING-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of string streams. A string stream writes output to (or reads input from) an associated string.STRING-TRIM@ichar-bag@p @istring@d[@iFunction@d]returns a substring of@i string@p @dwith all characters in@i char-bag@p @dremoved from the beginning and end.STRING-UPCASE@istring@p &key :start :end@d[@iFunction@d]returns a string equivalent to@i string@p @dexcept that all lowercase characters in the given range have been converted to uppercase.STRING-WIDTH@istring@p &optional@i font-spec@d[@iFunction@d]returns the width in pixels of@i string@d,@p @das if it were displayed using the font, size and style of@i font-spec@d.@p @dSTRING/=@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@p @dare not equal. Character case is significant. If the strings are equal,@p nil @dis returned. If a true result is returned, it is the index into@i string1@p @dof the first non-matching character.STRING<@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@i@d[@iFunction@d]compares the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@d,@p @dusing ASCII alphabetical order and treating case as significant. Returns true if the portion of@i string1@p @dis less than the portion of@i string2@d,@p @dotherwise returns@p nil@d.@i @dIf the result is true, it will be an integer index into@i string1@p @dindicating the first different character. The keywords@p :start @dand@p :end @dallow comparison of substrings.STRING<=@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of the specified portion of@i string1@p @dis less than or equal to the specified portion of@i string2@d.@p @dCharacter case is significant.STRING=@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@p @dare equal, treating case as significant. The keywords@p :start @dand@p :end @dallow comparison of substrings.STRING>@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@i@d[@iFunction@d]compares the specified portions of@i string1@p @dand@i string2@d,@p @dusing ASCII alphabetical order and treating case as significant. Returns true if the portion of@i string1@p @dis greater than the portion of@i string2@d,@p @dotherwise returns@p nil@d.@i @dIf the result is true it will be an integer index into@i string1@p @dindicating the first different character. The keywords@p :start @dand@p :end @dallow comparison of substrings.STRING>=@istring1@p @istring2@p &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of the specified portion of@i string1@p @dis greater than or equal to the specified portion of@i string2@d.@p @dCharacter case is significant.STRINGP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a string; otherwise, returns false.STRUCTURE-CLASS @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of structures defined by @pDEFSTRUCT@d.STRUCTURE-TYPEP@iform@p @itype@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i form@p @dis of the given structure type@i type@p @dor if it includes@i type.@p @dOtherwise it returns@p nil. @dThis function is used by@p defstruct @dpredicates.STRUCTUREP@iform@d[@iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif the given object is a named structure; otherwise it returns@p nil.@d*STYLE-ALIST* @d[@iVariable@d]an association list of font-style keywords and numbers that the Macintosh uses to encode these styles.STYLE-WARNING @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled by use of code which is considered substandard, e.g. for reasons such as the use of deprecated features or inefficient idioms.SUBLIS@ia-list@p @itree@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]creates a new tree based on@i tree@d,@p @dexcept that elements that appear as keys in@i a-list@p @dare replaced with the corresponding value from@i a-list@d.@p @dThe original@i tree@p @dis not modified, but the new tree may share list structure with it. In effect,@p sublis @dcan perform several@p subst @doperations simultaneously.SUBSEQ@isequence@p @istart@p &optional@i end@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new sequence which contains the elements of the portion of@i sequence@p @dspecified by@i start@p @dand@i end@d.@p subseq @dmay be used with@p setf @dto destructively replace a portion of a sequence.SUBSETP@ilist1@p @ilist2@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if every element of@i list1@p @dmatches some element of@i list2@d.SUBST@inew@p @iold@p @itree@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]creates a new tree based on@i tree@d,@p @dexcept that occurrences of@i old@p @dhave been replaced with@i new@d.@p @dThe original@i tree@p @dis not modified, but the new tree may share list structure with it.SUBST-IF@inew@p @itest@p @itree@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]creates a new tree based on@i tree@d,@p @dexcept that elements that satisfy@i test@p @dhave been replaced with@i new@d.@p @dThe original@i tree@p @dis not modified, but the new tree may share list structure with it.SUBST-IF-NOT@inew@p @itest@p @itree@p &key :key@d[@iFunction@d]creates a new tree based on@i tree@d,@p @dexcept that elements that don't satisfy@i test@p @dhave been replaced with@i new@d.@p @dThe original@i tree@p @dis not modified, but the new tree may share list structure with it.SUBSTITUTE@inew-item@p @iold-item@p @isequence@p &key :start :end :from-end :count :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a new sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dexcept that occurrences of@i old-item@p @dwithin a given subsequence are replaced with@i new-item@d.@p @dThe@p :count @dargument, if given, limits the number of substitutions which take place. The original@i sequence@p @dis not modified.SUBSTITUTE-IF@inew-item@p @itest@p @isequence@p &key :start :end :from-end :count :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dexcept that elements that satisfy@i test@p @dwithin the given subsequence are replaced with@i new-item@d.@p @dThe@p :count @dargument, if given, limits the number of substitutions that take place. The original@i sequence@p @dis not modified.SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT@inew-item@p @itest@p @isequence@p &key :start :end :from-end :count :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a sequence equivalent to@i sequence@p @dexcept that elements that@i @ddo not satisfy@i test@p @dwithin the given subsequence are replaced with@i new-item@d.@p @dThe@p :count @dargument, if given, limits the number of substitutions that take place. The original@i sequence@p @dis not modified.SUBTRACT-POINTS@ipoint-1@p @ipoint-2@d[@iFunction@d]returns a point that is the result of subtracting@i point-2@p @dfrom@i point-1@d.@p @dSUBTYPEP@itype-1@p @itype-2@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i type-1@p @dis definitely a subtype of@i type-2@d.@p @dIf the result is@p nil@d, however,@i type1@p @dmay or may not be a subtype of@i type2.@p @dA second value is returned indicating the certainty of the result (@pt @dindicates that@i type1@p @ddefinitely is or is not a subtype of@i type2;@p nil @dindicates that the result is uncertain).@p subtypep @dis not permitted to return a second value of@p nil @dunless one or both of its arguments involve@p satisfies, and, or, not, @dor@p member. @dWhen one or both of its arguments involve@p values @dor the list form of the@p function @dtype specifier,@p subtypep @dreturns an error.SUBVIEWS@iview@p &optional@i subview-type@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the subviews of@i view.@p @dIf@i subview-type@p @dis present, only subviews matching that type are returned.SVREF@isimple-vector@p @iindex@d[@iFunction@d]returns the element of@i simple-vector@p @dindicated by@i index@d.SXHASH@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]computes a hash code for@i thing@p @dand returns it as a non-negative fixnum.SYMBOL @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of symbols.SYMBOL-FUNCTION@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns the current global function definition named by@isymbol@d.@p @dIf the symbol has no function binding,@p symbol-function @dsignals an error.SYMBOL-MACROLET@p(@i{@p(@isymbol@p @iexpansion@p)@i}*@p) @ideclaration*@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds in an environment where the @isymbol@ds are replaced with their corresponding @iexpansion@ds.SYMBOL-NAME@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns the print name of@i symbol@p @das a string.@pSYMBOL-PACKAGE@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns the home package of@i symbol@d.SYMBOL-PLIST@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns the property list of@i symbol@d.SYMBOL-VALUE@isymbol@d[@iFunction@d]returns the current value of the special variable named by@i symbol@d.@p @dAn error is signalled if@i symbol@p @dis unbound.symbol-value-in-process@isymbol@p @iprocess@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value of the special variable @isymbol@d in @iprocess@d. To change the value, you can use setf.symbol-value-in-stack-group@isymbol@p @istack-group@d[@iFunction@d]returns the value of the special variable @isymbol@d in @istack-group@d. To change the value, you can use setf.SYMBOLP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a symbol; otherwise returns false.SYNONYM-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of synonym streams. A synonym stream is an alias for another stream named by a special variable. Has slot @p:symbol@d.SYNONYM-STREAM-SYMBOL@istream@d@d[@iFunction@d]returns the symbol used by @istream@d, a @pSYNONYM-STREAM@d, as an alias.T @d[@iConstant@d]the general truth value in Common Lisp.@p t @dis a constant, a class, a stream, and a type.TABLE-DIALOG-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the abstract class from which usable subclasses of table-dialog-item inherit. Table-dialog-items show scrolling lists of items from which the user can choose.TABLE-DIMENSIONS@itable-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a point indicating the number of cells horizontally and vertically in the table.TABLE-HSCROLLP@itable-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i table-dialog-item@p @dhas a horizontal scroll bar,@p nil @dotherwise.TABLE-PRINT-FUNCTION@itable-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the function used by@p draw-cell-contents @dto print the contents of@i table-dialog-item.@p @dThe default value is@p #'princ@d. If given, this should be a function of two arguments, the value to be printed and the stream.TABLE-SEQUENCE@isequence-dialog-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the sequence associated with the dialog@i @ditem.TABLE-VSCROLLP@itable-dialog-item@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i table-dialog-item@p @dhas a vertical scroll bar,@p nil @dotherwise.TAGBODY@p{@itag@p @d|@i statement@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]A tagbody consists of a mixture of tags and forms. The tags indicate positions in the tagbody. During execution, the@i statements@p @dare evaluated sequentially, except that@p (go@i tag@p ) @dmay redirect execution to the position of any tag.@p @dIf the end of the body is reached,@p tagbody @dreturns@p nil@d.TAILP@isublist@p @ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i @dand only if there exists an integer@i n@p @dsuch that@p (eql@i sublist@p (nthcdr@i n@p @ilist@p)).@i list@p @dmay be a dotted list.TAN@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the tangent of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@d*TAN-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color tan, encoded as a fixnum.@bTANH@iradians@d[@iFunction@d]returns the hyperbolic tangent of@i radians@d,@p @da number in radians@i.@dTARGET@d[@iFunction@d]returns the second window in the list returned by@p (windows)@d.TENTH@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the tenth element of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.*TERMINAL-IO* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream which is used for interacting with the user.@p *terminal-io* @dis bound to a stream that reads from the Listener and other Fred windows, and from forms which have been set up with@p eval-enqueue@d. It prints to the@p *standard-output* @dor one of the other system output streams (such as@p *error-output*@d).TERPRI@p&optional@i output-stream@p@d[@iFunction@d]writes a newline character to@i output-stream@p @dand returns@p nil@d.THE@itype@p @iform@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]instructs the compiler that@i form@p @dis of type@i type@d.@p @dThis information can be used by the compiler for performing optimizations.THIRD@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the third element (@pcaddr@d) of@i list@d,@p @dusing one-based addressing.THROW@itag@p @iresult@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]causes the dynamically active@p catch @dnamed@i tag@p @dto immediately return the value of@i result@d.@p @dThis involves exiting any processes begun from the point of the catch.TIME@iform@p@d[@iMacro@d]Executes@i form@d,@p @dprints the amount of time used in execution (with a special note on garbage collection time, if any), and returns the value returned by@i form@d.@p time @dis useful for testing and optimizing code.*TOOLS-MENU* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]specifies the Tools menu in MCL.TOP-INSPECT-FORM @d[@iFunction@d]returns the form being inspected by the topmost inspector window, (or@p nil @dif there are no inspector windows).*TOP-LISTENER* @d[@iVariable@d]bound to the current Listener window.TOPLEVEL @d[@iFunction@d]throws past all pending catches to the Lisp kernel, which then calls the pending top-level function. If the pending top-level function is@p nil@d, Lisp exits to the Finder.@pTOPLEVEL-LOOP @d[@iFunction@d]@p@dthe read-loop function that is normally set up by Macintosh Common Lisp as the top-level function.TRACE@p{@isymbol@p @d| (@isymbol@p @d{@ioption@p @d[@imodifier@d] }*)@p }@d*@p@d[@iMacro@d]causes the function named by@i symbol@p @dto be traced. Whenever the function is called, information can be printed or other options can be performed.@i modifier@p @dspecifies that actions can be performed@p :before @dor@p :after @dthe function is traced; the modifier@p :step @dspecifies that the function is stepped when it is run. Functions that are compiled in-line cannot be traced.*TRACE-BAR-FREQUENCY* @d[@iVariable@d]the frequency with with vertical bars should be printed in trace output. If@p nil @d(the default), no vertical bars are printed.@b*TRACE-LEVEL* @d[@iVariable@d]the number of traced function invocations currently active. Each time a traced function is called, this number increases; each time a traced function returns, this number decreases.@b*TRACE-MAX-INDENT* @d[@iVariable@d]the maximum number of spaces to indent trace output information.@b*TRACE-OUTPUT* @d[@iVariable@d]the stream to which the output of@p trace @dis sent.@p *trace-output* @dis initially bound to the same stream as@p *terminal-io*@d, but may be rebound to redirect the output of@p trace@d.*TRACE-PRINT-LENGTH* @d[@iVariable@d]provides a temporary value for@p *print-length*@d, for use while trace output is formatted.@b*TRACE-PRINT-LEVEL* @d[@iVariable@d]provides a temporary value for@p *print-level*@d, for use while trace output is formatted.@pTRACE-TAB @d[@iFunction@d]sends a series of spaces and vertical bars to@p *trace-output*@d, according to the current values of@p *trace-level*@d,@p *trace-max-indent*@d, and@p *trace-bar-frequency*@d.@bTRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns @ipathname@d translated to a physical pathname.TRANSLATE-PATHNAME@isource@p @ifrom-wildcard@p @ito-wildcard@p &key@d[@iFunction@d]matches @isource@d pathname with @ifrom-wildcard@d, then substitutes corresponding portions of @ito-wildcard@d to generate the resulting translated pathname.TREE-EQUAL@ix@p @iy@p &key :test :test-not@d[@iFunction@d]returns true of@i x@p @dand@i y@p @dare equivalent trees, that is, if they have the same shape and the leaves are equal. It is true for atoms if they are equal according to the test function (by default@p eql@d), and it is true for conses if both the@p car @dand@p cdr @dare@p tree-equal@d.TRUENAME@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the true name of@i pathname@d.@p @dThis is the name of the@i pathname@p @das it is actually represented by the file system. An error is signalled if@i pathname@p @ddoes not indicate an actual file or directory.TRUNCATE@inumber@p &optional@i divisor@d[@iFunction@d]returns two values: the integer part of@i number@p @d(i.e.@i number@p @dwith the fractional part removed), and the fractional part. When there is a second argument,@p truncate @ddivides@i divisor@p @dinto@i number@p @dfirst, and then applies@p truncate @dto the result.TWO-WAY-STREAM @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of two way streams. A two way stream receives its input from an associated input stream and sends its output to an associated output stream.TWO-WAY-STREAM-INPUT-STREAM@istream@d[@iFunction@d]returns the input stream associated with @istream@d, a @pTWO-WAY-STREAM@d.TWO-WAY-STREAM-OUTPUT-STREAM@istream@d[@iFunction@d]returns the output stream associated with @istream@d, a @pTWO-WAY-STREAM@d.TYI@p&optional@i stream@d[@iFunction@d]reads one character from@i stream@p @dand returns it, using@p stream-tyi@d. The character is echoed if@i stream@p @dis interactive, except that the character Rubout is not echoed. This function is included for compatibility with earlier versions of Lisp.TYO@ichar@p &optional@i stream@d[@iFunction@d]outputs@i char@p @dto@i stream@p @dusing@p stream-tyo@d. It is included for compatibility with earlier versions of Lisp.TYPE@itypespec@p @ivar*@d[@iDeclaration@d]when used in a declaration form, informs the compiler that @ivar@ds must have the type specified by @itypespec@d.TYPE-ERROR @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when an object is not of the type expected. Has slots @p:datum@d and @p:expected-type@d.TYPE-ERROR-DATUM@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the datum associated with the @pTYPE-ERROR@d @icondition@d.TYPE-ERROR-EXPECTED-TYPE@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the expected type associated with the @pTYPE-ERROR@d @icondition@d.TYPE-OF@ithing@d[@iFunction@d]returns a type of which@i thing@p @dis a member. Various constraints are now placed on@p type-of@d; see@i Common@p @iLisp:@p @iThe@p @iLanguage@d,@p @dp. 65-67, for clarification.TYPECASE@ikeyform@p {@d(@itype@p {@iform@p}@d* )@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i keyform@d,@p @dthen evaluates as an implicit@p progn @dthe@i forms@p @dwhose@i type@p @dmatches the value of@i keyform@d.@p @dReturns the last@i form@p @devaluated.@i keyform@p @dis evaluated, but the@i type@p @dis not.@p typecase @dpermits a final type,@p otherwise @dor@p t@d, that handles all types not otherwise covered.@iTYPEP@ithing@p @itype@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis of type@i type@d; otherwise returns@p nil@d.UNADVISE@ispec@p &key@i when@p @iname@d[@iFunction@d]unadvises everything matching@i spec@d,@p @iwhen@d,@p @dand@i name.@p @dWhen the value of@i spec@p @dis@p t @dand the values of@i when@p @dand@i name@p @dare@p nil@d,@p unadvise @dunadvises everything ever advised; when@i spec@p @dis@p t@d,@i when@p @dis@p nil @dand@i name@p @dis non-@pnil@d,@p unadvise @dunadvises everything with the given@i name.@dUNBOUND-SLOT @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when an attempt is made to read an unbound slot. Has slot @p:instance@d.UNBOUND-SLOT-INSTANCE@icondition@d[@iFunction@d]returns the instance associated with the @pUNBOUND-SLOT@d @icondition@d. This is a subtype of @pCELL-ERROR@d.UNBOUND-VARIABLE @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when an attempt is made to read an unbound variable. This is a subtype of @pCELL-ERROR@d.UNCOMPILE-FUNCTION@icompiled-function@d[@iFunction@d]returns the lambda definition of@i compiled-function@d,@p @dif it is available.@pUNDEFINED-FUNCTION @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions signalled when an attempt is made to read the definition of an unbound function. This is a subtype of @pCELL-ERROR@d.UNDO@iwindow-or-item@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when the Undo menu-item is selected.@i @dUndoes the most recent edit in@i window-or-item@d,@p @da window or a dialog item, if it can be undone.UNEXPORT@isymbols@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]makes@i symbols@p @d(which should be a symbol or list of symbols) become internal symbols in@i package@p @d(which defaults to@p *package*@d), and returns@p t@d. It is an error to unexport symbols from the@p keyword @dpackage.UNINTERN@isymbol@p &optional@i package@d[@iFunction@d]deletes@i symbol@p @dfrom the package@i package@d.@p unintern @dreturns true if it removes@i symbol@p @dand@p nil @dif the symbol was not interned in the first place.UNION@ilist1@p @ilist2@p &key :test :test-not :key@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list containing the union of the elements@i list1@p @dand@i list2@d.@p @dAny element that is contained in@i list1@p @dor@i list2@p @dwill be contained in the result list. If there are duplicate entries, only one will appear in the result.@i list1@p @dand@i list2@p @dare not modified.UNION-RECT@irect1@p @irect2@p @idest-rect@d[@iFunction@d]stores in@i dest-rect@p @dthe smallest rectangle that encloses both@i rect1@p @dand@i rect2@p @dand returns@i dest-rect.@bUNION-REGION@iregion1@p @iregion2@p &optional@i dest-region@d[@iFunction@d]stores in@i dest-region@p @dthe smallest rectangle that encloses both@i region1@p @dand@i region2@p @dand returns@i dest-region.@p @idest-region@p @ddefaults to a newly allocated region.@bUNLESS@itestform@p {@ithenform@p}@d*@i@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i testform@d.@p @dIf the result is non-@pnil@d, then no@i thenforms@p @dare evaluated and@p unless @dreturns@p nil. @dIf the result is@p nil@d, evaluates@i thenforms@p @das an implicit@p progn@d, sequentially from left to right, and returns the value of the last@i thenform@d.@p @dUNLOCK-FILE@ifile@p@d[@iFunction@d]unlocks@i file@d.@p @dIf the file was previously locked, it will now be unlocked, so that it can be written to. If the file was already unlocked, no action is taken.UNREAD-CHAR@icharacter@p &optional@i input-stream@d[@iFunction@d]puts@i character@p @d, the most recently read charadcter, back onto the front of@i input-stream@p @dso that it will be read again as the next input character. Returns@p nil@d.UNSIGNED-BYTE @d[@iClass@p @iname@p, @iType@p @ispecifier@d]the class of unsigned bytes, a subtype of @pSIGNED-BYTE@d. As a type specifier, @p(UNSIGNED-BYTE @is@p)@d specifies an unsigned byte of @is@d bits.UNTRACE@p{@isymbol@p}@d*@p@d[@iMacro@d]stops each function named by@i symbol@p @dfrom being traced. Notices will not be printed when the function enters or returns.UNUSE-PACKAGE@ipackages-to-unuse@p &optional@i package-unusing@d[@iFunction@d]removes@i packages-to-unuse@p @dto the use-list of@i package-unusing@d.@p @ipackages-to-unuse@p @dshould be a package, package-name, or list of packages and package-names.@i package-unusing@p @dmay be a package name or package object.@iUNWIND-PROTECT@iprotected-form@p {@icleanup-form@p}@d*@i@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]executes@i protected-form@p @dand the@i cleanup-forms@d.@p @dThe@i cleanup-forms@p @dare guaranteed to be executed, even if there is a non-local exit during the execution of@i body-forms@d.@p unwind-protect @dreturns the value of@i protected-form@p @dif the exit is normal.@pUPDATE-CURSOR@p&optional@i hook@p@d[@iFunction@d]called periodically by the global event-handling system, this function does the actual work of cursor handling. If@i hook@p @dis a function or symbol, it is called with no arguments; otherwise@p set-cursor @dis called with@i hook@p.@dUPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-DIFFERENT-CLASS@iprevious@p @icurrent@p &rest @iinitargs@p &key &allow-other-keys@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]calls @pSHARED-INITIALIZE@d to initialize new slots in @icurrent@d (which is destructively modified.) @pCHANGE-CLASS@d calls @pUPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-DIFFERENT-CLASS@d. This is meant to be specialized, not called directly.UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS@iinstance@p @iadded-slots@p @idiscarded-slots@p @iproperty-list@p &rest @iinitargs@p &key &allow-other-keys[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]is called by @pMAKE-INSTANCES-OBSOLETE@d or when a class has been redefined and an instance is being updated. This is meant to be specialized, not called directly.UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE@itypespec@p &optional @ienvironment@d[@iFunction@d]returns the array element type of the most specialized array representation which can hold elemnts of @itypespec@d.UPGRADED-COMPLEX-PART-TYPE@itypespec@p &optional @ienvironment@d[@iFunction@d]returns the part type of the most specialized complex number representation which can hold elemnts of @itypespec@d.UPPER-CASE-P@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis an uppercase character; otherwise returns false.@i char@p @dmust be a character.USE-PACKAGE@ipackages-to-use@p &optional@i package-using@d[@iFunction@d]adds@i packages-to-use@p @dto the use-list of@i package-using@d.@p @dThe external symbols of@i packages-to-use@p @dwill be directly accessible in@i package-using@d.@p @ipackages-to-use@p @dshould be a package, package-name, or list of packages and package-names.@i package-using@p @dmay be a package name or package object.USE-VALUE@ivalue@p &optional @icondition@d[@iRestart@p, @iFunction@d]is a restart used by handlers which wish to supply one-time replacement data, as in response to a @pCELL-ERROR@d condition. As a function, transfers control to the most recently established @pUSE-VALUE@d restart associated with @icondition@d.USER-HOMEDIR-PATHNAME@p&optional@i host@d[@iFunction@d]returns the userÕs home directory. This is the expanded form of the@p "home:" @dlogical host. When Macintosh Common Lisp files run on the Macintosh, the@i host@p @dargument is ignored.USER-PICK-COLOR@p&key :color :prompt :position@d[@iFunction@d]displays the standard Macintosh Color@i @dPicker@p. @dThe default color value is black and the default prompt is "@pPick a color@d."@bUVECTORP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis tagged as a uvector.UVREF@iobject@p @iindex@d[@iFunction@d]returns the element of@i object@d,@p @da uvector, at@i index.@p @dThe function signals an error unless@p (<0 index (uvsize object))@d. The function@p setf @dmay be used with@p uvref @dto modify an element of a uvector. If@p @bobject@p @dis a simple array,@p uvref @dis the same as@p aref.@dUVSIZE@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns the size@i ofobject@d,@p @da uvector, as a fixnum.VALIDATE-CORNERS@iview@p @itopleft@p @ibottomright@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]Validates the rectangle specified by@i topleft@p @dand@i bottomright@p @din @iview@p @d's coordinate system. E.g. calls@p _ValidRect @don the rectangle and removes it from @iview@p @d's window's erase region.@bVALIDATE-VIEW@iview@p @i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]validates@i view@p @dby running@p validate-corners @don the region bounded by the@i topleft@p @dand@i bottomright@p @dvalues of@i view@p @din@i view@d's container.@bVALUES@p&rest@i things@d[@iFunction@d]returns@i things@p @din order as multiple values.VALUES-LIST@ilist@d[@iFunction@d]returns the elements of@i list@p @das multiple values.VARIABLE-INFORMATION@ivar@p &optional @ienv@d[@iFunction@d]returns information on a @ivar@d in @ienv@d. The first value is one of @p:LEXICAL@d, @p:SPECIAL@d, @p:CONSTANT@d, @p:SYMBOL-MACRO@d, or @pNIL@d (if @iname@d does not have one of the other definitions.) The second value is @pT@d when @ivar@d is bound. The third value is a list of declarations applicable to @ivar@d.VECTOR@p&rest@i objects@d[@iFunction@d]creates a simple vector (a non-adjustable one-dimensional array without a fill-pointer) whose elements are@i objects@d.VECTOR-POP@ivector@d[@iFunction@d]returns the element of@i vector@p @dindicated by@i vector@dÕs fill pointer and decrements the fill pointer.@i vector@p @dmust be a one-dimensional array that has a fill pointer.VECTOR-PUSH@inew-element@p @ivector@d[@iFunction@d]stores@i new-element@p @din@i vector@p @dat the location indicated by@i vector@dÕs fill pointer and increments the fill pointer by one. Returns the previous value of the fill pointer, or@p nil @dif the fill pointer does not designate an element of@i vector@d.@p @ivector@p @dmust be a one-dimensional array that has a fill pointer.VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND@inew-element@p @ivector@p @d&optional@i extension@d[@iFunction@d]@is@dtores@i new-element@p @din@i vector@p @dat the location indicated by the fill pointer. If the fill pointer is already at the end of@i vector@d,@p vector-push-extend @dincreases the size of@i vector@p @dby an amount given by@i extension@d.@p @dThis function is equivalent to@p vector-push @dexcept that it increases the size of the vector if it is already full (provided the vector is adjustable).@i vector@p @dmust be a one-dimensional array that has a fill pointer.VECTORP@iobject@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i object@p @dis a vector; otherwise returns false. A vector is a one-dimensional array.*VERBOSE-EVAL-SELECTION* @d[Variable]if@p t@d, the result of each evaluated expression is printed in the Listener. Otherwise only the result of the last evaluated expression is printed.VIEW-ACTIVATE-EVENT-HANDLER@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]this funcion is called by the event system when the window containing@i view@p @dis made active.@bVIEW-CLICK-EVENT-HANDLER@iview@p @iwhere@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when the user clicks in a view, simple view, or dialog item. The method for views calls@p point-in-click-region-p @don all subviews; that for simple views does nothing. The method for dialog items calls@p dialog-item-action@d. Other methods may define specialized behavior.VIEW-CONTAINER@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@i view@d's container.@bVIEW-CONTAINS-POINT-P@iview@p @iwhere@p @i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dreturns@p t @dif@i view@p @dcontains@i where@d; otherwise it returns@p nil@d. It takes@i where@p @din the coordinates of the parent view.VIEW-CONVERT-COORDINATES-AND-CLICK@iview@p @iwhere@p @icontainer@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@druns@p view-click-event-handler @don the pointer position within the view's container.@bVIEW-CORNERS@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the corners of@i view@d,@p @dencoded as integers.@bVIEW-CURSOR@iview@p @ipoint@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the position of the mouse pointer at@i point@d,@p @da point in@i view@d.@p @dThis generic function is called by@p window-update-cursor @das part of the default@p window-null-event-handler@d.VIEW-DEACTIVATE-EVENT-HANDLER@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]this funcion is called by the event system when the window containing@i view@p @dis deactivated and a different window is made active.@bVIEW-DEFAULT-POSITION@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the default value of the@p :view-position @dinitarg of@p view@d.VIEW-DEFAULT-SIZE@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the default value of the@p :view-size @dinitarg of@p view@d.VIEW-DRAW-CONTENTS@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the event system calls this generic function whenever a view needs to redraw any portion of its contents. For a view, the function is applied focused on the view; for a simple view, it is focused on the view's container.@bVIEW-FOCUS-AND-DRAW-CONTENTS@iview@p &optional@i visrgn@p @icliprgn@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dthis generic function focuses on the view, then calls@p view-draw-contents. @dThe method for simple views focuses on the container and calls@p view-draw-contents.@bVIEW-FONT@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the font-spec used for drawing text into a view or@i @dwindow. A font-size of 12-point may be specified as 12 or 0.VIEW-FONT-CODES@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the view font codes of@i view@d.VIEW-KEY-EVENT-HANDLER@iview@p @ichar@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by the event system whenever the view is active and the user types a key. Types of views that specialize@p view-key-event-handler @dinclude simple views, windows, Fred windows, editable text dialog items, and Inspector windows. The default version inserts@i char@p @dinto the text. VIEW-MOUSE-ENTER-EVENT-HANDLER@iitem@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]this function can be specialized to create mouse-sensitive items. It has no default methods.@bVIEW-MOUSE-LEAVE-EVENT-HANDLER@iitem@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@b@dthis function can be specialized to create mouse-sensitive items. It has no default methods.@bVIEW-MOUSE-POSITION@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the mouse position as a point expressed in the coordinate system of@iview@d.@p @dIf@i view@p @dis@p nil@d, returns the mouse position in the global coordinate system.@bVIEW-NAMED@iname@p @iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@i@dreturns the first subview of@i view@p @dwhose nickname is@i name@d.@p @dThe items are searched in the order in which they were added to the view.@bVIEW-NICK-NAME@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the nick-name of the view.@bVIEW-POSITION@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the position of the view in its container.VIEW-SCROLL-POSITION@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dreturns the current scroll position of the view.@bVIEW-SIZE@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the size of the view.VIEW-SUBVIEWS@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]specifies a vector containing all of the view's subviews. This vector should never be changed directly.@bVIEW-WINDOW@iview@d[@iGeneric@p @ifunction@d]returns the window associated with@i view@d,@p @dor@p nil @dif@i view@p @dis not currently associated with a window.VISIBLE-DIMENSIONS@itable-dialog-item@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns a point indicating the number of cells visible in the horizontal and vertical dimensions.VOLUME-NUMBER@ipathname@d[@iFunction@d]returns the volume number (vrefnum) of@i pathname.@p @dIf@i pathname@p @dis a valid volume number, it is simply returned. If the volume is not mounted, the function returns an error.@b%VSTACK-BLOCK@d(@p{@d(@isymbol@p @isize@d)@p}@d+)@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]for each@i symbol/size@p @dpair, allocates a block of storage@i size@p @dbytes long, and binds@i symbol@p @dto a macptr to the block. Executes the@i forms@p @din the corresponding environment. The action of this form is semantically equivalent to doing a@p _NewPtr/_DisposPtr @dpair for each variable but is much more efficient.@i size@p @dmust evaluate to a positive 32-bit integer. (@p%vstack-block @dis now semantically equivalent to@p %stack-block @dand is provided for backward compatibility only.)WARN@idatum@p &rest@i args@p@d[@iFunction@d]warns about a situation by signaling a condition of type@p warning. @d*WARN-IF-REDEFINE* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, the compiler will issue a warning whenever a user-defined function, macro, or variable is redefined from a new file. This feature helps prevent you from accidentally redefining a function that is defined somewhere else. If this value is@p nil@d, the compiler issues warnings only when built-in functions are redefined.*WARN-IF-REDEFINE-KERNEL* @d[@iVariable@d]if the value of this variable is@p t@d, the compiler will signal a continuable error when a built-in function is redefined. Set@p *warn-if-redefine-kernel* @dto@p nil @donly if youÕre sure that you want to redefine a built-in operation, and you donÕt want to be bothered with an error.WARNING @d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the class of conditions representing all warnings.*WATCH-CURSOR* @d[@iVariable@d]the watch cursor. This cursor should be shown during time-consuming operations, when event-processing is disabled.WHEN@itestform@p {@ithenform@p}@i*@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates@i testform@d.@p @dIf the result is@p nil@d, returns@p nil @dwithout evaluating any@i thenform.@p @dIf the result is true, evaluates@i thenforms@p @das an implicit@p progn@d, sequentially from left to right, and returns the value of the last@i thenform@d.*WHITE-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color white, encoded as a fixnum.@b*WHITE-PATTERN* @d[@iVariable@d]the white drawing pattern used by Quickdraw.*WHITE-RGB* @d[@iVariable@d]An rgbColor record, holding the color white.@bWHITESPACEP@ichar@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i char@p @dis a whitespace character.&WHOLE @d[@iLambda@p @ilist@p @ikeyword@d]in a macro definition's lambda list, is followed by the formal parameter which will be bound to the entire macro-call form.@dWILD-PATHNAME-P@ipathname@p &optional @ifield-key@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if pathname has wildcard components. If @ifield-key@d is missing or @pNIL@d, returns true if @bany@d component is a wildcard. If @ifield-key@d is one of @p:host@d, @p:directory@d, @p:name@d, @p:type@d, or @p:version@d, returns true if the specified field of @ipathname@d is a wildcard.*WINDOID-COUNT* @d[@iVariable@d]the number of floating windows currently in the Macintosh Common Lisp environment.@bWINDOW@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]the window class, from which all window objects inherit. Windows in turn inherit from@p view. @dAll windows are streams.WINDOW-ACTIVE-P@pwindow @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p t @dif@i window@p @dis active,@p nil @dotherwise.WINDOW-CAN-UNDO-P@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]defined for windows that also define@p undo@d, this function returns true if the window is currently prepared to run an@p undo @doperation. This function can have the side-effect of changing the text of the Undo menu@i @ditem.WINDOW-CLOSE@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]closes a window and deallocates the associated Macintosh data structures. WINDOW-CLOSE-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]The event system calls this function whenever a window needs to be closed. In the default method, if the Meta key was pressed when the command was given, the command closes all windows in the class of@i window.@p @dIf the Control key was pressed,@i window@p @dis hidden. Otherwise,@p window-close @dis run on@i window.@dWINDOW-CURSOR@iwindow@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the current cursor of@i window.@dWINDOW-DEFAULT-ZOOM-POSITION@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the position taken by the the upper left-hand corner of the window when the user clicks the zoom box. The default is the upper-left corner of the screen.*WINDOW-DEFAULT-ZOOM-POSITION*@d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]stores the default zoom position of a window, that is, its new position after the user clicks the zoom box. The provided method returns the value@p #@@(6 44)@d.WINDOW-DEFAULT-ZOOM-SIZE@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]the size taken by the window when the user clicks the zoom box. This is generally full-screen, but may be adjusted.*WINDOW-DEFAULT-ZOOM-SIZE*@d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]stores the default zoom size of a window, that is, its new size after the user clicks the zoom box. The provided method returns the value@p #@@(502 150)@d.WINDOW-DO-FIRST-CLICK@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]determines whether the click that selects a window is also passed to@p view-click-event-handler@d. The default value is false; the click that selects a window generates no further action.@bWINDOW-DRAG-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p @iwhere@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]The event system calls this function whenever a window needs to be dragged. It calls@p _SetClip @dand@p _ClipAbove @don the region of@i window@d,@p @dcopies the contents of the region to the new location of@i window@d,@p @dsets the new position of the view, and calls@p _DisposRgn @don the region.WINDOW-DRAG-RECT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@p @da rectangle record constraining the area in which a window can be dragged with the mouse.@bWINDOW-DRAW-GROW-ICON@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]redraws the window's grow-icon. This function is called by@p window-draw-contents@d, but may also be called explicitly.@bWINDOW-ENSURE-ON-SCREEN@iwindow@p &optional@i default-position@p @idefault-size@p @i@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]ensures that@i window@p @dis located on one of the Macintosh screens. The optional arguments, if present, are used as the default position and size.WINDOW-EVENT@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by@p event-dispatch @dto get a window to handle an event. The@p window-event @dfunction should be specialized in windows that need to do something in addition to or different from the default behavior.@bWINDOW-FILENAME@iwindow-or-item@b@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the filename associated with the window, as a string.@bWINDOW-GROW-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p @iwhere@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]The event system calls this function whenever a window needs to be resized. The default version calls@p _GrowWindow@d, then, unless the new size is zero, runs@p set-view-size @don the window.WINDOW-GROW-RECT@iwindow@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns@i @da rectangle record constraining the size to which a window can be grown or shrunk with the mouse.@bWINDOW-HARDCOPY@iwindow@p &optional (@ishow-dialog?@p t)@i@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when the@i window@p @dis on top and the user selects the Print menu-item from the File menu. If a window does not have (or inherit) a definition for this function, the Print menu-item will be disabled when the window is on top. The print options dialog will be shown unless@i show-dialog?@p @dis@p nil@d.WINDOW-HIDE@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d] makes the window invisible, but does not dispose of it. The window may be reshown later.WINDOW-KEY-UP-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called whenever a key is let up. The usual version does nothing.WINDOW-LAYER@iwindow@p &optional@i include-invisibles@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the number of windows in front of the current window. Floating windows are counted.WINDOW-MENU-ITEM@p@d[@iClass@p @iname@d]The window-menu-item class, used for creating window-menu-items. Window-menu-items have a symbol as their menu-item-action. They are disabled if the top window does not have a definition for this symbol. When selected, they ask the window to funcall this symbol.WINDOW-MOUSE-UP-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called whenever the user releases the mouse button. The usual version does nothing.WINDOW-NEEDS-SAVING-P@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]defined for windows which also define@p window-save@d, this function is@p u@dsed to determine whether the Save menu-item from the File menu should be enabled. The usual version always returns true.WINDOW-NULL-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by the event system whenever it checks for an event and finds no events pending. The default version updates the cursor, runs system tasks, and forces output from@p *terminal-io*. @dThis function should be defined for any window that needs to perform some periodic action.WINDOW-OBJECT@iwptr@d[@iFunction@d]returns the window object pointed at by@i wptr.@dWINDOW-PACKAGE@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the package of@i window@d.@bWINDOW-REVERT@iwindow-or-item@p &optional@i dont-prompt@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]pending confirmation from the user, restores the contents of@i window-or-item@p @dto the last version saved on disk. If@i dont-prompt@p @dis@p t@d, the user is not asked to confirm this; the default is@p nil.@bWINDOW-SAVE@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when@i window@p @dis on top and the user selects the Save menu-item from the File menu. If a window does not have (or inherit) a definition for this function, the Save menu-item will be disabled when the window is on top.WINDOW-SAVE-AS@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called when the window is on top and the user selects the Save AsÉ menu-item from the File menu. If a window does not have (or inherit) a definition for this function, the Save AsÉ menu-item will be disabled when the window is on top.WINDOW-SELECT@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]brings@i window@p @dto the front, shows it if it is hidden,@i @dand makes it the recipient of future events. The previous front window is deactivated.WINDOW-SELECT-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called whenever the user clicks the mouse in an inactive window. The usual version calls@p _SelectWindow@d.@p window-select-event-handler @dmay be shadowed, for example, to make a window unselectable.WINDOW-SET-NOT-MODIFIED@ifred-mixin@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by the window system when the Fred buffer is saved to file. It checks to see whether the buffer has been modified since its last save; if so, it updates all accessors in the Fred record for the buffer, increments its modification count, and instructs the Fred buffer to update its owning file.WINDOW-SHOW@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]makes a window visible on the screen assuming (it is not at an off-screen position). WINDOW-SHOW-CURSOR@ifred-mixin@p &optional@i position@p @iscrolling@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]performs an update on@i fred-mixin@d,@p @dscrolling if necessary in order to make@i position@p @dvisible.WINDOW-SHOWN-P@iwindow@p @d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns true if the window is visible,@p nil @dif it is hidden.@iWINDOW-TITLE@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]returns the windowÕs title as a string.WINDOW-UPDATE-CURSOR@iwindow@p @ipoint@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by@p update-cursor @dwhenever the cursor is over the window.WINDOW-UPDATE-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]@p@dthe event system calls this function whenever any portion of the window needs to be redrawn. The function calls@p _BeginUpdate @dto make the@p VisRgn @dof the GrafPort the portion that needs to be redrawn, calls@p view-draw-contents@d, and then calls@p _EndUpdate @dto restore the GrafPort@p VisRgn @dfield.@bWINDOW-ZOOM-EVENT-HANDLER@iwindow@p @imessage@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]called by the operating system when user clicks in the windowÕs zoom box.@i message@p @dwill be 8 when the window is zooming to the default position, or 7 when the window is zooming to the user chosen position.WINDOWS@p&key :class :include-invisibles :include-windoids@d[@iFunction@d]returns a list of existing windows that satisfy the keywords@p. @dThe list is ordered from front to back.*WINDOWS-MENU* @d[@iSpecial@p @ivariable@d]specifies the Windows menu in MCL.WITH-ACCESSORS@p(@i{@p(@ivariable-name@p @iaccessor-name@p)@i}*@p) @iinstance-form@p @ideclaration*@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds with some accessors of the object named by @iinstance-form@d bound to lexical variables. Each @ivariable-name@d is associated with an accessor named @iaccessor-name@d for @iinstance-form@d.WITH-ADDED-METHODS@p(@ifunction-name@p @igf-lambda-list@p @i[(option) | @p(:method@i method-qualifier* specialized-lambda-list [declaration* | documentation] method-form*@p)@i]*@p)@i form*[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]evaluates @iform@ds with methods added to a copy of the appropriate generic function. Methods and the copied generic function have lexical scope. Options are @p:argument-precedence-order@d, @p:documentation@d, @p:method-combination@d, @p:generic-function-class@d, @p:method-class@d, and @pdeclare@d. (NOTE: Not ANSI.)WITH-AEDESCS@p(@ivars@p) &body@i body@d[@iMacro@d]creates a temporary record of type@p AEDesc @dfor the extent of the macro.WITH-BACK-COLOR@icolor@p @d{@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]sets the background color of the window to@i color@p @dand executes@i form.@p @dWhen the body of the macro exits, the old background color is restored. This macro should be used only with a port set; that is, it should be used within the dynamic extent of a call to with-port or with-focused-view. If Color QuickDraw is not present or color is nil, the color is not set.WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT@p(@i[@p:override @ioverride]@p) @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds. Compiler actions (such as warnings) normally deferred until the end of compilation will be performed upon leaving the outermost call to @pWITH-COMPILATION-UNIT@d. If @ioverride@d is true, deferred actions will be performed at the innermost call for which @ioverride@d is true.WITH-CONDITION-RESTARTS@icondition-form@p @irestarts-form@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]evaluates @icondition-form@d and @irestarts-form@d, then evaluates @iform@ds in an environment with each restart (in the list generated by @irestarts-form@d) associated with the condition generated by @icondition-form@d.WITH-CURSOR@icursor@p {@iform@p}@d*@p @d[@iMacro@d]executes@i body@p @dwith the cursor set to@i cursor@d.@p @dWITH-DEREFERENCED-HANDLES@d(@p{@d(@ivariable@p @ihandle@d)@p}@d+)@p {@iform@p}@d+ [@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith each@i variable@p @dbound to the locked, dereferenced@i handle@d.@p @dOnly previously unlocked handles are locked.WITH-FOCUSED-DIALOG-ITEM@d(@iitem@p @d&optional@i container@d)@p {@iforms@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]focuses on the font of a view and on the drawing environment of the viewÕs container and executes@p with-focused-view@d. When the body exits (normally or abnormally), the old view is restored.@pWITH-FOCUSED-VIEW@iview@p {@iforms@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith the current GrafPort set for drawing into@i view@d.@p @dThis involves setting the current GrafPort and setting the origin and clip region so that drawing occurs in@i view@d.@p @dWhen the forms exit, normally or abnormally, the old drawing environment is restored.@pWITH-FONT-FOCUSED-VIEW@iview@p {@iforms@p}*@d[@iMacro@d]similar to@p with-focused-view@d, but additionally sets the font information according to the font of@i view@d.@pWITH-FORE-COLOR@icolor@p @d{@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith the fore-color of the window set to@i fore-color@d.@p @dThe fore-color is reset when the@i forms@p @dexit.@p @dThis macro should be used only with a port set; that is, it should be used within the dynamic extent of a call to with-port or with-focused-view. If Color QuickDraw is not present or color is nil, the color is not set.@bWITH-HASH-TABLE-ITERATOR@p(@iname@p @ihash-table@p) @ideclaration*@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds in an environment which defines @p(@iname@p)@d to return successive entries of @ihash-table@d. Each entry consists of three values: the first value is true when an entry is returned. The second and third values (returned only when the first value is true) are the key and value, respectively, of the hash table entry.WITH-INPUT-FROM-STRING@d(@ivar@p @istring@p @d{@ikeyword@p @ivalue@d}*) {@ideclaration@d}* {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith@i var@p @dbound to an input stream that reads characters from@i string@p @dand returns the results from the last@i form@p @dof the body. The@i keyword@p @doptions are@p :index@d,@p :start@d, and@p :end@d.@p @dThe stream created by this macro is always of type@p string-stream.@dwith-lock-grabbed@p(@ilock@p &optional @ilock-owner@p @iwhostate@p) &body @ibody@d[@iMacro@d]executes @ibody@d while @ilock@d is held. After executing @ibody@d, @ilock@d is released. The @ilock-owner@ defaults to the current process. The string @iwhostate@d describes the reason the process holds the @ilock@d.WITH-OPEN-FILE@p(@istream filename@p {@ioption@p}@d*)@p {@ideclaration@p}@d*@p {@iform@p}@d*[@iMacro@d]evaluates the@i form@ds with a stream@i stream@p @dthat reads or writes to@i filename@d,@p @dand returns the value of the last form. The file is closed when the body of the@p with-open-file @dexits, even if the exit is through an@p error@d,@p throw@d, or@p return@d.WITH-OPEN-STREAM@d(@ivariable@p @istream@d)@i @d{@ideclaration@d}* {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]evaluates the@i forms@p @dwith@i stream@p @dopen and bound to@i variable@d.@p @dThe@i stream@p @dis guaranteed to be closed when@p with-open-stream @dexits, even if the exit is abnormal (as through a@p throw@d). The stream created by@p with-open-stream @dis always of type@p file-stream.@dWITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING@d(@ivar@p @d[@istring@p @d[@p:element-type@i type@d]]) {@ideclaration@d}* {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith@i var@p @dbound to a string output stream. If@i string@p @dis supplied, it must be adjustable and have a fill-pointer. The value of the last@i form@p @dis returned. If@p nil @dis supplied instead of@i string@d,@p @dthe@p :element-type @dkeyword may be used to specify what characters must be accepted by the created stream. The stream created by this macro is always of type@p string-stream.@dWITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR@d(@imname@p @ipackage-list@p @d{@isymbol-type@d}*) {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]@imname@p @dis defined as if by@p macrolet @dwith@i form@ds as its lexical scope, such that each invocation of (@imname@d) returns a symbol. Successive invocations eventually deliver all the symbols matching@i symbol-type@ds from the packages that are the elements of@i package-list@d,@p @dwhich is evaluated exactly once. Each invocation of@i mname@p @dreturns@p nil @dif there are no more symbols to be processed in the current package. If symbols remain to be processed, the function returns four values:@p t@d, the symbol, a keyword indicating its accessibility, and the package from which it was accessed. WITH-POINTERS@d(@p{@d(@ivariable@p @ipointer-or-handle@d)@p}@d+)@p {@iform@p}@d+ [@iMacro@d]binds@i variable@p @dto the pointer for each@i pointer-or-handle@p @dthat is a pointer and binds@i variable@p @dto the locked, dereferenced handle for each@i pointer-or-handle@p @dthat is a handle, then executes@i forms.@p @dWhen binding handles,@p with-pointers @dacts just like@p with-dereferenced-handles. @dIf@i pointer-or-handle@p @dis neither a pointer nor a handle, signals an error. WITH-PORT@igrafport@p {@iform@p}@d*@p@d[@iMacro@d]executes the@i form@ds with@i grafport@p @das the current GrafPort. Upon exit, the previous current GrafPort is restoredWITH-PSTRS@d(@p{@d(@isymbol@p @istring@d)@p}@d+)@p {@iform@p}@d+ [@iMacro@d]allocates memory for each@i string@d,@p @dstores@i string@p @din this memory in the Pascal string format, and binds the corresponding@i symbol@p @dto a pointer to the memory.WITH-RETURNED-PSTRS@d(@p{@d(@isymbol@p @istring@d)@p}@d+)@p {@iform@p}@d+ [@iMacro@d]allocates 256 bytes for each@i string@d,@p @dstores@i string@p @din this memory in the Pascal string format, and binds the corresponding@i symbol@p @dto a pointer to the memory. The memory slots are guaranteed to be large enough to hold returned strings.WITH-RGB@d(@ivariable@p @icolor@d) {@iform@d}*[@iMacro@d]executes@i forms@p @dwith@i variable@p @dbound to an RGB color record equivalent to@i color@d.@p @dThe record is automatically deallocated when the@i body-forms@p @dexit.@bWITH-SIMPLE-RESTART@p(@iname@p @iformat-control@p @iformat-argument*@p) @iform8@d[@iMacro@d]establishes a restart with the given @iname@d (or an anonymous restart if @iname@d is @pNIL@d), then executes @iform@ds. If the restart is invoked, @iformat-control@d and @iformat-argument@ds are used to report the restart, then @iWITH-SIMPLE-RESTART@p returns the values @pNIL@d and @pT@d. If the restart is not invoked, @pWITH-SIMPLE-RESTART@d returns the values of the last @iform@d.WITH-SLOTS@p(@i@islot-entry*@p) @iinstance-form@p @ideclaration*@p @iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds with some slots of the object named by @iinstance-form@d accessible as if they were lexical variables.WITH-STANDARD-IO-SYNTAX@iform*@d[@iMacro@d]executes @iform@ds with standard reader and printer behavior enforced through binding all (both standard and implementation defined) read/print control variables.without-interrupts@p&body @ibody@d[@iSpecial Form@d]inhibits scheduling during execution of @ibody@d.with-process-enqueued@p(@iqueue@p &optional @iqueue-owner@p @iwhostate@p @i(signal-dequeue-errors t)@p) &body @ibody@d[@iMacro@d]executes @ibody@d while @iqueue@d is controlled by @iqueue-owner@d. After executing @ibody@d, @iqueue-owner@d relinquishes control of @iqueue@d. The @iqueue-owner@d defaults to the current process. The string @iwhostate@ describes the reason for which the process is enqueued. When @isignal-dequeue-errors@d is true (the default), an error is signaled if @iqueue-owner@d does not control @iqueue@d when @pPROCESS-DEQUEUE@d is called on exiting @pWITH-PROCESS-ENQUEUE@d.@p&body@i body@p@d[@iSpecial@p @iForm@d]executes@i body@p @dwith all event processing disabled. %WORD-TO-INT@ifixnum@d[@iFunction@d]sign-extends the low word of@i fixnum@p @dto a full integer value.@bWPTR@iview@p@d[@iGeneric@p @iFunction@d]holds the pointer to the window record on the Macintosh heap@i @dassociated with@i view@d.@p @dIt can be used for directly examining the window record or for passing a window-pointer to Macintosh traps. This variable will return@p nil @dif the window has been closed or if the@i view@p @dis not installed in a window.WPTR-FONT-CODES@iwptr@d[@iFunction@d]returns the font codes of@i wptr.@dWRITE@iobject@p &key :stream :escape :radix :base :circle :pretty :level :length :case :gensym :array :readably :right-margin :miser-width :lines :pprint-dispatch :simple-bit-vector :simple-vector :string-length :structure@d[@iFunction@d]writes the printed representation of@i object@p @dto the stream specified by@p :stream @dand returns@i object@d.@p @dThe other keyword arguments specify values used to control the printed representation; each defaults to the value of its corresponding global variable.WRITE-BYTE@iinteger@p @ibinary-output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]writes one byte, the value of@i integer@d,@p @dto@i binary-output-stream@d.@p @dIt is an error if@i integer@p @dis not of the type specified as the@p :element-type @dargument for@i binary-output-stream@d.WRITE-CHAR@icharacter@p &optional@i output-stream@d[@iFunction@d]writes@i character@p @dto@i output-stream@d,@p @dand returns@i character.WRITE-LINE@istring@p &optional@i output-stream@p &key :start :end@d[@iFunction@d]sends the specified portion of@i string@p @dto@i output-stream@p @d(which defaults to@p *standard-output*@d), followed by a newline, and returns@i string@d.WRITE-SEQUENCE@isequence@p @istream@p &key @istart@p @iend@d[@iFunction@d]writes elements of @iseqence@d to @istream@d. A subsequence may be specified using @istart@d and @iend@d. Returns @isequence@d.@istring@p &optional@i stream@p &key :start :end@d[@iFunction@d]sends the specified portion of@i string@p @dto@i stream@p @d(which defaults to@p *standard-output*@d), and returns@i string@d.WRITE-TO-STRING@ithing@p &key :escape :radix :base :circle :pretty :level :length :case :gensym :array :readably :right-margin :miser-width :lines :pprint-dispatch :simple-bit-vector :simple-vector :string-length :structure@d[@iFunction@d]@ithing@p @dis printed, as if by@p write@d, but the output is collected in a string, which is returned.XOR-REGION@iregion1@p @iregion2@p &optional@i dest-region@d[@iFunction@d]returns a region that consists of all the points that are in@i region1@p @dor@i region2@d,@p @dbut not both. The result is returned in@i dest-region@d,@p @dif supplied, or else in a newly created region.Y-OR-N-DIALOG@imessage@p &key :size :position :yes-text :no-text :cancel-text :help-spec@d[@iFunction@d]displays the standard Macintosh ÒYesÓ, ÒNoÓ, ÒCancelÓ dialog, and returns when the user makes a choice. If the user clicks the cancel button, a throw to@p :cancel @dis performed. The keywords can be used to change the text of the buttons.Y-OR-N-P@p&optional@i format-string@p &rest@i format-args@d[@iFunction@d]prints a message from@i format-string@p @dand@i format-args@d,@p @dfollowed by@p (y or n)@d, and waits for the user to type y or n. Returns@p T @dif the user typed y, or@p nil @dif the user typed n.*YELLOW-COLOR* @d[@iVariable@d]The color yellow, encoded as a fixnum.@bYES-OR-NO-P@p&optional@i format-string@p &rest@i args@d[@iFunction@d]prints a message from@i format-string@p @dand@i args@d,@p @dfollowed by@p (yes or no)@d, and waits for the user to type yes or no followed by a carriage return. Returns@p t @dif the user typed yes,@p nil @dif the user typed no.ZEROP@inumber@d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i number@p @dis zero (either the integer zero, a floating-point zero, or a complex zero); otherwise returns@p nil@d.@p (zerop -0.0) @dis always true.ZONE-POINTERP@ithing@p @d[@iFunction@d]returns true if@i thing@p @dis a pointer to a non-relocatable system or application heap zone memory block, otherwise returns@p nil@d.