The NDS bioCADDIE pilot consists of the following components:
- Indri, Lucene, and ElasticSearch indexes and index creation scripts/configuration files.
- Java utility classes to convert the bioCADDIE and PubMed data to TREC text format.
- ir-tools framework for evaluation which supports evaluation over both Indri and Lucene indexes and implements the RM3 and Rocchio expansion models.
- A set of scripts to run the baseline and expansion models, sweeping parameter combinations. The scripts can be used with GNU
or Kubernetes for parallelization. - Java utilility classes to generate RM3 and BM25+Rocchio queries from Indri and Lucene indexes.
- A set of scripts to generate
output for model comparison. - Java utility class and wrapper scripts to perform leave-one-query-out cross-validation for parameter estimation, optimizing for multiple metrics.
scripts to compare retrieval models using a one-tailed t-test.- A prototype ElasticSearch plugin that implements BM25+Rocchio expansion.
- A prototype ElasicSearch plugin that implements the repository prior calculation.