###Version 1.3 (11/6/2014)
- update settings.py to allow for either PostgreSQL or MySQL.
- started tagging releases in git.
###Version 1.2 (11/1/2014)
- Allow for static file distribution via /static folder and STATICFILES_DIR directive (thanks to just10minutes).
###Version 1.1
- Fix some Python 3.x compatibility bugs
- Optimize wsgi.py usage, use stock django wsgi.py file instead of manually created one.
- create requirements.txt for local usage, remove django 1.7x out of setup.py.
###Version 1.0 Intial release to github.
- Ready to use for local development.
- Easy to push to Openshift.
- Works with PostgreSQL.
- Minimal changes to default django 1.7 installation.
- Names follow the django 1.7x tutorial.
- Uses new folder layout from Openshift March 2014 release.
- Allows for debug mode on Openshift with the help of an environment variable.