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Porting Orange2 widgets to Orange3

Aleš Erjavec edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 11 revisions


  • The widget meta data descriptions (name, desciption, icon, ...) are moved into the OWWidget's class namespace. E.g. in Orange2 the widget meta definitions would look like

    <description>An awesome widget</description>


    NAME = "Widget"
    DESCRIPTION = "An awesome widget"
    ICON = 

    defined at the module level namespace

    In Orange 3 this is changed to

    class OWAwesome(OWWidget):
        #: Widget's descriptive name
        name = "Widget"
        #: A short widget description
        description = "An awesome widget"
        #: An icon resource file path for this widget
        #: (a path relative to the module where this widget is defined)
        icon = "icons/someicon.svg"
        #: Priority within a category
        priority = 0
        #: A list of input definitions (here an input named "Bar" taking a
        #: value of type `object`, and specifying that a method "set_foo" is
        #: the one to receive the input)
        inputs = [("Foo", object, "set_foo")]
        #: A list of output definitions (here on output named "Bar"
        #: of type object)
        outputs = [("Bar", object)]
        def set_foo(self, foo):
            """Set the foo widget input"""
  • The OWWidget.__init__ method no longer takes any parameters. The signalManager and title are no longer passed to the __init__, while the parameters specifying the requested GUI layout, ... are (again) defined in the widget's class namespace. E.g. what was once in Orange2

    class FooWidget(OWWidget):
        def __init__(self, parent=None, signalManager=None, title="blabla"):
            OWWidget.__init__(self, parent, signalManager, title, wantMainArea=False, ...)

    is now changed to

    class FooWidget(OWWidget):
        #: Do not want the default layout with the main area.
        want_main_area = False
        def __init__(self):