Roadmap to become a Backend(Node.js) Developer in 2024
Below you can find a chart demonstrating the paths that you can take and the libraries that you would want to learn to become a Node.js(backend) developer. I made this roadmap as a tip for all my juniors who ask me, "What should I learn next as a Node.js developer?"
The purpose of this roadmap is to give you an idea about the landscape. The road map will guide you if you are confused about what to learn next, rather than encouraging you to pick what is hip and trendy. Also I have written preferrable if I have used that tool so that it might help you a bit. (P.S.: Image source: Internet)
If you like or are using this project to learn or start your solution, please give it a star. Thanks!
- visualstudioCode (preferrable)
- atom
- w3schools JavaScript Tutorial
- developer.mozilla JavaScript
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- htmlcheatsheet JS CheatSheet
- exploringjs Exploring ES6
- es6-features ECMAScript 6 — New Features: Overview & Comparison
- jsfeatures jsfeatures
Style Guide
- js-array-playground JavaScript Array Playground
- jsfiddle
- plnkr
- jsbin
- codepen
- stackblitz
Build Tools
Web Frameworks
API Clients
- SuperAgent
- axios (preferrable)
- GraphQL
Real-Time Communication
- Socket.IO (preferrable)
- Message-Broker
- RabbitMQ
- Apache Kafka (preferrable)
- ActiveMQ
- Azure Service Bus
- Message-Bus
- Message-Broker
Task Scheduling
- sequelize Sequelize is a promise-based Node-js ORM that is compatible with Maria DB, Postgress, MySQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL
- Mongoose (preferrable) mongodb object modeling for node.js
- knex A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite3 and Oracle, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
- typeorm ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
- Relational
- PostgreSQL
- MySQL (preferrable)
- MariaDB
- SQL Server
- Oracle
- Cloud Databases
- Redis
- [MongoDB]( first-mongo-app) (preferrable)
- Apache Cassandra
- LiteDB
- RavenDB
- CouchDB
- Relational
Security Libraries
- bcryptjs (preferrable)
- cors (preferrable)
- jsonwebtoken (preferrable)
- express-jwt
- joi
- Passport JS (preferrable)
- Auth0 (preferrable)
- nodemailer
Utility Libraries
- JSHint
- commander
- Async.js (preferrable)
- Lodash (preferrable)
- Moment
- classnames
- Numeral
- ImmutableJS
- Ramda
Type Checkers
- PropTypes
- TypeScript (preferrable)
- Flow
- Log Frameworks
- Node-Loggly (preferrable)
- Winston
- Node-Bunyan
- Morgan
- Log Management System
- Log Frameworks
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