Create a payment request that will be used by the Bitcoin-Express wallet to display the initial payment information.
URL : /createPaymentRequest
Method : POST
Auth required : YES
Permissions required : None
Data constraints
Provide the Payment basic information.
"ack_memo": "string - purchase information stored and displayed at the wallet's item section",
"amount": "float (required) - amount of the payment",
"auth": "string (required) - authentication code",
"currency": "string - valid currency for this payment. If not set, it will use the default merchant_config.defaultCurrency",
"email": {
"contact": "string - contact email of the merchat",
"receipt": "boolean - send receipt to users after payment",
"refund": "boolean - refunds allowed"
"expires": "string - seconds from now when the payment must expire. If not set by default expires will be set from the value of merchant_config.defaultTimeout",
"issuers": "array[string] - list of acceptable issuers",
"memo": "string (required) - short description of the item, preferably in the buyer's preferred language",
"merchant_data": "string - typically a reference that is meaningful to the merchant – for example an invoice number",
"return_url": "string - the url returned when the payment is successful, when the item is a link to the product. Otherwise the return_url will be set as: 'domain: ' + merchant_config.domain",
Data example "auth", "amount" and "memo" fields are required and must be sent.
"ack_memo": "Success paid for 'The art of asking'",
"amount": 0.0000095,
"auth": "dummy_password",
"currency": "XBT",
"issuers": ["", ""],
"memo": "The art of asking",
"return_url": "",
Condition : If everything is OK the Payment Request to be used by the Bitcoin-express wallet.
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"amount": 0.0000095,
"currency": "XBT",
"issuers": ["",""],
"memo": "The art of asking",
"contact": "",
"receipt": true,
"refund": false
"payment_id": "97e00590-aa8a-11e8-a18f-4d64691098e6",
"payment_url": "https://testserver/pay",
"expires": "2018-08-28T06:25:26.505Z"
Condition : Wrong body parameters or incorrect authentication.
Code : 400 BAD REQUEST
Headers : https://testserver/createPaymentRequest
Content : string
Content example
Incorrect amount