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153 lines (104 loc) · 4.37 KB

#Grunt Git Flow Bump


Build Status

This bumps your git project according to an opinionated git workflow.

Set up your MAJOR, and MINOR branch name, from which merges will trigger according versions and all other branch merges will be considered PATCH.

This grunt task has been developed with continuous delivery in mind, when it may be impractical to bump manually.

Never concern yourself with what kind of bumping to give your next version again. Let your workflow do the talking.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-git-flow-bump --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:



In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named gitFlowBump to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig(). The options (and defaults) are:

  gitFlowBump: {
    options: {
      files: ['package.json'],
      updateConfigs: [], // array of config properties to update (with files)

      majorBranch: 'remotes/origin/release',
      minorBranch: 'remotes/origin/develop',
      patchBranch: '*',
      masterOnly: true,

      forceGitVersion: false,
      gitDescribeOptions: '--tags --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d',

      postBumpTasks: [], //tasks to run between versioning and git tag, commit, push

      commit: true,
      commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION%',
      commitFiles: ['package.json'],

      createTag: true,
      tagName: 'v%VERSION%',
      tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%',

      push: true,
      pushTo: 'upstream'




Type: Array Default value: ['package.json']

Maybe you wanna bump 'component.json' instead? Or maybe both: ['package.json', 'component.json']? Can be either a list of files to bump (an array of files) or a grunt glob (e.g., ['*.json']).




Type: Array Default value: []

Sometimes you load the content of package.json into a grunt config. This will update the config property, so that even tasks running in the same grunt process see the updated value.

gitFlowBump: {
  files:         ['package.json', 'component.json'],
  updateConfigs: ['pkg',          'component']


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Should the changes be committed? False if you want to do additional things.


Type: String Default value: Release v%VERSION%

If so, what is the commit message ? You can use %VERSION% which will get replaced with the new version.


Type: Array Default value: ['package.json']

An array of files that you want to commit. You can use ['-a'] to commit all files.


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Create a Git tag?


Type: String Default value: v%VERSION%

If options.createTag is set to true, then this is the name of that tag (%VERSION% placeholder is available).


Type: String Default value: Version %VERSION%

If options.createTag is set to true, then yep, you guessed right, it's the message of that tag - description (%VERSION% placeholder is available).


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Push the changes to a remote repo?


Type: String Default value: upstream

If options.push is set to true, which remote repo should it go to?


Type: String Default value: --tags --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d

Options to use with $ git describe


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Replace all occurrences of the version in the file. When set to false, only the first occurrence will be replaced.