Implementation of EigenFold: Generative Protein Structure Prediction with Diffusion Models by Bowen Jing, Ezra Erives, Peter Pao-Huang, Gabriele Corso, Bonnie Berger, Tommi Jaakkola.
EigenFold is a diffusion generative model for protein structure prediction (i.e., known sequence -> distribution of structures). It is based on harmonic diffusion, which incorporates bond constraints in the diffusion modeling framework and results in a cascading-resolution generative process. This repository focuses on the experimental setting described in the paper---using OmegaFold embeddings to produce an ensemble of predicted backbone structures---but should be extensible to other settings.
Please contact with any comments or issues.
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 -f
pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric -f
pip install e3nn pyyaml wandb biopython matplotlib pandas
We use python=3.10.9
, but any reasonably recent version should be fine.
Download the OmegaFold weights and install the modified OmegaFold repository.
git clone
pip install --no-deps -e OmegaFold
Finally install the LDDT and TMScore binaries and add them to your PATH
All results are obtained from sampled structures in ./pretrained_model
and reference structures in ./structures
. The numbers can be reproduced by running single_structure_analysis.ipynb
and ensemble_analysis.ipynb
. To reproduce the sampled structures themselves, first generate OmegaFold embeddings
python --out_dir ./embeddings --splits [SPLIT_CSV]
where [SPLIT_CSV]
is one of the provided splits/{cameo_2022.csv, codnas.csv, apo.csv}
. This step will take 30 mins to 1 hour per split. Then run
python --model_dir ./pretrained_model --ckpt --pdb_dir ./structures --embeddings_dir ./embeddings --embeddings_key name --elbo --num_samples 5 --alpha 1 --beta 3 --elbo_step 0.2 --splits [SPLIT_CSV]
Note that this will overwrite the provided sampled structures.
To run inference on new sequences, prepare a CSV file with columns name
, seqres
(see provided splits for examples) and run
python --out_dir ./embeddings --splits [NEW_CSV]
to generate OmegaFold embeddings. Finally run
python --model_dir ./pretrained_model --ckpt --embeddings_dir ./embeddings --embeddings_key name --elbo --num_samples 5 --alpha 1 --beta 3 --elbo_step 0.2 --splits [NEW_CSV]
A directory with samples and trajectories and a CSV file with ELBOs and validation metrics will be created in --model_dir
. If the reference structures are not found in the --pdb_dir
, validation metrics will be nan
. The inference speed will vary based on the settings, but the provided command will take a few hours to run.
To retrain the model, first download structures from the PDB (will take several hours depending on internet speed)
bash ./data
Prepare the chains dataframe and splits (approx 50 worker-hours)
python --num_workers [N]
This will also reproduce (and overwrite) splits/{cameo2021.csv, codnas.csv, apo.csv}
Run OmegaFold to make the embeddings, which can be parallelized across GPUs follows
for i in {0..7}; do
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$i python --splits splits/limit256.csv --reference_only --num_workers 8 --worker_id $i &
With 8 GPUs, it should take about 12hrs to generate embeddings for 63k unique sequences in limit256.csv
Finally launch training (default settings as used in the paper)
python --splits splits/limit256.csv
The model checkpoints will be saved under workdir/[UNIX_TIME]
, timestamped according to the launch time. The training speed is approximate 12hrs / epoch.
title={EigenFold: Generative Protein Structure Prediction with Diffusion Models},
author={Bowen Jing and Ezra Erives and Peter Pao-Huang and Gabriele Corso and Bonnie Berger and Tommi Jaakkola},