This is for Android.
- android-ndk
- cargo-ndk
- toolchain installed (
rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi
set ANDROID_NDK_HOME \tools\android-ndk-r26c
cargo ndk --target=armv7-linux-androideabi build --release
\tools\adb\adb.exe push target\armv7-linux-androideabi\release\bench /data/local/tmp
\tools\adb\adb.exe shell
In the shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod +x bench
or just use run.bat
Start a hotspot on your Android phone. Figure out the HOST_IP (e.g. connect with dhcp
example and use the gateway address).
Then use bench
or embassy_bench
My idea was to put the phone and the ESP32 into a shielded box but I haven't found anything that shields signals good enough. Still I can put the two devices aside and get less varying results.