- python 3.8
- pytorch 1.7.0
- torchvision 0.8.0
- hydra 1.1.0
- Please get the train/test split files for each dataset from Google Drive and put them in
. - Download videos from following links, or contact the corresponding authors for the access. Save them to
- ActivityNet-v1.3
- Mini-Kinetics. Please download Kinetics 400. For Mini-Kinetics used in our paper, you need to use the train/val splits file from AR-Net.
- Extract frames using ops/video_jpg.py, the frames will be saved to
. Minor modifications on file path are needed when extracting frames from different dataset.
Please download pre-trained weights and checkpoints from Google Drive.
- globalcnn.pth.tar: pre-trained weights for global CNN (MobileNet-v2).
- localcnn.pth.tar: pre-trained weights for local CNN (ResNet-50).
- 128checkpoint.pth.tar: checkpoint of stage 1 with patch size 128x128.
- 160checkpoint.pth.tar: checkpoint of stage 1 with patch size 160x160.
- 192checkpoint.pth.tar: checkpoint of stage 1 with patch size 192x192.
- 128s3_checkpoint.pth.tar: checkpoint to reproduce the result in paper with patch size 128x128.
- 160s3_checkpoint.pth.tar: checkpoint to reproduce the result in paper with patch size 160x160.
- 192s3_checkpoint.pth.tar: checkpoint to reproduce the result in paper with patch size 192x192.
- Here we take training the model with patch size 128x128 on ActivityNet dataset for example.
- All logs and checkpoints will be saved in the directory:
- Note that we store a set of default hyper-parameters in conf/default.yaml which can be overrided through command line. You can also use your own config files.
- Before training, please initialize Global CNN and Local CNN by fine-tuning the ImageNet pre-trained models in Pytorch using the following command:
for Global CNN:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main_dist.py dataset=actnet data_dir=PATH_TO_DATASET train_stage=0 batch_size=64 workers=8 dropout=0.8 lr_type=cos backbone_lr=0.01 epochs=15 dist_url=tcp:// random_patch=true patch_size=128 glance_size=224 eval_freq=5 consensus=gru hidden_dim=1024 pretrain_glancer=true
for Local CNN:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main_dist.py dataset=actnet data_dir=PATH_TO_DATASET train_stage=0 batch_size=64 workers=8 dropout=0.8 lr_type=cos backbone_lr=0.01 epochs=15 dist_url=tcp:// random_patch=true patch_size=128 glance_size=224 eval_freq=5 consensus=gru hidden_dim=1024 pretrain_glancer=false
- Training stage 1, pre-trained weights for Global CNN and Local CNN are required:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main_dist.py dataset=actnet data_dir=PATH_TO_DATASET train_stage=1 batch_size=64 workers=8 dropout=0.8 lr_type=cos backbone_lr=0.0005 fc_lr=0.05 epochs=50 dist_url=tcp:// random_patch=true patch_size=128 glance_size=224 eval_freq=5 consensus=gru hidden_dim=1024 pretrained_glancer=PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS pretrained_focuser=PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS
- Training stage 2, a stage-1 checkpoint is required:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_dist.py dataset=actnet data_dir=PATH_TO_DATASET train_stage=2 batch_size=64 workers=8 dropout=0.8 lr_type=cos backbone_lr=0.0005 fc_lr=0.05 epochs=50 random_patch=false patch_size=128 glance_size=224 action_dim=49 eval_freq=5 consensus=gru hidden_dim=1024 resume=PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS multiprocessing_distributed=false distributed=false
- Training stage 3, a stage-2 checkpoint is required:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_dist.py dataset=actnet data_dir=PATH_TO_DATASET train_stage=3 batch_size=64 workers=8 dropout=0.8 lr_type=cos backbone_lr=0.0005 fc_lr=0.005 epochs=10 random_patch=false patch_size=128 glance_size=224 action_dim=49 eval_freq=5 consensus=gru hidden_dim=1024 resume=PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS multiprocessing_distributed=false distributed=false
- Here we take evaluating model with patch size 128x128 on ActivityNet for example.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main_dist.py dataset=actnet data_dir=PATH_TO_DATASET train_stage=3 batch_size=64 workers=8 dropout=0.8 lr_type=cos backbone_lr=0.0005 fc_lr=0.005 epochs=10 random_patch=false patch_size=128 glance_size=224 action_dim=49 eval_freq=5 consensus=gru hidden_dim=1024 resume=PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS multiprocessing_distributed=false distributed=false evaluate=true
We use the implementation of MobileNet-v2 and ResNet from Pytorch source code. We also borrow some codes for dataset preparation from AR-Net and PPO from here.