Organized by effort, in rough priority/importance order.
Most if not all of these are public release blockers.
- make one-shot operation default; replace with "live" option. reduce confusion.
- clean up cli/log output a bit more
- change HTTP UA
- validate that heroku env is operating with correct node env
- make require order consistent (external modules then local modules)
- clean up internal terminology/nomenclature (tracks, songs, tracklist)
- add editorconfig, etc.
- add npm dependency check tool
- specify versions of external dependencies (mongodb)
- rename project
- add readme, requirements, install/deploy instructions
- investigate proper npm packaging/versioning/releasing
- extend data normalization rules to allow for extensive recipes
- clean up album titles (remove 'Disc x of y', etc.)
- address charset issues
- implement '--limit' argument to fetch (stop after x number of items)
- proper error handling and exit codes
- add external persistent queues, optimize architecture for free heroku tier
- mongodb? redis? ...?
- 'fetchQueue' command mode to operate as a worker
- 'addToQueue' command mode to add to external queue
- 'queueStatus' command mode to report on status
- HTTP API interface for adding to queues, status, etc.
- station plugin for WBGO (needs: HTML parsing, date range support, data normalization)
- add optional file transport for logger that outputs log level + timestamp, new file for each run.
- timezone math via moment.js
- learn more about mongoDB best practices (index, profiling, etc.)
- ES6 syntax
- schema validation
- add tests w/ HTTP request mocking
- browsing/searching/reporting
- CLI interface
- front-end client
- etc.
- metadata retrieval scheme
- database migration
- dockerize
- consider normalizing (unflatten) data model