Free Pinewood Derby and Raingutter Regatta program and software, perfect for BSA, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Awana, and Youth Groups.
This app works with both elapsed-time and points methods of scoring.
Works offline, nothing to download or install, no accounts or registration required.
Instructions for use are located on the website.
- developed using the webpack-express-boilerplate
- react.js
- redux
- react-router
- client-side storage
##Offline Access
- HTML5 Application Cache allows offline access after first initial page load
- All data is stored on the client utilizing localforage
- npm run build compiles to /dist
- Runs completely client-side, can be deployed to a simple apache server
- htaccess is included to set mime-type text/cache-manifest and redirect all requests to / (client handles routing)
- place in root of web host directory