This guide will help you understand how to create a sequence with Hyv to process multiple agents. You will learn how to chain agents to follow a main goal while generating new tasks.
You should have a basic understanding of TypeScript and have the Hyv library installed in your project.
First, import the necessary modules from the Hyv library.
import { Agent, sequence } from "@hyv/core";
import { GPTModelAdapter } from "@hyv/openai";
Next, create a new agent with the GPTModelAdapter and set the verbosity to 1.
const agent = new Agent(new GPTModelAdapter(), { verbosity: 1 });
Now, you can run the sequence with a message and an array of agents.
try {
await sequence({ question: "What is life?" }, [agent]);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
To add more agents, you can create additional agents and include them in the array passed to the sequence function.
const mainGoal = "Make the world a better place!";
const numberOfAgent = 5;
// Create an array of agents
const agents = Array.from<undefined, Agent>(
{ length: numberOfAgent },
() =>
new Agent(
new GPTModelAdapter({
// Use a larger/better model
model: "gpt-4",
// Adust the system instruction so that an agent creates a new task
systemInstruction: createInstruction(
"think about the task, reason your thoughts, create a new task based on your decision!",
thoughts: "detailed string",
reason: "detailed string",
task: "full and detailed task without references",
async before({ task }) {
// Only use the mainGoal and task
return {
verbosity: 1,
try {
await sequence({ task: mainGoal }, agents);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
After running the sequence, you should expect to see the output of each agent in the console.
You have now learned how to create a sequence with Hyv to process multiple agents. This allows you to chain agents together to follow a main goal while generating new tasks.
Hyv, TypeScript, sequence, agents, GPTModelAdapter, multi-agent processing