These are some components and modules designed to make working with streamlit easier.
I had a project that required some of these parts, I tried some other community projects that were similar, but none of them had the features I required, so I ended up rewriting my own implementations of them.
Install from PyPI with pip:
python3 -m pip install streamlit-base-extras
Requires Streamlit 1.23.1+ and Python 3.10+,
Page router with various features.
import random
import streamlit as st
from streamlitextras.router import get_router
router = None
def main():
global router
pages = {
"main": main_page,
"other": another_page,
router = get_router()
router.delayed_init() # This is required to make sure current Router stays in session state
computed_chance = random.randrange(10)
if computed_chance > 1:
router.route("other", computed_chance)
def main_page(page_state = None):
st.write("This is the main.")
def another_page(page_state = None):
st.write(f"This is another page, you're lucky to be here. Number {page_state} lucky.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the package readme or API docs for more details.
Component function to manage in-browser cookies from streamlit.
import streamlit as st
from streamlitextras.cookiemanager import get_cookie_manager
cookie_manager = None
def main():
global cookie_manager
cookie_manager = get_cookie_manager()
cookie_manager.delayed_init() # Makes sure CookieManager stays in st.session_state
cookie_manager.set("my_cookie_name", "I'm a cookie!")
my_cookie_value = cookie_manager.get("my_cookie_name")
print(my_cookie_value) # "I'm a cookie"
my_cookies = cookie_manager.get_all()
print(my_cookies) # {"my_cookie_name": "I'm a cookie!"}
my_cookie_value = cookie_manager.get("my_cookie_name")
print(my_cookie_value) # None
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the package readme or API docs for more details.
Authentication module that creates streamlit register/login forms, and uses firebase auth to register and manage users. Can also be inherited to use a custom authentication provider.
import streamlit as st
from streamlitextras.authenticator import get_auth
auth = None
def main():
global auth
auth = get_auth("my_cookie_name")
auth.delayed_init() # This is required to make sure current Authenticator stays in session state
auth_status = auth.auth_status
user = auth.current_user
if auth_status and user:
st.write(f"Welcome {user.displayName}!")
def auth_page():
info_box = st.container()
if auth.current_form == "login" or not auth.current_form:
user, res, error = auth.login("Login")
if auth.current_form == "register":
res, error = auth.register_user("Register")
elif auth.current_form == "reset_password":
res, error = auth.reset_password("Request password change email")
if res:"Success!")
if error:
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the package readme or API docs for more details.
Makes spawning and working with threading.Threads
with streamlit
import time
import streamlit as st
import reruntrigger_default # This is required so the watcher can rerun from this file
from streamlitextras.threader import lock, trigger_rerun, \
streamlit_thread, get_thread, \
def main():
thread_name = streamlit_thread(my_threaded_function, (5,))
st.write("This should be here before my_threaded_function() is done!")
st.button("Thread info", on_click=button_callback, args=(thread_name,))
def button_callback(thread_name):
# Sometimes streamlit will trigger button callbacks when re-running,
# So we block them if we triggered a rerun recently
if last_trigger_time() < 1:
my_thread = get_thread(thread_name)
st.write(my_thread) # threading.Thread
def my_threaded_function(time):
with lock:
# Do something that might interfere with other threads,
# file operations or setting st.session_state
print(f"Thread done! I slept for {time} seconds.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the package readme or API docs for more details.
Implementation of Loguru set up to work well with this package.
import streamlit as st
from streamlitextras.logger import log
def main():
log.debug("My app just started!")
st.write("My app")
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the package readme or API docs for more details.
See the API docs for a full list of functions and their usage in these files.
Some utility functions to run javascript, wrappers around various javascript routines, and some other browser related formatting utilities.
import streamlit as st
from streamlitextras.webutils import stxs_javascript, get_user_timezone, \
bytes_to_data_uri, trigger_download
def main():
# Returns tz database name can be used with pytz and datetime
timezone = get_user_timezone()
continent, city = timezone.split("/")
stxs_javascript(f"""alert("Hello person from {city}! Welcome to my streamlit app.");"""
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a file")
if uploaded_file:
data_uri = bytes_to_data_uri(uploaded_file)
# Browser will prompt to save the file
trigger_download(data_uri, "The file you just uploaded.renamed")
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the source code.
Class implementation that streamlines creating basic HTML elements with st.markdown, and some other useful functions.
See the source code.
Helper to interact with Google Cloud Storage with a service worker account.
It has some basic wrapper functions to use the service account to manage buckets and blobs, as well as computing hashes from Python bytes objects that match gcloud blobs.
See the source code and the google python api reference for more.
import streamlitextras.storageservice as storageservice
with open("my.file", "rb") as f:
computed_md5_hash = storageservice.compute_bytes_md5hash(
buckets = storageservice.get_buckets() # Returns an iterable
list_buckets = []
for bucket in buckets:
buckets = list_buckets
blobs = get_blobs(buckets[0].name) # Returns an iterable
list_blobs = p[]
for blob in blobs:
blobs = list_blobs
my_file_blob = blobs[0] # my.file
assert my_file_blob.md5_hash == computed_md5_hash # True
You will need to set up a service worker on your google cloud project or
firebase project, and add the details from its .json key to
type = ""
project_id = ""
private_key_id = ""
private_key = ""
client_email = ""
client_id = ""
auth_uri = ""
token_uri = ""
auth_provider_x509_cert_url = ""
client_x509_cert_url = ""
Some utility functions for Python development.
See the source code.