Listens on http port 8080
or https port 9090
and will stream back whatever is published to the events
topic in Kafka.
- bash, jq, nc
- Kubernetes (e.g. Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled)
- kubectl
- helm 3.0+
- sse-cat
- kcat
Requires Server-Sent Events client, such as sse-cat
version 2.0.5
or higher on node
version 14
or higher.
$ npm install -g sse-cat
Requires Kafka client, such as kcat
$ brew install kcat
- installs Zilla and Kafka to the Kubernetes cluster with helm and waits for the pods to start up
- copies the contents of the www directory to the Zilla pod
- creates the
topic in Kafka with thecleanup.policy=compact
topic configuration. - starts port forwarding
$ ./
+ helm install zilla-sse-kafka-fanout chart --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout --create-namespace --wait
NAME: zilla-sse-kafka-fanout
NAMESPACE: zilla-sse-kafka-fanout
STATUS: deployed
++ kubectl get pods --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout --selector -o json
++ jq -r '.items[0]'
+ ZILLA_POD=zilla-1234567890-abcde
+ kubectl cp --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout www zilla-1234567890-abcde:/var/
++ kubectl get pods --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout --selector -o name
+ KAFKA_POD=pod/kafka-1234567890-abcde
+ kubectl exec --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout pod/kafka-1234567890-abcde -- /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic events --config cleanup.policy=compact --if-not-exists
Created topic events.
+ nc -z localhost 8080
+ kubectl port-forward --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout service/zilla 8080 9090
+ kubectl port-forward --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout service/kafka 9092 29092
+ sleep 1
+ nc -z localhost 8080
Connection to localhost port 8080 [tcp/http-alt] succeeded!
+ nc -z localhost 9092
Connection to localhost port 9092 [tcp/XmlIpcRegSvc] succeeded!
Connect sse-cat
client first, then send Hello, world ...
from kcat
producer client.
Note that the Hello, world ...
message will not arrive until after using kcat
to produce the Hello, world ...
message in the next step.
$ sse-cat http://localhost:8080/events
Hello, world ...
$ echo "Hello, world `date`" | kcat -P -b localhost:9092 -t events -k 1
Note that only the latest messages with distinct keys are guaranteed to be retained by a compacted Kafka topic, so use different values for -k
above to retain more than one message in the events
Browse to https://localhost:9090/index.html
and make sure to visit the localhost
site and trust the localhost
Click the Go
button to attach the browser SSE event source to Kafka via Zilla.
All non-compacted messages with distinct keys in the events
Kafka topic are replayed to the browser.
Open the browser developer tools console to see additional logging, such as the open
Additional messages produced to the events
Kafka topic then arrive at the browser live.
Simulate connection loss by stopping the zilla
service in the docker
$ kubectl scale --replicas=0 --namespace=zilla-sse-kafka-fanout deployment/zilla
This causes errors to be logged in the browser console during repeated attempts to automatically reconnect.
Simulate connection recovery by starting the zilla
service again.
$ kubectl scale --replicas=1 --namespace=zilla-sse-kafka-fanout deployment/zilla
# you need to restart the port-forward now
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout service/zilla 8080 9090 > /tmp/kubectl-zilla.log 2>&1 &
Any messages produced to the events
Kafka topic while the browser was attempting to reconnect are now delivered immediately.
Additional messages produced to the events
Kafka topic then arrive at the browser live.
script stops port forwarding, uninstalls Zilla and Kafka and deletes the namespace.
$ ./
+ pgrep kubectl
+ killall kubectl
+ helm uninstall zilla-sse-kafka-fanout --namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout
release "zilla-sse-kafka-fanout" uninstalled
+ kubectl delete namespace zilla-sse-kafka-fanout
namespace "zilla-sse-kafka-fanout" deleted