- updated lambda runtime to 0.13
- updatd metrics to 0.24 Thanks Peter Allwin (peterall) and Andrey Kutejko (andy128k)
- updated lambda runtime to 0.11
- updatd metrics to 0.22.3 Thanks Peter Allwin (peterall)
- updated lambda runtime to 0.9
- removed stability disclaimer
- tested metric properties and confirmed that pretty much any json value will get your metric data to ingest
- updated examples to use info_span! and match casing of lambda power tools
- fixed metrics dependency to 0.21.1
- added Builder::lambda_cold_start_span() for tracking cold starts in traces
- added Collector::write_single() for writing a single metric
- Builder::lambda_cold_start_metric() now calls into Collector::flush_single() under the hood
- removed Collector::flush_to, Collector::flush inputs std::io::Write
- replaced Collector::flush_to_with_timestamp with Builder::with_timestamp
- reduced memory allocations in Collector::flush() by replacing a couple single element vectors with arrays
- eliminated a string copy on metrics::describe_*
- fixed lambda::handler::run_http and lambda::service::run_http
- First draft of the lambda feature
- added MetricsService
- added Builder::lambda_cold_start_metric()
- added Builder::with_lambda_request_id()
- added Builder::with_lambda_xray_trace_id()
- Added a check for more than 30 dimensions/labels
- Fixed repository link
- Added a dependency on tracing so we can emit errors when failing to register a metric or overflowing a histogram
Initial release