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0x1C. C - Makefiles

A Makefile is a special kind of text file used in software development to automate the process of building executable programs or libraries from source code. It is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, and it works by defining rules and dependencies between files, allowing developers to specify how source files should be compiled and linked together.


Filename Description
0-Makefile Builds an executable with all rule
1-Makefile Builds an executable specifying a compiler and source files (CC and SRC variables)
2-Makefile Builds an executable using CC, SRC, OBJ and NAME variables
3-Makefile Builds an executable using clean, oclean, fclean and re rules, and CC, SRC, OBJ, NAME and RM variables
4-Makefile Builds an executable using clean, oclean, fclean and re rules, and CC, SRC, OBJ, NAME, RM and CFLAGS variables Function that returns the perimeter of an island described in grid list
100-Makefile Complete Makefile with all of the variables and rules previously mentioned