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init 4 welcome-everyone
p1 faction gleens
p2 faction itars
p3 faction terrans
p4 faction ivits
gleens build m 2x0
itars build m 3x-3
terrans build m -1x3
terrans build m -5x8
itars build m -2x4
gleens build m -3x0
ivits build PI 2x4
ivits booster booster9
terrans booster booster3
itars booster booster4
gleens booster booster10
ivits income 4pw. income 4pw
gleens up nav.
itars build ts -2x4.
terrans charge 1pw
terrans build m 1x3.
ivits charge 2pw
ivits special space-station. build sp 3x3.
gleens build m 1x-1.
itars charge 1pw
itars build ts 3x-3.
gleens charge 1pw
terrans build ts -1x3.
itars charge 2pw
ivits build m 3x2.
terrans charge 1pw
gleens build ts 1x-1.
itars charge 2pw
itars burn 2. up gaia.
terrans build lab -1x3. tech eco. up eco.
itars charge 2pw
ivits action power3.
gleens build lab 1x-1. tech terra. up terra.
itars charge 2pw
itars special step. build m 3x-2.
gleens charge 2pw
terrans up eco.
ivits build ts 3x2.
terrans charge 1pw
gleens build m -2x-2.
itars action power4.
terrans build gf -1x2.
ivits build lab 3x2. tech free1. up terra.
terrans charge 1pw
gleens burn 2. action power6. build m -4x0.
itars build lab -2x4. tech terra. up terra.
terrans charge 1pw
terrans spend 2pw for 2c. pass booster2
ivits up terra.
gleens build m -6x2.
itars spend 1q for 1o. build PI 3x-3.
gleens charge 2pw
ivits pass booster8
gleens pass booster9
itars spend 2pw for 2c. build gf -5x4.
itars pass booster3
terrans income 2pw. income 1pw
ivits income 4pw
itars income 1t. income 1t
itars spend 4tg for tech. tech free3. up nav. spend 4tg for tech. tech nav. up nav
terrans build m -1x2.
itars charge 1pw
ivits burn 1. action power5.
gleens build ts 2x0.
itars up gaia.
terrans build gf -4x7.
ivits special space-station. build sp 3x1.
gleens spend 2k for 2c. action power6. build m 4x-2.
itars charge 3pw
itars build m -5x4.
terrans build ts 1x3.
ivits charge 3pw
ivits up terra.
gleens pass booster10
itars build m -7x6.
terrans build lab 1x3. tech free1. up eco.
ivits charge 3pw
ivits action power3.
itars spend 1q for 1o. build m 4x-5.
terrans action power4.
ivits build m 0x1.
gleens charge 2pw
terrans charge 2pw
itars spend 3pw for 1o. build m -7x4.
gleens charge 1pw
terrans pass booster4
ivits build m -1x0.
gleens charge 2pw
terrans charge 1pw
itars build gf -3x3.
ivits pass booster9
itars pass booster2
ivits income 4pw. income 4pw
itars income 2t. income 4pw
itars spend 4tg for tech. tech free1. up nav
gleens build ac2 1x-1. tech nav. up nav.
itars charge 3pw
ivits charge 1pw
terrans build ts -1x2.
ivits charge 1pw
itars charge 2pw
ivits action power3.
itars action power4.
gleens spend 1pw for 1c. special q.
terrans up nav.
ivits build ts -1x0.
gleens charge 2pw
terrans charge 2pw
itars build m -3x3.
terrans charge 2pw
gleens spend 1pw for 1c. spend 1q for 1o. build ts 4x-2.
itars charge 3pw
terrans special step. build m -4x3.
itars charge 1pw
ivits build lab -1x0. tech free2. up terra.
gleens charge 2pw
terrans charge 2pw
itars build ts 3x-2.
gleens action power5.
terrans build lab -1x2. tech sci. up sci.
ivits charge 2pw
itars charge 2pw
ivits federation 2x4,3x1,3x2,3x3 fed2.
itars spend 1pw for 1c. spend 1pw for 1c. build lab 3x-2. tech eco. up eco.
gleens decline 3pw
gleens federation 1x-1,1x0,2x0,3x-1,4x-2 fed3.
terrans spend 3pw for 1o. special 4pw.
ivits special space-station. build sp 4x0.
itars burn 1. action power7.
gleens up gaia.
terrans action power1.
ivits spend 1pw for 1c. build m 5x-1.
gleens charge 2pw
itars build gf 2x-1.
gleens up gaia.
terrans up nav.
ivits pass booster8
itars pass booster3
gleens build gf -4x-1.
terrans build m -4x7.
gleens pass booster2
terrans build gf 0x5.
terrans pass booster7
ivits income 4pw
itars income 1t. income 1t
itars spend 4tg for tech. tech sci. up sci
ivits action qic2. fedtile fed2.
itars build m -7x10.
terrans charge 1pw
gleens build ts -3x0.
ivits charge 2pw
terrans special 4pw.
ivits special space-station. build sp 6x-2.
itars build m -5x10.
terrans charge 1pw
gleens special q.
terrans action power3.
ivits build m 6x-3.
gleens charge 2pw
itars special 4pw.
gleens burn 1. spend 1pw for 1c. spend 1q for 1o. spend 1k for 1c. build PI -3x0.
ivits charge 2pw
terrans action power2. build m 2x1.
ivits charge 2pw
gleens charge 2pw
ivits action power4.
itars build m 2x-1.
terrans charge 1pw
ivits charge 1pw
gleens decline 3pw
gleens build m -4x-1.
terrans build m 0x5.
ivits charge 4pw
ivits burn 1. action power5.
itars action power7.
gleens build gf -9x6.
terrans up nav.
ivits up nav.
itars spend 1pw for 1c. build gf -3x9.
gleens pass booster10
terrans build gf -8x12.
ivits up nav.
itars federation 4x-4 fed3.
terrans build ac2 1x3. tech free2. up nav.
ivits charge 4pw
ivits pass booster9
itars build ts -3x3.
terrans charge 2pw
terrans special q.
itars spend 1o for 1t. federation -3x4,-4x4,-6x4,-6x5 fed5.
terrans spend 1pw for 1c. pass booster8
itars up nav.
itars pass booster7
ivits income 4pw. income 4pw
itars income 1t. income 1t
itars spend 4tg for tech. tech adv-nav. cover terra. up nav. lostPlanet -4x9
gleens special q.
terrans charge 1pw
The terran leech should have happened earlier. It's not a big problem, but we must be ready to switch to leeching phase other than during round move. And switch back to the correct phase instead of just round move.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Because itars...
The terran leech should have happened earlier. It's not a big problem, but we must be ready to switch to leeching phase other than during round move. And switch back to the correct phase instead of just round move.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: