Qt Dependency Container is an extremely lightweight set of C++ interfaces and classes implementing dependency container pattern for QObject descendants. Practically the core of the library consists of one main class DependencyContainer.
- Registering dependencies by QMetaObject
- Registering already created instance as a singleton dependency
- Instantiation of dependencies instances by request (by name, by classname)
- Instantiation modes: Singleton, Prototype
- Dependency beans overriding (by name)
- Dependency injection by class method (method injection)
- Abstract property provider interface for QObject property injection (VariantHashPropertyProvider as a default property provider implementation).
- SettingsPropertyProvider is implementation that allows to use standard Qt QSettings class as a source for property values.
- Informative console debug information
- Convenience methods for retrieving registered dependencies info
- Properties and flags to adjust container behaviour
- Only QObject descendants can be managed by Qt Dependency Container
- Injection methods should be marked with Q_INVOKABLE macro
- Currently only method (setter) injection supported
- Thread safe workflows are not developed and tested yet
- Dependency injection by name only (planned in future)
- Only default constructor is used for creating new instances
To use Qt Dependency Container one should simply:
- Add ioc folder to your project sources directory
- Include library pri-file to your project pro-file (for example
Qt Dependency Container uses QObject metadata for making reflection calls. That`s why one should be always aware that dependency class:
- Inherit from QObject class
- Marked with Q_OBJECT macro
- Constructor and inject methods marked with Q_INVOKABLE macro
Use DependencyContainer::registerDependency()
method to register dependency in the DependencyContainer:
//Creating dependency container object
DependencyContainer objContainer = new DependencyContainer(this);
//register by new DependencyMeta object
objContainer->registerDependency(new DependencyMeta("postgres", CLASSMETA(CustomPostgres), InstanceMode::Singleton));
//register with convenience method
objContainer->registerDependency("firebird", CLASSMETA(CustomFirebird), InstanceMode::Singleton);
- is a convenience macro that receives Type as a parameter and converts it to &Type::staticMetaObject
- convenience macro to get class name as a QString from Type.
Register existing object as a Singleton dependency
CustomProperty* prop1 = new CustomProperty();
prop2->setName("Postgres properties");
objContainer->registerSingletonObject(new DependencyMeta("PostgresProps", CLASSMETA(CustomProperty)), prop1);
Registered dependency can be overriden simply by registering another dependency by the same name:
DependencyContainer objContainer = new DependencyContainer(this);
//register dependency "mybean"
objContainer->registerDependency("mybean", CLASSMETA(BeanImpl1));
//overrides previously registered "mybean" dependency
objContainer->registerDependency("mybean", CLASSMETA(BeanImpl2));
Request dependency by name
MyCustom* myCustom = objContainer->dependency<MyCustom>("postgres");
Request dependency by class
QVariantHash params;
params.insert("primary", false);
DbmsModule* module = objContainer->dependency<DbmsModule>(params);
Get all registered dependencies by class
QStringList beanNames = objContainer->namesByClass(CLASS(MenuItemClass));
foreach(QString name, beanNames) {
MenuItemClass* item = objContainer<MenuItemClass>(name);
To inject dependencies the container uses methods with certain name format. After creating new dependency object container searches for methods with prefix inject_ in the name. DependencyContainer class currently supports certain inject method name format:
void inject_[beanNameToInject](QObject* obj)
To avoid errors in inject method name format two macros are defined: For default method-injection:
//Macro INJECT(Type, Name)
class MyClass: public QObject {
INJECT(Type, Name)
//is equivalent to
class My Class: public QObject {
//Default inject method
void inject_Name(QObject* obj);
Type* _Name;
For injection into existing class member:
//Macro INJECT_INITIALIZE(Type, member, Name)
class MyClass: public QObject {
INJECT_INITIALIZE(Type, member, Name)
Type* member;
//is equivalent to
class My Class: public QObject {
//Default inject "Name" into "member"
void inject_Name_into_member(QObject* obj){...}
Type* Member;
To inject property value into dependency the following steps needed: Define QObject property:
class CustomPostgres : public MyCustom
Q_PROPERTY(QString author READ author WRITE setAuthor)
Initialize property with value:
DependencyContainer* objContainer = new DependencyContainer(this);
objContainer->registerDependency("postgres", CLASSMETA(CustomPostgres));
//Bean specific property value
objContainer->setPropertyValue("postgres.author", "John Doe");
//or default property value
objContainer->setPropertyValue("author", "John Doe");