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29 lines (22 loc) · 2.12 KB

File metadata and controls

29 lines (22 loc) · 2.12 KB


Starter Boilerplate for building a project using Serverless & Typescript. This project contains a sample serverless.yml file and sets up dotenv and typescript to be used with it.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone or download the project.
  2. cd in the project directory.
  3. If you cloned the project, make sure you remove the remote reference to this project by running git remote rm origin.
  4. Copy .env.example to .env as that file is used to load up all your environment variables.
  5. Run yarn install or npm install to install all dependencies.


  • Git Hooks using Husky that run code and commit message linters before changes are committed.
  • Source Code Lint using ESLint and Prettier.
  • Commit Message linting with commitlint. Setup to use the conventional style of commit messages.
  • To help developers automatically write good commit messages, commitizen is fully setup to use the conventional style of commit messages.
    • Additionally, devmoji has been setup to emojify commit messages. These are also setup as a prepare-commit-msg git hook. If you wish to remove it, please update .husky/prepare-commit-msg and package.json.


  • yarn serverless:hello-world: Basically invokes a serverless function locally. Example command.
  • yarn lint: To run the ESLint based linter to find out the issues in the project.
  • yarn format: To autoformat all the issues.
  • yarn commit: Launches an interactive terminal-based commit message writer. Uses commitizen.
  • yarn console tinker or yarn tinker: If you need a Node.js based Typescript REPL, run this to be able to quickly test scripts and small pieces of code.
  • yarn upgrade --latest: To upgrade all packages to their latest versions (could include breaking changes).