Use our new BK7231 GUI Flash tool: For step by step process, you can see those guides:
You can check our Youtube channel for many per-device flashing guides:
get BKwriter 1.60 exe (extract zip) from here
Use USB to TTL converter with 3.3V logic levels, like HW 597
connect the PC to TX1 and RX1 on the bk7231 (TX2 and RX2 are optional, only for log)
start flash in BKwriter 1.60 (select COM port, etc) then re-power the device (or reset with CEN by temporarily connecting CEN to ground) until the flashing program continues, repeat if required.
clone the repo
Use USB to TTL converter with 3.3V logic levels, like HW 597
connect the PC to TX1 and RX1 on the bk7231 (TX2 and RX2 are optional, only for log)
start flash using:
python uartprogram <sdk folder>\apps\<folder>\output\1.0.0\<appname>_UA_<appversion>.bin -d <port> -w
then re-power the device (or reset with CEN temporarily connecting CEN to ground) until the flashing program continues, repeat if required.
python uartprogram C:\DataNoBackup\tuya\tuya-iotos-embeded-sdk-wifi-ble-bk7231t\apps\my_alpha_demo\output\1.0.0\my_alpha_demo_UA_1.0.0.bin -d com4 -w
Once the firmware has been flashed for the first time, it can be flashed over wifi.
Go to "Open Web Application", OTA tab, drag and drop proper RBL file on the field, press a button to start OTA process
At first boot, if the new firmware does not find your wifi SSID and password in the Tuya flash, it will start as an access point.
The access point will come up on, however some machines may not get an ip from it - you may need to configure your connecting for a static IP on that network, e.g.
Once you are connected and have an IP, go to , select config then wifi, and setup your wifi.
After a reboot, the device should connect to your lan.
BKwriter 1.60 doesn't work for BK7231N for me, in BK7231 mode it errors with "invalid CRC" and in BK7231N mode it fails to unprotect the device. For BK7231N, one should use:
Flash BK7231N QIO binary, like that:
python uartprogram W:\GIT\OpenBK7231N\apps\OpenBK7231N_App\output\1.0.0\OpenBK7231N_app_QIO_1.0.0.bin --unprotect -d com10 -w --startaddr 0x0
Remember - QIO binary with --unprotect and --startaddr 0x0, this is for N chip, not for T.
You can see an example of detailed teardown and BK7231N flashing here:
Get USB to UART converter, start phoenixMC.exe from OpenXR809 repository and follow those guides:
Follow the BL602 guide:
Use wm_tool.exe, command line utility from this SDK
wm_tool.exe -c COM9 -dl W:\GIT\wm_sdk_w800\bin\w800\w800.fls
wm_tool.exe will then wait for device reset. Repower it or connect RESET to ground, then it will start the flashing
Create a HTTP server (maybe with Node-Red), then use the update mechanism by HTTP link. Give link to w800_ota.img file from the build. The second OTA mechanism (on javascript panel, by drag and drop) is not ready yet for W800/W801. Wait for device to restart, do not repower it manually.
I had some reports from users saying that they are unable to flash BK7231T with CP2102 but CH340 works. So, maybe try different USB to UART dongle. Some of them might not be reliable enough for flashing. Also make sure to use a reliable 3.3V power supply.