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Examples in order from lower layer (that gives & requires handy ctrl for all things) to high layer with less ctrl but with some neat "single-button" solutions.

After build all examples you usually need to build an applications package ("fap") with official build tool fbt, so need to clone flipper-firmware repo to somewhere and save its path to the ENV VAR FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH.

For example run this:

git clone --recursive
git checkout release --recurse-submodules

export FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH="$(PWD)/flipperzero-firmware"

Also you need to call fbt to ARM toolchain if you don't have one already.

# install dependencies for fbt
pip3 install -r scripts/requirements.txt
# run

This steps can fails if something changed in official tooling. Better use official documentation.

Defined as the real example in the main crate manifest there.

Just two files:

  • hello-fap.fam - manifest


cargo +nightly build --example=hello-fap --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf

# Copy manifest to build directory, so we have a package there:
cp ./examples/hello-fap.fam ./target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/examples/application.fam

Now there are two files:

  • libhello_fap.a
  • application.fam

That's often to build Flipper Application Package (fap, yeah) with official build tool fbt.

# Remember full path to our application build directory:

# Go to the Flipper FW repo with sources and FBT:

# Create folder for external applications if doesn't exist yet:
mkdir -p ./applications_user

# Create link to our application build directory:
ln -s $FAP_DIR ./applications_user/hello_fap

# Run fbt:
./fbt fap_hello_fap COMPACT=1 DEBUG=0

Now if no errors we can get package at build/f7-firmware-C/.extapps/hello_fap.fap then copy to Flipper and launch.

This example uses build scripts to generate Flipper Application Manifest ("fam") using crate metadata defined in the crate manifest file Cargo.toml in the section [package.metadata.fap].

Manifest will saved in the OUT_DIR provided by cargo.


cargo +nightly build -p=fap-manifest-metadata-example --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf

Then just link or copy OUT_DIR to $FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH/applications_user/[crate-name] and run fbt as in first example.

Almost the same as in previous example app-manifest-meta but uses Flipper.toml as source for the manifest (fam).

Manifest will saved in the OUT_DIR provided by cargo.


cargo +nightly build -p=fap-manifest-toml-example --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf

Then do absolutely same as for previous example.

This example uses build scripts to do almost all things automatically that we did in previous examples by hands. So it build manifest and link $FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH/applications_user/[crate-name] to the build directory with just generated manifest.

Metadata for Flipper Application Manifest ("fam") described in the crate manifest Cargo.toml in the section [package.metadata.fap].


Requires FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH env variable.

cargo +nightly build -p=fap-build-example --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf

# Then build with fbt:
./fbt fap_fap-build-example

Demonstration of #[main] macro that needed to set entry point of you application to the manifest and makes signature of that entry-point function more comfortable.


extern crate flipper0;

#[main] // wraps the function and sets its name to the manifest.
pub fn my_entry_point() -> Result { Ok(()) }

For more information about this macro check out [documentation]...

Two crates shares (exports) this macro:


Requires FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH env variable.

cargo +nightly build -p=main-macro-example --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf

Build process is same as example above.

Just a little example demonstrates file system API with rusty wrapper implemented in flipper0 crate.

API wants to looks like fs module in the std-lib.


Requires FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH env variable.

cargo +nightly build -p=fs-example --target=thumbv7em-none-eabihf

Build process is same as examples above.

Then after build, connect your dolphin to USB and run this:

# upload app to the device
./scripts/ send build/f7-firmware-C/.extapps/fs-example.fap /ext/apps/Misc/fs-example.fap
# connect CLI
python3 ./scripts/
# then type "log" ⏎ and run app on device.