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2. Commands

Kevin edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

All commands can be checked via omm --help

> ./omm 
Openpilot Mod Manager is a toolkit for using and developing mods.

  omm [flags]
  omm [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply current omm.yml
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  info        Info installed mods
  init        Init this directory and generate omm.yml file
  install     Install a mod
  list        List installed mods
  mod         Tools to develop mods
  remove      Remove a mod
  reset       Reset openpilot repo

  -h, --help               help for omm
  -m, --omm string         omm path (default "/home/kev/.omm")
  -o, --openpilot string   openpilot path (default "/home/kev/dev/openpilot-mod-manager")
  -v, --verbose            display extra info
      --version            OMM version

Use "omm [command] --help" for more information about a command.


OMM will get current branch name and use it to generate omm.yml file. Check omm.yml page for more config info.

This branch will be the base branch mods will be applied on. Please make sure it's correct.

During this step OMM will install a mod called omm-base. This is a build-in mod for making sure OMM works normally. Please don't remove it. For now this mod is just adding omm.yml to .gitignore and update version. But future it maybe will provide common libraries developers can use.


You can install mods via url or file path.

omm install
omm install /home/usr/my-awesome-mod

This will download the repo into OMM_PATH(default to ~/.omm). It will also resolve versions for your mod.

Local mods will be installed as-is.

Mods already installed will be skipped, unless -f is being used.

Cache will be used unless -f is being used.


This command will apply omm.yml to your repo. When you installing or removing a mod, they are using apply under the hood.

When you apply a config, it will do following commands:

  • checkout base branch, reset all changes
  • create a new branch, name after date time
  • load mods
  • inject mods to the repo
  • commit


When you want to start over, try reset command. This command will remove all omm branches, caches, and revert repo back to original state.

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