If you are having issues with DEPLOYMENT, file a ISSUE here, on github. DO NOT use the Tiny-Tiny RSS discussion board for deployment issues.
Initial username and password are admin/password. Change that ASAP.
This Tiny-Tiny RSS deployment is made on an UNSUPORTED PLATFORM. If you are having issues with Tiny-Tiny RSS, DO NOT post in the main forum, use the UNSUPPORTED-PLATFORMS section of the forum. Clearly state the platform you are using (IIS/mysql) and your provider (Azure) and the the issue you are having. If you are unsure, create an issue here first and I will tell you if this needs the tt-rss forum or not.
How is this deployment different than the BITNAMI deployment?
- This deployment does not create or use a (costly) virtual machine.
- This deployment uses a standard Web-App with a Mysql-In-App database.
- Feed updates are scheduled with the WebJobs module ("0 */4 * * *")
- These Azure modules are free to use (this project can be deployed on a student Microsoft Imagine subscription).
- Usual restrictions apply (1Tb disk space and you can't abuse your free default vm without it disabling itself until the end of the month).
- Check your WebJobs dashboard after deployment for a few debug/helper jobs.