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Terraforming GCP: deploy DataDomain, PowerProtect DataManager, Networker, Avamar and more from GCP Marketplace offerings using terraform

This Modules can deploy Dell PowerProtect DataDomain Virtual Edition, PowerPotect DataManager, Networker Virtual Edition and Avamar Virtual edition to GCP using terraform. Instance Sizes and Disk Count/Size will be automatically evaluated my specifying a ddve_type and ave_type.

Individual Modules will be called from main by evaluating Variables


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14
google ~> 5.3.0


Name Source Version
cloud_nat ./modules/cloud_nat n/a
ddve ./modules/ddve n/a
ddve_project_role ./modules/ddve_project_role n/a
gke ./modules/gke n/a
networks ./modules/networks n/a
nve ./modules/nve n/a
ppdm ./modules/ppdm n/a
s2svpn ./modules/s2svpn n/a
ubuntu ./modules/ubuntu n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
DDVE_HOSTNAME Hotname of the DDVE Machine string "ddve-tf" no
ENV_NAME Enfironment Name, concatenated to resource names string "demo" no
NVE_HOSTNAME Hotname Prefix (adds counting number) of the NVE Machine string "nve-tf" no
PPDM_HOSTNAME Hotname Prefix (adds counting number) of the PPDM Machine string "ppdm-tf" no
create_cloud_nat n/a bool false no
create_ddve_project_role deploy a role for ddev oauth to Goocle Cloud Storage bool false no
create_gke deploy a basic Google Kubernetes Engine for test/dev bool false no
create_networks Do you want to create a VPC bool false no
create_s2svpn Should a Side 2 Side VPN Gateway be deployed bool false no
ddve_count Do you want to create a DDVE number 0 no
ddve_disk_type DDVE Disk Type, can be: 'Performance Optimized', 'Cost Optimized' string "Cost Optimized" no
ddve_role_id id of the role fo DDVE used or be deployed string "ddve_oauth_role" no
ddve_sa_account_id The ID of the Service Account for DDVE IAM Policy to Access Storage Bucket via OAuth string "" no
ddve_source_tags Source tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
ddve_target_tags Target tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
ddve_type DDVE Type, can be: '16 TB DDVE', '32 TB DDVE', '96 TB DDVE', '256 TB DDVE' string "16 TB DDVE" no
ddve_version DDVE Version, can be: '', 'LTS2023', 'LTS2022' string "" no
gcp_network GCP Network to be used, change for youn own infra string "default" no
gcp_project the GCP Project do deploy resources any null no
gcp_region GCP Region to be used string "europe-west3" no
gcp_subnet_cidr_block_1 Cidr Block of the first Subnet to be used string "" no
gcp_subnetwork_name_1 name of the first subnet string "default" no
gcp_zone GCP Zone to be used string "europe-west3-c" no
gke_master_ipv4_cidr_block Subnet CIDR BLock for Google Kubernetes Engine Master Nodes string "" no
gke_num_nodes Number of GKE Worker Nodes number 2 no
gke_subnet_secondary_cidr_block_0 Cluster CIDR Block for Google Kubernetes Engine string "" no
gke_subnet_secondary_cidr_block_1 Services CIDR Block for Google Kubernetes Engine string "" no
gke_zonal deployment Zonal Model used for GKE bool true no
labels Key Value of labels you want to apply to Resources map(any) {} no
nve_count Do you want to create a NVE number 0 no
nve_source_tags Source tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
nve_target_tags Target tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
nve_type NVE Type, can be: 'small', 'medium', 'large' string "small" no
nve_version NVE Version, can be: '19.9','19.10' string "19.10" no
ppdm_count Do you want to create a PPDM number 0 no
ppdm_source_tags Source tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
ppdm_target_tags Target tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
ppdm_version PPDM Version, can be: '19.11', '19.12', '19.13', '19.14', '19.15' string "19.15" no
s2s_vpn_route_dest Routing Destination ( on Premises local networks ) for VPN list(string)
ubuntu_HOSTNAME Hotname Prefix (adds counting number) of the ubuntu Machine string "ubuntu-tf" no
ubuntu_count Do you want to create a ubuntu number 0 no
ubuntu_deletion_protection Protect ubuntu from deletion bool false no
ubuntu_source_tags Source tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
ubuntu_target_tags Target tags applied to Instance for Firewall Rules list(any) [] no
vpn_shared_secret Shared Secret for VPN Connection string "topsecret12345" no
vpn_wan_ip IP Adress of the Local VPN Gateway string "" no


Name Description
NVE_FQDN The private ip address for the DDVE Instance
PPDM_FQDN The private ip address for the DDVE Instance
atos_bucket The Object Bucket Name created for ATOS configuration
ddve_instance_id The instance id (initial password) for the DDVE Instance
ddve_private_ip The private ip address for the DDVE Instance
ddve_ssh_private_key The ssh private key for the DDVE Instance
ddve_ssh_public_key The ssh public key for the DDVE Instance
kubernetes_cluster_host GKE Cluster Host
kubernetes_cluster_name GKE Cluster Name
location GKE Cluster location
nve_instance_id The instance id (initial password) for the DDVE Instance
nve_ssh_private_key The ssh private key for the DDVE Instance
nve_ssh_public_key The ssh public key for the DDVE Instance
ppdm_instance_id The instance id (initial password) for the DDVE Instance
ppdm_ssh_private_key The ssh private key for the DDVE Instance
ppdm_ssh_public_key The ssh public key for the DDVE Instance
ubuntu_instance_id The instance id (initial password) for the DDVE Instance
ubuntu_private_ip The private ip address for the DDVE Instance
ubuntu_ssh_private_key The ssh private key for the DDVE Instance
ubuntu_ssh_public_key The ssh public key for the DDVE Instance
vpn_ip n/a
vpn_ip n/a

Example Variables to be configured

DDVE_HOSTNAME                     = "ddve-tf"
ENV_NAME                          = "demo"
NVE_HOSTNAME                      = "nve-tf"
PPDM_HOSTNAME                     = "ppdm-tf"
create_cloud_nat                  = false
create_ddve_project_role          = false
create_gke                        = false
create_networks                   = false
create_s2svpn                     = false
ddve_count                        = 0
ddve_disk_type                    = "Cost Optimized"
ddve_role_id                      = "ddve_oauth_role"
ddve_sa_account_id                = ""
ddve_source_tags                  = []
ddve_target_tags                  = []
ddve_type                         = "16 TB DDVE"
ddve_version                      = ""
gcp_network                       = "default"
gcp_project                       = ""
gcp_region                        = "europe-west3"
gcp_subnet_cidr_block_1           = ""
gcp_subnetwork_name_1             = "default"
gcp_zone                          = "europe-west3-c"
gke_master_ipv4_cidr_block        = ""
gke_num_nodes                     = 2
gke_subnet_secondary_cidr_block_0 = ""
gke_subnet_secondary_cidr_block_1 = ""
gke_zonal                         = true
labels                            = {}
nve_count                         = 0
nve_source_tags                   = []
nve_target_tags                   = []
nve_type                          = "small"
nve_version                       = "19.10"
ppdm_count                        = 0
ppdm_source_tags                  = []
ppdm_target_tags                  = []
ppdm_version                      = "19.15"
s2s_vpn_route_dest = [
ubuntu_HOSTNAME            = "ubuntu-tf"
ubuntu_count               = 0
ubuntu_deletion_protection = false
ubuntu_source_tags         = []
ubuntu_target_tags         = []
vpn_shared_secret          = "topsecret12345"
vpn_wan_ip                 = ""



Once you configured all you required Settings and Machines to be deployed, check your deployment plan with

terraform plan

when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with

terraform apply --auto-approve

Configuration ....

this assumes that you use my ansible Playbooks for AVE, PPDM and DDVE from ansible-dps Set the Required Variables: (don´t worry about the "Public" notations / names)

Configuring DDVE

when the deployment is finished, you can connect and configure DDVE in multiple ways. for an ssh connection, use:

export DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN=$(terraform output -raw ddve_private_ip)
terraform output ddve_ssh_private_key > ~/.ssh/ddve_key
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/ddve_key
ssh -i ~/.ssh/ddve_key sysadmin@${DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN}

Proceed with CLi configuration

Configure DataDomain using ansible

export outputs from terraform into environment variables:

export DDVE_PUBLIC_FQDN=$(terraform output -raw ddve_private_ip)                
export DDVE_USERNAME=sysadmin
export DDVE_INITIAL_PASSWORD=$(terraform output -raw ddve_instance_id)
export DDVE_PASSWORD=Change_Me12345_
export PPDD_PASSPHRASE=Change_Me12345_!
export DDVE_PRIVATE_FQDN=$(terraform output -raw ddve_private_ip)
export ATOS_BUCKET=$(terraform output -raw atos_bucket)
export PPDD_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"

set the Initial DataDomain Password

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/1.0-Playbook-configure-initial-password.yml

image If you have a valid dd license, set the variable PPDD_LICENSE, example:

export PPDD_LICENSE=$(cat ~/workspace/internal.lic)
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/3.0-Playbook-set-dd-license.yml

next, we set the passphrase, as export PPDD_Lit is required for ATOS then, we will set the Timezone and the NTP to GCP NTP link local Server

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.1-Playbook-configure-ddpassphrase.yml
ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.1.1-Playbook-set-dd-timezone-and-ntp-gcp.yml

Albeit there is a ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.2-Playbook-configure-dd-atos-aws.yml , we cannot use it, as the RestAPI Call to create Active Tier on Object is not available now for GCP... Therefore us the UI Wizard

use the bucket from

terraform output -raw atos_bucket

image image image image image image

once the FIlesystem is enabled, we go ahead and enable the boost Protcol ...

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdd/2.2-Playbook-configure-dd-atos-gcp.yml


set ppdm_count to desired number

terraform plan

when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with

terraform apply --auto-approve


Similar to the DDVE Configuration, we will set Environment Variables for Ansible to Automatically Configure PPDM

# Refresh you Environment Variables if Multi Step !
eval "$(terraform output --json | jq -r 'with_entries(select(.key|test("^PP+"))) | keys[] as $key | "export \($key)=\"\(.[$key].value)\""')"
export PPDM_INITIAL_PASSWORD=Change_Me12345_
export PPDM_NTP_SERVERS='[""]'
export PPDM_SETUP_PASSWORD=admin          # default password on the Cloud PPDM rest API
export PPDM_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"

Set the initial Configuration:

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/1.0-playbook_configure_ppdm.yml

verify the config:

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/1.1-playbook_get_ppdm_config.yml

we add the DataDomain:

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/2.0-playbook_set_ddve.yml 

we can get the sdr config after Data Domain Boost auto-configuration for primary source from PPDM

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/3.0-playbook_get_sdr.yml

and see the dr jobs status

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/31.1-playbook_get_activities.yml --extra-vars "filter='category eq \"DISASTER_RECOVERY\"'"

create a kubernetes policy and rule ...

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/playbook_add_k8s_policy_and_rule.yml 



eval "$(terraform output --json | jq -r 'with_entries(select(.key|test("^NVE+"))) | keys[] as $key | "export \($key)=\"\(.[$key].value)\""')"                                  
export NVE_PASSWORD="Change_Me12345_"
export NVE_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"


set create_gke to true

terraform plan

when everything meets your requirements, run the deployment with

terraform apply --auto-approve

GKE configuration

get the context / login

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $(terraform output --raw kubernetes_cluster_name) --region $(terraform output --raw location)

add the cluster

ansible-playbook ~/workspace/ansible_ppdm/playbook_rbac_add_k8s_to_ppdm.yml

Let´s view the Storageclasses

kubectl get sc

We need to create a new default class, as GKE will always reconcile its CSI Classes to WaitforFirstConsumer. SO we will read the default class, unset default, and create a new one out of it as default with Immediate Binding mode

#Gdt default class
STORAGECLASS=$(kubectl get storageclass -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class=="true")]}')
# Read storageclass into a new with volumeBindingMode Immediate
kubectl get sc $STORAGECLASS -o json | jq '.volumeBindingMode = "Immediate" | = "standard-rwo-csi"' >
# Patch default class to *not* be default
kubectl patch storageclass standard-rwo -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'
# Create a new default Class
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get sc
STORAGECLASS=$(kubectl get storageclass -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class=="true")]}')

To use PPDM, we need to create a snapshot class

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
  name: standard-rwo-csi-vsc
deletionPolicy: Delete

run ppdm demo


Accessing Ubuntu

when the deployment is finished, you can connect and configure DDVE in multiple ways. for an ssh connection, use:

export UBUNTU_PRIVATE_FQDN=$(terraform output -raw ubuntu_private_ip)
terraform output ubuntu_ssh_private_key > ~/.ssh/ubuntu_key
chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/ubuntu_key
ssh -i ~/.ssh/ubuntu_key cloudadmin@${UBUNTU_PRIVATE_FQDN}