Releases: boxbeam/RedLib
Releases · boxbeam/RedLib
Bugfix and new flag for ProtectionPolicy
- Added ProtectionType.TRAMPLE
- ProtectionType.CONTAINER_ACCESS now properly prevents the opening of double chests
Add automatic versioning to plugin.yml
- Plugin is now versioned using the last commit date
Fix NPE in ProtectionListener Fix NPE in ProtectionListener
More consistency for ProtectionPolicy, bugfix for RedCommands
- ProtectionType.PLACE_BLOCK prevents multi blocks from being placed now
- Storage minecart access is now protected by CONTAINER_ACCESS and not INTERACT_ENTITY
- Dispenser protection types now also protect against placement of fish in buckets
- An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException would sometimes be thrown when running a subcommand with no arguments if it had no hook, this has been fixed
New ProtectionTypes to protect non-living entities
- Moved protection registrations to new helper class
- Added protection types to prevent use of dispensers with items that may place entities or blocks
- Added protection types to prevent messing with entities such as armor stands, boats, minecarts, and item frames
- The ENTITY_EXPLOSION protection type now also prevents item frames from being blown up
Improve error reporting for commands
- Attempting to run a post-argument subcommand whose parent has invalid arguments will now only show the help menu for the subcommand, not all commands available from the parent
- Merged base commands will now discard null error messages if possible
Made jitpack actually export the jar
Users were having difficulty using the previous 2 releases as a dependency, turns out jitpack wasn't exporting the jar. Should be fixed in this update.
Complete overhaul of constraints
- Breaking: All constraints defined prior to this version will need to be rewritten using the new constraint system
- Constraints are now parsed once when the command file is parsed and give a reusable predicate to lower computational cost of constraint checks
- Constraints can now dynamically generate error messages based on the sender, constraint conditions, and supplied value
- Refactored constraint definitions for default number types to avoid copying code
- Constraints for number types now show more specific error messages
- Added ArgType#getDefault to get a default ArgType by name
Fix jitpack builds
Jitpack builds now work properly again
Fix handling of player-only parent commands
- Commands with player-only parents that have hooks can now be run by console (unless they are also player-only, of course)
- Improved consistency of error reporting for commands when they are run incorrectly
- Fix NPE on error reporting for commands that have the wrong argument types in the method hook, and an optional argument that is not specified when the command is run
- Code cleanup to simplify logic
- Update gradle version to 7.3