This sample demonstrates the usage of the USSD protocol with GSM-capable mobile broadband adapters. USSD is typically used for account management of a mobile broadband subscription. USSD messages are specific to the mobile broadband operator and must be choosen accordingly when used in a live network.
This sample accesses privileged APIs used by mobile broadband operators. Hence it requires a special-use capability to be declared in package manifest.
- This sample will not pass WACK because it uses a special-use capability.
- The USSD API is present but nonfunctional on Phone devices.
Hardware: PC with mobile broadband modem
Client: Windows 10
Phone: Not supported
- If you download the samples ZIP, be sure to unzip the entire archive, not just the folder with the sample you want to build.
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and select File > Open > Project/Solution.
- Starting in the folder where you unzipped the samples, go to the Samples subfolder, then the subfolder for this specific sample, then the subfolder for your preferred language (C++, C#, or JavaScript). Double-click the Visual Studio 2015 Solution (.sln) file.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+B, or select Build > Build Solution.
The next steps depend on whether you just want to deploy the sample or you want to both deploy and run it.
- Select Build > Deploy Solution.
- To debug the sample and then run it, press F5 or select Debug > Start Debugging. To run the sample without debugging, press Ctrl+F5 or selectDebug > Start Without Debugging.