This repository provides concise and annotated examples for learning the basics of PyTorch.
- Fundamentals
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- MultiLayer Perceptron
- Convolutional Neural Network
- ... (more to come)
git clone
cd pytorch-tutorial
poetry install
python {path to Python example file}
This project is built with the following software:
- Poetry for dependency management;
- Black for code formatting;
- Pylint to detect mistakes in the codebase;
- pytest for testing examples;
- a GitHub Action for validating the code upon each push;
- Marp for showcasing
files as slideshows during lectures or labs.
# Reformat all Python files
black .
# Check the codebase for mistakes
pylint pytorch_tutorial/*
# Run all code examples as unit tests
# The optional -s flag prints code output
pytest [-s]
Creative Commons for textual content and MIT for code.
Copyright © 2025-present Baptiste Pesquet.