The following tutorial will walk you through the necessary steps to get rviz working in ROS 2.
NOTE: rviz is not currently fully functional in ROS 2 -- many features are missing completely. Do not expect it to work perfectly and do not be surprised if it crashes or has issues.
The following is a list of plugins that are working to some degree:
- Axes
- Grid
- Tf
- Laser Scan
- Map
- Robot model
- Path
- Point Stamped
- Polygon
- Range
- Relative Humidity
- Temperature
- Wrench Stamped
- Odometry
Use the following steps to checkout and compile all of the packages necessary to compile rviz:
# Set up the rviz overlay workspace
mkdir -p ~/sandbox/ros2_rviz_overlay_ws/src
cd ~/sandbox/ros2_rviz_overlay_ws
# Check out the source packages
vcs import src < rviz_ros2.repos
# Compile the packages
ament build
The following commands will allow you to run rviz ROS 2:
source ~/sandbox/ros2_rviz_overlay_ws/install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run rviz rviz