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telegram-stream-notifier-bot (former telegram-youtube-notifier-bot)

⚠️ Warning: project is still under development, use with caution.

Simple LiveStreams notifier in telegram based on aiogram, aiogram-dialog and aps-schedule.

Available platforms

Platform Based on Status
Youtube youtube-dlp
Twitch twitch-api
Kick aiohttp #114

Use this bot to receive periodic reports on live broadcasts on stream platforms and generate and send the report to telegram.

The current version of the bot works in the telegram channel НАСРАНО.


  1. Generating a custom report using jinja.

  2. Administration of channels (adding/disabling/deleting) through telegram windows using aiogram-dialog.

  3. Regularly checking active channels using aps-schedule.

  4. Getting information about streams using packages from list.


Command Scope Description
add_channel User Add youtube channel
channels User Channels Administration
cancel User Clear current fsm-state (if error)
add_user Superuser Add user
scheduler_start Superuser Start scheduling periodic tasks of fetching information about streams
scheduler_pause Superuser Pause scheduling periodic tasks of fetching information about streams

Database schema


Install from source

Tested on Ubuntu 22.04, python 3.12

Just copy source code:

git clone

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Fill config.yml and place it to root dir. (In parent dir to src)


python3 -m src

Install with Docker

Stable release with main tag on dockerhub

Just copy docker-compose.yml and fill in config.yaml.

Run containers:

docker-compose up -d or if you have new docker docker compose up -d

Of course, you can build image yourself:

Just copy source code:

git clone

and build docker image:

docker build -t <your_image_name>:<your_tag_name>

And use this image with docker-compose.yml from deploy dir.

Install with k8s

Stable release with main tag on dockerhub

Manifests located in k8s directory.

It consists of Namespace, ConfigMap, PersistenVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, and Deployment files.

You need fill sections in 01_configmap.yaml and 02_persistent_volume.yaml files.

⚠️ Deployment use storageClassName: local-path. A detailed description can be found here

Apply deployment:

kubectl apply -f <directory with configs>

Or you can do it step by step:

kubectl apply -f <file from config dir>

Setup Cookies for Youtube

You can use own cookies for yt-dlp extractors.

Just install Get cookies.txt and extract cookies in Netscape HTTP Cookie File format.


You can rent a server from various hosters, for example from Aeza.

By registering via the link you will support the project and receive a 15% bonus on your balance, which will be valid for 24 hours.

The bot will require the simplest VDS, in rubles this is approximately 100-200 for promotional offers, or about 500 rubles per month.

Develop and Contribute

Feel free to create issue or pull request.

For development, you should install the requirements from requirements_dev.txt

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Use before commit.