Ansible, used to deploy, configure and define environments and appliances for any application. POWER OF ANSIBLE
Dynamic company playbooks, like aws and azure are found in roles directory. To reference said scripts make sure you follow the structure for configuration in your own "role" defaults/main.yml and then include the library , in /tasks/main.yml, like so :#$
- include: ../aws/sts.yml project={{ project }}
- include: ../aws/ec2.yml project={{ project }}
** the above containts both sts and ec2 playbooks and you can find an example of usage/structure under roles/hello_world **
Generic company module scripts can be found in the library directory. To reference said scripts make sure you follow the examples found in each script, like so:
- name: dynamo cd import DATA from FILE import all on level
aws_access_key: "{{ access }}"
aws_secret_key: "{{ secret }}"
security_token: "{{ token }}"
region: "{{ project.region }}"
table_name: "{{ }}"
level: "{{ item.level }}"
recurse: "{{ item.recurse }}"
load_from: "{{ item.load_from }}"
target_env_value: "{{ item.target_env_value }}"
playbook_dir: '{{ playbook_dir }}'
** the above assumes configuration file is used /defaults/main.yml **
Install vagrant for your OS:
- add vbguest plugin:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
Vagar command to build, must be in same dir as Vagrant file:
vagrant up
vagrant up <your definition node>
Destroy previous builds:
vagrant destroy
vagrant destroy <your definition node>
- vagrant ssh linux
- cd inside /docker
- then run:
docker build .
the "docker build ." file will run the ansible commands automatically
- Run commands from docker:
sudo docker exec 665b4a1e17b6 echo 'test this'
- Command prompt in docker:
sudo docker exec -i -t 665b4a1e17b6 /bin/bash #by ID
docker exec -it --privileged=true --user="root" e9bab2fed632 /bin/bash
Make sure pip is insalled:
apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
easy_install pip
Failure commonly due to Older version of Vagrant or VirtualBox:
if using vagrant 1.8.7 and on mac osX you may get metadata error with windows box. remove the embeded curl to avoid OS level conflicts:
sudo rm /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/curl