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170 lines (121 loc) · 4.88 KB

File metadata and controls

170 lines (121 loc) · 4.88 KB

Typescript Generics

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.0.

API Server

The demo uses a super simple and easy to use RESTSful API provided by json-server.

npm run server will spool up the API on localhost:3000.

The data used by the API is stured in src/assets/db.json. This file is modified in place by API operations, so expect to see it change as the data is manipulated.

Angular Development Server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code Scaffolding

You can use the CLI...

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.

Or, use the Angular Console VSCode extension, which is way easier.


1. Build an Abstract Service

  1. Locate and examine the common parts of the two included services StudentService and InstructorService.

  2. Build an abstract service, BaseCrudService, that provides most of these common elements

    export abstract class BaseCrudService {
      abstract endpoint: string // must be implemented by implementor
      constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
      fetchAll(): Observable<any[]> {
      create(item: Object): Observable<any> {
  3. Utilize generics to support typing on the abstract service in order to preserve strong typing by implementers

    export abstract class BaseCrudService<T> {
      abstract endpoint: string // must be implemented by implementor
      constructor(protected http: HttpClient) {}
      fetchAll(): Observable<T[]> {
      create(item: Object): Observable<T> {
  4. Replace the existing services with new ones that utilize the abstract service to drastically reduce the code needed to implement a service

    export class StudentService extends BaseCrudService<Student> {
      endpoint = 'students'
      constructor(protected http: HttpClient) {

BONUS: Refactor the models using a BaseItem interface so it's possible to rely on the id field inside the abstract service, so getById can be moved into BaseCrudService

   export abstract class BaseCrudService<T extends BaseItem> {

BONUS: Build an abstract mock service that can be used to easily make mock services that can be used safely in test suites without needing to import the HttpClientTestingModule

   export abstract class BaseMockCrudService<T extends BaseItem> {

     abstract mockData: T[]

     constructor() {}

     fetchAll(): Observable<T[]> {
       return of(this.mockData)

     create(item: T): Observable<T> {
       // CODE TO ADD item T this.mockData
       return of(item)
export class MockStudentService extends BaseMockCrudService<Student> {}

2. Build an Abstract List Component

  1. Locate and examine the two list components, StudentListComponent and InstructorListComponent

  2. Extract the common elements of the list components into an abstract BaseListComponent

  3. Be sure to utilize generics to support data typing for the table data source

    export abstract class BaseListComponent<T> implements AfterViewInit {
      @Output() edit = new EventEmitter<T>()
      abstract tableColumns: string[]
      dataSource: MatTableDataSource<T>
      @ViewChild(MatSort, { static: false }) sort: MatSort
      constructor() {
        this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource<T>()
      abstract ngAfterViewInit()
      abstract onDelete(item: T)
  4. Use the new abstract component to update the existing List Components to reduce the duplicate code

    export class StudentListComponent extends BaseListComponent<Student> {
      tableColumns = ['name', 'majors', 'actions']
      constructor(private studentService: StudentService) {
          .subscribe(data => = date)
      ngAfterViewInit() {

3. Use the Abstract service and component to implement a new feature

  1. Now that you are equipped with quick ways to add a new service and list component, try building out a new form/list data management feature for the following:
    • Classes: { name, instructor, classroom, schedule (M-F), time }