drunk on perbase pileups and lua expressions.
An example use is in calculating mutation rates. Variant callers have filters such as these that affect the number of mutations called; we also want to scale the denominator in similar way so we can compare rates across samples.
The following attributes are available on the read
object in lua expressions:
flags # integer. must use bit32 lua module (builtin here) to do operations
# where in the current read is the pileup given by qpos with convenience of distance_from_[left/right]_end
bq # base_quality at current site
length # length of the read sequence
An example expression could be:
-- high mapping-q and base-quality for this column
read.mapping_quality > 10 and read.bq > 20 \
-- and not within 10 bases of left end or right end
and read.distance_from_5prime > 10 and read.distance_from_3prime > 10 \
-- and exclude read if unmapped, not primary, qc_fail, or duplicate.
and bit32.band(read.flags, bit32.bor(4, 256, 512, 1024)) == 0 \
-- and exclude read if it has more than 5% N's in the sequence
and string_count(read.sequence, 'N') < 0.05 * read.length
this runs as:
pbr $bam "return $expression" > out.pileup
where the $expression argument is the lua expression.
- Note that we can use, e.g.
print(read.qname, read.flags); return $expression)
to help with debugging. - Note that the expression must contain 'return'
pileups filtered with lua expressions
<BAM_PATH> Path to the bamfile
<EXPRESSION> Lua expression to evaluate
-t, --threads <THREADS> Number of threads to use [default: 2]
-m, --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH> maximum depth in the pileup [default: 100000]
-b, --bedfile <BEDFILE> optional path to the BED of include regions
-f, --fasta <FASTA> optional path to the reference fasta file
-e, --exclude <EXCLUDE> optional path to BED of exclude regions
--mate-fix adjust depth to not double count overlapping mates
-p, --pile-expression <PILE_EXPRESSION> optional expression required for the pileup
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Note that the pile-expression is also a lua expression; it is applied to the Pileup (column) rather than to the reads.
The available attributes on the pile
object are:
An example --pile-expression would look like:
return pile.n / pile.depth < 0.05
To require that fewer than 5% of the reads in the pile are 'N'. Positions that do not pass this expression will not be printed.