This file shows this project's api/server routes.
The below information is structured thus:
HTTP Verb URI Pattern serverController#action
HTTP Verb URI Pattern serverController#action
GET /api/ indexController#getIndex
GET /api/check indexController#isLoggedIn
GET /api/info indexController#getInfo
POST /api/auth/login authController#login
POST /api/auth/signup authController#signup
GET /api/auth/logout authController#logout
GET /api/auth/auth/google authController#google
GET /api/auth/auth/google/callback authController#googleCb
GET /api/auth/auth/facebook redirected to Facebook
GET /api/auth/auth/facebook/callback authController#facebookCb
GET /api/dest/ destController#getDestinations
GET /api/dest/venues destController#getVenues
GET /api/dest/venues/info destController#getDetailedInfo
GET /api/group/ groupController#getUserGroups
GET /api/group/users groupController#getMembers
GET /api/group/all groupController#getInfo
POST /api/group/ groupController#createGroup
POST /api/group/set groupController#setDestination
POST /api/group/add groupController#addMember
DELETE /api/group/user groupController#removeMember
GET /api/rating/ ratingController#getRatings
GET /api/rating/itin ratingController#getItin
POST /api/rating/ ratingController#addOrUpdateRating
Some of the following API calls are seen on the coggle
GET /api/dest/ destController#getDestinations Get basic city info @query {int} Max num destinations to return /* @response {object} has: @prop {object} meta. Has: @prop {int} code. HTTP response code. @prop {object} response. Is the object of interest, having: @prop {int} total_records. Number of destinations on TripExpert. @prop {array} destinations. The destination objects. */
GET /api/dest/venues destController#getVenues Get all venues at a specific destination @query {int} destinationId @response {array} Venue objects
GET /api/dest/venues/info destController#getDetailedInfo Get specific information of a specific venue @query {int} venueId @response {object} venue information
GET /api/group groupController# Get all groups to select groups from dropdown query: user object response: array of group objects
POST /api/group groupController#createGroup Create group @data @prop {str} groupName. Group title. @prop {int} destinationId. @prop {int} userId. @response {object} new group
POST /api/group Add participant (tentative) data: group object, user object, participant email
DELETE /api/group/user Remove participant @data @prop {str} groupId @prop {str} userId
GET /api/itin Get all itinerary query: groupId, userId response: array of venue objects
POST /api/itin Add to itinerary data: groupId, userId
POST /api/itin Add dates to itinerary data: groupId, userId, fromDate, toDate
GET /api/rating Get all ratings in current group query: userId, groupId response: array of venue objects. each venue has an array like: [{ user: userId, rating: rating }, { user: userId, rating: rating }]
POST /api/rating Creates a rating. Adds to user and group ratings ALSO modifies ratings data: userId, groupId, rating, venueInfo