Directory contains scripts which help newcomers understand how the BringAuto software and hardware platform works.
- Python (version >= 3.9)
- Protobuf (version == 3.20)
- BringAuto Etna docker compose environment prepared and running
- install requirements by
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
- it helps to observe messages sent by BringAuto Daemon
- run the script by
- it may need recompiled protobuf files with following commands:
git submodule update --init --recursive
protoc -I"$(pwd)/../autonomy-host-protocol/" --python_out=. "$(pwd)/../autonomy-host-protocol/CarStateProtocol.proto"
protoc -I"$(pwd)/../autonomy-host-protocol/" --python_out=. "$(pwd)/../autonomy-host-protocol/IndustrialPortalProtocol.proto"
- initializes the fleet management database with stops and routes
- run the script by
python3 fleet-init/ -c init_config.ini -d maps
- is a submodule so it needs to be initialized by:
git submodule update --init --recursive
-- ip address of the MQTT broker, default is
-- port of the MQTT broker, default is 8883--ca-certs
-- certificate authority, default is ./certs/ca-chain.pem--certfile
-- client certificate, default is ./certs/client.pem--keyfile
-- key to client certificate, default is ./certs/client.key